(since I already have some of the treasures narrowed down to within 50 feet, anybody who understands the hearts would definitely know this to be true from my pictures)

Not quite following you on "anybody who understands the hearts", can you explain please.
Very interesting statement, so apparently I need to put more study time into this.

there are people that have said they know more than I do so instead of advice why not actually show me what they know in the field.

sandy, I see what you mean about others showing what they know & not just talking about it.
Do you think anything may have ever been left otherwise, maybe in a hurry, or do you believe
everything was the same (I'm thinking about Dayne Chastain's account of the Spanish treasure
chest found buried in the cave in AR., & don't know that it was in a required vault, buried hastily,
like it might have been done quickly like while pursued, or under a deathly Indian attack).

It seems we talked about this before, & I know what you are focused on. I've been curious as to what
exactly did Kenworthy do to find what he did, & do you know just how he did that? You've mentioned
something along this line before, though I'm still not sure about the details. Do you know of his type
of specific methods, how they work, can you elaborate? I know apparently a lot different from yours,
but was there any of his ideas that helped you, or were somewhat similar to what you figured out?

Thanks in advance, for always being willing to explain in clarity. I think that's the clear difference,
in how you & some others, have shared & expressed your experiences & the actual use-able critical
information & tips, that are consistent at different locations, & can really be understood to work.:thumbsup:

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I assume they dont want you to make it public, or are just a bunch of arm chair guys. Maybe they are afraid they may find one of these?
View attachment 1619420
2 weekends in a row. 2 Weeks ago it was a green mohave that was 1' from my dog who almost stepped on him. The dog actually just stood there, almost over top, and did not see him (no rattling but coiled) . Then this one Saturday, again, coiled but did not rattle and also stayed there for 15 min after I went through as my wife spotted the same one after almost stepping on him.
Like you said. Not for the squeamish!

It looks so much like a rock in the pic, until you look close.
At least a Mohave green stands out with their bright colors.
I've only seen one, skinned it out, & my friend got that,
the rattle still nicely attached, he happily tanned it out.
They grow up pretty big & fat, even at just 3 rattles,
that one was over 3 1/2' long.

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cyzak, I have never nor would I ever show/tell the exact location of a treasure online, as far as the secrets of digging up these treasures, there are so many of them that greed is not a good excuse to keep the information secret from people who have their own sites to dig.
I am with you all the way I am learning how to be a little more careful how I proceed at understanding the site every day.

Sandy I would like to now what your feeling is on partnerships involving or type of expeditions just a short tutorial. I have never had a partner but my findings or heading that way to were I will probably have to have one or two maybe. I have seen were you have been involved in partnerships and just trying to get prepared if I will need one.

Not quite following you on "anybody who understands the hearts", can you explain please.
Very interesting statement, so apparently I need to put more study time into this.

sandy, I see what you mean about others showing what they know & not just talking about it.
Do you think anything may have ever been left otherwise, maybe in a hurry, or do you believe
everything was the same (I'm thinking about Dayne Chastain's account of the Spanish treasure
chest found buried in the cave in AR., & don't know that it was in a required vault, buried hastily,
like it might have been done quickly like while pursued, or under a deathly Indian attack).

It seems we talked about this before, & I know what you are focused on. I've been curious as to what
exactly did Kenworthy do to find what he did, & do you know just how he did that? You've mentioned
something along this line before, though I'm still not sure about the details. Do you know of his type
of specific methods, how they work, can you elaborate? I know apparently a lot different from yours,
but was there any of his ideas that helped you, or were somewhat similar to what you figured out?

Thanks in advance, for always being willing to explain in clarity. I think that's the clear difference,
in how you & some others, have shared & expressed your experiences & the actual use-able critical
information & tips, that are consistent at different locations, & can really be understood to work.:thumbsup:

CDS, if you haven't noticed yet, almost every one of the treasure locations I have shown have hearts at them, I have mentioned this before that the heart in my opinion represents the heart of Christ and of course Christ is considered as the treasure, the heart is what marks the treasure vault. (I want to see if any of the pros can elaborate on this before I explain anymore)

There have been many Spanish treasures that have been found after Indian attacks.

Kenworthy used maps to locate his treasure areas and a magnetometer, sonar equipment as well as infrared pictures from a plane.

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Your guide is extensive. It would be risky to search on public land. You must have some reservations yourself because there is information you can’t give. I’m interested in the history of the trails you are following but even that requires caution. If I ask you a question, and you answer it, that could indicate illegal activity and possible legal action.

Yessir, I figured as much. The built in excuse we all have to swallow with these so called experts/hucksters. " I'm a big time treasure hunter but I can't show you any proof that I ever found anything cause I could get in trouble ". People don't get "in trouble" without a reason, folks. Believe whatever hoopla hocus pocus you want, but personally I wouldn't give the time of day to anyone who publicly admits his own actions could get himself in legal trouble then plays the saint by 'giving away his secret method' for finding treasure.

Thanks but I'll pass on this one, same as the others. All gristle, No meat. A person could chew on this stuff forever and still not be able to swallow it. Got better things to sink my choppers into so I won't waste my time or yours trying to catch up here. Thank you to mdog for the heads up and good luck to the rest of ya that are still gummin' it and takin' pictures, though. And fer godsakes, y'all need to pass the collection plate between yerselves and buy the lap dog a new set of knee pads. Might improve his disposition some, he's sure enough earned 'em.

Yessir, I figured as much. The built in excuse we all have to swallow with these so called experts/hucksters. " I'm a big time treasure hunter but I can't show you any proof that I ever found anything cause I could get in trouble ". People don't get "in trouble" without a reason, folks. Believe whatever hoopla hocus pocus you want, but personally I wouldn't give the time of day to anyone who publicly admits his own actions could get himself in legal trouble then plays the saint by 'giving away his secret method' for finding treasure.

Thanks but I'll pass on this one, same as the others. All gristle, No meat. A person could chew on this stuff forever and still not be able to swallow it. Got better things to sink my choppers into so I won't waste my time or yours trying to catch up here. Thank you to mdog for the heads up and good luck to the rest of ya that are still gummin' it and takin' pictures, though. And fer godsakes, y'all need to pass the collection plate between yerselves and buy the lap dog a new set of knee pads. Might improve his disposition some, he's sure enough earned 'em.

Boy am I glad your not going to waste my time.

Sandy I would like to now what your feeling is on partnerships involving or type of expeditions just a short tutorial. I have never had a partner but my findings or heading that way to were I will probably have to have one or two maybe. I have seen were you have been involved in partnerships and just trying to get prepared if I will need one.

With the auras you will need another person to pinpoint you on the hill, after that you need a helper to get the measurements, then you need somebody to help you dig as well as be there for safety in case of a mishap, so its pretty much a necessity to do this in twos, however my suggestion would be to hire a young person to help you do this instead of a partner, people are much more willing to work and show up if your paying them.

Yessir, I figured as much.

Why'd you even leave yer paduky-thetic thoughts, apparently void of understanding.
What a childish joke. Too bad you had to even strain yer padu-ky brain & sentinel squints.

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CDS, if you haven't noticed yet, almost every one of the treasure locations I have shown have hearts at them, I have mentioned this before that the heart in my opinion represents the heart of Christ and of course Christ is considered as the treasure, the heart is what marks the treasure vault. (I want to see if any of the pros can elaborate on this before I explain anymore)

There have been many Spanish treasures that have been found after Indian attacks.

Kenworthy used maps to locate his treasure areas and a magnetometer, sonar equipment as well as infrared pictures from a plane.

Yes I'm well aware about the hearts & of Christ, as well in the 100' statue. I recall you said that not
all hearts mark or lead in the direction of treasure, but are often strewn about a treasure area, even
mislead, or near death traps. You might remember that I've shown several various hearts myself, in
close areas & also in alignment with other good markers, why the snippy snap Amigo? Why let them
get to you? You know what you know, & some of us seeing the same in the field know what you know.

Where's this old dead horse line of questioning leading to? The so-called supposed experts won't
answer anything with any real creedence & you know it, so what exactly is your point? Their motives,
or lack of knowledge has been, & is still well understood. Like the obvious sentinel or whoever, that
just mocked of not stupidly showing some kind of evidence, with a dark nasty, very ugly aptitude.

How obvious, trying to provoke a showing of something, that's an old, very boring tactic.

You've also said that all of the Spanish stuff was put into vaults, even after Indian attacks.
You know I've asked this, if some caches could have been made hurriedly, & not up to code,
(like the chest in the cave in Northern AR.) & we've discussed it before. Your answer I well
recall was: "Absolutely not."

This is the first time I've heard of Kenworthy having maps that he used. How might
that have happened, that he acquired maps to Spanish treasures? Very interesting...

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The Spanish had plenty of time to put their treasures in storages, it wasn't until they started moving them from the storages that they were caught and massacred, I talked about my friend Jack and the cave that he pulled the Spanish helmet out of, this was done by the Indians, I am sure you have heard about the attack in the superstitions as well, but again these were after the fact of them removing the valuables from storages.

I would still like to hear from the experts on how the heart is related to the treasure vaults.

I would still like to hear from the experts on how the heart is related to the treasure vaults.

I’m no expert, or professional, but from what I’ve seen, the hearts give you direction if you line up the point of the heart to the point between the two lobes. Also, I’ve found that the heart’s lobes can be used to point to the dig spot by using V shaped slashes on the lobes. The point on the slash can be used to show direction or up and down.

Yes I'm well aware about the hearts & of Christ, as well in the 100' statue. I recall you said that not
all hearts mark or lead in the direction of treasure, but are often strewn about a treasure area, even
mislead, or near death traps. You might remember that I've shown several various hearts myself, in
close areas & also in alignment with other good markers, why the snippy snap Amigo? Why let them
get to you? You know what you know, & some of us seeing the same in the field know what you know.

Where's this old dead horse line of questioning leading to? The so-called supposed experts won't
answer anything with any real creedence & you know it, so what exactly is your point? Their motives,
or lack of knowledge has been, & is still well understood. Like the obvious sentinel or whoever, that
just mocked of not stupidly showing some kind of evidence, with a dark nasty, very ugly aptitude.

How obvious, trying to provoke a showing of something, that's an old, very boring tactic.

You've also said that all of the Spanish stuff was put into vaults, even after Indian attacks.
You know I've asked this, if some caches could have been made hurriedly, & not up to code,
(like the chest in the cave in Northern AR.) & we've discussed it before. Your answer I well
recall was: "Absolutely not."

This is the first time I've heard of Kenworthy having maps that he used. How might
that have happened, that he acquired maps to Spanish treasures? Very interesting...

One reason for so many similar setups along a trail or close to mining areas, is that shipments were delayed or hidden during times of war with the French or English. There was a lot of conflict between these three powers but some more heated, at times. There was always the risk of the port towns, where the treasuries were, being attacked and looted. In times of war, when shipments to Spain were at increased risk, the gold and silver were put back into the ground. I actually read this in my Treasure Mountain research.

One reason for so many similar setups along a trail or close to mining areas, is that shipments were delayed or hidden during times of war with the French or English. There was a lot of conflict between these three powers but some more heated, at times. There was always the risk of the port towns, where the treasuries were, being attacked and looted. In times of war, when shipments to Spain were at increased risk, the gold and silver were put back into the ground. I actually read this in my Treasure Mountain research.

Again I agree 100 percent and good information. But lets not forget the skirmishes with the Indians/Mexicans against the Spanish as well.

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I’m no expert, or professional, but from what I’ve seen, the hearts give you direction if you line up the point of the heart to the point between the two lobes. Also, I’ve found that the heart’s lobes can be used to point to the dig spot by using V shaped slashes on the lobes. The point on the slash can be used to show direction or up and down.

Interesting, just one small problem, when you find over a dozen hearts at a treasure location, how do you know which ones are the good ones and which are just enticers that lead you onto false trails.

Interesting, just one small problem, when you find over a dozen hearts at a treasure location, how do you know which ones are the good ones and which are just enticers that lead you onto false trails.

I can can only speculate, because I’ve never studied multiple sites. I would check the heart point to lobe lines and see if there are any intersecting lines. Also, I would look for slashes on the lobes. But, your aura capturing techniques would be a lot faster. Find the aura, look for hearts in the immediate area and try to figure out how they work. You have mentioned that even if you have an aura that will get you to the area, that there is additional information you need to pinpoint the spot to dig. I guess the hearts could be used with the aura to find that spot.

Again I agree 100 percent and good information. But lets not forget the skirmishes with the Indians/Mexicans against the Spanish as well.

The early skirmishes, with the Indians could have just been the Indians going after the horses and mules, probably for food. If that was the case, the Indians would have no interest in the bullion, so they would probably cut the packs off as soon as they could. If there were any Spanish survivors, they might be able to get bullion out of site, maybe inside a cave or covered with rocks. Their immediate concern would be survival so the hiding places would be fast and easy.

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