Ol' Kentuck
Hero Member
Thank goodness the arguement is starting to die off.....BUT, as far as the archaeologists versus the treasure hunter, make no mistake, they prefer treasure hunters end up in jail. Just ask the poor guy from Delta, Utah, that a few years back said he had found a cache of stolen calvary gold. No one will ever know if there was any truth to it, because the BLM and other feds raised thier heads. He ended up saying that it was all a myth, just to stay out of the pokey.....If the US treasure trove laws were changed appropriately to make sure the finder had a say in the find, you would see far more treasure finds in the news. Both the THunter and the feds would benefit. It is an all or nothing deal at the present, so it makes for under the table dealings. Similar to the good old dinosaur bone hunting laws that are so freakin' archaic that it borders on the ridiculous. (I know, personal experience in the mess, that I won't go in to unless prompted) Until a senator or congressman gets of their rear ends and looks the problem straight in the eye...it will continue. Treasure hunters should be praised for thier hard work, research, and 100's of thousands of dollars invested, instead of being ridiculed.
Done, nuff said.....I hesitate to put up any more photos because I have become afraid of the boogeyman hiding on the Tnet somewhere. Call it paranoia, but it's just common sense....
Back to lurking....
I liked yer post because ye nailed it purty much, our antiquity laws in this here country and the Archies appointed to enforce 'em make it hard for us to justify our hard work and research. On tha other hand, I reckon they do have a proper greivance with the treasure hunters who think they are above the law and dig up ever rock pile in the country ( and encouragin' everone else to do tha same ), givin' the rest of us a bad name. I reckon the laws need ta be changed afore we can get any relief, but that ain't gonna happen any time soon or even atall if we keep giving 'em reasons not to. If'n there truly are treasures all over the place like some believe, then they ought to concentrate on workin' together ta find a solution. Not keep giving the rest of us a black eye and ruinin' our chances of ever seein' a recovery in tha future.