There is more to hunting treasure than bouncing around in the field looking for signs, there is a lot of research involved.
You don't say, well who doesn't know that, & who are ye supposedly trying to give your helpful
advice & well informed wisdom to?
If I lived far from Arizona, which I do, why would I gamble my time and money to go vault hunting in Arizona with a Tnet thread my only source of information.
There is nothing wrong with asking for evidence. It's the smart thing to do.
You've made it quite clear, & we all know what all it is that you would like to acquire.
I can tell you, that other than the hint above, you would never get a dern thing from me.
Sinking to the point of this kind of badgering, & sounding off your own selfish kinda' horn.
Give it a really good rest & think about it. I know you are better than this kind of gunk...
I think you & your kind are all just quite peed off, because you know sandy1 is just wayyy too
smart for you petty jokers, & you & your propaganda & harassment, can go fly a short tailed kite,
in a windy wet snow storm, er make that sleet & hail.
~:Crosse De Sign:~