Now for the skeptics wondering how in the world I could possibly know that this is such a large treasure Vault.
Well, besides all the shadows pointing it out as well as all the carved markers marking this huge vault, I have one overwhelming piece of evidence which of course I verified with the markers.
My mom and dad were on their way home from this area back in 2000 when my mom decided to take one last picture of this mountain with a canon film camera, it was almost dark out (she loved taking pictures) and she lucked out and caught this image.
This is an Aura coming from the treasure (its location is marked with the Pentagon) I still have the original photo and scanned it into the computer.
Before asking what the red spot is I do not know.
What I do know is the Treasure is right where I marked it in the Pentagon.
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The Point here is that even though these shadow signs point in the direction of the treasure storages they do not pinpoint it. (Pinpointing is something I will be showing soon)
Auras From Treasures Are Most Definitely Real, but very hard to capture as they only last less than a second (faster than lightning and faster than a person can see)
The sun puts out sporadic radiation (the radiation rarely hits the same area more than once) this radiation bounces off the processed metals in the ground and shows as a photon burst on or above the ground.
The problem is you have to capture the aura in a picture while you are shooting at the treasure and the sporadic radiation happens to be hitting/bouncing off the treasure at the exact split second that you are taking the shot.(not easy)
The Auras do not normally look like the large one I showed but much much smaller flashes, this is due to the fact that most are taken in the middle of the day in full sunlight. I will be showing one more soon (the normal type)
In Order to capture an aura you have to take thousands of pictures The auras are best caught in the full bright sunlight, however the camera needs to be at 90 degrees to the sun to prevent a light prism effect (In other words don't shoot towards the sun) and every once in awhile you will capture one if you are lucky and are shooting where there are very few trees and at a mountainside that has more than one treasure buried to increase your odds of catching an aura. (this is a very tedious way to find treasure)
(These auras are not at all easy to catch, and will not work for trying to catch one single treasure) (in other words you can't zoom in on one single treasure expecting to catch an aura from it, you need a large section of mountain with multiple treasures on it, taking thousands of pictures to have any chance of catching just one aura) (but it absolutely does work)
It is also very nice to have confirmation that the treasure is still in the ground and not an empty vault, which the aura most definitely proves.
Even so, once you get to the aura area you have to know how to use the markers as well to pinpoint where to dig.
You guys will have to trust me on this Aura Information, I do know exactly what I am talking about on this subject, Aura capturing is something I have been working on for twenty plus years now, starting with the old polaroid sx70 and testing every kind of camera since. I am the originator of this method of treasure hunting. Other people have caught accidental auras over the years from a distance. However, I am the first person to ever actually relate the long distance auras successfully to multiple treasures.
Since we are on auras, I am going to show what you will find at the aura site, that is if you happen to be lucky enough to capture one, many auras have a small bit of black mixed with the white color.
This first picture is a treasure aura (circled) This is your standard size aura (for size reference to the aura, the palo verde trees you can see in the picture are around 15-20 feet tall) This Aura is marking a silver cache, the reason I know this is silver is because when you catch an aura that has gold buried it will be a golden color. (which I will be showing when I get to another type of marker) I got lucky and happened to catch this aura taking a picture of the mountain.
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These are the markers I found when I went to and pinpointed the Aura spot (from the previous photo) on the mountain and is the same picture (I showed before in #33) which has the turtle, log, carved pentagon, and other markers I have not shown yet that pinpoint this dig spot.
There is an old wagon trail going right up to this spot.
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Remember even if you do catch an aura and find markers at the aura site, you still have to know how to use the markers to pinpoint the dig spot (which I will be showing how to do soon)
The next Marker I would like to talk about is another aura and a Snake Eating Something.
This picture is of a Gold Aura (the reason it is blurry is because it was taken a mile from the mountain and cropped down to just this small area)
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This second Picture is a close up of the Gold Aura Area in the last picture, the Aura spot is marked with the drawn Pentagon.
At the top of the Picture is a Snake Head Eating a Heart (Notice how this marker is Straight Uphill from the aura spot and is a standalone marker)
(I will be talking about the heart very soon)
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The Snake can be eating anything, but if the snake is eating something, it represents the entrance to the treasure. (I will be showing more on the snake as we go)
I have heard a lot of second hand stories about treasure auras, but nobody has ever come forward with the proof, which is why I am taking credit for being the originator of capturing long distance auras to treasures.
A couple of lessons for the young trusting people out there.
In treasure hunting, stories really are a dime a dozen. The proof is in pictures or real life. (but not always on the pictures) Many people claim to own pictures that are really not theirs, (This is from my own personal experience of people claiming my pictures were originally taken by them, it happens a lot more than you might think)
Every Picture I have shown (unless otherwise stated) I or my family took, and are 100% authentic. (Not photo shopped in any way)