To anyone interested, there is a company that sells insurance for helicopter transport for medical emergencies. I often find myself in remote places with only my dogs. It is easy to get injured even though trying to be careful. Usually in very remote and steep locations. The company I have info for covers AZ, NM and CA. Private message me in interested. I think its $50 a year for a family.
I also recommend getting a HAM radio. A Baofeng brand radio is really cheap and they work just fine. Look on e bay, about $35. A license is required unless in the case of an emergency and no other means are available to call for help. They can also talk to the helicopter, police etc. Also good for monitoring certain frequencies as they are also a scanner. I do have a ham license, but as far as programming the radios, dont ask.
Be Safe!

Also, with an extended battery and the larger antenna, the range is really good. If you get a license, you can can bounce off / use the repeater towers. You can actually go coast to coast over the internet / towers. The license is easy to obtain. Just look on the internet for free practice tests. Write down the questions and when finished they tell you the correct answers. write them down and keep doing it, until you can pass or have all the possible questions and answers and study. There are 3 levels of license. The 1st is super easy. There are also study books you can buy, but I went the cheap route. The second license is more difficult, but gives a broader range of frequencies you can use. (still not that hard. If you can t-hunt you can do it ) The 3rd is really not necessary.
The basic radio is plenty for safety, but get the extended antenna for the range. It is compact and light although heavier than a cell phone. The small battery will last days turned on and weeks if only turned on in an emergency.

They also work great for spotting in on your aura spots!

Bonunter, your nephew was very fortunate to be rescued, especially with so many injuries.
First responders are the unsung heroes of our civilization today.

They work tirelessly to train for the worst and pray for the best. Often they barely escape injuries themselves due to the conditions that cause them to drop everything and go!!

When they succeed in finding the lost person, they often find themselves in a paradox, between “ Oh thank God, I found him!” And the sudden realization of “ Oh crap, I’m the first one here!!”

The training comes into place in one brief second.

A successful rescue leading into the hard work of a trauma team, and passing from one team to several other teams is supposed to look like a a flawless work of art, but it looks like a nightmare to the family.

To truly be a curse, probably would have had a much worse conclusion.

A treasure hunting buddy is the best way to go. I cannot tell you folks how many times that Weekender has saved me from certain doom, the fact of the matter is, I’m not sure how many times he stopped me without me even knowing...

I’m glad to know that he was found in time...

They will probably keep him knocked out for most of the time, for his sake, and hook him to a lot of machines. It looks scary to the untrained eyes of the family, but just explain to your family that it is to save him from the agony that he would otherwise have to suffer through.

He and you and your family are in in my prayers.

Quick healing and complete recovery.

God bless all of you.


How do you sell your Spanish gold and silver?

How do you sell your gold and silver ?

The Federal Government on BLM land won't let you take Spanish Treasure for yourself . Your article says you have found Spanish treasure so Id like to know what to do if I find a sealed cave with treasure in it

The Federal Government on BLM land won't let you take Spanish Treasure for yourself . Your article says you have found Spanish treasure so Id like to know what to do if I find a sealed cave with treasure in it

If that happen's and you do find a Spanish cache, i'll say keep your mouth shut.

How do you sell your Spanish gold and silver?

Whenever you find some Spanish Treasure Post it here on Treasurenet (with pictures), I am sure plenty of people will be willing to help you sell it.:laughing7:

There was guy about 3 years ago that posted his finds for about 12 hours or so and took them down cause his buddies probably flipped a lid. I forget his name, I could probably remember it, but I respect that he deleted it all. I think the take was around 600k for a couple months work with maybe 5 or 6 people looking, he had the stuff on the back of a 4 wheeler he showed. They found it by metal detecting the monuments, I recall it was only one cache , so about 100k for a couple months work.

Btw, he was following Kenworthy type monuments, and actually had alot of good things to say about Kenworthy. At least it paid off for him. Can't really knock that. Hate the metal detector he was using ( I sold mine a couple years back), a garrett with the eagle eye (two box style attachment), but hey, whatever works.

They found it by metal detecting the monuments, I recall it was only one cache , so about 100k for a couple months work.

Do you know if they were detecting the ground around the monuments or were they detecting the actual stone monuments and found treasure inside them? I heard from minetres a LONG time ago that the Spanish would sometimes make a hole in a boulder, put the treasure inside and then cover it with another boulder by laying it on top or up against it.

It was the ground around the monuments. Nothing really special or something to look for, just getting lucky. It was down south in the arizona type country. I cant remember the specific place. It was all on hillsides though, not flat spots. Would have to look it all up. To me, its the same stuff over and over again. Get lucky or find some other way, which sandy1 gave out. Not all was processed gold, he had a large chunk that was native gold from a vein along with the small bars of gold and silver.

I can't remember how they sold it and all, but they were pretty careful how they went about it and had a system, I don't think they did it on public lands but rather some lands that were in a prospecting type club or done on a contract with the land owner.

Whenever you find some Spanish Treasure Post it here on Treasurenet (with pictures), I am sure plenty of people will be willing to help you sell it.:laughing7:

sandy Amigo,

Sounds alot like you're sorta' mocking a sentinel or whatever.
Anyway, definately the kind of answer that makes for a hearty lol,
after heered of a similar though different kind of experience. 8-)
... :sunny: :fish:

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The Federal Government on BLM land won't let you take Spanish Treasure for yourself . Your article says you have found Spanish treasure so Id like to know what to do if I find a sealed cave with treasure in it

Since yer asking, if you were to find a sealed cave, the best thing might be to seal it back.
Then get some good trail pics, make a coded map & have a treasure hunt. Be sure to use
plenty of metaphors in the poetry with your clues. Mixed in with all the clues, be sure to
include a few things that have a familiarity, & could be taken in several different ways.

That way the treasure & yourself will stay safe, but at least there will be people out there
looking for it, maybe even risking life & limb if nothing else, & you can write a book on the
whole escapade. You may even be able to get rich, be entertained, & become famous too.
Just think about it, since that may have even already been done successfully before...

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Well folks,
I am here to tell you the curses are alive and well. I was called back 4 days after my journey began to search for my missing nephew. He had been out "t hunting" in Montezuma Creek, Utah, near his home in Monticello. He was supposed to be home in the early afternoon for work, but was a no show. The next morning, my sister was able to contact me, (quite surprising because the area I am in usually doesnt have a signal), and tell me he was missing. I gathered up and came home, turned around and left for Monticello. The wonderful Search and Rescue guys were able to find him just before dark on the third night. He had fell 40 feet off a ledge, bounced onto another ledge, and fell another 10 feet into a pile of rocks His pelvis was shattered, all of his ribs were broke, he has a punctured lung, and other assorted broken items. He is LUCKY TO BE ALIVE. God Bless the rescue folks who take thier time to search for the missing. The doc told us he would have most likely died the night he was rescued without them. Funny thing, they had flown over him 7 times without seeing him, and just before dark, one of the pilots thought he saw something white...Thank God! It was his T-shirt. All the surgeries went well, and he is now recuperating....
The curses go on.....


Sorry to hear of your nephew's falls & near death injuries. Sounds
very painful, & I too am glad he survived such terrible experiences.
I sincerely hope for his full recovery & rehabilitation to come quickly.

Just wondering about the curse being alive idea, with many thoughts.
If treasures have curses, how do treasure hunters ever make recovery?
Especially those that history has shown to be bad, evil murderous & such.

Do you think that as fallible humans capable of making serious mistakes, we
are often what brings troubles on ourselves? Like a slip, a fall, miscalculation
or an error that can cause us grief or injury? Is there other things associated
with treasure that can influence or distract, possibly leading to an accident ???

I do think there are spirits, because there's similar experiences of many th'ers.
The fact we make mistakes, shouldn't necessarily be interpreted as a curse, that
is capable of making bad things happen, should it? Yes, there are spirits that work
in some very peculiar ways, it seems sometimes. But many of our falls appears are
self caused. There must be such a thing as being fortunate to prevent, or avoid some
or most potentially harmful problems. Otherwise, the deck is stacked, & there's no kind
of solid set rules known, or no supernatural power that helps or counters the catastrophe.

The mystery is part of the element, like having won the lottery for a ticket purchased long ago? :dontknow:

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The very first post on this thread has been updated a few times, there is so much good information I would read it again, I just read thru part of it and cant remember originally seeing some of it wrote the way it is.

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