Something that was brought up recently on another thread about somebody selling a Gold Bar that was found in the ocean (sunken treasure) and the comment was that the owner didn't seem concerned about the government while selling his gold bar.

This should be Obvious to most people but since I guess it isn't then I will explain it, when your salvaging treasure from the ocean in international or whoevers waters your in, then the laws are completely different then when your digging up treasure on American Grounds, the Antiquities Laws govern what is dug out of the ground and anything manmade over 100 years old is government property as well as being an Archaeological site on BLM Land, and each state has different state laws such as Arizona claims anything over 60 years old on its State lands, so obviously digging up an archaeological site is something that is very illegal, in other words the gold bar itself is not as illegal as the site/tunnel/hole it came from. (So if you find a vault with treasure in it I would suggest not letting anybody tie the treasure to the vault it came from)

This is also the reason that selling a gold bar that comes from an underground manmade vault/archaeological site on BLM Land or State Land is considered Illegal because under the antiquities laws it belongs to the government or state therefore your selling their property.(But lets not forget that they have a vested interest in keeping the treasures for themselves)

(As a personal Note) The first question everybody will ask you when you go to sell your treasure and by far the most dangerous is (where did you get that from)

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Something that was brought up recently on another thread about somebody selling a Gold Bar that was found in the ocean (sunken treasure) and the comment was that the owner didn't seem concerned about the government while selling his gold bar.

This should be Obvious to most people but since I guess it isn't then I will explain it, when your salvaging treasure from the ocean in international or whoevers waters your in, then the laws are completely different then when your digging up treasure on American Grounds, the Antiquities Laws govern what is dug out of the ground and anything manmade over 100 years old is government property as well as being an Archaeological site on BLM Land, and each state has different state laws such as Arizona claims anything over 60 years old on its State lands, so obviously digging up an archaeological site is something that is very illegal, in other words the gold bar itself is not as illegal as the site/tunnel/hole it came from. (So if you find a vault with treasure in it I would suggest not letting anybody tie the treasure to the vault it came from)

This is also the reason that selling a gold bar that comes from an underground manmade vault/archaeological site on BLM Land or State Land is considered Illegal because under the antiquities laws it belongs to the government or state therefore your selling their property.(But lets not forget that they have a vested interest in keeping the treasures for themselves)

(As a personal Note) The first question everybody will ask you when you go to sell your treasure and by far the most dangerous is (where did you get that from)
What about on private property?

What about on private property?

I don't think the government care who land its on,,if its a 100 years old,i heard of government coming on private property....and stop the dig and shut it down,calling it a Archaeological site,best to just keep mouth shut,and not take a chance. that my 2 cents on it.Some might call me wrong on this but that okay,Maybe the government does need it for there paycheck,we never here of it again when its taken any way.

It sounds kooky, but certain states, the state owns treasure trove found on private land, as well as some owning "artifact" type stuff on private land. You have to research your own state. Probably only a matter of time until it's the same in all states. That's the way it is in most other countries.

It sounds kooky, but certain states, the state owns treasure trove found on private land, as well as some owning "artifact" type stuff on private land. You have to research your own state. Probably only a matter of time until it's the same in all states. That's the way it is in most other countries.

Az is one of those states, the only rights you have on your own property in AZ is to live on it. pretty much any renovation has to be approved by the state and it has to be zoned for whatever you want to do and of course you have to pay for their permits, the state actually still owns the land your just basically leasing it from them under their rules, so the people who still think its my land I can do anything I want on it are seriously misinformed or very delusional.

Something I have been noticing is an abundance of people who are saying that Real Manmade Markers (treasure or otherwise) are nothing more than cloud reading, while there are people who see something in every shadow every rock and every cliff face even though it is pure imagination, I will say this when somebody finds a standalone boulder that looks like it is carved into an animal shape etc, the chances of it being a manmade marker are increased a hundred fold due to the fact that it is a Standalone Marker, what I don't understand is why anybody would come onto a Treasure Hunting Website and tell people repeatedly that they are only cloud reading when the people are actually showing real manmade markers in many cases.

Something I have been noticing is an abundance of people who are saying that Real Manmade Markers (treasure or otherwise) are nothing more than cloud reading, while there are people who see something in every shadow every rock and every cliff face even though it is pure imagination, I will say this when somebody finds a standalone boulder that looks like it is carved into an animal shape etc, the chances of it being a manmade marker are increased a hundred fold due to the fact that it is a Standalone Marker, what I don't understand is why anybody would come onto a Treasure Hunting Website and tell people repeatedly that they are only cloud reading when the people are actually showing real manmade markers in many cases.
I get that a lot. Some have it and some don't. You can't make them believe no matter how you try. That is unless they study. The Geological people are the worst at it. It's all peradolia.

I don't know Bob. Leftwing , rightwing and middle, just like anything else I guess. Sandy's been pretty middle ground. Right wing can sometimes look like a big pitch-fork though.

I don't like to confirm or deny a marker without substantiating proof such as an aura or other treasure markers in the immediate vicinity, however some markers are markers no matter what such as this standalone A-Frame Boulder I posted before.
1 (4).webp

And this sun Sign which is also a Standalone lit up marker (which I posted before as well) this one happens to have several treasures buried around it.
1 (88).webp
As I have always tried to stress the people who buried the treasures wanted to make it as easy as possible to Re find them when they came back and that requires markers that really stand out in some way, of course they had their hidden tricks at the end but that was when they were within a hundred feet of the treasure, markers up to that point were easy to find and follow, many times the markers such as lit up rocks could be seen from miles away.

Sandy1, you talked in your guide about the noxious gases that may permeate the ground while digging or when removing a caprock and how they can make you very sick and at worst kill you.

I've heard stories of a lot of people dying after finding a buried cache and that they became very sick prior to their death. I'm assuming it's from these poisonous gasses? Or perhaps the deadly bacteria or fungus in the ground that Quinoa pointed out.

In your opinion and in your experience, what can Thunters proactively due in order to limit their chances of falling victim to these gasses or deadly pathogens?

Sandy1, you talked in your guide about the noxious gases that may permeate the ground while digging or when removing a caprock and how they can make you very sick and at worst kill you.

I've heard stories of a lot of people dying after finding a buried cache and that they became very sick prior to their death. I'm assuming it's from these poisonous gasses? Or perhaps the deadly bacteria or fungus in the ground that Quinoa pointed out.

In your opinion and in your experience, what can Thunters proactively due in order to limit their chances of falling victim to these gasses or deadly pathogens?

Honestly the only way is with a respirator, I have been deathly sick from these gasses it feels like your sick to your stomach, after I got away from the hole for an hour or so I was able to recover. This only happens on the biggest treasures though.

I've read about the air being bad. The information I've got from the stones. It warns you about the air and what kind of traps you will find. It must be a natural thing. I've also read that the processing of the metals can cause it. Especially when the metal is wet. Sandy have you encountered any poison in the vaults or the caves?

The only poison other than the mercury they used for processing that you should worry about could possibly be seeded into the dirt which turns to dust while digging and you inhale it into your lungs, but that was something I have only heard about and have never encountered myself. Dirt and rocks collapsing in on you in a tunnel is probably the biggest danger.

I have been getting lots of newbies (none to only a few posts) who have never treasure hunted before PMing me asking about how to sell treasure and I am wondering why on earth would these people be so interested in the sale of treasure when they haven't even come close to finding any treasure yet, after everything I have said about the sale of buried treasure being illegal its starting to sound as if they are trying to get info on my contacts, I mean why only catch the finder when you can go after the big fish as well.
There are some very bad people on the internet and most of them want to catch you in an illegal act especially when its a newbie you never know what agency official your talking to on the other end.

Once upon a time, miners carried birds in cages as indicators of bad air.

I guess that a bunch of tree huggers decided that the birds lives were more important than the miners’ lives!!

I can’t remember how long ago that I last heard of a bird warning miners of bad air.

I have a neighbor that used to explore old caves, until he spent a few days in ICU, with his family around, expecting each breath that to be his last.

It was enough to call it quits For his cave exploration.

For me, it was being in a cave during an earthquake... I didn’t so much just much refuse to go, but I simply lost interest.

I will continue to explore cache caves!

But, if I think that I hear a jet taking off ... I’m on my way to daylight!!!


Sorry for changing the subject back...
I wrote the post, last night and fell asleep before I hit reply!!

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I went into a very deep tunnel (hundreds of feet) years ago, it was one I had been in before but this time there were piles of dirt where the ceiling had collapsed in in several places, I proceeded to crawl over several piles going very deep into the tunnel and was noticing that I was breathing okay but was feeling a bit lite headed (like I wanted to sit down) the realization finally kicked in that I was in a bad air situation and I just managed to crawl back to and climb over the last pile of dirt when I started to come to enough to get out of there, this was 20 miles from anybody and I was alone.

MSA (as well as others) Makes detectors to test for explosive and deadly gas and oxygen levels. They can also be rented. They are used to enter manholes etc. Sandy, sounds like you were in a low oxygen environment. Everything feels fine then your vision goes, then you drop out. Full breath of nothing. Stale and stagnant air is very dangerous. I think detectors cost around $300. Whats your life worth? Another thing to look for is odor, or a funny taste in your mouth. If you detect these get out quickly. If your partner drops and you cant help in 1 breath, dont even try. Call for help. You will both be found there. I have a lot of training in this. DO NOT TAKE THIS LIGHTLY!
Im sure 1 more day after 100+ years your goodies will still be there.

Ss that was exactly what happened being so far underground and having a partially collapsed tunnel the oxygen was pretty much non existent, I do remember getting short of breath and my heart was racing as I was trying to get back to fresh air.

I did a lot of cave exploring when I was young... Somehow I managed to get home, in spite of my ignorance.

The one that kept me from going back in, for a while, was pretty close to the surface. Easily under a hundred yards.
There were three of us together, but one was tired and sat out on a cool ledge while me and the other guy went into a round stone tunnel like shaft. At the end of the tunnel was a wall with a hole that opened into a small round vertical room, with another hole to crawl into a deep hole.

Before we started to step through it, we heard, what sounded like a jet taking off right above our heads.

I called out to the guy that was outside to see if he heard it, and he said yes. For some reason we decided to call it a day.

That was Saturday afternoon.

Monday morning at break, I was talking about hearing the jet from inside the cave, and the guy that had sat that one out, popped up and said he thought that we were messing with him for not going in....

Next Saturday, all three of us went into the cave together. The small opening was sealed with one solid stone. The round room was no longer.

The jet sound had come up from the big deep hole.

It was ten years before I went into another cave. Last contact I had with the other two, both said they were never going to go into a cave again, ever.

I understand that completely. I simply found a different motivation to go back, but I will never go back to that cave.

My only guess is that we were hearing a deep earthquake echoing through that small hole.

So , if you hear anything like that while you are underground, head for the sunshine!!

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