The Bier was located at another location not involving the 4 symbol. It was buried shallow on a line between to objects that were located about 500 feet apart.

LC,…just remember (as you already know that), the fact that …you will never find everything you need, (information wise) in one single spot.
Their scope was not to make it “fool-proof-easy-to-understand” directions,…but to make it impossible for the novice and the untrained.
You know that by now, but remember it “when it counts”. (…as in never all eggs in one basket)

PS. …that bird in Itself, is a hint-map using old-old symbols adapted to English language. (KGC, no doubt)
(case in point: symbols will adapt as per user)

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We are chomping at the bit to get out there, but our breath is freezing in our whiskers right now. 24* today with a thirty MPH wind.

east front.webp

The Bier was located at another location not involving the 4 symbol. It was buried shallow on a line between to objects that were located about 500 feet apart.

LC,…just remember (as you already know that), the fact that …you will never find everything you need, (information wise) in one single spot.
Their scope was not to make it “fool-proof-easy-to-understand” directions,…but to make it impossible for the novice and the untrained.
You know that by now, but remember it “when it counts”. (…as in never all eggs in one basket)

PS. …that bird in Itself is a hint-map using old-old symbols adapted to the English language. (KGC, no doubt)
(case in point: symbols will adapt as per user)

When you guys speak, I try to keep what I already know from getting in the way of letting me listen to what you are saying. I pick up more that way and I believe repetition is good for anyone wanting to get better at what they do, so as my Dad always taught me, I try and keep my mouth shut and my ears open as much as possible. :icon_thumleft:
I am 100% positive that the K.G.C. studied the Spanish methods and were linked to certain Spaniards in ways that have not been revealed.
I am always left wondering how far the roots of the K.G.C. stretched and who planted the seed to start with. There were secret societies within secret societies and I believe what I have revealed shows that to be true without a doubt. I don't know 100% of the K.G.C. methods and trails down South, but they used some of the same symbols as these men we are dealing with and some of that was Spanish. The Bird, The Tobias marking a hidden starting point, and the use of a Spanish cross on the trail as an eye catcher, and several other Spanish things/ methods I won't talk about yet were used. The sea measurements are new from what I gather, but so is the use of stars on certain dates to gain heading.
They seem to always add something important on the back side of the objects, even the map pieces. There is always something on one that deciphers the other piece further. We never have the "whole" story, only enough to use to get there with the use of knowledge about what was given. Just like you said, these eggs are scattered.:icon_thumleft:

"I am always left wondering how far the roots of the K.G.C. stretched and who planted the seed to start with. There were secret societies within secret societies........"

Try...King Solomon. (the wisest man who ever lived,....according to the Scriptures)

All secret within-secret-within-secret et all,...Societies have their teachings/roots in and around K.S. & The Temple.

(Forget about worshipers of the 'dark' side)

"The Bird, The Tobias marking a hidden starting point, .......

“In our case there are several Spanish clues like the use of a Tobias symbol with a number at its base.”

You may have 3 distinct words on that cross:…SIR I US, as a first clue. The second clue is the name itself.
"The goodness of God"….tells you to look UP and see the map of Sirius.


........."but so is the use of stars on certain dates to gain heading."

...as in Dec. 10 th

The Tobias marking a hidden starting point, No More. (maybe).........check it out. Your Dad's input too.

(discard it if it does not jive on your location(s)

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It is at that same spot without moving that a person becomes aware of at least seven more treasure signs and symbols, including the needle's eye which is at knee high on the right side while facing the turtle. The symbol telling you to look through the needle's eye is to the right of the turtle on the first step.


View attachment 1574444View attachment 1574445

P.S. It was at that point a person was handed a coded cross that had R/61 on it. At your back is the rising Sun of the K.G.C. 20 feet away and high up.
View attachment 1574447

You've probably told us before, when you look through the hole what direction are you looking in degrees?

I would like to know the degree as well. There are many ritual type solar things at ancient tombs/ treasure sites that have a peephole or window that the sun will shine thru on a particular day and cast a light on a spot or tomb. In ancient times it is was a release of the spirit into the afterlife and is no doubt still in practice today by certain religious or cult like groups. Another one is Beltane, the flame, and it would happen on May 1st, a Beltane one I know of happens on May 1st at 5pm when the sun is due west and still fairly high in the sky. The sun shines thru the window and hits a spot on the ground and then disappears behind a cup shape in the ridgeline. I mention Beltane because your needle eye window looks like a candle flame.

k, i read through the first couple pages. interesting stuff but has anyone found any spanish gold since then with all this? im guessing no.

k, i read through the first couple pages. interesting stuff but has anyone found any spanish gold since then with all this? im guessing no.

Keep reading, as the best of stories or novels, don't usually
tell the main events in a couple of pages. Besides, it
may look like a premature kind of a guess...
It's not the find, all the journey. :cross:

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k, i read through the first couple pages. interesting stuff but has anyone found any spanish gold since then with all this? im guessing no.

Hey Craig,

What kind of answer do you expect from this thread?

Politically Correct?
Factually Direct?

The people who really stick with treasure hunting are not doing it for the 15 minutes of fame and fortune at the end, they get hooked on treasure hunting because they love the puzzle and enjoy the great outdoors.

If your only motive is to find the treasure then you have lost out on the best part of the treasure which is (The Hunt)


But there is so much more than the "hunt" when you get hooked.

Anybody into the pagan/occult studies? What would be the purpose of a "portal well" about 8 feet deep, with 3 "steps" on it's top side rim, and a rendition of an "all seeing eye" inside it , all placed under the left horn as you look at it of about a 130ish foot wide monument rendition of Baphomet or Amun Ra ( the Ram). The well will only ever hold about 2-3 feet of water near the bottom, and it's pie shaped like a portal, it looks no older than 150 years old or so, however, the Baphomet/Amun Ra monument above it is much, much older and has some placed boulders under the other (right horn as you see it) horn in a pentagon shape layout.

The only couple things I could find were using it for "baptism of wisdom" , which is the meaning of baphomet, or a well for holy water during certain times of year such as May 1, Beltane, in which the first water drawn from holy wells on that day was considered very powerful holy water. It's obviously a ritual type spot.

So how many treasure hunters do extra research beyond trying to find a cache spot?

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But there is so much more than the "hunt" when you get hooked.

Anybody into the pagan/occult studies? What would be the purpose of a "portal well" about 8 feet deep, with 3 "steps" on it's top side rim, and a rendition of an "all seeing eye" inside it , all placed under the left horn as you look at it of about a 130ish foot wide monument rendition of Baphomet or Amun Ra ( the Ram). The well will only ever hold about 2-3 feet of water near the bottom, and it's pie shaped like a portal, it looks no older than 150 years old or so, however, the Baphomet/Amun Ra monument above it is much, much older and has some placed boulders under the other (right horn as you see it) horn in a pentagon shape layout.

The only couple things I could find were using it for "baptism of wisdom" , which is the meaning of baphomet, or a well for holy water during certain times of year such as May 1, Beltane, in which the first water drawn from holy wells on that day was considered very powerful holy water. It's obviously a ritual type spot.

So how many treasure hunters do extra research beyond trying to find a cache spot?

Have you just described the Libation well of some renegade Templar cult?

If you ‘found’ such evidence,…what makes you think is only cca. 150 old?

Baphomet , …the ugly wise one with dual gender had a lot to say to his followers:…..Baa,…Baaa… "baptism of wisdom" went baaaserk.
(Amun Ra had no business in this)

(…oh, and what was the name of this thread?...)

You've probably told us before, when you look through the hole what direction are you looking in degrees?

180 degrees at a 45-degree angle up into the blue sky. On the first day of Spring at midnight, the green star Beta Librae is visible in the needle's eye. It is what led from the turtle to the jar with the letter, code, key, and cross key buried the same depth under the scales in the compass point. The symbol of the scales represented by Libra. They were placed as the scales of justice for all to see in plain sight, but like the turtle, the scales also have a Spanish treasure symbol meaning. It starts to get crazy from that point. :icon_thumright:

Gantt scales.webp

Calculate the 45 degree sun angle in your area at high noon and find which day that falls on. It's probably May1 or Aug 1.

Maverick, The same canyon it's up in is full of treasure markers/vaults/ tombs. This stuff all goes hand in hand. It's not a mining area. I'm just guessing agewise , it could be older, The mortar on the rocks used for bricks looks like it's disintegrating somewhat like an old 1800's brick building. Big egyptian theme there, phaorah heads, all seeing eyes and pyramid shaped stuff on a large scale.

So it's either some cult group that saw alot of this stuff in the rocks and thought it would make a good place for their rituals, or it's the same group that re-mark's or watches over these sites. I suppose it could Templar related, even current Templar, I've talked with a Templar member in town, they are high level Scottish Rite Freemason. They never went away.

Calculate the 45 degree sun angle in your area at high noon and find which day that falls on. It's probably May1 or Aug 1.

We believe the 0 above the E on its back is representing the Moon because there are no rays on it. It is obviously in the Mid-Day or Midnight position on the Summer Solstice determined by the symbol on the left indicating high noon on the Summer Solstice. at noon on that day, we have photographed the shadows and ground and studied it for quite some time. The needle's eye does not leave a dot on the ground in its shadow. We first thought it may have pointed to the spot on the ground in front of the turtle's nose.:dontknow:


s symbol.webpmidnight.webp

Maverick, The same canyon it's up in is full of treasure markers/vaults/ tombs. This stuff all goes hand in hand. It's not a mining area. I'm just guessing agewise , it could be older, The mortar on the rocks used for bricks looks like it's disintegrating somewhat like an old 1800's brick building. Big egyptian theme there, phaorah heads, all seeing eyes and pyramid shaped stuff on a large scale.

So it's either some cult group that saw alot of this stuff in the rocks and thought it would make a good place for their rituals, or it's the same group that re-mark's or watches over these sites. I suppose it could Templar related, even current Templar, I've talked with a Templar member in town, they are high level Scottish Rite Freemason. They never went away.

Ok, Q. Thank you. Now it starts to make sense.

In Malay, mana-mana means whatever..

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