It looked like there was some rocks stacked there or laid on the ground were your crisscross is from the photo is what i was looking at.

Ok so this spot is a continuation of a triangle were do you go from there.

I will tell you the Triangle measurements now, but the degrees I plan on explaining in depth at a later time.

The Crisscross spot is one point of the triangle and the measurements are 130 feet long per leg with 75 feet per Vault line from each tip to the middle of the triangle.

This size triangle is used at multiple kings caches as well as a few other sizes.

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hey Sandy1 have you seen or heard of a triangle made of a compass rock and two like stones that are sort of trowel shaped ? Thanks for a great thread!

No, I haven't but here is one point of my triangle that I just mentioned above.

This was taken from the (Invisible) crisscross spot and is 130 feet to this next rock marker (next point of the triangle), Notice how it is a Rabbit and is looking to the right which is in the direction of the next tip at another 130 feet turning 120 degrees to the right.
1 (27).webp

yea great rabbit , I recall it when you were explaining the crisscross method, I dont have any measurements but I had read about such a triangle lay out and have read that compass rocks could also be mine dolmens , could the compass rock/dolmen show the area of the mine and also be part of a triangle giving the distance and direction to the sweet spot? Thank you for any thoughts.

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Yes I have seen a dolmen, but it was one of the alignments going to the crisscross spot not one point of a triangle, however that doesnt mean that it can't be as I recall kenworthy found at least a couple of compass rocks as triangle points.

yea great rabbit , I recall it when you were explaining the crisscross method, I dont have any measurements but I had read about such a triangle lay out and have read that compass rocks are also mine dolmens , could the compass rock/dolmen show the area of the mine and also be part of a triangle giving the distance and direction to the sweet spot? Thank you for any thoughts.

The Dolmen I saw was not part of a mine but more of a tomb area.

Excellent information sandy1 I am always amazed at how the old Spaniards designed the sites, I can really see how important it is to recognizing the triangles and how they played a big role in the layout.

That Triangle is about the most important information I have given so far on here.

Your right I did not continue because of a fear of getting stuck it a tight squeeze. I also did not have rope, or much daylight, and nobody knew where I was. I forgot to mention inside the cave was a smooth cedar branch, could be natural but it was 10feet down in a cave on a mountain with no cedars on it. It is Apache country; one cliff wall a mile down the canyon from us is covered in rock art like a canvas. Also at the bottom of the mountain was a beed camp, where I filled my pockets with beeds in 5 minutes, and left hundreds of them on the ground still. I plan to return to this cave when time comes.

Good luck, & may you get to safely explore more soon.
If you do start a thread, it's more than likely you'll have
a lot of various interest, especially with some great pics.
Be safe & enjoy...

I am actually giving out bits and pieces, there is alot more to it and when I get the time and some more info I will make up my final guide to vault treasure hunting.

The Dolmen I saw was not part of a mine but more of a tomb area.

Hey Sandy1 would you go into a little more detail about these tombs and area. Many Thanks!

Hey Sandy1 would you go into a little more detail about these tombs and area. Many Thanks!

The one that I found with the dolmen had a sphinx with an old mans face I believe to be the guy buried in the tomb, I actually have shown it on here several times somewhere in this thread and in my guide.

Yea I remember the pic., where do you think the tomb was located? thats if you dont mind saying.

I actually showed the spot as well in my guide or in this thread, it was where I was standing taking the picture back at the dolmen.

sandy1 this area that you are showing has multiple cache sites how rare is that to happen were they would have a couple of vaults made for storage.

sandy1 this area that you are showing has multiple cache sites how rare is that to happen were they would have a couple of vaults made for storage.

Actually it is far more common to have multiple cache/vault sites than just singles around my area, however the large ones (large accumulation rooms) are usually miles apart compared to the smaller caches which are all over the place.

Do you think the main vault was used to move treasure to it out of the smaller caches when the right time was present.

Yes they had an entire system set up with exact rules even the layouts of how they are hidden are the same at multiple locations.

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