There ya go, Sandy. How about a show-n-tell field trip to complement the Guide to Vault Treasure Hunting. I'll bet a lot of folks would be interested, I sure would. And I promise to behave myself, heck even the dowsers & LRLers who have met me will tell you I'm a nice guy.
Hello Carl-NC. I'm sure many of us would like that, probably won't happen for various valid reasons. While you're here on the thread though, I'd like to take advantage and ask you a question with regards to your speciality.... You state that you design products that really work, and that you used to work for White's etc.... What specific metal detector(s) would you recommend for looking for these vault treasures?
Do you have a home brew design that can beat all commercial metal detectors at finding gold/silver bars at depth? I know you stated LRL'S are your favorite, and I'm assuming you use those to close in from far distances, and then use VLF or Pulse Induction in order to confirm or not that something is there?
I've used a pulse star 2 pro in the past but do you have a design that outperforms the pulse star or the Lorenz deepmax Z1 for example?
Any info you can give on this is greatly appreciated. Thanks.