Thanks A. here you go.
How I got started in treasure hunting.
The first I heard about treasure hunting was from my friend Mark back in 1988 he told me that his friend Terry Bone (Both are deceased now) had helped an elderly man (Henry Gonzalez) to try and find a doorway that Henry had found years earlier on a mountain near Hillside AZ.
According to Mark the story went that many years after Henry had found this doorway he was told by a treasure hunter that this door led to a treasure hoard, so he made a deal with Terry (to split the treasure) in order for Terry to help him dig out this doorway which according to Henry's description was partially filled with caliche and he could see back into the tunnel because it wasn't sealed all the way to the top.
I talked with Terry and this is the story he told me, Henry had a son Brian who worked at the Bagdad mine some 30 miles away from the treasure area, Brian had a Sand rail, so Henry and Terry borrowed the rail to get closer to the mountain. This is where things really started going wrong.
They were towing the rail from Bagdad to Hillside when the trailer the rail was on came off the hitch and slammed into the side of a hill breaking part of the Rail, so they went back to Bagdad and had Henry's son weld the broken part back together on the rail.
This of course made them several hours later than expected and for some reason they chose the middle of summer to do this treasure hunt.
They finally made it back to the mountain and were hiking up it when more bad luck hit, after getting to the top Henry just wanted to sit down and Terry couldn't get him up and moving again, once Terry realized there was something very wrong he hiked down to the sand rail without Henry then drove the 30 miles back to Bagdad where he contacted the Police which got a helicopter and airlifted Henry from the mountain, I actually talked to the officers who were in the helicopter and they said it was 120 degrees in the helicopter that day.
According to Terry Henry had a Stroke and Heart problem on the mountain and after getting him to the hospital they ended up amputating his arm.
We reached out to Henry and he had absolutely no interest in the treasure apparently thinking it was cursed.
So after I heard all of this I hiked all over this mountain and was super excited when I found a doorway of boulders which was stood up like Stonehenge, at this time Charles A Kenworthy had written books about markers and deathraps to Spanish Treasures, so me and my family started talking with him and we sent him a picture of this Stonehenge type doorway and he told us it was a Spanish corner marker for a mining claim, so he made plans with my parents to come out to Hillside and help us locate the treasure that he said was there.
We were all set but yet again tragedy struck, the week Kenworthy was supposed to be at our treasure location we found out he was admitted to the Hospital in CA, and 45 days later he passed away from Lung Cancer.
So after all of this several years go by and my Dad was taking a picture of a monument with a canon film camera when he caught an aura off to the side of the picture, he never thought anything of it but one day my mom was showing me the picture and I went to the spot out of curiosity and that was when I realized we stumbled onto something big according to the markers at the spot.
A few more years go by and I just happened to be hiking around the hill from the aura and I saw something that came right out of Kenworthys deathtrap book A doorway with a lighting bolt next to it.
I cant even tell you the excitement I felt after all these years of looking for a doorway then finding it my heart was beating out of my chest.
So there you have it my first experience with treasure hunting spread out over many years.