Absolutely not as long as there is sunshine your good to go.

I am curious about the elevation affecting auras. I seem to almost exclusively catch white auras.(low elevation area) I know others that get larger and more colorful auras at higher elevations. (same cameras). Maybe a survey would reveal something about the effects of our atmosphere on whatever causes the aura. Maybe certain wavelengths drop off that cause a color change at lower elevations.

I am curious about the elevation affecting auras. I seem to almost exclusively catch white auras.(low elevation area) I know others that get larger and more colorful auras at higher elevations. (same cameras). Maybe a survey would reveal something about the effects of our atmosphere on whatever causes the aura. Maybe certain wavelengths drop off that cause a color change at lower elevations.

Could also be the relative position of the camera. The angle light is transfused would likely reflect similar to a prism. If so, color would depend on where you are relative to the aura and the sun.

Could also be the relative position of the camera. The angle light is transfused would likely reflect similar to a prism. If so, color would depend on where you are relative to the aura and the sun.

I have set cameras at different locations, angles, time of year, day etc. Still, overwhelmingly white. I would expect the prism affect would have more varied results.

I am curious about the elevation affecting auras. I seem to almost exclusively catch white auras.(low elevation area) I know others that get larger and more colorful auras at higher elevations. (same cameras). Maybe a survey would reveal something about the effects of our atmosphere on whatever causes the aura. Maybe certain wavelengths drop off that cause a color change at lower elevations.

I get mostly white auras as well but every now and then I get a gold aura all at the same elevation at different locations, it all depends on what is buried in the ground.

I believe that an aura comes up in my photos depending on what color it is I am digging it.

I have set cameras at different locations, angles, time of year, day etc. Still, overwhelmingly white. I would expect the prism affect would have more varied results.

The auras are not related in any way with the prism effect which you get when the sun shows colors off your optics in your camera. The aura is at the treasure (a half a mile away) not really close to the camera like a prism effect is.

I think it could be interesting to see if an aura were to come off Victorio Peak or baboquivari Peak both are known to have treasures on them, I hope your catching my drift here cyzak.
Have camera will travel, one question about the sites when they monument do they do a general direction or do they use north south east west as locaters.

Usually the trails have monuments along them just pointing you along and they especially mark different turns up canyons or if you need to turn out of a wash at a certain point.

Something I would like to clarify about my treasure hunting method as I keep getting people who want to read the markers and are asking me what they are saying or where they are telling them to go etc,

The first misconception I want to clear up is this. When I go out looking for a treasure location I do not get close to the mountain, I look for long distance markers such as a lit up boulder below a peak or on the side of a mountain, a large skull, a kings throne, a hole or something that stands out and is alone from at least a half a mile away.

Then when I find something out of the ordinary from at least a half a mile away I set up my camera and shoot the area of interest. (Now to make it clear I have NOT looked for any trail markers or treasure markers other than the long distance ones at this point)

Then AFTER catching a decent aura I then go up on the mountain to look at the aura location and to verify the aura with the markers. (So to make this clear I am at this point only using known treasure markers to verify the aura)

I Never Ever try to follow markers to a treasure location, if you have the ability to follow markers to a treasure location and know that you are standing at the treasure spot without an aura then you are ahead of pretty much everybody on this forum.
(Which by the way I have not seen anybody on this forum be able to do)

My success has come from equipment like the camera Auras metal detectors etc, then I reverse engineer what I have found back to the markers, so following markers is not something that I consider reliable nor practical at all considering that once you get to the actual treasure spot there are many false trails laid out not only above ground (enticers) but buried markers as well.

So this is why whenever I get people who just keep looking at all the markers closeup I know they are just gawking and are not really serious about pinpointing the treasure. (when you get to a cache location there can be hundreds of carved markers which are mostly just there to confuse you and unfortunately it seems to be working on many of the people I have talked with)

All I can say is good luck if you really want to follow the markers without equipment.

Something I would like to clarify about my treasure hunting method as I keep getting people who want to read the markers and are asking me what they are saying or where they are telling them to go etc,

The first misconception I want to clear up is this. When I go out looking for a treasure location I do not get close to the mountain, I look for long distance markers such as a lit up boulder below a peak or on the side of a mountain, a large skull, a kings throne, a hole or something that stands out and is alone from at least a half a mile away.

Then when I find something out of the ordinary from at least a half a mile away I set up my camera and shoot the area of interest. (Now to make it clear I have NOT looked for any trail markers or treasure markers other than the long distance ones at this point)

Then AFTER catching a decent aura I then go up on the mountain to look at the aura location and to verify the aura with the markers. (So to make this clear I am at this point only using known treasure markers to verify the aura)

I Never Ever try to follow markers to a treasure location, if you have the ability to follow markers to a treasure location and know that you are standing at the treasure spot without an aura then you are ahead of pretty much everybody on this forum.
(Which by the way I have not seen anybody on this forum be able to do)

My success has come from equipment like the camera Auras metal detectors etc, then I reverse engineer what I have found back to the markers, so following markers is not something that I consider reliable nor practical at all considering that once you get to the actual treasure spot there are many false trails laid out not only above ground (enticers) but buried markers as well.

So this is why whenever I get people who just keep looking at all the markers closeup I know they are just gawking and are not really serious about pinpointing the treasure. (when you get to a cache location there can be hundreds of carved markers which are mostly just there to confuse you and unfortunately it seems to be working on many of the people I have talked with)

All I can say is good luck if you really want to follow the markers without equipment.

Yes, you made this clear from the beginning. I think you said that when you got to the crisscross spot that you had to have instructions about where to go from there. Without those instructions, you need electronic locators to make a recovery. In their excitement, I think people forgot about that and became distracted by the markers. I believe you also said that the type of locator that was needed was very expensive. The markers around the aura have historical significance but are not needed to make a recovery.

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sandy, as you know from our previous conversations,

I actually did just that, find the markers first, until I found your newly
started thread in Oct. 2016. Thing is though, there's NO way to observe
sites form nearly the distance you use & recommend where those kind
of markers may've been left behind in the Midwest, say the Ozarks for
an example.

So, your techniques have to be modified, in much less than wide open
spaces. One would more likely to have spotted markers hiking around
first, & then taking pics, to almost accidentally see what had been left
there. A lot of seasonal shadows all among the areas with the noticeable
carvings, it is in some ways, a totally different ball game, than what you
do there in the awesome wide open spaces of the Southwest Desert areas.

Not to be discouraged, because it's so much different of a situation though.
Because even though some of the reverse engineering that you use is much
different in a closer space, there is still enough info to use. I've seen things
that were never seen before, & realize the cameras don't care however near
or far. After all that's one, of the key electronic equipment you're talking of.

That's the part I've come to use in fusion with your info. I just knew from
already researching the markers for years, prior to getting your info. NOT
at all to Disagree with your tested methods that work well in your terrain,
but perhaps to add another angle, in another kind of country, & to AGREE
NOT to Disagree, because after all, the cameras do still tend to work well,
but just has to be done differently. Taking interval pics toward some of
observed markers, to see what may happen to flare up, unexpectedly.

In that respect, yes you've likely been a sort of a God send,
by making aware of enough of everything that's involved,
even though it's in a totally different kind of a setting...

Like the time I was relaxing at the lake with my family,
& said those old oak trees are pointing that direction.
Later, drinking a Cactus Lime in a cove, I observed
a carving by the edge of old bedrock not far from
the shoreline. I walked up into the cove, looked
all around, found more unexplainably marked
trees, like I'd seen similarly others before.
And there were the carved boulders,
some exactly lined up, just as
you have so illustrated...
... :sunny: :fish:

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I know that wooded areas are the Achilles Heel of aura capturing, but there are still plenty of areas out there without woods that people can still use the camera, and of course even if somebody lives in the woods it doesn't mean that they cant travel to a good area if they were really serious about a recovery. Most of the Southwest is still untapped country.

Like I said. I agree NOT to disagree...
Don't count the short shots out...

If I hadn't known what to look for in the way of carved
markers & alignments (which I had learned from you),
then I most likely would have never found where the
sentinels (who checked on me just taking pics) had
marked a couple of caches, which they apparently
watch. If you knew the rest of interesting story,
but I will save that for another time & place...

Markers more subtle, because you have to be
much closer to find. So they modified their
carvings, but used similar markers, etc.

Notice the diamond by the heart, pic#2.
You can tell by the small gravel that this
area has been flooded almost beyond the
dam's capacity, & waves have slapped rocks
like had likely not happened many times before.

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Your third and fourth pictures are a snake head (and I believe a arrow pointing which way to go to the right)

Something I would like to clarify about my treasure hunting method as I keep getting people who want to read the markers and are asking me what they are saying or where they are telling them to go etc,

The first misconception I want to clear up is this. When I go out looking for a treasure location I do not get close to the mountain, I look for long distance markers such as a lit up boulder below a peak or on the side of a mountain, a large skull, a kings throne, a hole or something that stands out and is alone from at least a half a mile away.

Then when I find something out of the ordinary from at least a half a mile away I set up my camera and shoot the area of interest. (Now to make it clear I have NOT looked for any trail markers or treasure markers other than the long distance ones at this point)

Then AFTER catching a decent aura I then go up on the mountain to look at the aura location and to verify the aura with the markers. (So to make this clear I am at this point only using known treasure markers to verify the aura)

I Never Ever try to follow markers to a treasure location, if you have the ability to follow markers to a treasure location and know that you are standing at the treasure spot without an aura then you are ahead of pretty much everybody on this forum.
(Which by the way I have not seen anybody on this forum be able to do)

My success has come from equipment like the camera Auras metal detectors etc, then I reverse engineer what I have found back to the markers, so following markers is not something that I consider reliable nor practical at all considering that once you get to the actual treasure spot there are many false trails laid out not only above ground (enticers) but buried markers as well.

So this is why whenever I get people who just keep looking at all the markers closeup I know they are just gawking and are not really serious about pinpointing the treasure. (when you get to a cache location there can be hundreds of carved markers which are mostly just there to confuse you and unfortunately it seems to be working on many of the people I have talked with)

All I can say is good luck if you really want to follow the markers without equipment.

well I can tell you personally that I have never used your technique, I think its a waste of time honestly. I have found treasure markers and have indeed followed them to the treasures location, but simply put I don't post photos as to keep the site safe. everyone has their own way of finding treasure, some follow the markers to the treasures resting place and others don't. do what works. this is just my opinion obviously.

well I can tell you personally that I have never used your technique, I think its a waste of time honestly. I have found treasure markers and have indeed followed them to the treasures location, but simply put I don't post photos as to keep the site safe. everyone has their own way of finding treasure, some follow the markers to the treasures resting place and others don't. do what works. this is just my opinion obviously.

Then it would seem that your the man that everybody should be asking how to follow their markers to their treasures instead of me.

Then it would seem that your the man that everybody should be asking how to follow their markers to their treasures instead of me.

Nah I don’t need everyone blowing up my inbox, I was just posting my opinion, it is in no way to discredit what you have found or what technique you used. Wasn’t trying to step on your toes at all

well I can tell you personally that I have never used your technique, I think its a waste of time honestly.

Good evening Ancientghost2004. Just curious as to your above post... First you state you've never used the technique, but how is it that you so quickly came to the conclusion that it's a waste of time?

Please don't take my question the wrong way, I just don't understand how it is that people can blow this information off without ever having tried the technique. It doesn't make sense to me. Did this never before seen information, not even spark a little bit of interest or curiosity on your part?

Can you please give an explanation as to why you think the technique is a waste of time even though you've never used it?

Thanks in advance for your input.

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