Actually I am completely at a loss as to why somebody would be involved with the treasure markers but not actually want the treasure itself, to me that makes for a very scary person as I do not know their motives.

Edit: Here is a scenario, you take somebody you just met to a treasure site you know about and you dig down and find a treasure, now you are super excited to have dug up the treasure but the other person tells you that he/she has no interest in the treasure and you can have it all.

Now be honest with yourselves wouldn't that set off all kinds of alarms in your head about this unknown person and what their true intentions actually are? (all of this is assuming you already know how illegal this venture is)

So basically this is why I consider people that want to be involved in treasure hunting but don't want the treasure as scary.

Consider if you will , a birdseye view of not just vaults or cache sites...But related ones.
I'm asking a lot ;but put treasure aside for a moment.

The who why how when and where of "related" sites is what is being referred to when the/a vault/cache is not being given the priority.

It's the logistics of what was behind the site and the people behind the signs and caches.

That does not devalue anything of tangible worth... (does not insult your views) It is however what is meant when more than a recovery is a particular persons intrigue about a site.
When some one tells me they don't want to dig or change a site , I don't worry about their motive.
More so when a site is considered only a part of the puzzle.
Then too there are the well known logistics of a recovery being a curse or a blessing when legality rears it's head. Very different motives though between historic curiosity and plundering a cache..

If you knew the history of one site mentioned , the cache was likely removed anyways. That does not end the curiosity and study going on about it though.
And curiosity about connections to others. Even if the human "others" is more the draw than potential wealth.
Again , and please ; that is not an insult.
Signs matter. That is why you have guests here looking for interpretation. And some looking for connections to other sites related to their own looking for the people behind them.

Mystery through lack of historical documentation , leaves voids. Signs might answer questions enough to make connections. With help from others . Maybe.

Over the last decade, or so, I have witnessed many historical monuments erased, here in the south mostly.

And watched as certain pieces of history became taboo, to speak of, under the umbrella of not hurting anyone’s feelings.

And this umbrella has grown so large and powerful, now that even treasure hunting and prospecting are threatened even to the point that folks have hidden away, their metal detectors because they live in fear of having their expensive equipment confiscated along with their finds.

Treasure hunting has changed, and our forums are now being studied and interfered with to the point that we may become the last generation that can openly discuss (in public) treasure hunting clues and discoveries of signs, symbols and monuments.

Our trails could become destroyed behind us for even telling the truth and history of our passion.

The most important and difficult part of my writing my book has become hiding the location and documenting just enough to inspire the minds of future generations and set afire the hearts of a few adventures that will keep the search for the truth alive, even at the cost of any reclamation of the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow [emoji304]...

Like it or not / Believe it or not, we are loosing our freedom and history, one word at a time.

It is quickly becoming a,” a find it, photograph it, document it, and leave it behind world!”...


The people who made the laws protecting these treasures are some of the biggest criminals on Earth

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Consider if you will , a birdseye view of not just vaults or cache sites...But related ones.
I'm asking a lot ;but put treasure aside for a moment.

The who why how when and where of "related" sites is what is being referred to when the/a vault/cache is not being given the priority.

It's the logistics of what was behind the site and the people behind the signs and caches.

That does not devalue anything of tangible worth... (does not insult your views) It is however what is meant when more than a recovery is a particular persons intrigue about a site.
When some one tells me they don't want to dig or change a site , I don't worry about their motive.
More so when a site is considered only a part of the puzzle.
Then too there are the well known logistics of a recovery being a curse or a blessing when legality rears it's head. Very different motives though between historic curiosity and plundering a cache..

If you knew the history of one site mentioned , the cache was likely removed anyways. That does not end the curiosity and study going on about it though.
And curiosity about connections to others. Even if the human "others" is more the draw than potential wealth.
Again , and please ; that is not an insult.
Signs matter. That is why you have guests here looking for interpretation. And some looking for connections to other sites related to their own looking for the people behind them.

Mystery through lack of historical documentation , leaves voids. Signs might answer questions enough to make connections. With help from others . Maybe.

Releventchair, this is a most excellent post. You always have a calm and reasonable manner when you post. You do excellent research and you are a real credit to Tnet.

Releventchair, this is a most excellent post. You always have a calm and reasonable manner when you post. You do excellent research and you are a real credit to Tnet.

Alas my friend. Not always!

Over the last decade, or so, I have witnessed many historical monuments erased, here in the south mostly.

And watched as certain pieces of history became taboo, to speak of, under the umbrella of not hurting anyone’s feelings.

And this umbrella has grown so large and powerful, now that even treasure hunting and prospecting are threatened even to the point that folks have hidden away, their metal detectors because they live in fear of having their expensive equipment confiscated along with their finds.

Treasure hunting has changed, and our forums are now being studied and interfered with to the point that we may become the last generation that can openly discuss (in public) treasure hunting clues and discoveries of signs, symbols and monuments.

Our trails could become destroyed behind us for even telling the truth and history of our passion.

The most important and difficult part of my writing my book has become hiding the location and documenting just enough to inspire the minds of future generations and set afire the hearts of a few adventures that will keep the search for the truth alive, even at the cost of any reclamation of the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow [emoji304]...

Like it or not / Believe it or not, we are loosing our freedom and history, one word at a time.

It is quickly becoming a,” a find it, photograph it, document it, and leave it behind world!”...


Mikel, it's unfortunate but I believe you are right. The government is becoming stronger and people don't pay close attention to the things that have been taken away unless it effects their own life.

When it comes to archaeological law, some treasure hunters, past and present, have been responsible for the strict regulations. I was reading an article, last week about two sculptured stone lions in New Mexico. They had been carved by one of the Native American cultures who lived close to the Rio Grande. There was a third but it had been destroyed by a treasure hunter who thought there was treasure under it. I've seen beautiful markers destroyed by vandals.

Since it would seem that the majority of people on here have no interest in digging up treasures, I am quite obviously showing my information to the wrong group of people.

I would say you are showing your information to a very receptive audience. The people you post for have been in the field just like you. They have shared your frustrations and suffered the hardships, in the mountains and deserts, that very few people have known. They have known the joy of discovering something new, that they have never seen before, and known the disappointment of something that just doesn't seem to work out. They have spent uncounted hours researching and shared the information, that they've found, with all their fellow searchers on Tnet. You have just the right group to share your information with.

Since it would seem that the majority of people on here have no interest in digging up treasures, I am quite obviously showing my information to the wrong group of people.

Wait , you showing treasure site directions?
Post a few in the N.E.ern midwest , I'll plan a dig if within cruising range.....And diggable.

A well timed one shot try on a public site was abandoned due to required movement (easy enough) of something that would not be put back in place without equipment.
Partner wanted to move it. I did too ,but it being out of place would have been a red flag if caught.
And eyes and cameras can be at any distance now a day. Let alone nearby ones.....with cell phones in hand.

Everything looking as found is not such a bad way to leave a site when not your land.

i will dig anytime just tell me where u want me.it is tuff with these ground markers here in Missouri but after reviewing your tips over and over i have something i am putting together to see what u think.

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Mdog, I think you, me and RC are gonna give S1 a stroke, or a bad case of terret syndrome.


It’s unfortunate we can’t have this conversation face to face, by a campfire, instead of on the forum. With the written word, you lose tone of voice, facial expression, body language, these are things that can change a conversation from unfriendly to friendly and joking around.

It’s unfortunate we can’t have this conversation face to face, by a campfire, instead of on the forum. With the written word, you lose tone of voice, facial expression, body language, these are things that can change a conversation from unfriendly to friendly and joking around.

Exactly what I was thinking. Unfortunately, we sometimes get the wrong "message" because our mind infers something that isn't exactly correct.

I know how we could have such a conversation --- just not face to face --- I used to use it when I competed in online games. https://www.teamspeak.com/en/

You can set up sub groups with passwords within the main group. So, there could be open discussions as well as private discussions.

Exactly what I was thinking. Unfortunately, we sometimes get the wrong "message" because our mind infers something that isn't exactly correct.

I know how we could have such a conversation --- just not face to face --- I used to use it when I competed in online games. https://www.teamspeak.com/en/

You can set up sub groups with passwords within the main group. So, there could be open discussions as well as private discussions.

My grandkids do something like this. I’ll see if they’re familiar with teamspeak. Thanks, Chadeaux.

Actually I am completely at a loss as to why somebody would be involved with the treasure markers but not actually want the treasure itself, to me that makes for a very scary person as I do not know their motives.

Edit: Here is a scenario, you take somebody you just met to a treasure site you know about and you dig down and find a treasure, now you are super excited to have dug up the treasure but the other person tells you that he/she has no interest in the treasure and you can have it all.

Now be honest with yourselves wouldn't that set off all kinds of alarms in your head about this unknown person and what their true intentions actually are? (all of this is assuming you already know how illegal this venture is)

So basically this is why I consider people that want to be involved in treasure hunting but don't want the treasure as scary.

I offered to dig up the treasure and hand it to you, 100%, because it seemed the "sentinels" had moved a 2-ounce rock and convinced you to abandon the recovery. Which makes me wonder, why would you be involved with treasure markers but not actually want the treasure itself? In any case, I'll take 50% if it makes you feel better.

Since it would seem that the majority of people on here have no interest in digging up treasures, I am quite obviously showing my information to the wrong group of people.

I've noticed that, too. It seems that everyone here owns a camera, but no one owns a shovel.

I think that S1 knows that I am joking 🙃.
At least I hope he knows.

I’ve pulled his
Chain a few times before.

But, I do share the joy of finding places that few others have seen...
I and all of my partners have seen the site as fostering an undocumented piece of history.

If we should happen to stumble over something of value, we would discuss it and the circumstances under which we found it, and determine what to do with it....!?!


This thread was designed around the young adventurous treasure hunter starting out who has had no information on these types of sites when they are encountered and wanted to learn something about digging them up by sandy1 have some respect for the thread.

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Since it would seem that the majority of people on here have no interest in digging up treasures, I am quite obviously showing my information to the wrong group of people.

Maybe it's the illegal digging part they have no interest in becoming involved with. :dontknow:

Maybe it's the illegal digging part they have no interest in becoming involved with. :dontknow:

Its only illegal if you get caught come on they can give you a ticket for smoking in public now.

I offered to dig up the treasure and hand it to you, 100%, because it seemed the "sentinels" had moved a 2-ounce rock and convinced you to abandon the recovery. Which makes me wonder, why would you be involved with treasure markers but not actually want the treasure itself? In any case, I'll take 50% if it makes you feel better.

I've noticed that, too. It seems that everyone here owns a camera, but no one owns a shovel.

You wanna talk shoveling?
As if that is the only way a recovery is made? O.K..
I have multiple shovels.
One leans against a fence out in the snow. And previous rain.
A well used WW2 shovel rides in the truck.
Two snow shovels wait on the ramp outside the door.
Multiple other shovels for different purposes lounge in the shed.

But what of shovel use?

As a youth under a hundred pounds Gramps had me dig trash pits. Not little holes. Pits.
And if one was good while he had me ,two was better. On the same property we put what would not be my last septic system drywell dig and install by hand.

Stump removal digging. Standing tree of saw log girth with come along's putting tension on it while digging around them and cutting roots neck deep still, about cured me of further ambition doing such. Yet other trees would fall the same.

Animal manure of varied amounts and species.
Years of shoveling sand in a foundry.
A half century of shoveling snow each winter. A few driveways and then the one at home awaits taught much about shoveling.
Guess how snow to the roof height was removed from the driveway in the blizzard of 1978? Including the mountains of hardpacked several feet high the plows rolled in weeks later.
When the road was punched open my first car saw shovels tossed in and it was off to where folks with real money lived.
Begging for shovels (read bodies) to clear their leaking roofs.
Years later another heavy winter had an unexpected great snow create an emergency job over a high valued stash under a polebarn roof.
Military jump boots and the only thing stopping my sliding on iced/snow covered steel off the edge to drop too many feet to walk away (despite the snow below) , was the nail heads holding the steel on.
Sure came close more than once...

How about not being able to stand ,but shoveling flooded clay in a crawlspace below a house to have a drain trench around it?
The second day I weaseled out of digging by doing the hammering through the concrete wall to create a tile hole. Took most of the shift for some reason .....

And there have been multiple digs when recovering valuables placed by others was the goal.
Then there are caches of my own.

Getting to where a shovel don't fit my hands anymore.
I'd sure like to know how many, many tons of material I've moved.

But you don't even need to own a shovel to use one. If your reasoning is that ownership means involvement/use with one. Which it does not.

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