"Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye."
I think we could all say the same thing about you and many of your posts sdcfia. Especially the one's where you've been asked specific questions, and you fail to answer, and instead turn around and declare that the burden of proof is on the presenter of the information.
You don't believe because you simply want proof, and to you, the only proof acceptable is to put the Spanish gold bar in your hand. You admit to never having put the information to the test, yet you declare with certainty the info to be false; and you don't happen to see anything wrong with that sdcfia? No? That in itself speaks VOLUMES as to your true intentions and agenda here.
Well, the biblical quote is a nice touch, but it seems to imply that you folks are treating your theories as a religion of sorts - accept it on faith alone - eh? That doesn't work for me, as I'm the sort of infidel who wants more than just a brush off.
Let's break this down two ways. First, it would be useful to get more than just a vague explanation of
why you claim the things you do. I couldn't care less about a Spanish gold bar in my hands - I already know what a fallacy that yarn is to begin with. The fact that "hundreds of Spanish treasure vaults" is your bedrock position indicates to me that your bunch of acolytes are living in a type of fantasy world of your own making. Nothing but innuendos, vague speculations, unsupported claims and wishful thinking. And, when asked for more, never a straight answer. Why? Because there apparently
is no straight answer. I guess we can blame RS for spawning a whole generation of gullible followers.
Second, the Sandy1 Method. If it works for you all, great. Unfortunately, nobody will ever know. The presentation of the aura photos and the rock patterns is disturbingly arbitrary for me and something I don't have an interest in spending time on. End of story for me. Others' results may vary. Good luck to all.
Regarding my posts. I welcome folks to go back and read any and all of them. What you'll find are both speculations and facts, most based on well-explained arguments and plenty of links to support the ideas. Oh, and many, many photos including, when asked, gps coordinates to what I and others have found. Yes, go there and see things for yourselves. Granted, one of you posts his "auras" as proof to the faithful, but another, who to attempts to explain the underlying history supporting your theories, posts next to nothing about the "signs" he's found. I guess because, "it's a secret"? More like, "there isn't such a place", I suspect. The rest of you followers appear to be just cheerleaders. Unlike your club, I never claim to know all the answers (and have stated as much numerous times), but I do try to provide all the backup material I can so that those interested can evaluate my ideas for themselves, if interested.
Let me give you a hint about your ad hominem attacks on me, which stem from my apparently uncomfortable questions to you. Many folks who are undecided about the topic will notice that, when instead of answering my questions you attack me instead, it tends to emphasize the weakness of your position. It's a strategy that's not so effective in the long run.