Has anyone working a Spanish or K.G.C. trail ever ran into a date marker referring to a season or solstice? Does the position of the Sun in your areas make the shadow symbols visible only during a certain time of day every day or only during a certain time of year? Thanks in advance.


Yes, summer solstice. Shadow symbols on south facing rock and from the middle of March to middle of April. From 10:30 to 11:00 in the morning.

This statement has some depth to it on several levels and I believe it is valuable to anyone searching for treasure. In some places on our trail, there were four men with four opinions of what they were seeing and how it was to be used. In some cases, all four of them were wrong and not even close. That was valuable to me because I was the next generation and could scratch all four things they figured and tried off of my list or refigure their method before I even started to figure my own opinion of what to do. It is ALL good information for the hunter. Very good information Maverick. :notworthy:


............and of course, some can see it. some can not. (as truth, ...that is)

Has anyone working a Spanish or K.G.C. trail ever ran into a date marker referring to a season or solstice? Does the position of the Sun in your areas make the shadow symbols visible only during a certain time of day every day or only during a certain time of year? Thanks in advance.


L.C., before I opine on your question, I'd like to ask you:

First off, ....how is your Dad? Hopefully better with spring around the corner and fresh spring time (clean) air. Hopefully he's not affected by the season's allergies.

Secondly, ...the lead cross found by your Dad (a long time ago), was it in Georgia, somewhere?
If you can not disclose that, it's TOTALLY understandable. I will limit my opinion to what you have already shown.


P.S. I have always thought we didn't have good enough equipment to find it, but I was wrong! A person should not need anything more than a decent metal detector and a shovel. My reasoning was that Gold and lead are both hard to find at deep depth with a mediocre metal detector. These men used dead-on accuracy in surveying and they placed iron shallow for identification of a line in the field. In 1980 my Father and the original prospector located and dug a large piece of iron and pitched it thinking no more about it. Thanks to my Dad I was able to relocate the spot and the position of the iron that was used. Below is a picture of what they dug up, but not the original item which did not have legs on it. It was one foot or so deep and without its legs on a short line between two located sites. By determining the spot it was laid on made it possible to triangulate from the two points to a third on that line. It was identified as the "pull" and "4" with dots at its base change of direction symbol they had always thought was a four. :occasion14:

View attachment 1572912[/QUOTE]

.........and another quick Q....on your picture

Would you call that ...'a stretcher'? (as in, for a human body?) Old one, of course,...and not in use in modern times, anymore.


oh,..almost forgot. Do you remember How Many Dots it had at the base?

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Yes, I know about those but the person that made us aware, called them by another name. They work on the same level as lightening, but are triggered by the gold or silver buried in the ground. It is something to be aware of, but I wouldn't base my search on them. If I ever see on, I will probably do a little digging to see.

Yes, I know about those but the person that made us aware, called them by another name. They work on the same level as lightening, but are triggered by the gold or silver buried in the ground. It is something to be aware of, but I wouldn't base my search on them. If I ever see on, I will probably do a little digging to see.

Sorry the auras I show have absolutely nothing to do with any trigger from the gold or silver, and you will never see one without a specific type of camera.

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Ahhh yes, the Kodak Instamatic Treasure sensor?

Yes I know about the David V's aura information, what he does is completely different then what I do for catching auras, my cameras are completely different as well,there is absolutely no comparison between my aura information and David V's.

My info is explained in my second link below.

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I'll give it a perusal, Thanks.

L.C., before I opine on your question, I'd like to ask you:

First off, ....how is your Dad? Hopefully better with spring around the corner and fresh spring time (clean) air. Hopefully, he's not affected by the season's allergies.

Secondly, ...the lead cross found by your Dad (a long time ago), was it in Georgia, somewhere?
If you can not disclose that, it's TOTALLY understandable. I will limit my opinion to what you have already shown.

He is waiting for 70 degrees outside before he can launch. :icon_thumleft: Thanks for asking. To answer your question, it was a good friend of my fathers that found the first cross in 1970 at the Julius Morton/ K.G.C. turtle. It was buried right under the turtles nose about 8-10 inches deep.
cover book 2.webp


P.S. I have always thought we didn't have good enough equipment to find it, but I was wrong! A person should not need anything more than a decent metal detector and a shovel. My reasoning was that Gold and lead are both hard to find at deep depth with a mediocre metal detector. These men used dead-on accuracy in surveying and they placed iron shallow for identification of a line in the field. In 1980 my Father and the original prospector located and dug a large piece of iron and pitched it thinking no more about it. Thanks to my Dad I was able to relocate the spot and the position of the iron that was used. Below is a picture of what they dug up, but not the original item which did not have legs on it. It was one foot or so deep and without its legs on a short line between two located sites. By determining the spot it was laid on made it possible to triangulate from the two points to a third on that line. It was identified as the "pull" and "4" with dots at its base change of direction symbol they had always thought was a four. :occasion14:

View attachment 1572912

.........and another quick Q....on your picture

Would you call that ...'a stretcher'? (as in, for a human body?) Old one, of course,...and not in use in modern times, anymore.


oh,..almost forgot. Do you remember How Many Dots it had at the base?[/QUOTE]

It is a bier used in the old days to carry a casket to the grave and display it before the burial. 3 dots at the base of a 4 that we believe is a change of direction symbol.

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It is a bier used in the old days to carry a casket to the grave and display it before the burial. 3 dots at the base of a 4 that we believe is a change of direction symbol.

The old metal clues are always buried shallow. They were findable with dip needles or even common compasses. A searcher needed to be diligent, but back then they weren’t in such a hurry as today’s instant gratification folks.

He is waiting for 70 degrees outside before he can launch. :icon_thumleft: Thanks for asking. To answer your question, it was a good friend of my fathers that found the first cross in 1970 at the Julius Morton/ K.G.C. turtle. It was buried right under the turtles nose about 8-10 inches deep.
View attachment 1574300

Very Good Information (highlighted in blue above) worth a repeat.Thank You L.C.B

It is at that same spot without moving that a person becomes aware of at least seven more treasure signs and symbols, including the needle's eye which is at knee high on the right side while facing the turtle. The symbol telling you to look through the needle's eye is to the right of the turtle on the first step.


new jobs 082.webpneedle's eye.webp

P.S. It was at that point a person was handed a coded cross that had R/61 on it. At your back is the rising Sun of the K.G.C. 20 feet away and high up.
clothe map 008.webp

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It is a bier used in the old days to carry a casket to the grave and display it before the burial. 3 dots at the base of a 4 that we believe is a change of direction symbol.[/QUOTE]

“In Christian burial, the bier is often placed in the centre of the nave with candles surrounding it, and remains in place during the funeral.”


In regard to the “BIER”, I was waiting to hear from you, …on the number of ‘dots’ and their location.
Those DOTS seem to be crucial in you quest, as they are part of the formula.
Originally, an alchemical sign for Sand, and it was used by the early Spaniards as such. Later it evolved into a few other symbols, such as an Arena/court/yard from the Spanish arena = sand. But it was mostly used as a clear and definite meaning for GROUND. Any ground and any soil…..as in look down.
In your case, I suspect that it was used with double meaning. One ancient,…and one more modern.
The Dot, being a symbol of multiplication in math., and replacing the “x” as multiplying factor, …and Masons in the KGC being involved in ‘adapting codices’ for more modern use, it is fair and logical to assume that this would be an avenue to explore.
Also, a BIER with ‘no legs’, is not going anywhere. It’s THERE, already. As in On the ‘spot’. The #4, was used by early Spaniards as symbol for the Cross.
The location of the ‘originally dug’ BIER should be the center/starting point of the arms of the Cross. The length of each arm, or the distance from the center point, should be:…the Length of the BIER (approx. 6+/- ft.?) multiplied by the # of the Dots. (…when you complete the measurement, mark it and flag it, before digging). Repeat that for the remainder arms of the Cross, on the original alignment of the buried frame/bier. And see if it makes sense to you, at that location.
The Depth for digging at each flagged location,…. should be “the original depth” of the dig site when the stretcher/BIER was found originally multiplied (again) by the number of Dots. (..the dots are the multiplication factor as the only known constant)

P.S. The symbol the early Spaniards (and many others) used for “change direction” was a depiction of a bird, represented by a reversed #3, and/or upside-downside with the cups of the 3 facing down or up.
Pretty much like most birds in an oil painting on canvas that are seen far away, with no specific detailed features.
P.S. 2 A last reminder, that you should apply the provisions of post # 2385 at any step you deem necessary, (LOL),….as I am not a KGC hunter and the information included should be for inspirational purpose, mostly.

PS...................the Bier...."well-centered and undisturbed" ....as per wiki.

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It is at that same spot without moving that a person becomes aware of at least seven more treasure signs and symbols, including the needle's eye which is at knee high on the right side while facing the turtle. The symbol telling you to look through the needle's eye is to the right of the turtle on the first step.


View attachment 1574444View attachment 1574445

P.S. It was at that point a person was handed a coded cross that had R/61 on it. At your back is the rising Sun of the K.G.C. 20 feet away and high up.
View attachment 1574447

My Take, is strictly from the view point of the early Spanish percepts and symbolic and early Spanish Religious Precepts in regard to behavior.
The symbols and the perception of such, has evolved (during 250+ years) out of necessity for secrecy, also as their usage became more common, they had to alter the meaning by combining groups of symbols with multiple meanings. Different “other” groups –including the Jesuits—in effort to conceal the meaning of the message to their respectively few, have adopted more complex scribes to the original “traditional” signs.
But, the early inscriptions and symbols are still in place at certain locations, just as the newer inscriptions, alongside even more recent ones, thus creating the confusing amalgam that gives every modern TH-er a headache.
As to the use of such symbols by KGC, I cannot make that determination (if they used early, or later symbols, or combination –tandem- symbols), since that determination should be best done by you and others like you (kgc-hunters) IN THE FIELD, by using the method you describe in post # 2385, and specifically:
“……there were four men with four opinions of what they were seeing and how it was to be used. In some cases, all four of them were wrong and not even close. That was valuable to me because I was the next generation and could scratch all four things they figured and tried off of my list or refigure their method before I even started to figure my own opinion of what to do.”

(…the only exception to that, would be the use of M.Code of the 1800’s , but you got that covered, already. You seem to be the only one aware of the use of such codices)

Has anyone working a Spanish or K.G.C. trail ever ran into a date marker referring to a season or solstice? Does the position of the Sun in your areas make the shadow symbols visible only during a certain time of day every day or only during a certain time of year? Thanks in advance.


MDOG’s post is as close as anybody has come on this subject, as of yet.

Spanish Religious Precepts imposed by the Pope and sanctioned by the King (and his men), would have as provision:
and thus, it became the Law and the Practice. (…as Religious Precepts in regard to behavior)
The Spanish days of “Canicula” were much more tolerable than what we have today, especially in the South and the S/W, because of the phenomenon known as


The old metal clues are always buried shallow. They were findable with dip needles or even common compasses. A searcher needed to be diligent, but back then they weren’t in such a hurry as today’s instant gratification folks.

There is so much Truth in these few words, that it's worth Repeating it over and over.

Not to mention the information Itself,...which is Golden

It is a bier used in the old days to carry a casket to the grave and display it before the burial. 3 dots at the base of a 4 that we believe is a change of direction symbol.

“In Christian burial, the bier is often placed in the center of the nave with candles surrounding it, and remains in place during the funeral.”


In regard to the “BIER”, I was waiting to hear from you, …on the number of ‘dots’ and their location.
Those DOTS seem to be crucial in you quest, as they are part of the formula.
Originally, an alchemical sign for Sand, and it was used by the early Spaniards as such. Later it evolved into a few other symbols, such as an Arena/court/yard from the Spanish arena = sand. But it was mostly used as a clear and definite meaning for GROUND. Any ground and any soil…..as in look down.
In your case, I suspect that it was used with double meaning. One ancient,…and one more modern.
The Dot, being a symbol of multiplication in math., and replacing the “x” as multiplying factor, …and Masons in the KGC being involved in ‘adapting codices’ for more modern use, it is fair and logical to assume that this would be an avenue to explore.
Also, a BIER with ‘no legs’, is not going anywhere. It’s THERE, already. As in On the ‘spot’. The #4, was used by early Spaniards as symbol for the Cross.
The location of the ‘originally dug’ BIER should be the center/starting point of the arms of the Cross. The length of each arm, or the distance from the center point, should be:…the Length of the BIER (approx. 6+/- ft.?) multiplied by the # of the Dots. (…when you complete the measurement, mark it and flag it, before digging). Repeat that for the remainder arms of the Cross, on the original alignment of the buried frame/bier. And see if it makes sense to you, at that location.
The Depth for digging at each flagged location,…. should be “the original depth” of the dig site when the stretcher/BIER was found originally multiplied (again) by the number of Dots. (..the dots are the multiplication factor as the only known constant)

P.S. The symbol the early Spaniards (and many others) used for “change direction” was a depiction of a bird, represented by a reversed #3, and/or upside-downside with the cups of the 3 facing down or up.
Pretty much like most birds in an oil painting on canvas that are seen far away, with no specific detailed features.
P.S. 2 A last reminder, that you should apply the provisions of post # 2385 at any step you deem necessary, (LOL),….as I am not a KGC hunter and the information included should be for inspirational purpose, mostly.

PS...................the Bier...."well-centered and undisturbed" ....as per wiki.[/QUOTE]

Excellent information. I gained a lot from it. We have a "bird symbol used later on that was a change of direction symbol. and also it was another short map. I like the #4 representing a cross on the ground, as in the spot where lines cross. There was a trail that led to the 4 with the three dots. The Bier was located at another location not involving the 4 symbol. It was buried shallow on a line between to objects that were located about 500 feet apart. Without the legs, it kind of reminds me of the Masonic/Jacob's ladder that was used to replicate the stairs that led into King Solomons middle temple where you would be paid. It could have had seven or three rounds, but my Dad does not remember how many rounds were in the Bier they found.


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