Very good advice Sandy1 when I am out on expedition, now I know what I am looking out I have actually seen them and written it off as ground static not knowing what I was actually looking at. Thank you once again with sharing your vast knowledge all these years I have kept to my self and it has only hurt my knowledge of this exploration into treasure hunting and how hard this actually is.

Very good advice Sandy1 when I am out on expedition, now I know what I am looking out I have actually seen them and written it off as ground static not knowing what I was actually looking at. Thank you once again with sharing your vast knowledge all these years I have kept to my self and it has only hurt my knowledge of this exploration into treasure hunting and how hard this actually is.

If you have seen the auras with your eyes then you are definitely not talking about the same auras I have talked about on here.

I would suggest reading my second link below if you haven't already.

I have never seen one in any photos I have taken but I was not looking for it either until I started reading your post on them I had no clue of what they were . The lights I saw were down out of Searchlight NV we had a core drill rig set up on the side of this mountain and some times towards evening you would see a glowing light come off the desert floor or the side hills back then we didn't have cellphone cameras or even thought about carrying a regular camera. There was and old timer with us and he said that it was cause by all the nukes they set off down there I don't know if that is true or not but it was one of the weirdest things I ever saw made loosen the hammer string on my peace maker.

Sandy1 I read thru your post and understand how it works now I have found the exact same camera you use on ebay and it came with everything you described so I purchased it less than a 100 hondos.When I go out next time I will set it up and see if it will pick up anything I have almost the same programs on my computer so that should not be a problem either. I thank you for teaching me the right way to proceed in exploration I have looked at GPR and LDL detectors and can not believe the price who could ever afford them. I don't know this seems a lot more fun this way because it increases your vision aspect of country you are photographing and exploring at the same time.

cyzak if your taking pics for auras at a mountain range with multiple treasures you have a pretty good chance of catching a treasure aura, just remember to get back at least a half mile from the hill, for some reason everybody seems to think they need to get close to the treasure area which reduces your odds of catching an aura to almost zilch (due to not covering enough potential treasures)

The place that I will be going is perfect for this type of activity I got a pretty good visual range of the mountain. I have read were you say the sentential took care of this area did these individuals live along the trail's that they moved the gold along and other items.

What I am trying to find out was there someone along these trails that monitored the miners activity when they transported gold to Mexico.

cyzak, the sentinels only live near the treasures now days (when I say near I mean within the same state), back in the mid 1800s or before nobody lived near the treasures at least not out here in the west.

I am totally new to this vault treasure hunting. Am reading the guide by Sandy.
Was wondering if you find these marks and signs by wandering thru the mountains or is there
a way to make some of these finds on Google Earth or other websites???


The first thing I do is look for markers such as a hole in a mountain range or a kings chair and of course there are always vaults along river ways, they are so plentiful in the southwest that if you look for any of the things I just mentioned you can find a good area, then I use a camera to catch auras (look at my second technical link below)
I absolutely do not use google earth and I have not went after anything that was on the internet such as the Dutchman or Victorio Peak/Doc Noss (even though I worked in the Caballos right next to Victorio Peak)

Sandy1 I was out the other day and came across this let up boulder like you told me about this is right in the area were I am looking. Thank you so much for showing me these signs I put some paint on it so you can see it better.View attachment 1616620

Sandy1 I read thru your post and understand how it works now I have found the exact same camera you use on ebay and it came with everything you described so I purchased it less than a 100 hondos.When I go out next time I will set it up and see if it will pick up anything I have almost the same programs on my computer so that should not be a problem either. I thank you for teaching me the right way to proceed in exploration I have looked at GPR and LDL detectors and can not believe the price who could ever afford them. I don't know this seems a lot more fun this way because it increases your vision aspect of country you are photographing and exploring at the same time.

Taking wildlife pics helps, keeps yer peacemaker hammer string still in place...:occasion14:

I retired that peacemaker long ago to showy now for these times, I carry one of those nifty sub compacts now you now I do not want to upset some one better off its concealed now. lol

Sandy1 I was out the other day and came across this let up boulder like you told me about this is right in the area were I am looking. Thank you so much for showing me these signs I put some paint on it so you can see it better.View attachment 1616620

I see that the rock your pointing at is a bit brighter and with the human eye may be much brighter than the rest of the rocks around it, but in the picture it just doesn't stand out above everything else very well which is the main requirement of the lit up rocks.

Are you still using XP for the camera program to download the pics.

God no, I use windows 10 and honeyview viewer.

I would have figured that the rocks brightness would have diminished over the years you could actually see it better with the naked eye than what the picture came out.

I agree I have seen lots of lit up treasure boulders and they are always better with the human eye than when seen on a picture.

I retired that peacemaker long ago to showy now for these times, I carry one of those nifty sub compacts now you now I do not want to upset some one better off its concealed now. lol

Was just joking, & that based on your other post. The main thought,
was saying taking pics of wildlife, when running the continuous shots,
for a reason to have a camera set up on a tripod, kinda' like when you's
supposedly looking for your Rolex. One time I got 3 frames of a turkey
moving, when I was away at another spot. Showed them to sandy to
view for a joke, tho don't think he laughed at my bird aura pics...8-)

But someone had gotten my 9, so I still carry me 'ol Colt .38
when deep in the woods, for the big cats you know...:laughing7:
... :sunny: :fish:

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Well, I just got done with my interview with Jack from goldfeverradio.com radio show, its supposed to air either this Wednesday or the next depending on which time he can get me on.
I just covered some basics and of course that I have a guide on here.
Should be interesting as I have never been on the radio before.

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