Comin' from someone who called him a liar and a fraud. Go figure.[/QUO

oh you must be referring to when I strongly disagreed about the heart meaning when sandy1 brought it up, for the most part he isn't lying about what is found at treasure sites, and since you like to be trolling so much got any pics to show? probably not, I'm not even going to engage with someone who wont even consider the other side...you live in a small box and nothing can exist without getting your consent first. have a nice day

Please leave this thread you have no useful purpose here your just causing a big distraction to the people trying to learn.

They stay on here to heckle & pass around their criticism because their so bored
with their own threads, the lack of successes, or just plain worned out with their
poor lackluster techniques & abilities. All talk, no action, just criticize & put down
those that are really doing something. Too bad yer so disappointed with yerselves. :hello2:

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XC37AJSHIFTOl' Kentuck;5900605]Comin' from someone who called him a liar and a fraud. Go figure.[/QUOTE]
You really have room to talk all your trying to do is bring deception and chaos to the tread hoping to get more informed locations to weave you web you have been tagged as a SENTINEL here everyone will know you now.

That article is just a short summary of documented factual history that we all know. Nothing in there about a "recovery." Nobody denies that Spaniards sent expeditions to North America beginning with Marcos de Niza. Nobody denies that parts of CO and UT were explored from the Spanish base in Santa Fe NM. To quote your article (page 6):

"FAILED TREASURE SEEKERS OPENED LANDS FOR SETTLERS Why did the Spanish spend centuries searching for the Seven Cities of Gold, lost treasures and mysterious Spanish colonies based on stories and myth without more concrete evidence? The story of the Seven Cities of Gold had traveled with the conquistadors from Spain. The Strait of Anián was an old nautical tale from Spanish and English mariners. Perhaps the lost Spanish Colony myth was based on native encounters with Spanish Colonial Army deserters or actual sailors from the many Spanish ships that sank off the California coast. The Seven Cities of Gold, Strait of Anián and lost Spanish Colony myths brought frustration and failure to the early Spanish explorers. However, their new knowledge of geography and native cultures would open up these lands to those who followed for trade and settlement."

What I deny is that there were dozens or hundreds of Spanish mining operations all over the US Southwest - operations that left caches of precious metals in seemingly every canyon or along every trail. It didn't happen that way.

What I do not deny is that there are likely numerous caches of valuables in today's USA that were hidden within the last 100 years or so by wealthy and capable people. They were not Spanish. These are the people who left all the carvings you guys are finding. These clues are meant to confuse you.
You really think a museum is going to come out and tell you what there research team found there. How do you think they discovered this place wasn't by accident they wont say were its at either yet there still excavating to this day. Its top secret because it blew the lid off the Spaniards were here in the 1500 it can not be denied now they are changing history at that site.

You really think a museum is going to come out and tell you what there research team found there. How do you think they discovered this place wasn't by accident they wont say were its at either yet there still excavating to this day. Its top secret because it blew the lid off the Spaniards were here in the 1500 it can not be denied now they are changing history at that site.

Any academia type of institution is going to be secretive as there is government involvement (financing) and the government (state or federal) do like their secrets.

You really think a museum is going to come out and tell you what there research team found there. How do you think they discovered this place wasn't by accident they wont say were its at either yet there still excavating to this day. Its top secret because it blew the lid off the Spaniards were here in the 1500 it can not be denied now they are changing history at that site.

Some of you guys are amazing. First, you make outlandish claims that will rock the world, then when rational people want to know more, you claim it's all a big secret. Finally, when the curious express serious doubts, you tag them as "sentinels" or "government agents" or somesuch. You have the right to express your thoughts here because it's a public forum, but extraordinary claims demand at least some sort of evidence. Whiskey talk only lasts till closing time. The next morning brings back reality for most folks. What have you provided that would convince people to believe what you say?

Some of you guys are amazing. First, you make outlandish claims that will rock the world, then when rational people want to know more, you claim it's all a big secret. Finally, when the curious express serious doubts, you tag them as "sentinels" or "government agents" or somesuch. You have the right to express your thoughts here because it's a public forum, but extraordinary claims demand at least some sort of evidence. Whiskey talk only lasts till closing time. The next morning brings back reality for most folks. What have you provided that would convince people to believe what you say?
I really believe we could not prove anything to you and your flock you have your own agenda and beliefs that you follow. Believe me I have read thru your post not only on this thread but others and you have your own agenda and that is fine but don't knock others just because you have not seen or experienced it yourself.

Some of you guys are amazing. First, you make outlandish claims that will rock the world, then when rational people want to know more, you claim it's all a big secret. Finally, when the curious express serious doubts, you tag them as "sentinels" or "government agents" or somesuch. You have the right to express your thoughts here because it's a public forum, but extraordinary claims demand at least some sort of evidence. Whiskey talk only lasts till closing time. The next morning brings back reality for most folks. What have you provided that would convince people to believe what you say?

Your true colors are fading. lookin' a little washed out. All that garbage of extraordinary claims is all worn out too. You sound so much Like Tom in Ca. are you his brother or daddy?

View attachment 1622168
Some of you guys are amazing. First, you make outlandish claims that will rock the world, then when rational people want to know more, you claim it's all a big secret. Finally, when the curious express serious doubts, you tag them as "sentinels" or "government agents" or somesuch. You have the right to express your thoughts here because it's a public forum, but extraordinary claims demand at least some sort of evidence. Whiskey talk only lasts till closing time. The next morning brings back reality for most folks. What have you provided that would convince people to believe what you say?
Here is some more evidence that the SPANISH did exists in Colorado, oh but you were not there when they found it so it must just be or outlandish imagination again.

View attachment 1622168
Here is some more evidence that the SPANISH did exists in Colorado, oh but you were not there when they found it so it must just be or outlandish imagination again.

You know the argument is always going to be that somebody from a later era (1800s) was carrying and dropped it, or that there was some Spanish guy that just happened to be alone going through those parts and dropped it, heaven forbid that there could have been hundreds of Spanish carving tons of boulders in the area, of course those carvings I guess are in everybody's imaginations, It really feels like I am banging my head against a wall with all the naysayers denying all the carved markers that are all over the place out there.:BangHead:

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Here is some more evidence that the SPANISH did exists in Colorado, oh but you were not there when they found it so it must just be or outlandish imagination again.

That's a nice find. Recovered artifacts are good evidence. Please refer to my Post#3117. 1st paragraph, my statement: "Nobody denies that parts of CO and UT were explored from the Spanish base in Santa Fe NM." 2nd paragraph, your article: "FAILED TREASURE SEEKERS OPENED LANDS FOR SETTLERS"

Now, your turn: show me where the mines are that they worked.

Sandy1 I know you tried to discuss the hearts and no one wants to comment on them what is your feeling on turtles on the monument sites.

That's a nice find. Recovered artifacts are good evidence. Please refer to my Post#3117. 1st paragraph, my statement: "Nobody denies that parts of CO and UT were explored from the Spanish base in Santa Fe NM." 2nd paragraph, your article: "FAILED TREASURE SEEKERS OPENED LANDS FOR SETTLERS"

Now, your turn: show me where the mines are that they worked.
SUMMITVILLE Colorado is that good enough for you. sdcfia

Yes. I found an old mine dump once that had no shaft or adit above it (obviously had been filled in). Under some brush on the hillside was a heart-shaped rock that had obviously been chiseled into shape. Tool marks proved it. Below the heart were four or five flat rocks set in a sort of pattern that reminded me of a fish profile when I first saw it.

View attachment 1621968

Another example. I found an old filled-in shaft that someone attempted to clear in a "treasure legend canyon." They had removed something like 15-20' of rocks and dirt, as I remember, when they apparently quit. I guess it became too difficult raising the muck to the surface. On the ground right next to the shaft opening was about a 50-pound heart-shaped flat rock where someone had hammered out a v-shaped segment to form the two lobes.

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As you know, dog, I don't believe in coincidences, so I assumed that these two hearts were some sort of markers. I would not have thought too much about them except that they were both obviously man-shaped.

There are so many hearts of different sizes that I was wondering if they might have been carved as some type of good luck charm. Your picture of the heart and fish by the hole got me to doing a little research. Your picture could represent Christ, his mother Mary and his grandmother, St. Anne. First of all Saint Anne is the patron saint of miners.

"As the mother of Mary, this devotion to Saint Anne as the patron of miners arises from the medieval comparison between Mary and Christ and the precious metals silver and gold. Anne's womb was considered the source from which these precious metals were mined."
Her symbol was a door because of a meeting she had with her husband at the Golden Gate of Jerusalem. That could be used to symbolize the entrance to the mine shaft or even a vault entrance. It cold also be represented by the U shaped monuments that lead to the door.

The heart could represent Mary the mother of Christ or Christ himself.

"The Immaculate Heart of Mary is a devotional name used to refer to the interior life of the Blessed Virgin Mary, her joys and sorrows, her virtues and hidden perfections, and, above all, her virginal love for God the Father, her maternal love for her son Jesus, and her compassionate love for all people.[SUP][1]"

The Sacred Heart of Christ.

"During the octave of Corpus Christi in 1675, probably on June 16, the vision known as the "great apparition" reportedly took place, where Jesus said: "Behold the Heart that has so loved men. ...Instead of gratitude I receive from the greater part (of humankind) only ingratitude,"

The joint devotion of both hearts was formalized in the 17th century so the heart could represent Mary or Christ.

The Alliance of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary is based on the historical, theological and spiritual links in Catholic devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.[SUP][16][/SUP][SUP][17][/SUP][SUP][18][/SUP] The joint devotion to the hearts was first formalized in the 17th century by St. John Eudes who organized the scriptural, theological and liturgical sources relating to the devotions and obtained the approbation of the Church, prior to the visions of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque.[SUP][19][/SUP][SUP][20][/SUP][SUP][21][/SUP]In the 18th and 19th centuries the devotions grew, both jointly and individually through the efforts of figures such as St. Louis de Montfort who promoted Catholic Mariology and St. Catherine Labouré's Miraculous Medal depicting the Heart of Jesus thorn-crowned and the Heart of Mary pierced with a sword.[SUP][22][/SUP][SUP][23][/SUP][SUP][24][/SUP] The devotions, and the associated prayers, continued in the 20th century, e.g., in the Immaculata prayerof St. Maximillian Kolbe and in the reported messages of Our Lady of Fátima which stated that the Heart of Jesus wishes to be honored together with the Heart of Mary.[SUP][25][/SUP][SUP][26]

The fish could also represent Christ.

The Greek word for “fish” is ichthus, and each letter represented a word, namely: i (Iesous–Jesus), ch
(Christos–Christ), th (theou–of God), u (huios–son), s (soter–savior). The fish thus became sort of a
code word during times of persecution by which believers expressed the conviction: “I believe that Jesus
Christ is the Son of God and my Savior.”

So maybe the heart symbol also had a value as a good luck symbol and that might be why there are so many around.


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Well as Calvin Keys said turtles lead to treasure. Having said that my favorites are turtles that have a heart for a shell such as this one.
1 (31).webp
And this one by the Sentinels, oh and by the way thanks guys.
1 (9).webp

I have never seen that combo as of yet but that would definitely mean you were on the right track I can see them using that combo it would be one that was difficult to see because of being together just so it didn't stick out like a plain heart or a turtle interesting.

I have never seen that combo as of yet but that would definitely mean you were on the right track I can see them using that combo it would be one that was difficult to see because of being together just so it didn't stick out like a plain heart or a turtle interesting.
Both of those are within a hundred feet of storages.

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Here is some more evidence that the SPANISH did exists in Colorado, oh but you were not there when they found it so it must just be or outlandish imagination again.

I like this article. Do you know if this artifact is from the Kannah Creek site or is it further east?

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