Not quite following you on "anybody who understands the hearts", can you explain please.
Very interesting statement, so apparently I need to put more study time into this.
sandy, I see what you mean about others showing what they know & not just talking about it.
Do you think anything may have ever been left otherwise, maybe in a hurry, or do you believe
everything was the same (I'm thinking about Dayne Chastain's account of the Spanish treasure
chest found buried in the cave in AR., & don't know that it was in a required vault, buried hastily,
like it might have been done quickly like while pursued, or under a deathly Indian attack).
It seems we talked about this before, & I know what you are focused on. I've been curious as to what
exactly did Kenworthy do to find what he did, & do you know just how he did that? You've mentioned
something along this line before, though I'm still not sure about the details. Do you know of his type
of specific methods, how they work, can you elaborate? I know apparently a lot different from yours,
but was there any of his ideas that helped you, or were somewhat similar to what you figured out?
Thanks in advance, for always being willing to explain in clarity. I think that's the clear difference,
in how you & some others, have shared & expressed your experiences & the actual use-able critical
information & tips, that are consistent at different locations, & can really be understood to work.