cactusjumper said:
I have no argument with your statement. In fact, I have a great deal of respect for both men.
I thought so much of Paul, that I suggested that Garry add him to our research efforts. That was a very good addition, and he has contributed a great deal over the years.
There are many people on this site that are much better treasure hunters than I am. For me, it's always been just a hobby. On the other hand, my sources/contacts and research are well above average. Unlike you, I have never thought the Priest/Horse artifact was two separate stones.
Good luck,
Joe Ribaudo
well thats no big surprize seeing how i never knew the stones even existed till i came to this site
it dose not take a brain to know it would have been imposable to see the stones from a plane
that was the only reason i came to this site to research what discriptions waltz had given .. the rest of the game has been nothing but fun ,yes i have been roll playing and i do enjoy the fun , but . lets get it in some kind of focus before the Rendenous . its not my goal to make you look like a fool in fact i wish you didnt even make your self look like a fool
but you did not use the horse and priest stone at all ..why not ?
see thats what is difrent between your translation and mine ..
you can not translate the stone as a set with out all the stones . if you try there is about 40,000 combinations and none complete with out all the stones in the set ..
some one should have kick tumlinson in the nuts for lieing about where he found the stones .. that took me months to figer out where he got them from and who put them there ..
you were correct tumlinson was very able to create a set of stones . just not these stones ...
i think he was trying to learn something about the stone by makeing copies of them .. hopeing he would learn something about the real stones .. i under stand why he did that but you really wont under stand why till you know where they were found ..he found them and failed to under stand why they were there ...
we should get the threads back on the topics where they can do some good before the Rendenous ..
setting around the camp fire is alright but not really my first choice ..
you will be shocked just how much i do know joe .. for a old pot head years ago i am as sharp as a straight razor...and i am not afrade to step into the unknown to find the missing peice ..any one can take wild guesses ,and make theories , i have been trying to prove that to all of you from the start ...
but one of those doors open the clue i needed to complete the winning hand ..
keep the coffee hot and i will come see what you got and then show you were you made your misteaks .. i am not comeing to correct anyone .. i am comeing for the free munchies