I wanted to remind people to be very wary of the Misleading Information put out on the internet about these vault treasures.

With so many people giving out misleading information to these treasures (some who are trying to protect the treasures as well as some who are just flat delusional and see something in every rock or want to make up stories about the history of the markers), saying things like (there is no kings code) and you can just find the entrance by (looking/reading whats on the rocks), etc.

None of these kings vaults will ever be found unless you have a good working understanding of how to use a survey compass and an intimate knowledge of the triangles that were used as well as degrees and distances.

Anybody who says they can find these buried treasures by just looking at the markers without using a compass and tape measure is completely full of it.

The entrances are completely sealed and you will not have the slightest clue where they are even when your standing right on top of one unless you get degrees to it.

There is most definitely a Kings code that was used at these treasure sites (which was strictly enforced) and they use the same methods repeatedly, from where to locate the first markers in a wash right down to the triangle that is used to locate the treasure at the end.

I have said may times that there is missing/secret information that you had to know before finding the treasures, however that is not to say that the markers will not locate the treasure, you just have to know the (secret knowledge that is unknown in the field) of how to use the markers to go to the treasure.

Yes they had an entire system set up with exact rules even the layouts of how they are hidden are the same at multiple locations.

I am getting a way better understanding about how this all works do to the way you explain this to us good people here. My way of approaching the way the site is marked out has been very wrong just do to lack of experience in the field. I am hoping that when i return to this place i will be way more efficient in doing the work to figure out how they engineered it.

I wanted to remind people to be very wary of the Misleading Information put out on the internet about these vault treasures.

With so many people giving out misleading information to these treasures (some who are trying to protect the treasures as well as some who are just flat delusional and see something in every rock or want to make up stories about the history of the markers), saying things like (there is no kings code) and you can just find the entrance by (looking/reading whats on the rocks), etc.

None of these kings vaults will ever be found unless you have a good working understanding of how to use a survey compass and an intimate knowledge of the triangles that were used as well as degrees and distances.

Anybody who says they can find these buried treasures by just looking at the markers without using a compass and tape measure is completely full of it.

The entrances are completely sealed and you will not have the slightest clue where they are even when your standing right on top of one unless you get degrees to it.

There is most definitely a Kings code that was used at these treasure sites (which was strictly enforced) and they use the same methods repeatedly, from where to locate the first markers in a wash right down to the triangle that is used to locate the treasure at the end.

I have said may times that there is missing/secret information that you had to know before finding the treasures, however that is not to say that the markers will not locate the treasure, you just have to know the (secret knowledge that is unknown in the field) of how to use the markers to go to the treasure.


I wanted to remind people to be very wary of the Misleading Information put out on the internet about these vault treasures.

With so many people giving out misleading information to these treasures (some who are trying to protect the treasures as well as some who are just flat delusional and see something in every rock or want to make up stories about the history of the markers), saying things like (there is no kings code) and you can just find the entrance by (looking/reading whats on the rocks), etc.

None of these kings vaults will ever be found unless you have a good working understanding of how to use a survey compass and an intimate knowledge of the triangles that were used as well as degrees and distances.

Anybody who says they can find these buried treasures by just looking at the markers without using a compass and tape measure is completely full of it.

The entrances are completely sealed and you will not have the slightest clue where they are even when your standing right on top of one unless you get degrees to it.

There is most definitely a Kings code that was used at these treasure sites (which was strictly enforced) and they use the same methods repeatedly, from where to locate the first markers in a wash right down to the triangle that is used to locate the treasure at the end.

I have said may times that there is missing/secret information that you had to know before finding the treasures, however that is not to say that the markers will not locate the treasure, you just have to know the (secret knowledge that is unknown in the field) of how to use the markers to go to the treasure.

well I guess I'm full of it then, I never used a compass to find anything, not a tape measure either...the monuments were pretty much straight forward and obvious for the most part. I guess hiding things in plain sight really does confuse people these days lmao

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well I guess I'm full of it then, I never used a compass to find anything, not a tape measure either...the monuments were pretty much straight forward and obvious for the most part. I guess hiding things in plain sight really does confuse people these days lmao

Since I have sandy1 on IGNORE, the only times I see his posts is when someone else quotes one, such as in yours.

... I wanted to remind people to be very wary of the Misleading Information put out on the internet about these vault treasures....

It's a cruel irony that many peoples' guru, Kenworthy, is the Grand Deceptor with his fraudulent "king's code" disinformation. This whole thing is a role-playing game, after all, and more fun than video games because the players think it's real. Oh, well, as long as folks are in the hills getting fresh air and exercise chasing phantoms, they are at least doing some good for themselves.

I wanted to remind people to be very wary of the Misleading Information put out on the internet about these vault treasures.

With so many people giving out misleading information to these treasures (some who are trying to protect the treasures as well as some who are just flat delusional and see something in every rock or want to make up stories about the history of the markers), saying things like (there is no kings code) and you can just find the entrance by (looking/reading whats on the rocks), etc.

None of these kings vaults will ever be found unless you have a good working understanding of how to use a survey compass and an intimate knowledge of the triangles that were used as well as degrees and distances.
Anybody who says they can find these buried treasures by just looking at the markers without using a compass and tape measure is completely full of it.

The entrances are completely sealed and you will not have the slightest clue where they are even when your standing right on top of one unless you get degrees to it.

There is most definitely a Kings code that was used at these treasure sites (which was strictly enforced) and they used the same methods repeatedly, from where to locate the first markers in a wash right down to the triangle that is used to locate the treasure at the end.

I have said may times that there is missing/secret information that you had to know before finding the treasures, however that is not to say that the markers will not locate the treasure, you just have to know the (secret knowledge that is unknown in the field) of how to use the markers to go to the treasure.

I meant every word of what I said above, Only the people who are the instigators/deceivers of the highlighted part above have a problem with this information.

One other thing I would like to say, anybody who deny's my information has quite obviously never been to a kings vault, either that or they are trying to cover up their existence.

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EDIT: One other thing I would like to say, anybody who deny's my information has quite obviously never been to a kings vault, either that or they are trying to cover up their existence.

How do ye know they exist if ye cain't dig em up? :icon_scratch:

There is no mystery to it, they (the Sentinels) have an agenda and trying to find the treasures has nothing to do with that agenda, because they already know where the treasures are at, now they are just trying to protect them.
Before anybody asks the inevitable question of why they don't go dig them up themselves here is the answer, first it would be a massive undertaking (due to how many of these treasures are buried, there are alot more than you might think) and there is no way they could do it without being caught themselves by the general public (because of the tons of dirt tailing piles that would be created by digging them up) and the last thing they want is proof that these treasures exist, so they obviously think they are better off keeping them hidden in the ground as long as they can keep people like me from exposing how to find them by denying that the treasures even exist on websites like this one.

Well now, thank ye Sandy1, I'm shore nuff glad ye explained all that. I was a tad confused bout tha hole thing.

Lets see now, them SENTINELS is got their feathers all ruffled cause yer showing everbody how ta find all these Treasures that're buried everwhere, so theys comin on here tryin ta cause trouble and make folks think yer full o'hot air an get ye shut down so's ta keep folks from diggin it up. Right so far?

And here yer tellin us that them SENTINELS know all about these treasures, even where theys buried, but they don't dig em up thereselves cause they CAIN'T without gettin caught by tha genral public for diggin up tons a dirt piles. Hee hee hee, them poor devils. No wonder there so riled up. :laughing7:

So, these dang SENTINELS are tryin ta confuse everbody and keep em from diggin up tha treasures that THEY cain't dig up without.....hold on a minute. If tha SENTINELS cain't dig them treasures up without gettin caught by tha genral public, how can anybody else dig em up?


Pardon me fer askin, but what good does it do folks for ye ta tell em how ta find treasures that they CAIN'T DIG UP? And fer that matter, why'n hell would any SENTINELS be tryin ta shut ye down if'n they know'd it CAIN'T BE DUG?


Now that I think on it, how tha heck would anyone know they was acturely any dang treasure down there if ye CAIN'T DIG IT UP?

First ye said ye was jest showing folks how ta find these treasures.

Then ye said ye was gonna send em to a site ye had already found and let em dig it up thereselves.

Then ye said no, yer guide was jest fer informational purposes, and ye weren't tellin folks ta dig any treasure up.

Now yer sayin these treasures yer supposedly givin folks "information" on how ta find... CAIN'T BE DUG UP?


What type of surveying compass would you recommend sandy1.


If you disagree with the subject of this thread or the discussion that has been unfolding around it, we would all be grateful if you please moved forward to another thread.
Contributing to the background noise will not change anyone's mind nor will it deter people from discussing this subject.
You are basicaly getting in other people's way just for the sake of it
Time is precious, spend yours wisely.

If you disagree with the subject of this thread or the discussion that has been unfolding around it, we would all be grateful if you please moved forward to another thread.
Contributing to the background noise will not change anyone's mind nor will it deter people from discussing this subject.
You are basicaly getting in other people's way just for the sake of it
Time is precious, spend yours wisely.

The silliness of these "experts"! They come on here, completely bent on making folks disbelieve what someone else is saying --- reminds me of grammar school shoving matches that some small minded (challenged) folks used to try to get me involved in.

Probably some mod is watching this waiting for a shouting match --- rather than kindly suggesting that if they must be antisocial or condescending, to do so on another forum --- so they can ban someone.

No fun in stopping things before they get out of hand.

And yes, I blame the mods for the total lack of decorum on the part of some members here.

Really like seeing how Sandy1 and others here have been patient, kind, and trying to deflect the hateful talk of these supposedly "enlightened" folks.

Would be nice to see the mods ask the instigators to move along.


I remember making less inflammatory statements on "Crispin Critters" thread and getting a Treasurenet sponsored "time out" so I could reconsider my attitude.

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Excuse me, but you mentioned "hateful talk"? Besides opinions from several members (just like yours), WHO makes "hateful talk" remarks, such as.........

quote:......"Anybody who says they can find these buried treasures by just looking at the markers without using a compass and tape measure is completely full of it."

.....and also ..."I meant every word of what I said above,....." end quote.

There are several members offended by this kind of "enlightened" talk.

Please be fair in your remarks. Thank you.


(The silliness of these "experts"!)....?

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I believe some people on this thread jump to conclusions way to fast sandy1 is being very specific about what he is saying here.

What type of surveying compass would you recommend sandy1.

I have a couple but its important to get a compass that has a wire for a sight I have used and still have a scope type but the wire type allows for a greater angle of sight up and down hills and for closer realistic viewing (not magnified)

Here is my surveyors compass and I am showing what degrees I have offset for declination as well (the black arrow pointing down) which works very well for here in AZ but magnetic North moves around a bit from year to year, which really doesn't matter much because the markers/cactus triangle leg/alignments are many times on quadrants such as 45 degrees etc. so you can get close enough to get a good setting on an existing marker line.
9b.webp2015 compass Declination Changes.webp

Since we are talking about degrees, it is very Important to mention degrees off of existing lines, this is for the most part how distances are accomplished far more so than with measurements, this is the key to understanding the triangles as well as the hidden entrance. (more on that later)

I have said in the past that they used the rod in order to measure, however that was at the oldest sites, (at the newer sites which still have treasures buried to this day safe and sound in their vaults from the 1700/1800s, they used the Same Basic Foot that we use today on our standard tape measures for measuring the markers surrounding the vaults) and there are a set of numbers that are very Holy to them.

Remember these numbers, they are used by multiplying with each other as well as multiples of the same number and are used both as compass degrees and feet.

3 7 13

Examples: 3x7=21 or 3x13=39 or 7x7=49 or 13x10=130 feet (the length of the triangle)

These are Both Degrees and Distances that are at the heart of these treasures and are truly secret information to these treasure vaults.


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This is awesome thank you for sharing this vital information with the people who actually want to learn something here.:icon_thumleft::2barsgold::icon_thumright:

I have a couple but its important to get a compass that has a wire for a sight I have used and still have a scope type but the wire type allows for a greater angle of sight up and down hills and for closer realistic viewing (not magnified)

Here is my surveyors compass and I am showing what degrees I have offset for declination as well (the black arrow pointing down) which works very well for here in AZ but magnetic North moves around a bit from year to year, which really doesn't matter much because the markers/cactus triangle leg/alignments are many times on quadrants such as 45 degrees etc. so you can get close enough to get a good setting on an existing marker line.
View attachment 1648281View attachment 1648278

Since we are talking about degrees, it is very Important to mention degrees off of existing lines, this is for the most part how distances are accomplished far more so than with measurements, this is the key to understanding the triangles as well as the hidden entrance. (more on that later)

I have said in the past that they used the rod in order to measure, however that was at the oldest sites, (at the newer sites which still have treasures buried to this day safe and sound in their vaults from the 1700/1800s, they used the Same Basic Foot that we use today on our standard tape measures for measuring the markers surrounding the vaults) and there are a set of numbers that are very Holy to them.

Remember these numbers, they are used by multiplying with each other as well as multiples of the same number and are used both as compass degrees and feet.

3 7 13

Examples: 3x7=21 or 3x13=39 or 7x7=49 or 13x10=130 feet (the length of the triangle)

These are Both Degrees and Distances that are at the heart of these treasures and are truly secret information to these treasure vaults.

Thanks Sandy1

Gosh, when I saw that compass correction setting in the photo in Post #3645, I noticed that the magnetic declination was only set at 2.5° east of North. Someone ought to tell the guy that today's actual magnetic declination (assuming it's in Phoenix, more or less) is 12.25° east. That's a 9.75° error - that would be a deviation from the correct line by about 17 feet too far east of north over a 100-foot distance.

You can update your compass setting here: https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/geomag/declination.shtml

I have a couple but its important to get a compass that has a wire for a sight I have used and still have a scope type but the wire type allows for a greater angle of sight up and down hills and for closer realistic viewing (not magnified)

Here is my surveyors compass and I am showing what degrees I have offset for declination as well (the black arrow pointing down) which works very well for here in AZ but magnetic North moves around a bit from year to year, which really doesn't matter much because the markers/cactus triangle leg/alignments are many times on quadrants such as 45 degrees etc. so you can get close enough to get a good setting on an existing marker line.
View attachment 1648281View attachment 1648278

Since we are talking about degrees, it is very Important to mention degrees off of existing lines, this is for the most part how distances are accomplished far more so than with measurements, this is the key to understanding the triangles as well as the hidden entrance. (more on that later)

I have said in the past that they used the rod in order to measure, however that was at the oldest sites, (at the newer sites which still have treasures buried to this day safe and sound in their vaults from the 1700/1800s, they used the Same Basic Foot that we use today on our standard tape measures for measuring the markers surrounding the vaults) and there are a set of numbers that are very Holy to them.

Remember these numbers, they are used by multiplying with each other as well as multiples of the same number and are used both as compass degrees and feet.

3 7 13

Examples: 3x7=21 or 3x13=39 or 7x7=49 or 13x10=130 feet (the length of the triangle)

These are Both Degrees and Distances that are at the heart of these treasures and are truly secret information to these treasure vaults.


I’m interested in the switch from rods to the basic foot we use today. How did you figure that out and how did you determine the time period that the switch was made. Also, the numbers 3, 7 and 13, did you discover these numbers in your field research or did you find it in some text. Thanks.

I have been saying they used English Feet all the way back in my original guide, #53 15th picture down (drawing of lines) as well as the next drawing 23rd picture down.

This is what I have found in the field (this information is not in any books that I am aware of)

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