Well folks,
I am here to tell you the curses are alive and well. I was called back 4 days after my journey began to search for my missing nephew. He had been out "t hunting" in Montezuma Creek, Utah, near his home in Monticello. He was supposed to be home in the early afternoon for work, but was a no show. The next morning, my sister was able to contact me, (quite surprising because the area I am in usually doesnt have a signal), and tell me he was missing. I gathered up and came home, turned around and left for Monticello. The wonderful Search and Rescue guys were able to find him just before dark on the third night. He had fell 40 feet off a ledge, bounced onto another ledge, and fell another 10 feet into a pile of rocks His pelvis was shattered, all of his ribs were broke, he has a punctured lung, and other assorted broken items. He is LUCKY TO BE ALIVE. God Bless the rescue folks who take thier time to search for the missing. The doc told us he would have most likely died the night he was rescued without them. Funny thing, they had flown over him 7 times without seeing him, and just before dark, one of the pilots thought he saw something white...Thank God! It was his T-shirt. All the surgeries went well, and he is now recuperating....
The curses go on.....
Sorry to hear of your nephew's falls & near death injuries. Sounds
very painful, & I too am glad he survived such terrible experiences.
I sincerely hope for his full recovery & rehabilitation to come quickly.
Just wondering about the curse being alive idea, with many thoughts.
If treasures have curses, how do treasure hunters ever make recovery?
Especially those that history has shown to be bad, evil murderous & such.
Do you think that as fallible humans capable of making serious mistakes, we
are often what brings troubles on ourselves? Like a slip, a fall, miscalculation
or an error that can cause us grief or injury? Is there other things associated
with treasure that can influence or distract, possibly leading to an accident
I do think there are spirits, because there's similar experiences of many th'ers.
The fact we make mistakes, shouldn't necessarily be interpreted as a curse, that
is capable of making bad things happen, should it? Yes, there are spirits that work
in some very peculiar ways, it seems sometimes. But many of our falls appears are
self caused. There must be such a thing as being fortunate to prevent, or avoid some
or most potentially harmful problems. Otherwise, the deck is stacked, & there's no kind
of solid set rules known, or no supernatural power that helps or counters the catastrophe.
The mystery is part of the element, like having won the lottery for a ticket purchased long ago?
