Brings to mind an experience from a few years back....
I had been Thunting near the Manhatten area of Nevada. I parked the truck on a dead end road that had only one way in, and one way other roads for at least 4 miles in any direction. I had packed a tent in to the area that was near a site I was trying to figure out. After 3 days, I came across what I believe is a yard. It was then that things started getting hokey.....I hiked back to my truck in the mid afternoon, to retrieve an old two box I carry with me. When I arrived, I opened the door, and thought it was as good as any place to relieve myself and make the bladder flatter....I am leaning against the opened door of my truck, (the window was about half way up), when I heard a POP!, and the window shattered in the door I was leaning against. Methinks...strange, but I had seen heat do this before, so I paid no attention. I gathered up the two box, a gallon of water, and some extra canned food for camp in my backpack and headed back to the area of interest. About half way there, there is a big rock, over 20 feet high, that I leaned against for rest. Whiz, bang, what the hell? Two bullets ricocheted off from the rock to my left. I knew that I was either being shot at, or was being mis recognized as an animal. Trouble is, I KNEW THAT I WAS ALONE! I take many security measures whenever I leave my truck in an area for sometimes weeks. Needless to say, I ran all the way back to my truck, (something that I couldn't beleive I had done, thanks to adrenaline). I chucked in my gear, loaded my pistols and slowly drove out of the canyon. I hunted all day for another auto in my area....nothing. No tracks over mine, and no tracks cutting across mine at the crossroads 3 1/2 miles down the canyon. I returned the next morning, gathered my stuff and left.
It got wierder when I arrived at home...My wife was helping me unpack the truck when she said, "How in hell do you put a hole like that in the end of your door?".
I have put up a pic of the hole below...I took off the door plate, and sure enough, there was shrapnel everywhere. This is a big caliber, and I believe I was being shot at. Why? I do not know. I have been back twice with no other incidents, (although I am creeped out the whole time I am there).
A word to the never know who is watching or what thier purpose may be....
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