A, I wouldn't even bother with the auras myself (as it is time consuming) if I had the ability to follow the markers right up to the entrance of the treasures without being mislead.
I understand the reason for that is because the treasure may or may not be at the crisscross. Also, the second reason is because the treasure may have already been removed in the past, and you'll waste your time removing the cap rock and digging for nothing. I also take it some of these treasure can be buried pretty deep based on what you've said in the past.
Those are the 2 main reasons you want to catch an aura before digging. First to pinpoint the treasure in case it's not at the crisscross, and secondly, to make sure there is still buried treasure and that it hasn't been removed at a prior time in the past.
So let's say hypothetically you find good treasure markers, you find alignments, you stand at the crisscross, you dig few feet and you find a cap rock.....
At this point, having never used the aura technique (just the treasure markers and alignments) to find a cap rock, we can be certain we are at the treasure location? Or can there be cap rocks that are flukes? Have you ever encountered such a deception? A false cap rock?