It seems to me I recall that there were actually TWO expeditions of Exploration (1) Lewis and Clark (2) E Pike --E. Pike's expedition was arrested and detained by the Spanish. The Spanish took all his journals and maps. When released years later E. Pike rewrote his Journals and redrew his maps--as he had a photographic memory.


I have Pikes book on order right now to see were his travels took him it ties into something that i have been interested in for awhile now.

So we have another three in the North West, I am still waiting to see if somebody will find any 3's back East, I know NM has them and I would bet Utah as well but haven't heard of any from there yet, but plenty of other Spanish markers are in Utah.

All of those carved 3's are great examples that you shared. I've shown
3 or more from the Midwest, though don't know if they were noticed.
But don't usually point out all I see that's there in the pics I share.

sandy, the additional info on measurements is interesting,
and very much appreciated. Haven't understood it much.

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Measuring at Treasure Vault sites (condensed)

Renaissance period: Rod for Measuring land

During the Renaissance era, bars were used as standards of length when surveying land. These bars often used a unit of measure called a Rod, of length equal to 5.5 yards, 5.0292 metres, 16.5 feet, or ​1⁄320 of a statute mile.

A rod is the same length as a perch or a pole, and was standardized in 1620 by Edmund Gunter with his Gunter's Chain which is the length of 4 rods or 66 feet.

The rod unit was still in use as a common unit of measurement in the mid-19th century in the United States

Dividing 16.5 feet (a rod length) by 3 = 5.5 Feet which seems to be the basis for many of the Measurements I have found in the field and could very possible be halved to 2.75 feet.

I have seen 49.5 feet which equals 3 Rods.

They also used 1/2 of a Rod as well which is 8.25 feet, I have seen 41.25 feet which is 2.5 Rods as well as 82.5 feet which equals 5 Rods.

This would also explain why I have ran into so many measurements that 33 inches divided into evenly, because 33 inches is 2.75 feet.

However this would change the numbers considerably, for instance:

82.5 feet is what I had always considered 30 varas because 82.5 feet divided by 2.75 feet or (33 inches) equals 30 (what I thought of as Varas)

But if we look at 82.5 feet measured by the Rod at 16.5 feet per rod we get 5 Rods.
Or we divide (82.5 feet) with 1/3 of a rod (5.5 feet) and we get 15 Rods. And so on.

(The measurements above are very precise in the field)

What is important here is that the only Renaissance era (ancient) Land Measuring Device I could find that aligns with the modern day American Measurements (using our same exact inch) are the Rod and Gunter Chain however they divided them up in ways that we don't use today. As far as I know Absolutely no other measuring device was invented that could be as close to our American measurements before the 1800s and the invention of the engineers chain which could measure down to one foot per link.

I thought I would also throw in how and when these measurements came about for minds that want to know.

In case your wondering why and when the rod became exactly 16.5 feet here is the answer:

The basic concept of the mile originated in Roman times. The Romans used a unit of distance called the mille passum, which literally translated into "a thousand paces." Since each pace was considered to be five Roman feet—which were a bit shorter than our modern feet—the mile ended up being 5,000 Roman feet, or roughly 4,850 of our modern feet.

If the mile originated with 5,000 Roman feet, how did we end up with a mile that is 5,280 feet? Blame the furlong. The furlong wasn't always just an arcane unit of measure that horseracing fans gabbed about; it once had significance as the length of the furrow a team of oxen could plow in a day. In 1592, Parliament set about determining the length of the mile and decided that each one should be made up of eight furlongs. Since a furlong was 660 feet, we ended up with a 5,280-foot mile.

So when we break the Mile down by 8 furlongs of 660 feet each or 1/8 of a mile we get: the Acre. Remember that a furlong was considered to be the length of a furrow a team of oxen could plow in one day without resting. An acre—which gets its name from an Old English word meaning "open field" and over time, the old Saxon inhabitants of England established that this area (an acre) was equivalent to a long, thin strip of land one furlong in length or 1 chain x 10 chains an old unit of length equivalent to 66 feet wide x 660 feet long. That's how we ended up with an acre that's equivalent to 43,560 square feet, and a chain of 66 feet which when broken down becomes the rod of 16.5 feet or 1/4 of a chain.

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Measuring at Treasure Vault sites (condensed), Renaissance period: Rod for Measuring land,(The measurements above are very precise in the field)

Thank you for sharing this valuable information. I remember your story in a previous post about the apprentice that wanted to learn everything about treasure hunting, but when you guys didn't immediately get to digging, and rather spent the day reverse engineering the site and taking measurements, the guy just bailed out on you.

The measurements (just like the alignments) are there to confirm one another; that they are not coincidence but rather put there by man. I'm assuming that it's important to reverse engineer each site for various reasons.

Measurements are extremely Important as they absolutely verify that we are dealing with man made markers from the 1600s forward and not something older. (its not always easy to tell man made from nature) but measurements are about as good as it gets to tell the difference in the field.

I know when I am out observing the outdoors that I have to take time at what I am looking at. Believe me there is a lot of possibilities at what is natural and what has been artificially arranged by man. Only experience out in the field or some one with more knowledge such as sandy1 and a few of the other folks here can help with this type of deductions. What counts the most is documentation, measurement's, knowledge, experience and patience in this type of effort to discover.

Measurements are extremely Important as they absolutely verify that we are dealing with man made markers from the 1600s forward and not something older. (its not always easy to tell man made from nature) but measurements are about as good as it gets to tell the difference in the field.

Awesome sandy1, will study & thanks a lot again...

I know this is horrible but i can not show a photo of this its a 7 on my site with 3 dots and its carved on top of a flat rock and its 20 feet from a natural spring. I can not show a picture of it unfortunately but i did make a drawing here is what it looks like. Does anybody have any idea what the 3 dots would be on the 7 for. I know i am close to a spring and the 7 goes with that but the 3 dots i can not figure out. View attachment 1643818

I know this is horrible but i can not show a photo of this its a 7 on my site with 3 dots and its carved on top of a flat rock and its 20 feet from a natural spring. I can not show a picture of it unfortunately but i did make a drawing here is what it looks like. Does anybody have any idea what the 3 dots would be on the 7 for. I know i am close to a spring and the 7 goes with that but the 3 dots i can not figure out. View attachment 1643818
It may be just a marker for the spring, a place to rest, sometimes the Spanish and Mexicans, used numbers from biblical references to identify various locations or sources, in this case, the 7 would mean the seventh day God rested, thus, the spring is a place for the weary traveller to rest.

I have deciphered a saguaro triangle, if you guys are interested in hearing how it works.

Yes very interested not very often do you get information about how to decipher a sign on a site i have trouble with just the simple things.

It may be just a marker for the spring, a place to rest, sometimes the Spanish and Mexicans, used numbers from biblical references to identify various locations or sources, in this case, the 7 would mean the seventh day God rested, thus, the spring is a place for the weary traveller to rest.

Thank you for your input it is greatly appreciated, I believe the 7 is for the spring and that would mean rest I do not understand why it has 3 dots on it.

Here is how this particular triangle works: These saguaros were all the same size and alive and well just a few years ago.

First to place you in the right spot, in the picture you would be standing where the red,green and black lines intersect:

Looking down the Red line towards the blue line is 225 degrees on the Compass now looking down the Black line which goes to the crisscross spot (circled in black) we have a compass degree of 294 degrees or 69 degrees off from the 225 Red line, this doesn't sound like much until you realize that the opposite way which is the wider angle between the red line and the Black line (not shown) is actually 111 degrees apart, or 21 degrees off perpendicular which is 7x3 which are Both Holy numbers.
Now for the Blue Line which on the compass is 24 degrees going from the red line to the green line, which again doesn't sound like much until you realize that it is exactly 90 degrees perpendicular to the black line that crosses it which is going to the Crisscross spot.

1 (81).webp

As far as distance (from the still alive saguaro to the crisscross spot it is 60 feet) I also circled a cactus which aligns with the middle living saguaro to the crisscross spot at 39x3 or 117 feet behind the middle cactus, which all ads up to 177 feet from the back cactus to the crisscross spot.

39 feet is important because of the number 13, and the cactus triangle itself when measured around equals 39 feet as well, this is where the tricky part comes in there is 21 feet missing to the crisscross spot and of course here are the holy numbers again 7x3=21+39=60 feet.

What I am trying to relay here is that they used a fixed set of markers to go so many degrees off from, in this case it was the holy 111 or 21 degrees off perpendicular, that way they did not have the problem with magnetic declination which was a huge problem in those days.

These degrees off are not limited to just triangles.

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Very nicely done,can i ask you how do you determine the lines from point to point markers say for instance i use a string line and a PLS-5 to do measurements on how to get angle and direction.

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Thank you for your input it is greatly appreciated, I believe the 7 is for the spring and that would mean rest I do not understand why it has 3 dots on it.
Dots require a lot less effort to make than lines, also they can be made deeper so that they will last longer and are a little more covert, these signs were not meant for just anyone.

Very nicely done,can i ask you how do you determine the lines from point to point markers say for instance i use a string line and a PLS-5 to do measurements on how to get angle and direction.

I just use a surveyors compass (adjusted for magnetic declination) and a hundred foot tape.

Sandy Your numbers at the triangle must of took some time to figure out Thank you for sharing with us.
Is the crisscross spot at that location the dig spot?

Sandy Your numbers at the triangle must of took some time to figure out Thank you for sharing with us.
Is the crisscross spot at that location the dig spot?

No, the crisscross spot is one point of a triangle at this location.

Thank you for your input it is greatly appreciated, I believe the 7 is for the spring and that would mean rest I do not understand why it has 3 dots on it.

Do you think it could also be sort of a disconnected pointer, or directional,
though appearing to be potentially an offset from symmetrical center triangle?

Perhaps even multi-directional, as if something in the 3 different directions,
or even more. I agree there has to be a significant reason for the 3 dots.

Just thoughts, but it is possible, since we're talking about very resourceful
secret hidden meanings, & such multi-tasking sort of thinking & planning.

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