Sdcfia, Let's say for a moment that what you are saying is true, and that the information provided to us about the caches is somehow a deception. Why is it that no one ever questioned or attacked (including you) the countless books written on the subject of treasure signs and Spanish Treasure, and instead took everything as Gospel for so many years? Why is it that no one attacked or questioned, but rather entertained people who claimed to have "broken the code." People like Rangler, and Stilldign who's info had people running around in circles and never led anyone any closer to finding a treasure? Their info was not verifiable by any means in the field.

If you had followed my posts in the distant past, you would realize that I continuously challenged the fraudulent Rangler and also voiced my contrary opinion many times to Stilldign. More recently, I've frequently suggested that the late Charles Kenworthy - a demigod to many - was a disinformationist. The reasons I publicly disagree with these folks and others is the premise upon which many of their claims are based - that there exist numerous caches in the Southwest and elsewhere of precious metals hidden by "Spanish" marked by a "King's Code". I've laid out my arguments in detail in past posts - enough for an openminded person to pursue and decide for himself if interested. What folks choose to believe is their business.

So let me ask you Sdcfia, why is it that you believe (in specific terms) that the information provided by Sandy1, is a deception that somehow adds an extra layer of protection from people finding these caches?

Sandy1 has made his claims, but is yet to post material that support his allegations. When he demonstrates that the alleged caches exist and have been recovered using his techniques, I'll take him seriously.

Lastly, what do you believe is the "true" information by which you have judged Sandy1's info and have concluded it to be false or misleading?

As I mentioned above, the burden of proof is on Sandy1 as to his claims, not me. Specifically, I suspect that the "auras" are likely photographic anomalies caused by widely sporadic solar or cosmic radiation particles reaching the earth's surface and luckily captured with cameras taking thousands of exposures. The rock pointers, etc. are also not at all convincing to me.

You speak with such authority and detail on the subject that one is led to believe that you have the "Real" information on finding Spanish vaults.

If any of these alleged caches exist, I don't believe they are Spanish. I'm not an authority, but I am a critical thinker and am willing to offer my thoughts. I also change my working models as new and better information surfaces. If I knew the answers to these mysteries - especially if I claimed as much on a public forum - I'd be prepared to back up my claims to everyone's satisfaction.

If you had followed my posts in the distant past, you would realize that I continuously challenged the fraudulent Rangler and also voiced my contrary opinion many times to Stilldign. More recently, I've frequently suggested that the late Charles Kenworthy - a demigod to many - was a disinformationist. The reasons I publicly disagree with these folks and others is the premise upon which many of their claims are based - that there exist numerous caches in the Southwest and elsewhere of precious metals hidden by "Spanish" marked by a "King's Code". I've laid out my arguments in detail in past posts - enough for an openminded person to pursue and decide for himself if interested. What folks choose to believe is their business.

Sandy1 has made his claims, but is yet to post material that support his allegations. When he demonstrates that the alleged caches exist and have been recovered using his techniques, I'll take him seriously.

As I mentioned above, the burden of proof is on Sandy1 as to his claims, not me. Specifically, I suspect that the "auras" are likely photographic anomalies caused by widely sporadic solar or cosmic radiation particles reaching the earth's surface and luckily captured with cameras taking thousands of exposures. The rock pointers, etc. are also not at all convincing to me.

If any of these alleged caches exist, I don't believe they are Spanish. I'm not an authority, but I am a critical thinker and am willing to offer my thoughts. I also change my working models as new and better information surfaces. If I knew the answers to these mysteries - especially if I claimed as much on a public forum - I'd be prepared to back up my claims to everyone's satisfaction.

Lmfao are you for real? Just stop making yourself look like a fool!!!

​Post 2266: "I’ve located a Spanish cache that’s so massive, it will take me a very long time to recover."

Your fantasy world sounds like fun. That statement is world class whiskey talk.

Bro you aren’t even on my level! Trust me, not fantasy story. I can back it up and then some

Bro you aren’t even on my level! Trust me, not fantasy story. I can back it up and then some

It's not my wish to be on your level. As far as your story goes - the ball's in your court.

Bro you aren’t even on my level! Trust me, not fantasy story. I can back it up and then some



Hey puppy, is this what makes you sooooo cocky?

You have a good chance to become a “freshly new ghost” …instead of an ancient-ghost2004, when that whole mountain is going to “surprisingly come down in your lap”. Y’all be still holding your triangle rock, and wonder wtf went wrong. (from under)

I’m pretty sure that you can’t read your own epitaph on the rock next to it. (it IS carved in stone) Or else, you wouldn’t be bragging about your smarts.
If you think, you got the King’s portrait….think again!

Young & rebel …make the perfect victims. History repeating itself.

(I don’t wanna hear any krapola about, …hey….my picture…my…mine,….As is, it belongs to Tnet. Publicly). ……and it’s being used to Your benefit. You should be thankful. Amen.

Hello everyone this is my first reply to this or any thread , but this thread has had my attention for some time, I find it very exciting , informative,and believable. It seems to me that Sandy1 is a kind and genuine person so full of joy at what God and life has blessed that sharing so others may find the same in their life is what is at play here, not looking for a pat on the back or everyones admiration,But maybe I'm old fashioned -ART DECO. P.S. I would like to say Thank You Sandy1



Hey puppy, is this what makes you sooooo cocky?

You have a good chance to become a “freshly new ghost” …instead of an ancient-ghost2004, when that whole mountain is going to “surprisingly come down in your lap”. Y’all be still holding your triangle rock, and wonder wtf went wrong. (from under)

I’m pretty sure that you can’t read your own epitaph on the rock next to it. (it IS carved in stone) Or else, you wouldn’t be bragging about your smarts.
If you think, you got the King’s portrait….think again!

Young & rebel …make the perfect victims. History repeating itself.

(I don’t wanna hear any krapola about, …hey….my picture…my…mine,….As is, it belongs to Tnet. Publicly). ……and it’s being used to Your benefit. You should be thankful. Amen.

He's got a huge vault there somewhere, that massive notched out area in the upper left ridgeline was meant to be seen from many many miles away.

But you are correct Maverick I would have to pass on that place even if I owned the land. I guess I have my limits on risk on smaller stuff even. On a side note, so no one has ever picked up the notched out things being related to the "Ka" or Egyptian symbol meaning "gateway" to the soul/spirit/God? The raising of the arms above the head and bent at the elbows to form the shape.

But you are correct Maverick I would have to pass on that place even if I owned the land. I guess I have my limits on risk on smaller stuff even. On a side note, so no one has ever picked up the notched out things being related to the "Ka" or Egyptian symbol meaning "gateway" to the soul/spirit/God? The raising of the arms above the head and bent at the elbows to form the shape.

On the “unrelated” stuff, yes you are correct.

On this “picture” at hand, I just wanted to give the heads up to one of the Indestructibles. (Vault or not)
He is Not the only one “sure” about himself. But cocky? To the point of insulting his elders? ….Hmmmmm What’s in it for him?.... Ego?

Oh, or because he’s got a Biiiiiiig vault “somewhere”. It’s never that easy as it seems at First. Stay alive, first. Then you stand a chance. These “things” have a way to make you humble in the end. Very humble. Or very dead. Your choice as TH-er.

He may have the cache spot there I don't know. I like the white pentagon rock there. Some spots are deceptive, some aren't, you take your chances as they come or find other spots. That's the whole point of auras. But an aura doesn't mean it's not trapped out. The Pentagon is another symbol for protection. Many sites have them. The bigger they are, the bigger the trap can be if there's one there, as well as false spots that were looted out and trapped specifically and well marked to go dig them. There's no happy medium in tunneled places. Expect the worst.

If I knew the answers to these mysteries - especially if I claimed as much on a public forum - I'd be prepared to back up my claims to everyone's satisfaction.

Sounds fair enough sdcfia. So I personally beg the question, what will it take for your satisfaction apart from what has already been presented?

A picture of Sandy1 bare face with a big smile on his face, and with stamped gold and silver bars stacked next to him? Perhaps a video of him and his partners pulling the gold out of the vault, all laughing with excitement and with big cigars in their mouths?

Hypothetically put yourself in their shoes, would you post pictures or videos of such a find? Why or why not? Let's be realistic.

I'm sure your answer is a big NO. So why make the exception here? I'm sure you'll agree that what has been presented in detail and with photos that pertains to valuable finds, is the absolute maximum a person would ever want to show on a public forum or anywhere else for that matter.

Lastly, you say these treasure exist, but they don't belong to the Spanish and they are not as numerous as we all think. How could you possibly know that if you are not in the know?

I may be wrong here sdcfia, but I have a hunch that you are part of "them" or working for "them" (whoever "they" are) and your job is to try and deescalate the massive interest in this information. Just my theory. Please don't take it the wrong way, it's just the logical conclusion anyone would think after processing everything you've posted in context. On the other hand, I like some of your posts, they can be very informative and useful at times.

But you are correct Maverick I would have to pass on that place even if I owned the land. I guess I have my limits on risk on smaller stuff even. On a side note, so no one has ever picked up the notched out things being related to the "Ka" or Egyptian symbol meaning "gateway" to the soul/spirit/God? The raising of the arms above the head and bent at the elbows to form the shape.

Quinoa, you've been mentioning Egyptian influences in North America lately in the threads. Do you care to elaborate on your thoughts about this? Do you believe early Mediterraneans (specifically Egyptians in this case) were active here in the distant past? What time period? If you are identifying Egyptian symbology in the field, how can you be certain that others at a much later time weren't copying it for their own uses?

Sounds fair enough sdcfia. So I personally beg the question, what will it take for your satisfaction apart from what has already been presented?

A picture of Sandy1 bare face with a big smile on his face, and with stamped gold and silver bars stacked next to him? Perhaps a video of him and his partners pulling the gold out of the vault, all laughing with excitement and with big cigars in their mouths?

Hypothetically put yourself in their shoes, would you post pictures or videos of such a find? Why or why not? Let's be realistic.

I'm sure your answer is a big NO. So why make the exception here? I'm sure you'll agree that what has been presented in detail and with photos that pertains to valuable finds, is the absolute maximum a person would ever want to show on a public forum or anywhere else for that matter.

Lastly, you say these treasure exist, but they don't belong to the Spanish and they are not as numerous as we all think. How could you possibly know that if you are not in the know?

I may be wrong here sdcfia, but I have a hunch that you are part of "them" or working for "them" (whoever "they" are) and your job is to try and deescalate the massive interest in this information. Just my theory. Please don't take it the wrong way, it's just the logical conclusion anyone would think after processing everything you've posted in context. On the other hand, I like some of your posts, they can be very informative and useful at times.

Pardon me for butting in, Aioria. I would like to see surface artifacts found at some of the sites Sandy describes. It would help date the sites. Something as simple as broken glass or a tin can.

Sounds fair enough sdcfia. So I personally beg the question, what will it take for your satisfaction apart from what has already been presented?

A picture of Sandy1 bare face with a big smile on his face, and with stamped gold and silver bars stacked next to him? Perhaps a video of him and his partners pulling the gold out of the vault, all laughing with excitement and with big cigars in their mouths?

Hypothetically put yourself in their shoes, would you post pictures or videos of such a find? Why or why not? Let's be realistic.

Yes, let's be realistic. If I discovered a fool-proof method that could be used to locate and recover hundreds of treasure caches scattered all across the West, you can bet that under no circumstances would I reveal the information to strangers, much less post the information on a public forum. It's very strongly against human nature to reveal things of this nature. Why would I do such a thing? If I decided to do it to be a friend to all mankind and encourage everyone to go get wealthy (which has been hinted at in this thread), then I'd enthusiastically provide irrefutable proof of the method on the forum for one and all to see and benefit from. If altruism was my motive, I'd gladly pay my taxes and donate the loot profits to charity.

Of course, this isn't the case here - all we really have is an explanation of a novel treasure recovery method and the usual excuses why the validity of the method can't be publicly demonstrated. This is not unusual - there have been a number of alleged recovery methods touted on the TNet forums and elsewhere.

More to the point, Sandy1's treasure seeking techniques - while different than most others' - just simply don't ring true to me, for reasons I've previously stated. I neither have the time nor the inclination to "prove it for myself", so the topic is moot in my world. I'm always willing to change my mind on any topic, but I'd have to be convinced. In this world, it's my nature not to accept things on faith.

I'm sure your answer is a big NO. So why make the exception here? I'm sure you'll agree that what has been presented in detail and with photos that pertains to valuable finds, is the absolute maximum a person would ever want to show on a public forum or anywhere else for that matter.

Lastly, you say these treasure exist, but they don't belong to the Spanish and they are not as numerous as we all think. How could you possibly know that if you are not in the know?

I may be wrong here sdcfia, but I have a hunch that you are part of "them" or working for "them" (whoever "they" are) and your job is to try and deescalate the massive interest in this information. Just my theory. Please don't take it the wrong way, it's just the logical conclusion anyone would think after processing everything you've posted in context. On the other hand, I like some of your posts, they can be very informative and useful at times.

You'll notice that, unless we're discussing facts, I always express my speculations, ideas, possible explanations and theories like so: "IMO", "It seems likely to me", "My opinion is", etc. I don't claim to know the answers to all the questions because, frankly, I don't. I'm not "in the know", although Rangler once publicly accused me as being a spy and sentinel working for the Illuminati, trying to discourage searchers from getting too close to their loot. That's when I knew for certain that he was truly delusional. I don't care so much what people choose to believe, but it's interesting to me to why they believe what they do.

Quinoa, you've been mentioning Egyptian influences in North America lately in the threads. Do you care to elaborate on your thoughts about this? Do you believe early Mediterraneans (specifically Egyptians in this case) were active here in the distant past? What time period? If you are identifying Egyptian symbology in the field, how can you be certain that others at a much later time weren't copying it for their own uses?

I've wondered about this myself. I found a set of Germanic runes where I'm at. They seem to be some type of land claim but there were no other runes around. I assumed that they could be evidence of Old World exploration in my area but then I found a picture of a letter that was written to the Smithsonian about the discovery of Norse runes in Oklahoma. The letter had a Masonic letterhead. We've had a lot of Masons where I live.

I've posted before that I study a site like Sandy's sites. I've been trying, for several years, to get our state archeologist to look at the place. A few weeks ago, I was told to make a report on the site and they would get it recorded and send somebody to work with me. Now that it's starting to warm up, I plan on making the report. I hope that, once they see the site, they will want to do a scan with metal detectors to find more evidence.

I would hope that some of you, who have found similar sites, would work with your state's archeologist to solve this mystery. If you've found a site and there is no aura, why not.

The bigger they are, the bigger the trap can be if there's one there, as well as false spots that were looted out and trapped specifically and well marked to go dig them. There's no happy medium in tunneled places. Expect the worst.

Quinoa, the false spots that you mentioned that were looted and trapped... Are you referring to the alignment crisscross spots? If so, could you elaborate a little bit more on this? The reason I ask is because I have found crisscross spots that were marked in one way ore another.

Per the new information, there will never be anything on top of the dig spot that will give away the buried treasure. Many of us assumed it was the "sentinels" (I know you guys are tired of hearing that word Lol!) that came much later and marked the actual dig spots. Are you saying that some of the crisscross spots have been recovered and trapped, and has this been your experience?

I have found crisscross spots that were marked with pebble shale, broken glass, golf balls, baseballs, single bush root on top of the dig spot, rocks in circular pattern, rocks 3/4 buried in a 10 foot oval shape with one large rock buried right dab in the middle, etc.

I appreciate any info you may have on this especially if it's from your own experiences and not second hand stuff.

Thanks in advance Quinoa.

No , the crisscross spots sandy1 mentions are different from the ones I was speaking of in general.

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