I have tried using the aura method, and the criss cross method that was so kindly put up on this thread by Sandy, and have yet to get any results. This doesn't say that they are not right, only that I have not been able to use either successfully yet. In my little heart of hearts, I believe that the KGC most likely implemented the Spanish ways of markings, and could have very likely used old spanish yards that were previously set up. With the KGC forming in the mid to late 1800's, there were still very many mexican / spanish expeditions into the southwest, (i.e. Nevada, Utah, Colorado, California, New Mexico, and Arizona). The early Mormon pioneers documented large mule trains in the mid 1800's coming out of what is now the Wasatch front in Utah. Many namesakes in Utah carry namesakes accordingly, Spanish Fork, Spanish Valley, etc. This overlap in timing of the Civil War, and still many Spanish and Mexican mule trains in the southwest could have easily influenced the KGC, and in my opinion most likely did. This is why I love Tnet, so many new ideas, non of them bad, just different. If it helps to solve this merry go round puzzle we are all so vehemently trying to figure out, then bring em' on. After decades of full time treasure hunting, all I can really say, is that I am confused! Some of the areas we have been have layer upon layer of history, from 700 years ago, right up until the mid 1950's. It is seperating these layers that will give us all the truth.....
Now if I only had the money to dig up these 54 caches that I believe are still there.....
Just a thought from an empty headed treasure hunter...