Yes I'm well aware about the hearts & of Christ, as well in the 100' statue. I recall you said that not
all hearts mark or lead in the direction of treasure, but are often strewn about a treasure area, even
mislead, or near death traps. You might remember that I've shown several various hearts myself, in
close areas & also in alignment with other good markers, why the snippy snap Amigo? Why let them
get to you? You know what you know, & some of us seeing the same in the field know what you know.

Where's this old dead horse line of questioning leading to? The so-called supposed experts won't
answer anything with any real creedence & you know it, so what exactly is your point? Their motives,
or lack of knowledge has been, & is still well understood. Like the obvious sentinel or whoever, that
just mocked of not stupidly showing some kind of evidence, with a dark nasty, very ugly aptitude.

How obvious, trying to provoke a showing of something, that's an old, very boring tactic.

You've also said that all of the Spanish stuff was put into vaults, even after Indian attacks.
You know I've asked this, if some caches could have been made hurriedly, & not up to code,
(like the chest in the cave in Northern AR.) & we've discussed it before. Your answer I well
recall was: "Absolutely not."

This is the first time I've heard of Kenworthy having maps that he used. How might
that have happened, that he acquired maps to Spanish treasures? Very interesting...

According to his books, he sent someone to Spain and had access to their archives.

According to his books, he sent someone to Spain and had access to their archives.
Kenworthy also went to Mexico to get some of his research there to was documents pertaining to the Americas. I believe he had to bribe a few people to get that info but he did get it eventually.

With the auras you will need another person to pinpoint you on the hill, after that you need a helper to get the measurements, then you need somebody to help you dig as well as be there for safety in case of a mishap, so its pretty much a necessity to do this in twos, however my suggestion would be to hire a young person to help you do this instead of a partner, people are much more willing to work and show up if your paying them.
Thank you for your advice on this the information you have is always beneficial to those of us that are willing to learn. I am curious to who are the pro treasure hunters who hang out on these threads looking at the info being presented to them please respond to SANDY1.

The Spanish had plenty of time to put their treasures in storages, it wasn't until they started moving them from the storages that they were caught and massacred, I talked about my friend Jack and the cave that he pulled the Spanish helmet out of, this was done by the Indians, I am sure you have heard about the attack in the superstitions as well, but again these were after the fact of them removing the valuables from storages.

That was my point exactly, being attacked in transit, along the trails, which they undoubtedly
had to leave, & find or make another trail because of attacks, losses, death. They could make
decent war with the palefaces they totally despised, who some had once been enslaved by.

Again I agree 100 percent and good information. But lets not forget the skirmishes with the Indians/Mexicans against the Spanish as well.

The whole Spanish trail scenario was full of ambush, massacres & a constant danger of death.
This is why the cameras are possibly a valuable tool to find a cache hidden in such a case like
an attack, or even massacre. A treasure buried quickly with little or no markers, would put off
an aura, very possibly in an unexpected place, where the evidence was long covered by nature.

Interesting, just one small problem, when you find over a dozen hearts at a treasure location, how do you know which ones are the good ones and which are just enticers that lead you onto false trails.

I'll be listening closely, when you get ready to continue your heart info.
Sure enough been studying every point on them. I've seen a bunch, &
all of 'em in different areas, set-ups. Some even in seasonal shadows.

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The early skirmishes, with the Indians could have just been the Indians going after the horses and mules, probably for food. If that was the case, the Indians would have no interest in the bullion, so they would probably cut the packs off as soon as they could. If there were any Spanish survivors, they might be able to get bullion out of site, maybe inside a cave or covered with rocks. Their immediate concern would be survival so the hiding places would be fast and easy.

It's more likely the presumed ignorant Native Indians here, were much more perceptive about
what the Spanish, Mexicans, & later the white eyes were after, & though they may not have had
a use for it early on, they most likely buried it out of sight of recovery every opportunity they could.

Then later, when breeds, Comancheros, renegades or unscrupulous white gun runners were trading
with them, certainly they weren't trading 'em just for usual trade goods, but more than likely used
the yellow iron, that made for pretty good, highly desired gun trades. But they could also double
cross traders & steal horses, guns, & the obviously highly prized gold, cache the heavy metal,
maybe in a hurry & forget where, maybe die & leave no evidence, map, or word of where.

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Thank you for your advice on this the information you have is always beneficial to those of us that are willing to learn. I am curious to who are the pro treasure hunters who hang out on these threads looking at the info being presented to them please respond to SANDY1.

I really doubt there will be anyone come forward to discuss this, much less to give any info,
or prove they know anything, of the hearts or anything else, about any other aspect of TH.

Greed & pride are not conducive to sharing or helping anyone, other than what will benefit
one's self. This is one big reason that it is obvious, to anyone with an open mind who has
spent any true constructive time in discovery of such things in the field. It is rather very
easy & quite obvious & seeing passing of first hand knowledge, & otherwise who is just
tooting their empty horns & blowing smoke. Or, like sandy, actually giving usable info.

That's the big, very realistic difference, & is why I've tried to stick with sandy1 like
a brother. Not always agreeing, but try refraining from arguing or being offensive.

If there's really something wrong with complimenting your good mentor, for the
obvious truly helpful info freely given, that allows you to understand how to go
on from being stumped, to be able to move onto the next steps, that no one
else has known or certainly ever given. Then I'm definitely guilty doing that. :thumbsup:
... :sunny: :fish:

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Is there anybody who could translate the writing on this?
Bleeding heart of Christ 1369.webp

Only a small handful of people knew about these treasures and how to find them. These people are sworn to secrecy and will NEVER talk about what they know, much less give specifics about the heart monuments. Prior to you Sandy1 revealing this information, there was NO ONE, (outside of the "society" so to speak), that knew anything about this. No books had this info. No people who claimed to have "broken the code," or "professionals" online or in real life, ever even came close to the information you have revealed.

I think it's safe to say we won't be getting any responses on the hearts. What I know of the heart, is what you've taught in your guide. You said to never use the heart for pinpointing unless it is immovable. A few other things you mentioned as well.

I remember learning that supposedly a heart meant "GOLD" to the Spanish before I came across your info. Does that mean that if you have an alignment with an immovable heart monument, that the treasure for sure is gold or at least it is partly gold?

Here is one way to read a Heart.
This picture is in my guide as well.

This picture is of a snake eating a heart (the right lobe of the heart is chopped off) but if you look at the left lobe of the heart it is carved into a point and is pointed into the mouth of the snake which is by my definition the tunnel. The treasure is directly below this heart/snake (marked with the pentagon) these are latitude and longitude markers that I have mentioned many times on hills/mountains, these markers are just known information (to go up down/vertical or sideways/horizontal to the treasure) and this information is not shown in the field, meaning the Heart doesn't really tell you where to go, the heart just says that (it/the treasure) is in a tunnel (the snake) the rest of the info (going down in this case) you just have to know. This is why I am always saying that the markers don't just point to the entrance you have to know secret information that is not shown in the field.
1 (91).webp

To answer your question A,
In this case yes the cache is gold, but no the heart does Not represent gold as so many people including Kenworthy has said, I know this because the temporary storages which have either gold or Silver in them are marked with hearts as well.

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the heart just says that (it/the treasure) is in a tunnel (the snake)

View attachment 1619911

Sandy1, thank you for answering my question. It seems most people had even the simplest things about treasure hunting wrong. In regards to your statement, this wasn't a vertical straight down shaft? but a tunnel in this instance?

I'm assuming you'd have to dig vertical until you hit the horizontal tunnel?

Yes in most cases they went vertical into bedrock, and its actually rare to have a tunnel at all just a pit, but every once in a while you run into a tunnel which is where you need to worry about death traps, hence going into the belly of the beast.

Here is one way to read a Heart.
This picture is in my guide as well.

This picture is of a snake eating a heart (the right lobe of the heart is chopped off) but if you look at the left lobe of the heart it is carved into a point and is pointed into the mouth of the snake which is by my definition the tunnel. The treasure is directly below this heart/snake (marked with the pentagon) these are latitude and longitude markers that I have mentioned many times on hills/mountains, these markers are just known information (to go up down/vertical or sideways/horizontal to the treasure) and this information is not shown in the field, meaning the Heart doesn't really tell you where to go, the heart just says that (it/the treasure) is in a tunnel (the snake) the rest of the info (going down in this case) you just have to know. This is why I am always saying that the markers don't just point to the entrance you have to know secret information that is not shown in the field.
View attachment 1619911

To answer your question A,
In this case yes the cache is gold, but no the heart does Not represent gold as so many people including Kenworthy has said, I know this because the temporary storages which have either gold or Silver in them are marked with hearts as well.

the heart does represent gold, stop lying you fraud

Here is one way to read a Heart.
This picture is in my guide as well.

This picture is of a snake eating a heart (the right lobe of the heart is chopped off) but if you look at the left lobe of the heart it is carved into a point and is pointed into the mouth of the snake which is by my definition the tunnel. The treasure is directly below this heart/snake (marked with the pentagon) these are latitude and longitude markers that I have mentioned many times on hills/mountains, these markers are just known information (to go up down/vertical or sideways/horizontal to the treasure) and this information is not shown in the field, meaning the Heart doesn't really tell you where to go, the heart just says that (it/the treasure) is in a tunnel (the snake) the rest of the info (going down in this case) you just have to know. This is why I am always saying that the markers don't just point to the entrance you have to know secret information that is not shown in the field.
View attachment 1619911

To answer your question A,
In this case yes the cache is gold, but no the heart does Not represent gold as so many people including Kenworthy has said, I know this because the temporary storages which have either gold or Silver in them are marked with hearts as well.
I am noticing the big rocks stacked up on the right big boulder looks like a trap better be careful.

Here is one way to read a Heart.
This picture is in my guide as well.

This picture is of a snake eating a heart (the right lobe of the heart is chopped off) but if you look at the left lobe of the heart it is carved into a point and is pointed into the mouth of the snake which is by my definition the tunnel. The treasure is directly below this heart/snake (marked with the pentagon) these are latitude and longitude markers that I have mentioned many times on hills/mountains, these markers are just known information (to go up down/vertical or sideways/horizontal to the treasure) and this information is not shown in the field, meaning the Heart doesn't really tell you where to go, the heart just says that (it/the treasure) is in a tunnel (the snake) the rest of the info (going down in this case) you just have to know. This is why I am always saying that the markers don't just point to the entrance you have to know secret information that is not shown in the field.
View attachment 1619911

To answer your question A,
In this case yes the cache is gold, but no the heart does Not represent gold as so many people including Kenworthy has said, I know this because the temporary storages which have either gold or Silver in them are marked with hearts as well.

the heart does represent gold, stop lying you fraud

Really ghost, what is up with you saying this? You saw sandy say:

"In this case yes the cache is gold, but no the heart does Not represent gold as so many
people including Kenworthy has said, I know this because the temporary storages
which have either gold or Silver in them are marked with hearts as well."

...Which speaks clearly of the repeated experiences of seeing the snake eating the
heart in the case of both, but the heart does Not (always) represent (only) gold.

Can you really explain & prove your statement, & are you a Spanish vault expert?
Or, just another empty horn tooting for some other reason? When you've
visited my Naturally occuring? thread in the past, you never offered
up any info, just pics, & saying you knew there was treasure
there, when someone said something negative about
your site. Now you pop up with this negativity?
Have you got any proof, or just naysaying?
... :sunny: :fish:

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Here is one way to read a Heart.
This picture is in my guide as well.

This picture is of a snake eating a heart... [snip]

This is why I am always saying that the markers don't just point to the
entrance you have to know secret information that is not shown in the field.
View attachment 1619911

Thanks sandy, you just keep coming up with more very important key details, awesome!

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Only a small handful of people knew about these treasures and how to find them. These people are sworn to secrecy and will NEVER talk about what they know, much less give specifics about the heart monuments. Prior to you Sandy1 revealing this information, there was NO ONE, (outside of the "society" so to speak), that knew anything about this. No books had this info. No people who claimed to have "broken the code," or "professionals" online or in real life, ever even came close to the information you have revealed.

I think it's safe to say we won't be getting any responses on the hearts. What I know of the heart, is what you've taught in your guide. You said to never use the heart for pinpointing unless it is immovable. A few other things you mentioned as well.

I remember learning that supposedly a heart meant "GOLD" to the Spanish before I came across your info. Does that mean that if you have an alignment with an immovable heart monument, that the treasure for sure is gold or at least it is partly gold?
That's exactly what I found out with them to A they have there own agenda that they follow.

Here is another important point about the heart, you will find them laying down and standing up along trails I have seen them in the kings chair along a trail and connected to other markers as well along trails, all of these hearts don't tell you that its a gold only trail it just shows your on a treasure/ore trail. (depending on what other markers are with it) I have found hearts at mines as well.

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