Now back to some interesting stuff, I wanted to talk about the
number 3 again and how widespread it really is.
The Three is the all important number due to the trinity.
The number
Three's you will see in the pictures below are all done by the
Spanish or the Catholic Church from the 1600 to 1700 hundreds.
Make sure to notice how they are all made in the same writing style.
First is the one I have shown many times which is a
shadow three (First Picture), it is also an
eagles head from a slightly different angle and different time of day(second picture) and I
marked the three in the eagles head (third picture) Notice how
the three is integrated as the eagles beak and Eye.

This next one is a
Three made up of boulders and is next to a
Skull made up of multiple boulders as well.
This Three is on the Owl that Barton had Posted.
And now the oddball, This is a
Three that quinoa found in the
North West hundreds of miles North of where the Spanish were ever supposed to have gone.
These Three's just like the
Cross are
verification that these markers are man made not mother natures work, and it also tells us
who did them and approximately when they were done, which is why they are so Important, but
finding them in the NW should be a real blow to all the authorities here on tnet who keep trying to tell everybody there isn't any proof of the Spanish that far North.