Secret squirl
Sr. Member
Yes I'm well aware about the hearts & of Christ, as well in the 100' statue. I recall you said that not
all hearts mark or lead in the direction of treasure, but are often strewn about a treasure area, even
mislead, or near death traps. You might remember that I've shown several various hearts myself, in
close areas & also in alignment with other good markers, why the snippy snap Amigo? Why let them
get to you? You know what you know, & some of us seeing the same in the field know what you know.
Where's this old dead horse line of questioning leading to? The so-called supposed experts won't
answer anything with any real creedence & you know it, so what exactly is your point? Their motives,
or lack of knowledge has been, & is still well understood. Like the obvious sentinel or whoever, that
just mocked of not stupidly showing some kind of evidence, with a dark nasty, very ugly aptitude.
How obvious, trying to provoke a showing of something, that's an old, very boring tactic.
You've also said that all of the Spanish stuff was put into vaults, even after Indian attacks.
You know I've asked this, if some caches could have been made hurriedly, & not up to code,
(like the chest in the cave in Northern AR.) & we've discussed it before. Your answer I well
recall was: "Absolutely not."
This is the first time I've heard of Kenworthy having maps that he used. How might
that have happened, that he acquired maps to Spanish treasures? Very interesting...
According to his books, he sent someone to Spain and had access to their archives.