Considering the information-dense
presented by Sandy1, the sum total of "support" material provided to substantiate the "claims"
is possibly one of the most organized, focused and thorough ever presented on TNET, in any thread.

One of the great aspects of the guides is that they are so thorough that if anyone really
wants to prove or disprove their contents they can follow the directions until they find
their answer. IMHO

Awesome thank you very much, I really appreciate it.

I have a few right in the bottoms, I set up on the hillside above and shot down on to them. They are harder to pinpoint than shooting straight out. The further away you get as well, makes things more straight out.
Thank You,
I will give it a try!!

I just added new info and an aura that my dad had caught back in 98 to my highlighted Technical guide (not online) (this will clear up all the questions your having about how far back you need to be to capture the entire aura.) which I will send to the guys that have supported me just email me and I will send it to you.

Hey, thanks alot for the highlighted guide download. Your's dad's aura and your extra write up does explain alot more than I ever could, sometimes a picture is worth a 1000 words. That one is pretty eye opening on what's really happening!

Hey, thanks alot for the highlighted guide download. Your's dad's aura and your extra write up does explain alot more than I ever could, sometimes a picture is worth a 1000 words. That one is pretty eye opening on what's really happening!

Thank you very much, I am happy it answered some questions for you.

Too bad the positive value of the info, can't be appreciated
& enjoyed by all, who supposedly may use it.

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Exactly, when the suns radiation hits a specific area of ground it can light up one treasure or several in the same area depending on how many treasures are close to each other and if the radiation is big and wide enough to cover more than just the one treasure.
This radiation is sporadic and in most cases very narrow however every once in a great while it covers a large area.

After taking many thousands of aura pictures one thing I believe is that it takes processed metals in order to catch an aura not just a mineralized vein.

I wondered about this, and with the kind of
country you've worked in, figure you'd know.
Glad to hear this, wouldn't want to get an aura
from a mineral deposit or iron, not in short supply. :sunny:

Considering the information-dense
presented by Sandy1, the sum total of support material provided to substantiate the "claims"
is possibly one of the most organized, focused and thorough ever presented on TNET, in any thread.

One of the great aspects of the guides is that they are so thorough that if anyone really
wants to prove or disprove their contents they can follow the directions until they find
their answer. IMHO

Hey, thanks alot for the highlighted guide download. Your's dad's aura and your extra write up does explain alot more than I ever could, sometimes a picture is worth a 1000 words. That one is pretty eye opening on what's really happening!

Yeah, you guys beat me to it, and said it all pretty clearly.
The new highlighted guide is too easy to follow, & really get
the emphasis of every single detail & point. Sandy, as if your
original work wasn't awesome enough, an you out did yourself
again! The aura pic your dad caught is really crazy, explains a lot
and answers all of my questions about that, & I'd really like to hear
the rest of the story on it sometime too! Thanks Amigo, & As Always,
:sunny: ~ You're The Best ~ :thumbsup:

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Thank You CDS, I hope that picture put to rest some of the questions you had and why I said the auras should be caught from a distance instead of too close, also it should have shown you the proof that the sun is what creates these auras.

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Actually, I was referring to the statement....

" When you legislate a person's rights away a piece at a time naive citizens don't notice..."

...and was not mocking, because I take that sentiment very seriously. I am not surprised that you interpreted it that way, though. It fits right in with your agenda, which appears to be silencing my questions. That's fine. I have no further questions. Mine have already been answered.

I am really glad that no one was mocking the Moderator because I almost hit that little button that deleted the whole thread without even a digital "aurora" left of what was once there.:tchest:

Makes you wonder why you share pics, type out posts with very real, valuable & often interesting info.
If the troublemakers who cause the static, who also liked the threat, could win by getting their way.
After all of the work, generous work in being honest & helpful to many, serious Treasure Hunters.

Who try to avoid conflict, only to get punished, because of a few that have no regard for them,
or anyone else who may benefit from the first, complete world class Guide To Vault Treasure
Hunting, in the world, ever done like this by anyone at all. Because of selfish peoples' egos.

I would say I wish I had read them 20 years ago--they are the finest set of books / documents on the location and how to recover buried
Spanish treasure it has ever been my pleasure to read.

I am surprised he has not published them as a book as I am sure they would sell in the hundreds of thousands. I took his GUIDE TO VAULT TREASURE HUNTING
and printed it and had it bound into a reference book I can take out in the field when I am prospecting. When I have time I will have his "Technical Guide to Catch
Treasure Auras" also printed and bound into a book too.

These books give one the ability to quickly locate buried Spanish Treasure which is located in most western states
in the US as well as other regions where the Spanish were actively mining.

There are schools of mining in New Mexico, Colorado and Montana where college students learn about
mining--It allowed to chose a mountain range--going in cold--and allowed to freely dig at a site
of their choice--I would bet hard money Sandy1 could out perform an entire class of mining
students and their professors--in a 30 day test.

If you put what he teaches to the test--it is exactly how he says out in the field.


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We will always have his Original Guide, as well as his super cool Revised Guide, The
New Highlighted Improved Edition (like it wasn't already fantastically informative,
& so well illustrated). With additional commentary, aura capturing guide &
technical information, including Fantastic Aura Pics. These alone, are
well worth the time to study often and refresh, with so much
extremely useful info, that has been poured into them.
The new work makes it even easier to study...

Over 30 years of serious, focused & concentrated work, boots on the ground,
figuring out the things that were likely done in the 16th, 17th, 18th, & 19th Centuries,
including up until the current activity. That has, & can still lead a comprehensive Hunter,
to discover the Markers That Lead To The Real Cache areas & spots, left behind by the
elusive, extremely clever & tricky, Successful Early Treasure Hunters known as:
The Spanish Conquistadors & Jesuits.

This is an unprecedented, totally complete & effective contribution to the
Spanish Treasure Hunters not only of The US, and The Whole American Continent,
but also to the entire world, as an historical compilation of the most important Treasure
Caching Techniques & Secret Codes, of the Very Meticulous, Excruciatingly Controlling,
Highly Successful Spanish Kings of Antiquity, that took place in "The New World".

All thanks to our friend sandy1, and his willingness to share all of
his hard work, research & successful information gathering,
& INNOVATIVE Aura Capturing Technical Guide...

Wishing You All The Best Amigo :occasion14: :sunny:

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Post 1438 is EXACTLY the kind of markers I am looking at at my site. Almost all of them except the large triangles are small and aligned with each other in either a North/South or East/West alignment. I think most of them were placed by sentinels after firewood cutters disturbed the originals ("Look at that rock! It looks like a duck! I think I'll take it home, if you'll help me load it!")

So I am not surprised that with only a few exceptions they are all small rocks. The entire area was at one time almost deforested by firewood cutters.

Thanks for confirming my interpretation.

Two things I would like to address

First, anybody who says there is only one dig spot at a Spanish era treasure location doesn't have the first clue about enticers and deathtraps.

Second, One of the biggest mistakes most people make is to think the markers will always lead to the entrance, the markers were meant to get the people who buried the treasure close enough so that they could use a map to get to the entrance from the final marked spot. So anybody saying they have the entrance with the markers alone at multiple sites is not to be trusted.

This is why I use equipment at the end because in many cases I know the final information to the entrance is not always in the field. However with the auras, markers and measurements all combined in one location at least you will have very good verification that your in a small enough area with a treasure still in the ground to be able to use detectors and not off at one of the many enticer/dig spots that so many people have found (because they were meant to be found)

Unfortunately the finders of these enticers are trying to convince others on here that they have found entrances when they absolutely have not, so don't be fooled by these people.


How are you, it's good to see you post Amigo.
I don't know how you can get any clearer than that...
I've got my batteries charged, waiting for the leaves to Fall. :thumbsup:

Well, I finally finished reading all, well, most, of the posts in this thread, up to this point. Now if you will tolerate the views of an intellectual in embryo I'd like to spout off about Sandy1's Guide as well as other methods described in this thread.

Please tolerate my examples to explain how I learn.

Once upon a time a friend asked me about the "Hollow Earth Theory" because he thought it might possibly be true.

Now, I need to say I did not believe it then nor do I believe it now.

Nevertheless, since I enjoy doing research I undertook the task of studying the subject. I didn't think about how this thread has gone, back then but now I see a real difference. When I undertook the study I read many books on the subject, first those in support of it then those against it. While I was reading each viewpoint I did not have constant interruptions from the opposite viewpoint.
I gave him my views. Again I will say I did not believe it then nor do I believe it now.

Several years later another friend asked my opinion about the healing power of crystals.

I took on the challenge.

I read everything I could get on the subject and spent quite a few dollars on crystals. I did not have any interruptions from dissenters while studying. In the end I told him something like this:

"I can only give you my own views after six months of testing.
Crystals did nothing for my heart disease.
Crystals did nothing for my diabetes.
Crystals did nothing for my severe asthma.
HOWEVER, crystals did successfully cure two warts on my hand.
But understand, I have cured warts with a green twig, with vitamin A, and with horse liniment. I have heard from people who have used a washcloth and buryed it and claimed to be successful. It seems that anything will cure warts so I guess I haven't proved anything."

I came to this site to learn about methods that either would work or might work. If I want to know the opinions of those who disagree I will visit their threads. And I probably will, to be fair to myself.

I have said on other threads that I couldn't afford the equipment to test the aura method nor could I find the equipment on E-Bay.

HOWEVER, thanks to the naysayers, (and I am being kind when I call them that, I don't want to get in trouble) I am going to find a way to get the equipment, if I have to I will have a bake sale or gather aluminum cans.

I am not writing this for the sake of the naysayers, I can't change their minds, rather for the NEWBIES like me.

Listen, folks, sandy1 and the others who support the methods described here are not trying to dupe you/us. Their goal is to give us usable information. If it works, it works. If it doesn't work, try something else.

If you are like me and can't afford the equipment have a bake sale or gather aluminum cans.

Thanks all.

Well, I finally finished reading all, well, most, of the posts in this thread, up to this point. Now if you will tolerate the views of an intellectual in embryo I'd like to spout off about Sandy1's Guide as well as other methods described in this thread.

Please tolerate my examples to explain how I learn.

Once upon a time a friend asked me about the "Hollow Earth Theory" because he thought it might possibly be true.

Now, I need to say I did not believe it then nor do I believe it now.

Nevertheless, since I enjoy doing research I undertook the task of studying the subject. I didn't think about how this thread has gone, back then but now I see a real difference. When I undertook the study I read many books on the subject, first those in support of it then those against it. While I was reading each viewpoint I did not have constant interruptions from the opposite viewpoint.
I gave him my views. Again I will say I did not believe it then nor do I believe it now.

Several years later another friend asked my opinion about the healing power of crystals.

I took on the challenge.

I read everything I could get on the subject and spent quite a few dollars on crystals. I did not have any interruptions from dissenters while studying. In the end I told him something like this:

"I can only give you my own views after six months of testing.
Crystals did nothing for my heart disease.
Crystals did nothing for my diabetes.
Crystals did nothing for my severe asthma.
HOWEVER, crystals did successfully cure two warts on my hand.
But understand, I have cured warts with a green twig, with vitamin A, and with horse liniment. I have heard from people who have used a washcloth and buryed it and claimed to be successful. It seems that anything will cure warts so I guess I haven't proved anything."

I came to this site to learn about methods that either would work or might work. If I want to know the opinions of those who disagree I will visit their threads. And I probably will, to be fair to myself.

I have said on other threads that I couldn't afford the equipment to test the aura method nor could I find the equipment on E-Bay.

HOWEVER, thanks to the naysayers, (and I am being kind when I call them that, I don't want to get in trouble) I am going to find a way to get the equipment, if I have to I will have a bake sale or gather aluminum cans.

I am not writing this for the sake of the naysayers, I can't change their minds, rather for the NEWBIES like me.

Listen, folks, sandy1 and the others who support the methods described here are not trying to dupe you/us. Their goal is to give us usable information. If it works, it works. If it doesn't work, try something else.

If you are like me and can't afford the equipment have a bake sale or gather aluminum cans.

Thanks all.

Have fun! Let us know how that works out for you. :icon_thumright:

Meaning since nothing works for you, other than puffing yer cancer
sticks, heckling those still researching & working, able to do more
strenuous exercise, than pecking a keyboard, & being negative...
Obviously aint working too much, not a good report in sight.
How's that destructive, dark approach playing on out???
... :sunny: :fish:

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