Orangeman, what have you tried to do with the small 1 and the 2, and the somewhat larger 6 on the second photo? They would indicate two different things.
First thing that I see, is a triangle made of modern numbers.
The second thing that I see, is a time frame, based on the number 2. It is an Aramaic style numeral, which would date it later than the time frame left by the Jesuit priests.
As a general rule of thumb, the one thing that ties different groups of priests together, is that they were educated in Latin, and by Royal decree were to speak all services in Latin. This was a ploy, to control all of the New Testament Churches, in order to control the masses (Classes from rich and educated down to the poor and uneducated) up until King James declared that the Bible, and the Church were to be available to all, and that The Church should not be under the control of the Kings. For the above mentioned reasons. During this previous era, the Latin numerical 2 was written (and carved) to look like our modern letter “Z”.
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Notice the numbers on the sun dial, and other places on this navigational tool that was made by Galileo. This tool is in the Galileo Museum.
It was made prior to the changes made by King James.
Those of you that have seen and helped me on my thread, know how many years that I worked to translate the symbols carved into my bluff, and are already aware of the changes made, and the general time frame. The photo of that tool shows the pre-dated changes and it was made by Galileo, circa 1640. It took decades for the changes to to be established throughout the European continent.
Once the changes made their way through the New World ( The Americas) we were left with a hodgepodge of dating sites, based on the strong influence of the Jesuit and Franciscan priest’s records and carvings. Mix in the influence of the free Masons that carried throughout the centuries, and the KGC using old sites and new translations and alpha-numerical languages, we are stuck in in muddy hodgepodge.
Now we need to do twice as much homework on our post Civil War carvings and conformations!
WHEW! That was a lot...
Just because there are new markings on old sites, it doesn’t mean that the site is not old. It only means that it has been tampered with by more modern groups.
I can’t get much deeper than that...