Actually I am completely at a loss as to why somebody would be involved with the treasure markers but not actually want the treasure itself, to me that makes for a very scary person as I do not know their motives.
Edit: Here is a scenario, you take somebody you just met to a treasure site you know about and you dig down and find a treasure, now you are super excited to have dug up the treasure but the other person tells you that he/she has no interest in the treasure and you can have it all.
Now be honest with yourselves wouldn't that set off all kinds of alarms in your head about this unknown person and what their true intentions actually are? (all of this is assuming you already know how illegal this venture is)
So basically this is why I consider people that want to be involved in treasure hunting but don't want the treasure as scary.
Consider if you will , a birdseye view of not just vaults or cache sites...But related ones.
I'm asking a lot ;but put treasure aside for a moment.
The who why how when and where of "related" sites is what is being referred to when the/a vault/cache is not being given the priority.
It's the logistics of what was behind the site and the people behind the signs and caches.
That does not devalue anything of tangible worth... (does not insult your views) It is however what is meant when more than a recovery is a particular persons intrigue about a site.
When some one tells me they don't want to dig or change a site , I don't worry about their motive.
More so when a site is considered only a part of the puzzle.
Then too there are the well known logistics of a recovery being a curse or a blessing when legality rears it's head. Very different motives though between historic curiosity and plundering a cache..
If you knew the history of one site mentioned , the cache was likely removed anyways. That does not end the curiosity and study going on about it though.
And curiosity about connections to others. Even if the human "others" is more the draw than potential wealth.
Again , and please ; that is not an insult.
Signs matter. That is why you have guests here looking for interpretation. And some looking for connections to other sites related to their own looking for the people behind them.
Mystery through lack of historical documentation , leaves voids. Signs might answer questions enough to make connections. With help from others . Maybe.