A, I wouldn't even bother with the auras myself (as it is time consuming) if I had the ability to follow the markers right up to the entrance of the treasures without being mislead.

I understand the reason for that is because the treasure may or may not be at the crisscross. Also, the second reason is because the treasure may have already been removed in the past, and you'll waste your time removing the cap rock and digging for nothing. I also take it some of these treasure can be buried pretty deep based on what you've said in the past.

Those are the 2 main reasons you want to catch an aura before digging. First to pinpoint the treasure in case it's not at the crisscross, and secondly, to make sure there is still buried treasure and that it hasn't been removed at a prior time in the past.

So let's say hypothetically you find good treasure markers, you find alignments, you stand at the crisscross, you dig few feet and you find a cap rock.....

At this point, having never used the aura technique (just the treasure markers and alignments) to find a cap rock, we can be certain we are at the treasure location? Or can there be cap rocks that are flukes? Have you ever encountered such a deception? A false cap rock?

Even if you have the aura you still need the electronic locator to pinpoint the dig spot. So if you can’t get back far enough to photograph an aura, but you know where the crisscross spot is, detect at the crisscross spot and if you don’t get a signal, grid the area off and detect out from the crisscross spot. I would be interested in knowing if the electronics can identify metal through a capstone.

The electronics are going to be an expense you can’t avoid, if you are using Sandy’s method. If there is information that is needed to get from the crisscross spot to the digspot, you would think it would be carved out or setup at the site. Maps that are drawn on paper or etched on metal can be destroyed or lost. If it were carved in Stone, at the site, you could find the digspot with that information.

The guys who set these sites up didn’t know about auras and they didn’t care if the spots were in the woods or out in the open. Sandy was persistent enough to learn how to find and use the auras and how to locate the sites that are out in the open. But there is something at each of these sites that is used to find the dig spot without the help of an electronic detector. You just have to find it.

Here’s something you guys can look for if you’re stuck in the woods. In his guide, Sandy describes a triangular stone that can be found at these setups. On these stones there are carvings of the last three markers of the setup. I’ve seen this type of stone and I even posted a picture of it earlier in the thread. Look for this type of marker and when you find the last marker, you can set up your grid from there. Assuming you’re on private property, of course.

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I understand the reason for that is because the treasure may or may not be at the crisscross. Also, the second reason is because the treasure may have already been removed in the past, and you'll waste your time removing the cap rock and digging for nothing. I also take it some of these treasure can be buried pretty deep based on what you've said in the past.

Those are the 2 main reasons you want to catch an aura before digging. First to pinpoint the treasure in case it's not at the crisscross, and secondly, to make sure there is still buried treasure and that it hasn't been removed at a prior time in the past.

So let's say hypothetically you find good treasure markers, you find alignments, you stand at the crisscross, you dig few feet and you find a cap rock.....

At this point, having never used the aura technique (just the treasure markers and alignments) to find a cap rock, we can be certain we are at the treasure location? Or can there be cap rocks that are flukes? Have you ever encountered such a deception? A false cap rock?

Absolutely correct on all points, and yes I have followed markers to a fake dig spot with a fake cap rock as a matter of a fact I have dug up two of them at different locations, remember there are enticers trying to get you to dig all over the place with all kinds of false buried markers as well. The aura really helps to keep you in the right area as long as you can catch the center of the aura (the bright spot)

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Absolutely correct on all points, and yes I have followed markers to a fake dig spot with a fake cap rock as a matter of a fact I have dug up two of them at different locations, remember there are enticers trying to get you to dig all over the place with all kinds of false buried markers as well. The aura really helps to keep you in the right area as long as you can catch the center of the aura (the bright spot)

Were the buried markers metal found with a detector.

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But there is something at each of these sites that is used to find the dig spot without the help of an electronic detector. You just have to find it.

In his guide, Sandy describes a triangular stone that can be found at these setups. On these stones there are carvings of the last three markers of the setup. I’ve seen this type of stone and I even posted a picture of it earlier in the thread. Look for this type of marker and when you find the last marker, you can set up your grid from there.

Mdog, that's very interesting. Are all sites setup this way or just certain ones where you can locate a triangular shaped rock? Just to be clear, you're not talking about the "A" frame boulders correct?

I'm assuming once you find this triangular shaped rock, and if indeed there are carvings on it of the 3 last markers, that would mean that those carved markers would be found as a triangle setup, where each marker is one point of the triangle, and the treasure will be somewhere inside this triangle correct?

Thanks for your information.

Absolutely correct on all points, and yes I have followed markers to a fake dig spot with a fake cap rock as a matter of a fact I have dug up two of them at different locations, remember there are enticers trying to get you to dig all over the place with all kinds of false buried markers as well. The aura really helps to keep you in the right area as long as you can catch the center of the aura (the bright spot)

Sandy1, thanks for confirming my speculation on the fake cap rocks, but how do you know for certain these were "fake" as opposed to the treasure was removed from the spot at an earlier time or that the treasure was buried very deep like 20, 30, or 40 feet deep? I'm assuming you didn't use the aura method on those 2 spots and only used the markers and alignments to get to those cap rocks?

Is there a dead giveaway that lets you know it's just an enticer after you remove it? For example, what did you find different (if anything) about the fake cap rocks, compared to the real ones? Or are they indistinguishable?

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Here’s something you guys can look for if you’re stuck in the woods. In his guide, Sandy describes a triangular stone that can be found at these setups. On these stones there are carvings of the last three markers of the setup. I’ve seen this type of stone and I even posted a picture of it earlier in the thread. Look for this type of marker and when you find the last marker, you can set up your grid from there. Assuming you’re on private property, of course.

Then you've actually used this method to locate an entrance/treasure?

Absolutely correct on all points, and yes I have followed markers to a fake dig spot with a fake cap rock as a matter of a fact I have dug up two of them at different locations, remember there are enticers trying to get you to dig all over the place with all kinds of false buried markers as well. The aura really helps to keep you in the right area as long as you can catch the center of the aura (the bright spot)

Good specific info.

I have enjoyed reading the information on this thread. Can someone described how the Vaults are constructed, are they a rock lined room underneath the surface of the ground ? Are there any signs above the ground to let you know there is a vault nearby? Pebble

pebble, usually they are just a shaft going into the bedrock however on occasion they will be a shaft then go into a tunnel.

A, the fake caprocks had enticers looking at them like pointers saying DIG HERE, which is why I am always saying be careful about those as they are a favorite to get you digging under a deathtrap boulder if your going into the side of a cliff, I ran into a (Grande deathtrap) the same type as in Kenworthys book on deathtraps and it had a perfectly square cut boulder under the back of it with a cut tunnel to it, luckily I knew better than to dig at it because Kenworthy had already wrote that he had chipped away at the same type of setup and warned against it.

Other than the camera what kind of electronics do you use sandy1?

I have a magnetometer and a tm808 I used to have a gemini 3 and also a pulstar 2 but don't anymore, my personal favorite is the gpr if there is a flat enough area to do a gridsearch, you can rent them at some places.

did you not like the pulsestar 2

Yes it was good but it was my fathers and when he passed he gave it to a friend.

There seems to be a lot of different magnetometer's do they all work the same

I have a gemini 3 and a pulse star2 do you think they go deep enough

Do you think there can be some drift with the auras or are they directly over top

Mdog, that's very interesting. Are all sites setup this way or just certain ones where you can locate a triangular shaped rock? Just to be clear, you're not talking about the "A" frame boulders correct?

I'm assuming once you find this triangular shaped rock, and if indeed there are carvings on it of the 3 last markers, that would mean that those carved markers would be found as a triangle setup, where each marker is one point of the triangle, and the treasure will be somewhere inside this triangle correct?

Thanks for your information.

First of all, I don't look for these places. Ten years ago I stumbled upon this one when I was looking for the name of a 19th century visitor carved on the bluff. My only interest in this place is who set it up and when. Sandy has found multiple sites like what he describes so he would be the one to give you the information you need to find these triangles. This was not on an A frame boulder. The triangle seems to be a natural formation on the side of the bluff. The eye, heart and D were carved to form a triangle inside the natural triangle. The heart is angled so that a line from the point through the lobes, points to the top of the bluff and in the direction of the last three symbols which are the heart, the eye and the D. The D is the last symbol and is about the size of a spread hand. It's placed tightly into the ground so it can't be easily moved. The only indication I have that this could have been a cache site is the big hole, outside the triangle, that was dug and left open. And yes, those three carvings on the triangle, show the last three symbols of the site. And the information you would have to know is what direction to go and how far. The direction is given by a small pie shaped rock about nine inches from the vertical line on the D rock. On that vertical line is a small lip that the pie shaped rock points to. This shows the direction. The distance to the hole is 100 feet which is easy to remember.

Sandy might be able to better tell you how he finds and works these triangles to get to the last symbol.

You're welcome for the information.

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