About the hearts, there has to be a reason that they are there. One of our tnet posters showed a large carved heart monument that was over six feet tall. Until somebody shows how the hearts were used at a site where treasure has been recovered, we can only speculate. If these sites are all over the US, there has to be some on private property where permission can be obtained. Maybe we should concentrate our efforts on finding such a place.

Here, dog: a six-foot heart that sits in an area rife with fantastic treasure legends and many well-known carvings and other signs. How can we determine the reason why it's sitting where it is? Is it natural or manmade? Does it make any difference? Keep in mind that heart-shaped rocks are likely the most common "looks like" eroded shapes seen in nature and can be found by the boatload nearly everywhere you go. Does that mean that there are treasures found everywhere you find a heart?


I don’t see anybody on here as bad. Please take some time and think about my suggestion to work with an archeologist. Heck, take them to places that don’t have an aura. You’ve already made this knowledge available to the public some scientific research would really help to spread your work. Everybody loves a treasure hunting story.

That's a great idea, dog. We all realize that if a cache were found at such a site that the proceeds would likely be sacrificed to some government entity or lost to lawyers arguing about ownership, etc. That should be OK though because a recovery would then prove the methodology to everyone's satisfaction. However, what if nothing was found? That would expose the methodology as being invalid. Therefore, I suspect that your suggestion will never be considered as it would be too risky.

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It’s admirable when anybody shares information. People can disagree without belonging to a sinister group.

Cyzak, have you ever seen a site like Sandy has described, and, if so, can you get permission to search and share any discoveries with us.
Here is some information that I am going to share this is from actual factual recovery on a private land site. I am not affiliated with this group but it is very interesting should put to rest what the nay sayers think that hover over this thread. The SENTINELS believe the Spanish never came out of Mexico into the USA or basically UTAH and COLORADO were never in habited by them.

View attachment 1621925
Here is some information that I am going to share this is from actual factual recovery on a private land site. I am not affiliated with this group but it is very interesting should put to rest what the nay sayers think that hover over this thread. The SENTINELS believe the Spanish never came out of Mexico into the USA or basically UTAH and COLORADO were never in habited by them.

:icon_scratch:??? The "SENTINELS" don't believe the Spanish ever came to those places, but Y'all are claimin' them same "SENTINELS" are trying to keep ye from diggin' em up?? Somethin tells me them taters ain't quite dug. :dontknow:

And I reckon I might be a little slow a learnin' how this quote thing works here, but who in hades is " Color=#333333 and Font="?? Are Y'all just passin' around yer notes or am I missin' something? :icon_scratch:




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That's a great idea, dog. We all realize that if a cache were found at such a site that the proceeds would likely be sacrificed to some government entity or lost to lawyers arguing about ownership, etc. That should be OK though because a recovery would then prove the methodology to everyone's satisfaction. However, what if nothing was found? That would expose the methodology as being invalid. Therefore, I suspect that your suggestion will never be considered as it would be too risky.

Yessir, that's a fact. I reckon it's sorta like buyin' a car off'n craigslist. Some slickster got a bad car they want to sell off'n a picture alone, they gots ta create an urgent need fer ye ta buy it. Sayin' theres someone else a wantin it too makes ye act on impulse. A smart buyer will natrally want to see that car first and have it checked out afore they buy it. The seller sure'n heck don't want a mechanic involved in the deal, so they bad mouth mechanics in gen'ral.

Anyone who's on the up and up shouldn't set their heels against doin' things right.

Here, dog: a six-foot heart that sits in an area rife with fantastic treasure legends and many well-known carvings and other signs. How can we determine the reason why it's sitting where it is? Is it natural or manmade? Does it make any difference? Keep in mind that heart-shaped rocks are likely the most common "looks like" eroded shapes seen in nature and can be found by the boatload nearly everywhere you go. Does that mean that there are treasures found everywhere you find a heart?

View attachment 1621923

Nice picture, sdc. Have you ever seen a big heart like this where you had no doubt that it was man made.

00000000 And I reckon I might be a little slow a learnin' how this quote thing works here, but who in hades is " Color=#333333 and Font="?? Are Y'all just passin' around yer notes or am I missin' something? :icon_scratch:

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Please leave this thread you have no useful purpose here your just causing a big distraction to the people trying to learn.

View attachment 1621925
Here is some information that I am going to share this is from actual factual recovery on a private land site. I am not affiliated with this group but it is very interesting should put to rest what the nay sayers think that hover over this thread. The SENTINELS believe the Spanish never came out of Mexico into the USA or basically UTAH and COLORADO were never in habited by them.

That article is just a short summary of documented factual history that we all know. Nothing in there about a "recovery." Nobody denies that Spaniards sent expeditions to North America beginning with Marcos de Niza. Nobody denies that parts of CO and UT were explored from the Spanish base in Santa Fe NM. To quote your article (page 6):

"FAILED TREASURE SEEKERS OPENED LANDS FOR SETTLERS Why did the Spanish spend centuries searching for the Seven Cities of Gold, lost treasures and mysterious Spanish colonies based on stories and myth without more concrete evidence? The story of the Seven Cities of Gold had traveled with the conquistadors from Spain. The Strait of Anián was an old nautical tale from Spanish and English mariners. Perhaps the lost Spanish Colony myth was based on native encounters with Spanish Colonial Army deserters or actual sailors from the many Spanish ships that sank off the California coast. The Seven Cities of Gold, Strait of Anián and lost Spanish Colony myths brought frustration and failure to the early Spanish explorers. However, their new knowledge of geography and native cultures would open up these lands to those who followed for trade and settlement."

What I deny is that there were dozens or hundreds of Spanish mining operations all over the US Southwest - operations that left caches of precious metals in seemingly every canyon or along every trail. It didn't happen that way.

What I do not deny is that there are likely numerous caches of valuables in today's USA that were hidden within the last 100 years or so by wealthy and capable people. They were not Spanish. These are the people who left all the carvings you guys are finding. These clues are meant to confuse you.

00000000 And I reckon I might be a little slow a learnin' how this quote thing works here, but who in hades is " Color=#333333 and Font="?? Are Y'all just passin' around yer notes or am I missin' something? :icon_scratch:

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View attachment 1621937
Please leave this thread you have no useful purpose here your just causing a big distraction to the people trying to learn.

Theres that quote thing again. :icon_scratch: Yer havin' problems too?

I'm sorry if yer easily distracted by my posts, ye might try that yoga thing, jest a thought. I reckon theres room fer learnin' from both sides ta a subject. Elsewise yer only hearin' half the story. But yer welcome ta yer opinion, same as me, and I'm stickin' to mine. And I reckon I'll stick around fer a bit, thank ye. Good luck in yer lessons. :icon_thumright:

Nice picture, sdc. Have you ever seen a big heart like this where you had no doubt that it was man made.

Yes. I found an old mine dump once that had no shaft or adit above it (obviously had been filled in). Under some brush on the hillside was a heart-shaped rock that had obviously been chiseled into shape. Tool marks proved it. Below the heart were four or five flat rocks set in a sort of pattern that reminded me of a fish profile when I first saw it.

Heart 2.webp

Another example. I found an old filled-in shaft that someone attempted to clear in a "treasure legend canyon." They had removed something like 15-20' of rocks and dirt, as I remember, when they apparently quit. I guess it became too difficult raising the muck to the surface. On the ground right next to the shaft opening was about a 50-pound heart-shaped flat rock where someone had hammered out a v-shaped segment to form the two lobes.

Heart 2.webp

As you know, dog, I don't believe in coincidences, so I assumed that these two hearts were some sort of markers. I would not have thought too much about them except that they were both obviously man-shaped.

In case anybody doesn't know why archaeologists and treasure hunters hate each other, then here it is:

Treasure hunters want to keep the treasures they worked so hard to find and dig up while Archaeologists work for the state or government and think the treasures should go to the state or government because its the legal thing to do.

So treasure hunters think Archaeologists are stupid for giving up the treasures to the greedy government and the Archaeologists think the treasure hunters are greedy criminals.

Either way somebody greedy is involved, the question is would you like to see the government get the treasures or would you rather have them?

So you reckon it's ok ta break the law (dig what you yerself called a archie site) as long as the right greedy person benefits, meaning YOU ( or some of yer "students" )?

I figure a thief that breaks in ta yer house and steals ya blind would purty much agree with ya. So laws in yer opinion only apply to others then, and not you? :dontknow:

Oh c'mon ol' kentucky, you know the sentinel boss is gonna be planning an expedition for you guys as soon as Sandy1 posts the first clue. And how can anybody break any laws, these treasures don't exist remember?

Oh c'mon ol' kentucky, you know the sentinel boss is gonna be planning an expedition for you guys as soon as Sandy1 posts the first clue. And how can anybody break any laws, these treasures don't exist remember?
That is exactly what I was thinking.

The "treasures" may or may not exist, but there ain't no question that the Laws do.

Y'all can dig all the holes yer little hearts desire, and welcome to it. But accordin' to the law, and this forums rules, being involved in or promoting illegal activity is a no-no.

Suit yerself.

In case anybody doesn't know why archaeologists and treasure hunters hate each other, then here it is:

Treasure hunters want to keep the treasures they worked so hard to find and dig up while Archaeologists work for the state or government and think the treasures should go to the state or government because its the legal thing to do.

So treasure hunters think Archaeologists are stupid for giving up the treasures to the greedy government and the Archaeologists think the treasure hunters are greedy criminals.

Either way somebody greedy is involved, the question is would you like to see the government get the treasures or would you rather have them?

So you reckon it's ok ta break the law (dig what you yerself called a archie site) as long as the right greedy person benefits, meaning YOU ( or some of yer "students" )?

I figure a thief that breaks in ta yer house and steals ya blind would purty much agree with ya. So laws in yer opinion only apply to others then, and not you? :dontknow:

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Talking about treasure hunting is not illegal looking for treasure is not illegal so I am not promoting anything illegal on here. I am certainly not telling people they have to go dig up these treasures, I am just making them aware of their existence, whatever people do after that is up to them as they are grown adults and they can make their own decisions on what they want to do, there is nothing illegal about sharing information.

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Talking about treasure hunting is not illegal looking for treasure is not illegal so I am not promoting anything illegal on here. I am certainly not telling people they have to go dig up these treasures, I am just making them aware of their existence, whatever people do after that is up to them as they are grown adults and its up to them what they want to do, there is nothing illegal about sharing information.

Yessir, I reckon everybody is "Aware" now. Good luck with yer play searches.

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