This might make you feel better releventchair


Dec 8 5:00 pm - it's starting to snow. The first of the season and
the first one we've seen in years. The wife and I took our hot
buttered rums and sat by the picture window watching the soft flakes
drift down, clinging to the trees and covering the ground. It was

Dec 9 We awoke to a lovely blanket of crystal white snow covering
the landscape. What a fantastic site. Every tree and shrub covered with a
beautiful white mantle. I shoveled snow for the first time in years
and loved it. I shoveled both our drive and sidewalk. Later, a city
snowplow came along and accidentally covered our drive with compacted
snow from the street. The driver smiled and waved. I waved back and
shoveled our drive again.

Dec 10 It snowed an additional 6 inches last night and the
temperature has dropped to about 11 degrees. Several limbs from the trees and
shrubs snapped due to the weight of the snow. I shoveled again.
Shortly after, the snowplow came by and did his trick again. Much of
the snow is now brownish-gray.

Dec 11 It warmed up enough during the day to create some slush which
soon became ice when the temperature dropped again. Bought snow tires
for both cars. Fell on my ass in the driveway. $145
to a chiropractor but nothing broken. More snow and ice expected.

Dec 12 Still cold. Sold the wife's car and bought a 4X4 in order to
get her to work. Slid into a guardrail anyway and did considerable amount
of damage to the right rear quarter panel. Had another 8 inches of that
white **** last night. Both vehicles covered with salt and crud. More
shoveling in store for me today. That goddam snowplow came by twice

Dec 13 2 degrees outside. More ****ing' snow. Not a tree or shrub on
my property that hasn't been damaged. Power was off most of the night.
Tried to keep from freezing to death with a kerosene heater which
tipped over and nearly burned the house down. I managed to put the
flames out but suffered 2'nd degree burns on my hands and lost most of
my eyelashes and eyebrows. Car slid on ice on the way to the emergency
room and was totalled!!

Dec 14 Goddam mother-****ing' white s*** keeps on coming down. Have to
put on all the clothes we own just to get to the ****ing mailbox. If
I ever catch the son-of-a-***** that drives the snowplow, I'll chew
open his chest and rip his heart out. I think he hides around the
corner and waits for me to finish shoveling and then comes down the
street about 60 MPH and buries our drive again. Power still off.
Toilet froze and part of the roof has started to cave in.

Dec 15 6 goddam more ****ing' inches of ****ing' snow and ****ing' sleet
and ****ing' ice and god knows what other kind of white ****ing s**** fell
last night. I wounded the ****ing' snowplow driver with an ice axe but
he got away. Wife left me. The car won't start. I think I'm going
snow-blind. I can't move my toes. More ****ing snow expected tonight.
I'm moving the **** back to Arizona!!!

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This might make you feel better releventchair


Dec 8 5:00 pm - it's starting to snow. The first of the season and
the first one we've seen in years. The wife and I took our hot
buttered rums and sat by the picture window watching the soft flakes
drift down, clinging to the trees and covering the ground. It was

Dec 9 We awoke to a lovely blanket of crystal white snow covering
the landscape. What a fantastic site. Every tree and shrub covered with a
beautiful white mantle. I shoveled snow for the first time in years
and loved it. I shoveled both our drive and sidewalk. Later, a city
snowplow came along and accidentally covered our drive with compacted
snow from the street. The driver smiled and waved. I waved back and
shoveled our drive again.

Dec 10 It snowed an additional 6 inches last night and the
temperature has dropped to about 11 degrees. Several limbs from the trees and
shrubs snapped due to the weight of the snow. I shoveled again.
Shortly after, the snowplow came by and did his trick again. Much of
the snow is now brownish-gray.

Dec 11 It warmed up enough during the day to create some slush which
soon became ice when the temperature dropped again. Bought snow tires
for both cars. Fell on my ass in the driveway. $145
to a chiropractor but nothing broken. More snow and ice expected.

Dec 12 Still cold. Sold the wife's car and bought a 4X4 in order to
get her to work. Slid into a guardrail anyway and did considerable amount
of damage to the right rear quarter panel. Had another 8 inches of that
white **** last night. Both vehicles covered with salt and crud. More
shoveling in store for me today. That goddam snowplow came by twice

Dec 13 2 degrees outside. More ****ing' snow. Not a tree or shrub on
my property that hasn't been damaged. Power was off most of the night.
Tried to keep from freezing to death with a kerosene heater which
tipped over and nearly burned the house down. I managed to put the
flames out but suffered 2'nd degree burns on my hands and lost most of
my eyelashes and eyebrows. Car slid on ice on the way to the emergency
room and was totalled!!

Dec 14 Goddam mother-****ing' white s*** keeps on coming down. Have to
put on all the clothes we own just to get to the ****ing mailbox. If
I ever catch the son-of-a-***** that drives the snowplow, I'll chew
open his chest and rip his heart out. I think he hides around the
corner and waits for me to finish shoveling and then comes down the
street about 60 MPH and buries our drive again. Power still off.
Toilet froze and part of the roof has started to cave in.

Dec 15 6 goddam more ****ing' inches of ****ing' snow and ****ing' sleet
and ****ing' ice and god knows what other kind of white ****ing s**** fell
last night. I wounded the ****ing' snowplow driver with an ice axe but
he got away. Wife left me. The car won't start. I think I'm going
snow-blind. I can't move my toes. More ****ing snow expected tonight.
I'm moving the **** back to Arizona!!!

About right!

June is a beautiful month. Usually.

You wanna talk shoveling?
As if that is the only way a recovery is made? O.K..
I have multiple shovels.
One leans against a fence out in the snow. And previous rain.
A well used WW2 shovel rides in the truck.
Two snow shovels wait on the ramp outside the door.
Multiple other shovels for different purposes lounge in the shed.

But what of shovel use?

As a youth under a hundred pounds Gramps had me dig trash pits. Not little holes. Pits.
And if one was good while he had me ,two was better. On the same property we put what would not be my last septic system drywell dig and install by hand.

Stump removal digging. Standing tree of saw log girth with come along's putting tension on it while digging around them and cutting roots neck deep still, about cured me of further ambition doing such. Yet other trees would fall the same.

Animal manure of varied amounts and species.
Years of shoveling sand in a foundry.
A half century of shoveling snow each winter. A few driveways and then the one at home awaits taught much about shoveling.
Guess how snow to the roof height was removed from the driveway in the blizzard of 1978? Including the mountains of hardpacked several feet high the plows rolled in weeks later.
When the road was punched open my first car saw shovels tossed in and it was off to where folks with real money lived.
Begging for shovels (read bodies) to clear their leaking roofs.
Years later another heavy winter had an unexpected great snow create an emergency job over a high valued stash under a polebarn roof.
Military jump boots and the only thing stopping my sliding on iced/snow covered steel off the edge to drop too many feet to walk away (despite the snow below) , was the nail heads holding the steel on.
Sure came close more than once...

How about not being able to stand ,but shoveling flooded clay in a crawlspace below a house to have a drain trench around it?
The second day I weaseled out of digging by doing the hammering through the concrete wall to create a tile hole. Took most of the shift for some reason .....

And there have been multiple digs when recovering valuables placed by others was the goal.
Then there are caches of my own.

Getting to where a shovel don't fit my hands anymore.
I'd sure like to know how many, many tons of material I've moved.

But you don't even need to own a shovel to use one. If your reasoning is that ownership means involvement/use with one. Which it does not.

I'm not exactly sure what your point is, but the way I read Carl's post was that this thread is long on knowing where treasure is buried, but also long on reasons not to recover it, and short on convincing evidence there is a treasure to begin with.

Lots of us know which end of a shovel to grab. Hell, I'm 72 and filled in an old hand-dug well by myself two weeks ago with a shovel and a wheelbarrow. 96 loads @ 4 cu ft, decomposed granite, 200 ft round trip from the source. That's 14,000 pounds and 3-1/2 miles of trundling. Stretched it over four short days. So what? Am I bragging? No, I'm complaining because the flake with the backhoe never showed up and the well had to be filled, so I did it myself. You do what you have to do. Next time I'll call someone else.

If my magic camera or ancient array of rocks fingered a cache site I believed in, I'd sure figure out a way to try to get it. If I didn't really believe in it, I'd make an excuse not to try for it. Sentinel watching, you know, or whatever. Treasure Hunting 101: nothing ventured, nothing gained.

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I'm not exactly sure what your point is, but the way I read Carl's post was that this thread is long on knowing where treasure is buried, but also long on reasons not to recover it, and short on convincing evidence there is a treasure to begin with.

Lots of us know which end of a shovel to grab. Hell, I'm 72 and filled in an old hand-dug well by myself two weeks ago with a shovel and a wheelbarrow. 96 loads @ 4 cu ft, decomposed granite, 200 ft round trip from the source. That's 14,000 pounds and 3-1/2 miles of trundling. Stretched it over four short days. So what? Am I bragging? No, I'm complaining because the flake with the backhoe never showed up and the well had to be filled, so I did it myself. You do what you have to do. Next time I'll call someone else.

If my magic camera or ancient array of rocks fingered a cache site I believed in, I'd sure figure out a way to try to get it. If I didn't really believe in it, I'd make an excuse not to try for it. Sentinel watching, you know, or whatever. Treasure Hunting 101: nothing ventured, nothing gained.

As long as you didn't drop your phone before you filled the hole ,you did good.

Sentinels? Hey , I'll take a reason not to dig very deep anymore....
My back gives out shoveling from a wheelchair now and then. Time is coming and it won't be done anymore.
Discovering chiggers last summer has reduced the desire to sit on the ground to dig.
Ain't over yet though.

I'm not exactly sure what your point is, but the way I read Carl's post was that this thread is long on knowing where treasure is buried, but also long on reasons not to recover it, and short on convincing evidence there is a treasure to begin with.

A-yup. Heaping gobs of photos of rocks that lead to treasure, but nary a hole.

If my magic camera or ancient array of rocks fingered a cache site I believed in, I'd sure figure out a way to try to get it. If I didn't really believe in it, I'd make an excuse not to try for it. Sentinel watching, you know, or whatever.

A-yup a-yup. Lots of alibis, no results. I hear echoes of Clara Peller.

Not once Have I ever confirmed or denied or shared my current status on treasure recovery, nor will I since its none of your business. This thread was never about me.

Uuuuhmmm... Look at your avatar!!


I will however show a new shaft sign that I have verified going to a crisscross spot

The Boulder circled is the the back alignment boulder and the boulders I put the square around has the shaft sign in the middle.

Here are the same boulders (aligned) the red line shows the direction to go to the Crisscross spot (through the shaft sign), in this case the back boulder is 21 feet from the shaft sign boulders, from the shaft sign to the crisscross spot it is 132 feet so adding the 21 feet to the back boulder, that makes the back boulder 153 feet from the crisscross spot.

I will however show a new shaft sign that I have verified going to a crisscross spot

The Boulder circled is the the back alignment boulder and the boulders I put the square around has the shaft sign in the middle.
View attachment 1665231

Here are the same boulders (aligned) the red line shows the direction to go to the Crisscross spot (through the shaft sign), in this case the back boulder is 21 feet from the shaft sign boulders, from the shaft sign to the crisscross spot it is 132 feet so adding the 21 feet to the back boulder, that makes the back boulder 153 feet from the crisscross spot.
View attachment 1665232

The boulder looks like it has a carving on it!
Even the small part that looks like a large circle [emoji778]️ with a dot in the
Center. Signifying gold or the number 2 or 3... depending on who’s book you are reading.

It is clearer on the first photo.


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This has been about a s much fun as teaching my wife how to use her new stun gun. She just came through the living room and said she was having trouble getting her hair straightened, and I told her that she was holding the stun button too long!

She’s gonna zap me if I am not careful!?!...

There are carvings on every single one of the boulders that I have shown as treasure markers however the carvings don't really help you whereas the shaft signs, alignments and patterns/layouts such as triangles are the true information, but the carvings not so much.
I will say there are some carvings that are Important but when you get close it all comes back to the alignments.

I believe that was one of my major problems was trying to figure out the carvings and not looking at the alignments. I always believed they took so much time to do the carvings they must have some kind of meaning when after all its just to throw you off. I now can see that it is in the lay out of the rocks and there alignments that points the way.

I believe that was one of my major problems was trying to figure out the carvings and not looking at the alignments. I always believed they took so much time to do the carvings they must have some kind of meaning when after all its just to throw you off. I now can see that it is in the lay out of the rocks and there alignments that points the way.
Absolutely Correct

Edit: This is also why the sentinels on here are always directing everybody who show treasure markers to look at the rocks so closely for carvings instead of looking at alignments, measurements and patterns that can actually get the person closer to the treasure.

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The sentinels have had so many years of deceiving treasure hunters they are very masterful in there deeds. I believe now a lot of the writings were propaganda that sentinels introduce into the general public to confuse and dishearten folks from looking and just give up.I personally know of a couple of folks who spent years on a hillside looking they had become so engrossed in the carvings that they has seen replicated in a book they finally gave up broke and never to return.

Dec 15 6 goddam more ****ing' inches of ****ing' snow and ****ing' sleet
and ****ing' ice and god knows what other kind of white ****ing s**** fell
last night. I wounded the ****ing' snowplow driver with an ice axe but
he got away. Wife left me. The car won't start. I think I'm going
snow-blind. I can't move my toes. More ****ing snow expected tonight.
I'm moving the **** back to Arizona!!![/QUOTE]

This is hilarious it reminds me of when i moved down to Arizona in the 80's I left Collbran Colo 2 feet of snow about 10 degrees day time temp and went to Arizona. I get down to Wickenburg it's like 70 degrees people are walking around in there shorts this is nice and the girls they new how to warm up a Colorado boy those were the days.

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The sentinels have had so many years of deceiving treasure hunters they are very masterful in there deeds.

That's called an "alibi." Have I mentioned that alibis are freely tossed around in this forum?

That's called an "alibi." Have I mentioned that alibis are freely tossed around in this forum?

The only person here who thinks the sentinels are effecting anybodies treasure efforts is you Carl. where you got such a silly Idea I have no idea.

I certainly never said that the sentinels have ever effected my treasure recovery in any way, so no alibis here, just information for people who notice a disturbance at their sites so they know whats going on.

And yet again this thread has never been about me, it is here for the people who use my information.

Not once Have I ever confirmed or denied or shared my current status on treasure recovery, nor will I since its none of your business. This thread was never about me.

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That's called an "alibi." Have I mentioned that alibis are freely tossed around in this forum?

Oh yea you have mentioned a lot of things but maybe you should just stick to soldering circuit boards.

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