I've seen the burnt trees at what appears to be "mapped" or strategic locations in the field. The ones I know of are larger old trees broken off halfway and burnt on the outside though with nothing burnt in the vicinity. One is actually a "bearing" type tree where it aligns thru the uprights of a very old "Y" shaped tree or "goal post" tree at 330/150 degrees thru the uprights. Another is directly uphill from an aligned spot. A couple have a hoyo shape you follow, another one is "U" shaped at the top and very visible from a river bottom. One more similar thing is old white weathered branches laying on the ground that are shaved off and pointed and burnt at one end that point to a nearby rock marker such as a diamond shaped one.

I don't fully understand why the use of burnt trees or other things, I can only speculate a few. One would be to make it stand out, another would be to make it last in some shape or position (such as fire hardening, since they more or less are just fire scarred), another would be some sort of witchcraft related thing. I'm not sure it's really a specific group related thing like a calling card saying it's KGC or "OAK" but I'll look into it a little.

I don't believe these trees to be lightning strikes, (I dont think you do either),. I have seen many of the Y and Gunsight trees, fire treated to make them last. I have found several that if you look from the top down, they have been axed into a heart shape. They do point the way. On a side note, I found one of these fire treated trees that had a long branch left on it. In the end of the branch, it had been hollowed out, and three rocks had been carefully placed in it. I followed the trail apprx. 300 varas, and it split in to three trails, each one of them to a burial....I never discount burned trees, especially if they have been axe shaped prior to burning. These trees have lasted hundreds of years,(I actually have proof of that), and will likely be there for hundreds to come. The spanish/jesuits had a way of fire treating them that makes them hard as stone to this day....Just a thought...

bonuntr I agree the trees I have are burnt and Mother Nature had nothing to do with it ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1518923249.870601.webp

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I don't believe these trees to be lightning strikes, (I dont think you do either),. I have seen many of the Y and Gunsight trees, fire treated to make them last. I have found several that if you look from the top down, they have been axed into a heart shape. They do point the way. On a side note, I found one of these fire treated trees that had a long branch left on it. In the end of the branch, it had been hollowed out, and three rocks had been carefully placed in it. I followed the trail apprx. 300 varas, and it split in to three trails, each one of them to a burial....I never discount burned trees, especially if they have been axe shaped prior to burning. These trees have lasted hundreds of years,(I actually have proof of that), and will likely be there for hundreds to come. The spanish/jesuits had a way of fire treating them that makes them hard as stone to this day....Just a thought...

~ Very interesting, & valuable discovered info bonuntr. :thumbsup:
We all enjoy your stories & experiences that you share...
Keen thoughts, unique observations amigo...Thanks ~ 8-)

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Agreed, on many various trees...
Amazing how long they may stand.

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Now don't you know those people had some kind of talent. Maybe I should say help from above. You got some nice tree there Cross.

The trees were used by the priest also. I believe those others would find old Spanish / priest stashes and remark them. It would take some talent to munipulate trees like that. Especially to create shadow signs and such. The priest were also involved in spiritualism. All things are possible with God by your side.

The Oak, kgc , mason guys or whoever they were likely knew about alot of the Spanish/ancient stuff, especially the mines. We just lump them all into the category of sentinels. They likely pass info down in their families and have to recruit the younger generation to keep to it all alive, but in the present years there is a notion some of these families may be tapering out, due to the widespread drug use in the younger generations. This is also happening in native american traditions/lore, it's not being passed down anymore.

There was an organization that wanted to start the cessation of the south again. Ever heard the south will rise again. Any way they where supposed to have hid all manner of things for this. Money was on of the things that was hidden. Sentinels where to guard the large deposits keep the signs in place.

Cross there’s things all over the country they where not all done by the Spanish. There was a lot of stashing of money during the civil war and after when it was made a crime to have gold. Wether it was organized or just a family trying to keep what valuables they had from outlaws, other organizations or families, or the government. There’s some that died protecting the secret of where there valuables where hid. There’s trails that are around the 100-150 year old range that I know the Spanish didn’t do. It was a war zone in the south for to long then it went from that to reformation. The reformation was as bad as the war in many places. When that got a little better they outlawed possession of gold. It was nonstop for over a generation.

orangeman, the treasures that were hidden by the Knights of The Golden Circle (KGC) Confederate freemasons, and the treasures hidden by the Spanish, would have completely different setups, types of monuments, and alignments etc. At least one would be led to believe that. Are you saying there's a possibility that this 2nd group that came after the Spanish, could have used the exact same setup as the Spanish?

Thanks for sharing.

I’ve got a Spanish set up. Then I’ve got some thing else with the Spanish stuff. I’ve also got a different set up with no Spanish influence that I can tell. There’s many different trails to follow in a small area. That’s leads me to believe something of value is in the area. The thing I’m working on is who then It would be easier to figure what the plan may have been and put it together.

Cross I’ve got trees that point to other trees or markers. The trees don’t look to be 300-400 hundred years old. I don’t see nature doing this to the point of staying on the same compass heading. I also don’t see it happening with several trails. I do have one tree that could be 300 years old or older that is not normal. Here’s a question if your in the forest and you need to make a line to something how would you go about that.

I don't believe these trees to be lightning strikes, (I dont think you do either),. I have seen many of the Y and Gunsight trees, fire treated to make them last. I have found several that if you look from the top down, they have been axed into a heart shape. They do point the way. On a side note, I found one of these fire treated trees that had a long branch left on it. In the end of the branch, it had been hollowed out, and three rocks had been carefully placed in it. I followed the trail apprx. 300 varas, and it split in to three trails, each one of them to a burial....I never discount burned trees, especially if they have been axe shaped prior to burning. These trees have lasted hundreds of years,(I actually have proof of that), and will likely be there for hundreds to come. The spanish/jesuits had a way of fire treating them that makes them hard as stone to this day....Just a thought...

So it's generally thought, that there's various reasons, possibly different entities involved,
that very likely, either did some of work to begin with & then maybe someone else modified
them some more in some cases? But it seems they may being mostly, or even all, have to do
with, & in combination to firstly the Spanish Jesuits, then later, also found by the "Enlightened"
team members of the KGC? Or perhaps the directions & locations were somehow passed on, that
include the potential to be around the areas that were used to cache valuable things by the Jesuits,
who had mostly used rocks, that wouldn't ever disappear, including especially the areas in the country,
that now, & for the last few centuries, have had scarce, or maybe in some vast areas, no trees at all ???
... :sunny: :fish:

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But if that's not the thoughts, & like why would Jesuits have used trees at all,
because rocks can usually be plentifully found, somewhere in a general area
across the country? So did they use trees, to help find the way to particular
areas if interest? Or, was that more likely the works of the later entities,
whoever they all may have been...

If we are to entertain the thought that a different group came after the Spanish, and remarked all of the treasure sites across the United States (and that they're still doing it to this day) then I think it's fair to say that this "group," had to be working with the Spanish at some point in history. How else would they know the secret information only privy to the King's men?

Unless of course it was handed down to them at a later date by the Spanish. If that is the case, then they had to have been EXTREMELY TRUSTED by the King of Spain; but I think it's more likely that the first assumption is true, that this "Group" have existed since the time of the Spanish (and before) and worked right along side with the Spanish.

I'm talking about Master Masons. I recently saw a video on youtube uploaded by Terry carter, titled: "Treasure Stories and ghosts that guard them." In this video he is interviewing a 70 year old man by the name of Randy Hecker. This man said a few things that caught my attention.

1. He states that the King of Spain only trusted the Masons and would send out Master Masons to run the smelter locations to guarantee that the King would receive his fifth, or 20%.

2. He states that the vaults were exclusively built by Master Masons and that they were very skilled at building vaults that were deep.

Now if all of this is true, then we have narrowed this group down to the masons. I'm sure many of you already suspected this group. We know that Freemasons at the lower levels are not privy to the secrets and benefits received by those that are of higher ranks. We also know that many of the U.S Presidents including George Washington were Freemasons. We know that this society has infiltrated the highest forms of government down to police officers and even the churches. They are a "brotherhood" helping and protecting each other's interests from those that are not part of the club.

So one possible answer to the question of: "Who are the "sentinels" that are remarking and protecting these sites?" has been answered. The answer is quite simply the Free masonic order; who inherited the information for locating these vaults from the earlier, and past Master Masons that worked along side the Spanish for the King of Spain in America.

Here is the video of the interview: Skip to 25:30 to hear the bit about the Masons.


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I'm on the fence on that one. Although back in the time of the expulsion the priest could have gone into the 13 colonies not run by Spain. Just blend in with them until the time was right. The Masons have had a lot of time to dig up all the treasure. Buy the land that the sites are on. Maybe they have the knowledge once a site is found. They may not know where the site are until people like us give them the location. Think about that.

I'm on the fence on that one. Although back in the time of the expulsion the priest could have gone into the 13 colonies not run by Spain. Just blend in with them until the time was right. The Masons have had a lot of time to dig up all the treasure. Buy the land that the sites are on. Maybe they have the knowledge once a site is found. They may not know where the site are until people like us give them the location. Think about that.

Backwoodsbob, thanks for your input. You're right about the masons having plenty of time to dig out these treasures, or buy the land where they are buried. I agree. One explanation to this question was given by Sandy1. He stated that there are tens of thousands of these treasure sites across the USA and that undertaking such a feat would attract a lot of attention by the public (and that isn't something they want).

Secondly, in my opinion these people are more than likely already rich, since we are theorizing that they have already dug up a few vaults in very remote locations, and there is no need for them to dig out anymore. These people are the corporate masters that own the banking system, I believe these people may be at the top of the pyramid and that they can digitally add unlimited money to their bank accounts or print as much money as they need since they own the printing presses.

Another theory of mine is that the world is heading toward a cashless digital currency backed by gold.

As for them buying the lands that have these treasures.... Most of us know that a lot of the sites are actually on federal/government land and are protected in one way or another, and usually off limits to the public.

I'm sure there are exceptions to this but we can definitely see that it's no coincidence that a lot of these sites are conveniently indirectly protected under the guise of preserving the land, or hundreds of other reasons to keep you from digging there legally.

Backwoodsbob, thanks for your input. You're right about the masons having plenty of time to dig out these treasures, or buy the land where they are buried. I agree. One explanation to this question was given by Sandy1. He stated that there are tens of thousands of these treasure sites across the USA and that undertaking such a feat would attract a lot of attention by the public (and that isn't something they want).

Secondly, in my opinion these people are more than likely already rich, since we are theorizing that they have already dug up a few vaults in very remote locations, and there is no need for them to dig out anymore. These people are the corporate masters that own the banking system, I believe these people may be at the top of the pyramid and that they can digitally add unlimited money to their bank accounts or print as much money as they need since they own the printing presses.

Another theory of mine is that the world is heading toward a cashless digital currency backed by gold.

As for them buying the lands that have these treasures.... Most of us know that a lot of the sites are actually on federal/government land and are protected in one way or another, and usually off limits to the public.

I'm sure there are exceptions to this but we can definitely see that it's no coincidence that a lot of these sites are conveniently indirectly protected under the guise of preserving the land, or hundreds of other reasons to keep you from digging there legally.

I found this to be very helpful. Thank you

Backwoodsbob, thanks for your input. You're right about the masons having plenty of time to dig out these treasures, or buy the land where they are buried. I agree. One explanation to this question was given by Sandy1. He stated that there are tens of thousands of these treasure sites across the USA and that undertaking such a feat would attract a lot of attention by the public (and that isn't something they want).

IMO, the caches were secured decades ago and remain secure. The owners, whoever they are, for about the past 80-100 years have revealed the "treasure" carvings and other clues we're all familiar with to eager but gullible people about once every thirty years. Thus the birth of "legends" and endless searching in circles - and the establishment of a disinformation database not directly connected to the true cache locations. There are not tens of thousands of treasure locations in the US (unless you count the many post-hole banks and other mom & pop sites scattered hither and yon), but maybe dozens if not a couple hundred majors.

Secondly, in my opinion these people are more than likely already rich, since we are theorizing that they have already dug up a few vaults in very remote locations, and there is no need for them to dig out anymore. These people are the corporate masters that own the banking system, I believe these people may be at the top of the pyramid and that they can digitally add unlimited money to their bank accounts or print as much money as they need since they own the printing presses.

I agree - the people who own the gold have always been in charge.

Another theory of mine is that the world is heading toward a cashless digital currency backed by gold.

No doubt about it. The problem for average folks who may have documented gold jewelry or maybe a few gold coins in the safe deposit box will be what to do with them if the folks in charge call in the loot like FDR did in 1933.

As for them buying the lands that have these treasures.... Most of us know that a lot of the sites are actually on federal/government land and are protected in one way or another, and usually off limits to the public.

You don't even own the house you have the paid-off deed for, so there's no reason to assume you have any rights on "government" land - no matter who and what "government" may be at the time.

I'm sure there are exceptions to this but we can definitely see that it's no coincidence that a lot of these sites are conveniently indirectly protected under the guise of preserving the land, or hundreds of other reasons to keep you from digging there legally.

I agree.

Just a quick reminder that the Spring Equinox will be here this month (Tuesday March 20th) Its always an interesting time to check out shadows and sun signs from first light all the way to last light.

Just a quick reminder that the Spring Equinox will be here this month (Tuesday March 20th) Its always an interesting time to check out shadows and sun signs from first light all the way to last light.

Hey sandy,

Been looking forward to it, & good to see you show a sign of life...8-)
As you know, I have a few samples of those.:thumbsup:

IMO, the caches were secured decades ago and remain secure. The owners, whoever they are, for about the past 80-100 years have revealed the "treasure" carvings and other clues we're all familiar with to eager but gullible people about once every thirty years. Thus the birth of "legends" and endless searching in circles - and the establishment of a disinformation database not directly connected to the true cache locations. There are not tens of thousands of treasure locations in the US (unless you count the many post-hole banks and other mom & pop sites scattered hither and yon), but maybe dozens if not a couple hundred majors.

Interesting sdcfia. May I ask how in your opinion you believe they guard, protect, and secure these majors? With regards to technology of course.. Do they use hidden trail cams in the vicinity of these sites and or keep constant watch from above with radar or other means? Do they put their own people in job buildings close to the sites or even just people living close to the sites that report any and all activity back to base?

Your answers to these questions are always a lot more specific and detailed than most. Hence, the reason I am very interested in knowing what you have to say about such things. I can tell that you are educated and have a gut feeling that you know a lot about the who, what, where, and why on this issue.

Any info/opinion you care to share on the subject is greatly appreciated.

Hello Sandy, I am glad to see you are still kickin' also hope you are kickin' gold dust. :laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Hello Sandy, I am glad to see you are still kickin' also hope you are kickin' gold dust. :laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Has to be more of somethin', there in the land of the Golden Sunrays anyway. 8-)
When other places are cloudy, the southwest lands are beaming... :occasion14:

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Interesting sdcfia. May I ask how in your opinion you believe they guard, protect, and secure these majors? With regards to technology of course.. Do they use hidden trail cams in the vicinity of these sites and or keep constant watch from above with radar or other means? Do they put their own people in job buildings close to the sites or even just people living close to the sites that report any and all activity back to base?

Your answers to these questions are always a lot more specific and detailed than most. Hence, the reason I am very interested in knowing what you have to say about such things. I can tell that you are educated and have a gut feeling that you know a lot about the who, what, where, and why on this issue.

Any info/opinion you care to share on the subject is greatly appreciated.

IMO, most of the major caches are secure simply due to their requiring a significant and impossible-to-hide recovery effort (certainly not a stealth pick & shovel mission), and their being located on land that is off-limits to any sort of recovery effort in the first place, such as private property or government land. This and the belief on my part that the information we infidels have about these alleged caches are most certainly red herrings cleverly designed to capture one's attention and then point him permanently in the wrong direction. That amounts to two extreme layers of security, one on top of the other.

There may have been "sentinels" in the classic sense back when the Southern Underground and those who followed them were accumulating gold for resurrecting the Lost Cause. However, I suspect this entire conspiracy morphed to a higher level using more methodical long-range strategies in the early 20th Century, eliminating the need for guys watching people nosing around cache sites. Sure, we've all been warned off places we've been snooping in, but I suspect these are not "treasure sentinels", but something else - deluded treasure hunters who think they've figured something out and want to drive others away, ranchers and other landowners who don't like strangers around their stuff, Forest Service LEO's just doing their jobs, drug growers and cookers, etc. Us sneaky treasure hunters get paranoid when strangers are nearby, and so we assume we're being followed by "them". I seriously doubt it.

I suspect this entire conspiracy morphed to a higher level using more methodical long-range strategies in the early 20th Century, eliminating the need for guys watching people nosing around cache sites.

This is exactly what I suspect as well. I'm assuming surveillance from above using satellites, drones, and/or aircraft on constant 24/7 watch? If not, then what do you mean when you say "Long Range Strategies"?

Or perhaps some form of ESP as I heard that the CIA use psychics to get unknown information through controversial paranormal means from long distances. It may sound funny to some, but why would the CIA implement something like that if it had no validity?

Could it be that there are communications between extra dimensional spirit entities that protect these sites, and those found worthy through ritualistic means who have submitted to the will of such entities?? Something along the lines of Demon or Satanic worship? I studied what the father of free masonry Albert Pike said about the Free masonic order... He stated that in the higher degrees of Masonry, Lucifer (The light bearer and great architect of the universe) is the one true GOD and is worshiped by all illuminated Free Masons.

Without getting too much into the conspiracy, do you believe there is such a communication happening between mortal men, and spirit entities?

Thanks for your input.

This is exactly what I suspect as well. I'm assuming surveillance from above using satellites, drones, and/or aircraft on constant 24/7 watch? If not, then what do you mean when you say "Long Range Strategies"?

Or perhaps some form of ESP as I heard that the CIA use psychics to get unknown information through controversial paranormal means from long distances. It may sound funny to some, but why would the CIA implement something like that if it had no validity?

Could it be that there are communications between extra dimensional spirit entities that protect these sites, and those found worthy through ritualistic means who have submitted to the will of such entities?? Something along the lines of Demon or Satanic worship? I studied what the father of free masonry Albert Pike said about the Free masonic order... He stated that in the higher degrees of Masonry, Lucifer (The light bearer and great architect of the universe) is the one true GOD and is worshiped by all illuminated Free Masons.

Without getting too much into the conspiracy, do you believe there is such a communication happening between mortal men, and spirit entities?

Thanks for your input.

Long range strategies may have to do with preparing for the eventual takeover of the country by political and economic means rather than a second Civil War. That takes a lot of time - decades or longer building a power base, infiltrating important positions, and accumulating and sitting on the gold that will give them a big edge when the ponzi dollars eventually fail (fiat money always fails) and are replaced with a gold standard of some sort. That's been a very long term plan, sure, but it offers an explanation as to why the gold has remained hidden for so long. They better have a lotta tons of it, because the Far east and Middle east have been buying it like crazy the past several years.

I suppose there's some truth in some of the woo-woo things, but I don't have much of a notion that it's been applied by the government trying to find the caches. Besides, it seems more likely to me that some of the government (deep state, shadow government or whatever you want to call them) are on the cache team.

Sure, there's always been a bleed-through between certain people and other entities. It's like a radio band - some folks have a bit larger frequency reception. More stations on the dial.

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