Burro Trail Marker.webp

Speaking of tools used, has anyone ever found a Trail Marker like this? Look at the center of this picture, and notice how the ground on the small hill has been "scratched out." Look to the right of the scratchings, and see if you can make out the burro's head looking down into the canyon, towards the trail. Then, look to the left and try to make out two legs and it's body. I think it also has a pack on it, but my partner says no. It's all in the eye of the beholder, but this is a Trail Marker that is probably 300 years old, and is still in fairly good shape. We have found only two others that are similar. They were labor intensive on the scale so I believe they only did this if no boulders were present, or it needed to be seen from a good distance away, as this one did. They are easy to spot on Google Earth, if you know what you are looking for. This method is a simple use of small trenches to collect more rain water, thereby allowing the desert scrub to thrive in only the intended area, while the higher areas stay really dry. If you look on Google Earth at ancient trails, you begin to notice the same phenomenon. The old trail is deeper than the surrounding area so it holds the rain water that runs in from the higher area, causing vegetation to thrive.

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I believe I might see what you are referring to. I see a lot there. The whole thing is the head of the Dragon. The writing across the Ridge is interesting. I'm glad things are not that big here. But it does make it easier to see what's there. Thanks for sharing it.

It's not a few miles from the car, and anything as far as monuments and little rocks on the ground might not take you there. I don't want to be a jerk, but many of these so called monuments I see posted on the treasure sites are just wishful thinking, but I don't judge anyone. Have fun! Now I'm not here to argue with anyone, I'm just laying it down the way I have seen it. Anyone here that has really found anything, knows I am right.

Holyground. Thanks for all of your input and pictures so far. I have to ask about your comment though... You seem to be talking specifically about Sandy1's method in the above post. Please correct me if i'm wrong. Sandy did state that some of these sites you can literally just drive up to them. He told of the specific monuments and boulder alignments. Is this what you believe to be "wishful thinking," and have you put this method to the test as of yet in order to have come to that conclusion?

Thanks in advance.

I have hundreds of pictures. Some when my partner and I were skinny kids with packs too heavy and guns bigger than we were. I've been doing this for 35 years. My Grandfather searched for it back in the 40's. Alignments? I know every trail and what used to be a trail in a very huge area. Even the Spaniards had a hell of a time beating this. They were then attacked by Apaches, and a couple of them are just mummified in a cave God rest their souls. They have spears sticking out of their breast plates, which makes me prefer kevlar. Back when it was legal, we got dropped in by helicopter. Sometimes we hiked out, sometimes we had him pick us up. It takes everything you have to get to the area. Forget about this one, it WILL kill you! Just enjoy the pics and maybe learn something. I'm heading over to New Mexico this summer. Ride my RZR and just metal detect within sight of it. I got too old to go full bore. Good luck. I'll dig through my pics and see what I can post, but you have the heart of it now.

Important Alignments, made with pairs of markers lined up, & at least 2 - 3 particular pairs of markers in line,
coming to a criss-cross point, & the lines adjoining at some relatively nearby point... Most likely on selective compass degrees of #'s (or translated to distances of varas) most commonly used, likely considered sacred numbers... Alignments

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If you have ever gutted a rattlesnake, the smell will make you not want to eat for a week! I have had a rattlesnake chase me. I walked up on a Mojave Green that was laying in wait for some sparrows playing on a low hanging branch. When I scared the birds away, the snake was visibly mad, and it came after me. As it chased me, I moved back, then it would turn and run, then I would chase him, then he would turn and chase me. We did this a few times until we both go bored.

I don't play with snakes or eat them, but their skins with head & ratter attached,
stretched out salted & tanned...

View attachment 1573034

Speaking of tools used, has anyone ever found a Trail Marker like this? Look at the center of this picture, and notice how the ground on the small hill has been "scratched out." Look to the right of the scratchings, and see if you can make out the burro's head looking down into the canyon, towards the trail. Then, look to the left and try to make out two legs and it's body. I think it also has a pack on it, but my partner says no. It's all in the eye of the beholder, but this is a Trail Marker that is probably 300 years old, and is still in fairly good shape. We have found only two others that are similar. They were labor intensive on the scale so I believe they only did this if no boulders were present, or it needed to be seen from a good distance away, as this one did. They are easy to spot on Google Earth, if you know what you are looking for. This method is a simple use of small trenches to collect more rain water, thereby allowing the desert scrub to thrive in only the intended area, while the higher areas stay really dry. If you look on Google Earth at ancient trails, you begin to notice the same phenomenon. The old trail is deeper than the surrounding area so it holds the rain water that runs in from the higher area, causing vegetation to thrive.

Ok,…HG. That indeed is a Marker. But NOT a trail marker. It is a long range Directional Marker pointing to a cardinal point. That is supposed to be seen from far-far away,…without even reaching the said canyon. (I suspect, that it points East. I have no way of knowing that. You Do. I only go by what it represents)
What does it represent?
You’re saying the Burro,…
Do you see a burro’s head that has burro’s Ears?........Or burro’s Tail?.......or burro’s long(er) legs?
Or burro’s body? Or burro’s snout? Etc. etc.
Though recognized by Christianity as a sacred animal, the Spaniards did not worship the Burro.
They worshiped THE LAMB. The Holly Sacrificial Lamb which represents our Lord Jesus Christ.
HE, is the One that shows you the Way,…hence your directional marker.
Looking at your marker, you can see the bowing line of the back of the lamb, also the head is the head of a lamb, with profile eye of the lamb, ears of the lamb and the snout of a lamb. (mouth open )
The legs seem short, because of the lambs wool almost touching the ground, and even folds in the wool where lamb’s legs are touching the ground.
That is a Christian marker/sign, made by Christians for the Christians.

Hope you see it,….but if you don’t, there will be no contest from my end.
It will remain a Burro. Cheers.

P.S. If you look at the small triangle in the spot where the lamb’s ear should normally be, you actually see it as an ear and ,…right next to it is a cross with even arms. (it can be seen using a magnifying glass)
They too, had very powerful spyglasses used for navigation on both land and sea.

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Maverick1, I see a lamb, but my partner saw a burro, but I think I agree with you more. Yours makes much more sense in the overall scheme of things. I don't have much experience with this type of monument. Thank you, and you are correct, it points east.

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Maverick1, I see a lamb, but my partner saw a burro, but I think I agree with you more. Yours makes much more sense in the overall scheme of things. I don't have much experience with this type of monument. Thank you, and you are correct, it points east.

You’re welcome HG. Also, this will hopefully help others. Just like your partner had/has a normal “take” on what he saw, there are different “takes” throughout TH world. Some see “it”, …and some don’t.
If you put it in “context”, will always help. Cheers.

Would one of you point it out? I see so much in the picture. From an ant eater on one end to what looks like a beaver on the other. Many things in between.

Would one of you point it out? I see so much in the picture. From an ant eater on one end to what looks like a beaver on the other. Many things in between.


Take it as a whole. Look at the ‘overall contour’ on the hill, ….and skip the details, at first.
Once you focus on the Big picture, then you look at the “facial mimic” of your Animal. It works with Any animal, anytime, anywhere. Regardless of size. (rule #1 is,….contour 1st) …details….later.

....hope this helps.

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I think that is the reason some folks don't see it. Contour then details is the way I see things, so I see them right away. I have family members that I have been showing monuments to for 30 years, and they still can't see them. They think I a somewhat crazy!

I think that is the reason some folks don't see it. Contour then details is the way I see things, so I see them right away. I have family members that I have been showing monuments to for 30 years, and they still can't see them. They think I a somewhat crazy!

Crazy you are NOT,
Like I said before,…some people have “IT”, and some don’t.

And is not a matter of crazy or not-crazy, but the way each individual brain-eye-brain connection and synapses work in each of us, individually.
We’re all different individual creations.

(...some people excel at other capabilities, all different and personal)

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I've been called crazy for years. I see it well. The problem is I see all the details. They are pictures in a picture along with numbers letters and words. Picking the right message comes from knowing the story at each part of the site. From the beginning to the end. I've picked up bits and pieces from pictures shown. There are signs from different cultures on most of these places. The vault Sandy showed had the stone Jesus standing over Satan in the pit. End of story.

I can barely see the image kinda looks more like a burro with a long floppy ear and lighter colored nose, hard to see these on google earth and make them out, but they modify these from what they originally were and have seen many like it sizewise in the field.

But if you're not going to try the auras which will give you a lot more options, then go to the prominent boulder markers and see where they line up. A large image like that can look towards a spot to go to, like the ancient spot to the right (which I would avoid), or have markers within it that line up to the mouth, the ear or the nose (openings) or somewhere around it like below near the main trail.
The auras will likely also give some of the same ones I mentioned. If your not using the auras, then be careful going to a spot where boulders don't line up to, that look like likey spots, because you can be fooled pretty quickly. There also might be another area they are trying to draw you over to around that light triangular patch off the left as well that you see in the thumbnail of the picture, not sure of purpose of the trianglar patch offhand, it might just be there to get your attention to look for the larger image.
Burro Trail Marker markers.webp

I am not familiar with the "Auras," you speak of. Thank you for your interpretation.

The low hanging fruit has been grabbed by those that came in the 1800-1900's. Anything that you find now is what they left lying around. They knew about the Spaniards and how they marked their mines. There is a whole amazing story behind it that and is very hard to piece together. It takes a deeper knowledge of the history, and the piecing together of those fragments.

This really hits home with us Holyground, and your name is the topper! :occasion14:

You’re welcome HG. Also, this will hopefully help others. Just like your partner had/has a normal “take” on what he saw, there are different “takes” throughout TH world. Some see “it”, …and some don’t.
If you put it in “context”, will always help. Cheers.

This statement has some depth to it on several levels and I believe it is valuable to anyone searching for treasure. In some places on our trail, there were four men with four opinions of what they were seeing and how it was to be used. In some cases, all four of them were wrong and not even close. That was valuable to me because I was the next generation and could scratch all four things they figured and tried off of my list or refigure their method before I even started to figure my own opinion of what to do. It is ALL good information for the hunter. Very good information Maverick. :notworthy:


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I am not familiar with the "Auras," you speak of. Thank you for your interpretation.
It's addressed within the 160 pages of this thread. It's actually the preferred method of the Author, sandy1. As well as myself generally speaking.

Holyground, The information on capturing auras is in my second link below.

I would also like to ad one thing to the aura information, there are alot of people who are catching auras now from my information (most are just white uniform wispy cloud types on or near the ground), what I would like to ad is that (the BEST auras are the ones with a bright spot within the aura) as that allows for a near pinpointing of the treasure spot on the hill.

This is a good example of one I showed before.

1 (12).webp

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