Has anyone ever met or talked to this guy before ?
W.C. Jameson, he's wrote quite a few books on treasure hunting, not sure what to make of some of his stories, obviously he has something to gain from book sales, but they do have things that relate finding spanish stuff kind of like Kenworthy. Anyways here's an npr interview of him from 2015.


Ha ha ... you soldiers are more exquisitely predictable than even I might have guessed! Nice work and quick response - even though your other two chimers seem to be late to the party. Well, this echo chamber is dead to me - remember me in your vivid dreams.

Ha ha ... you soldiers are more exquisitely predictable than even I might have guessed! Nice work and quick response - even though your other two chimers seem to be late to the party. Well, this echo chamber is dead to me - remember me in your vivid dreams.

Lol. You sound like a villain form those kids cartoons when they say something corny before they bail.

We all know this isn't the last time we'll hear from you on the thread, you've done this before.... Claimed you were leaving, then bounced back.

I personally don't mind having you around though sdcfia. Like I said, you know a lot and the more knowledge one can attain the better. Only thing I don't like is the constant unsubstantiated attack on the information. If you'd post some REAL info on this subject based on your real experience then i'm all ears. Until then, your opinions are moot.
Say hello to pope Francis for me since you're up that way. :hello:

Lol. You sound like a villain form those kids cartoons when they say something corny before they bail.

We all know this isn't the last time we'll hear from you on the thread, you've done this before.... Claimed you were leaving, then bounced back.

I personally don't mind having you around though sdcfia. Like I said, you know a lot and the more knowledge one can attain the better. Only thing I don't like is the constant unsubstantiated attack on the information. If you'd post some REAL info on this subject based on your real experience then i'm all ears. Until then, your opinions are moot.
Say hello to pope Francis for me since you're up that way. :hello:
Aiora, he and his bestest buddy is nothing but blowhards, which means they give ONLY MISINFORMATION to try to get us off track. Go over to the thread
about digital cameras can see gold and you will find the sameo, sameo.
Most hunters know exactly what is going on.
Hope Treasure Hunter don't kick me out. I be mo carefully nex time round.

Elh you be walking on thin ice,,:laughing7::thumbsup:

I know Okie, sometimes I get a little excitement stirred up. Just for the h--- of it of course. Heck, you never know, I might be a good doubter when I grow up. :laughing9::hello::hello::coffee2:

Why do people want to steer you in the wrong direction. Maybe we need to list them as Sentinel for all to see.

That Duck Hunter Comic!!! double thumbs up LOL. stay woke

Thanks for the link Maverick. I can see it in a lot of parks. Especially out in California.


Do you see that Padre/Pope looking through the mountain door? When I found this one, I checked the miles with Kenworth's book. The distance from the rive, the desert, everything was exact!

My favorite Turtle in the whole, wide world!

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The top picture I took at The big round hole of water near Montezuma's Castle. I believe this is part of the Coronado trail. I have other proof of where Coronado went north, from Mexico to Zuni.
The big turtle is in the Pacific North West. We have chased the Spaniards out of Nevada and straight into Idaho. They were some hearty Sons-a-Guns! The Indian head on the Mountain is in the Gulf of California, done by Coronado's Ship Captain...I forget his name now. It was to guide the Coronado Party to the confluence of the Colorado and the Gila Rivers, where they buried supplies. Coronado went a little east instead, then north. Oh yea, do you see the two poodles? One looking in, one looking out. One of the best trails still there, under the brush.

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Pacific North West.

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I don't know why all of these pics fell over sideways? The Padre Fray Marcos de Niza, with a front view of the Eagle/St John carved in his robe. Look at the little guy. That is St. Matthew looking towards heaven. Heaven was 5,000 feet straight up and sharing a room with a big ole ***** cat and Smoky the Bear, who was very, very grumpy. Went out another way and nearly died of thirst and exhaustion. BUT, we saw things not many people get to see. AMAZING THINGS! Praise God! This is a wonderful place to live and move, if you want to move.

I am retired. Too old for the heavy action.


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I have hundreds of pictures. Some when my partner and I were skinny kids with packs too heavy and guns bigger than we were. I've been doing this for 35 years. My Grandfather searched for it back in the 40's. Alignments? I know every trail and what used to be a trail in a very huge area. Even the Spaniards had a hell of a time beating this. They were then attacked by Apaches, and a couple of them are just mummified in a cave God rest their souls. They have spears sticking out of their breast plates, which makes me prefer kevlar. Back when it was legal, we got dropped in by helicopter. Sometimes we hiked out, sometimes we had him pick us up. It takes everything you have to get to the area. Forget about this one, it WILL kill you! Just enjoy the pics and maybe learn something. I'm heading over to New Mexico this summer. Ride my RZR and just metal detect within sight of it. I got too old to go full bore. Good luck. I'll dig through my pics and see what I can post, but you have the heart of it now.

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So look at the two Royal Poodles, then look up and to the right, along the spine of the mountain. See the window? The big pointer, which is actually a Royal Poodle nose, is pointing the way out, down to a huge spring and giant cottonwood trees that used to be there. Approx. 80% of the wetlands are now gone, since 1540. To follow these trails, there is a lot of reconstructing the landscape that needs to be done. It is not anything like it used to be. I read one account of the Spaniards coming into a beautiful valley with grass up to their stirrups, and a huge river, everything they needed to regroup and rest. I found it, and today it has very little grass, if you can find any, thick gnarly brush filling the entire valley and mountain sides, and the river is a small stream, part time. The cattle grazing, or over grazing I should say, destroyed many beautiful habitats in the south west. They brought in too many cattle for the land to support, they ate all of the grass, then all of the brush, then spread the seed from the brush all over the landscape, and that is what you have today. Then, after long and concentrated exploration of 5 or 6 definite sites, I will tell you that someone, back in the 1800's and early 1900's, knew about the monuments and how to follow them. I don't claim them to be the KGC, or Jesse James, or anyone in particular, however, there were Spanish Treasure Hunters way before we came on the scene. We found some old stuff, from the 1800's, in one the the shafts that was resealed and most of the really important monuments were destroyed. The only hint is a cross chiseled in the rocks, and a Turtle that is very hard to recognize. It may have been the Mexican Treasure hunters. Whoever it was, they explored far and wide. They found a lot of sites that the hunters of today are wasting their time trying to find again. If you want to find the good ones, be prepared to risk it all.
Another thing, see the front of the Poodle Monument, and you will see a guy reclining, as if he is asleep...that's me, the tired old Irishman.

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One more thing, if I may. See the Royal Poodle, and his tail. See his tail? What is that under his tail? It is dog poo! Hey, I have seen it time and time again, the Spaniards had an amazing sense of humor. I have a rear shot of the Padre Marcos de Niza Monument, but I can't find it right now. Anyway, many Spaniards hated Marcos because they thought that he lied about the riches of the Zuni Pueblo. I agree that he did not tell the truth, that is obvious. So what did the Monument makers do? On the back side, they carved his bottom sticking out of his robe, just as pretty as you please! It is an amazing thing to discover one of these, then sit there laughing with them. It is really amazing!

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