Blindbowman said:
cactusjumper said:
mrs.oroblanco said:

I'm a bit confused (so what's new).

How did you sell the farm after Helen died, and then after she died, and sold the farm, she had a stroke and she lives with you now?

I must have read that wrong. :dontknow: :icon_scratch: :icon_scratch:



There comes a time when this charade becomes crystal clear. At that point, you make a choice to participate or not. Most of the time I am chosing to not be a part of it.

See you soon,


i am sure no one at the rendenous needs you to do their thinking for them joe..


I believe that goes without saying. After all, you have been telling us for years that we all need you to do any of the heavy lifting that needs to be done in the thinking department. When I say all, I am including, of course, Albert Einstein. Too bad you couldn't get him straightened out before he published his theories. ::)

I, for one, can't wait to hear what you have to teach us at the "rendenous". :notworthy:

See you there,



joe let me see if i got this correct you only used the trail stones ..?

thats what you say .. you try to add in parts that fit your location why leaveing out other parts that did not fit ...

the only regrate i have is jesse ....if i had made the mine public in 2006 he may have never gone in the mts at all....

i dont know you i dont want to ... good luck to you ...


BB I think Joe stated his interest was in the gold bars. I do not recall his map linking to the LDM.


sgtfda said:
BB I think Joe stated his interest was in the gold bars. I do not recall his map linking to the LDM.

sgtfda - although you've only been on the forum for a relatively short time as compared to BB, you obviously pay attention :). I believe Joe's interest in the LDM is purely that of someone interested in the history of the legend and all the stories surrounding it.

I don't know if you'll be at the Rendezvous or not, but if you are I look forward to meeting you. I'll be out in the mountains until mid to late afternoon on Friday, so I'll miss BB's lecture and hike to the LDM - if you happen to be there for it, please take some photos for me (clear ones - hehe).


Hi Sarge,

your right Joe has never claimed that the stones have anything to do with the LDM in any way, and has said that quite a few times,
but BB's memory has never let the truth get in the way of his replies or spoil his theories,



I think BB's talk is Sat morning at 830. I live about 30 min away and will be there Sat. morning. See you then.


Other than curiosity, I never looked for the LDM. Assumed from the start......pretty much, that someone had found it and cleaned it out years ago. Harry's cave of gold bars was what I was interested in.

For a long time, I thought that the Stone Maps did show the LDM above West Boulder Canyon, right where it turned out that there was a sealed mine, that one of our team found in 2004, my last trip into the mountains.

Later, I was convinced by the evidence presented, that the Pit Mine to the west of Roger's Trough was probably Waltz's mine. I am still convinced that is the case.

bb is wrong thinking that I ever actually looked for the LDM. That being said, I couldn't have failed to find it.

Even though I have serious doubts that bb will ever show up at a Rendezvous, I do look forward to hearing his solution to whatever he thinks he has found. When he first started posting, he found the mine from a commercial airline flight that passed close to the range. It showed up as a bright light, as I remember. Never talked about his dad telling the story until years later.

Since that is how he claimed he found the mine, I can't imagine how he can now claim he used his superior deductive skills and intelligence to locate it. Looking back on his story, it seems that it was "blind luck".......so to speak. :dontknow:

Hopefully this will all come to an end at the Rendezvous, but I doubt it.

Joe Ribaudo


sgtfda said:
I think BB's talk is Sat morning at 830. I live about 30 min away and will be there Sat. morning. See you then.

BB's posts have mentioned October 21 from 8:30-9:00am for the lecture followed immediately by the hike out to the mine. Unless he mistyped, that would be Friday morning - most folks won't be there yet although there will be a few die hards who got there Thursday night to set up.

If he wants a big crowd, Saturday morning would be the day to do it - plus there's usually an organized hike Saturday so that would be a good day to have it, but he's the one making the plans.


Joe - figured I may as well paste a copy of the post you were referring to just for those folks who haven't followed this "ride" for the last 5 years or so. It's sure had it's moments

November 21, 2006 - the blindbowman

this is not a joke , i am the blindbowman , i have a on going reguest with the tonto nationial forst offices over the treasure trove permits needed to legally clam 3 sites shown on the peralta _ruth map . yes the sites are the jesuit chruch and the tayopa mine and the lost dutchman mine ... no one can request permits on these sites locations untill my reguest have been answerd ...! yes i have found these 3 site in the superstition mt range , and yes i can prove it ....in 1979 i was in flight from orlando fla to huston texas and than to SD calf. after leaveing huston the air plane when into a small thunder storm and when we came out we were to close to weavers needle and as we truned away i saw a bright golden reflection shinning in the window of the plane . after just passing QM training A school for navagationial train at orlando fla . i knew how to look threw the small spaces between my fingers to see when looking into bright light , i saw a funnle shape on the top of one of the mts was makeing the bright reflection . i noted its locateion from weavers needle . and 10 past before i read the book the killer mt's by curt gentry and learn the discription of the dutchman mine and what i had seen was the same thing . after 27 years ,17 years of reseach i have requested treasure trove permits for the 3 locations , few people related these two lost legends but they are in fact one legend with 3 main parts . the facts of history were confuseing to most that went hunting for these sites ...i hope to be able to tell you far more soon ,,,,


Ohhh man - that one will be a hard one to live up to - what happened to the deductive/logical skill and his super-duper computer that even HP is interested in - and its all from a plane-window!! (never mind that he never deigned to answer me when I questioned what kind of system/programming-language he was using ...)
Yeah - I doubt very much that the subject in question will be there - will be some last-minute ditch that stops him (like a choked-up toilet) ... and let's not forget, he's not of this world ...


BB - one thing I'm curious about - is the location you saw in 1979 that you felt was the LDM the same as where you believe it to be today, or has your theory evolved to it's present one over time?

If you make it to the Rendezvous, you should seriously consider changing your talk/hike for Saturday morning rather than Friday morning - your audience will be much much smaller Friday morning as most of the people start rolling in later that day.


cactusjumper said:
Other than curiosity, I never looked for the LDM. Assumed from the start......pretty much, that someone had found it and cleaned it out years ago. Harry's cave of gold bars was what I was interested in.

For a long time, I thought that the Stone Maps did show the LDM above West Boulder Canyon, right where it turned out that there was a sealed mine, that one of our team found in 2004, my last trip into the mountains.

Later, I was convinced by the evidence presented, that the Pit Mine to the west of Roger's Trough was probably Waltz's mine. I am still convinced that is the case.

bb is wrong thinking that I ever actually looked for the LDM. That being said, I couldn't have failed to find it.

Even though I have serious doubts that bb will ever show up at a Rendezvous, I do look forward to hearing his solution to whatever he thinks he has found. When he first started posting, he found the mine from a commercial airline flight that passed close to the range. It showed up as a bright light, as I remember. Never talked about his dad telling the story until years later.

Since that is how he claimed he found the mine, I can't imagine how he can now claim he used his superior deductive skills and intelligence to locate it. Looking back on his story, it seems that it was "blind luck".......so to speak. :dontknow:

Hopefully this will all come to an end at the Rendezvous, but I doubt it.

Joe Ribaudo

you sure did not translate the stones ether so your two for two ...lol


I check in and as usual... its all about BB.


Cubfan64 said:
BB - one thing I'm curious about - is the location you saw in 1979 that you felt was the LDM the same as where you believe it to be today, or has your theory evolved to it's present one over time?

If you make it to the Rendezvous, you should seriously consider changing your talk/hike for Saturday morning rather than Friday morning - your audience will be much much smaller Friday morning as most of the people start rolling in later that day.
if you really wanted answers you should of thaught of that before making the replies above ..


Gossamer said:
I check in and as usual... its all about BB.

tell me about it . they have nothing better to do then troll... :coffee2:

how is it going to night ...? :coffee2:

i got to drive to syr airport tomorrow about 215 miles round trip ..i drove 70 miles today to get part for Rae's car . a coming home gift .. cost a little over $500 for the rear brakes and hatch back shocks ..

she 's worth it any way ...lots of fun i guess we are going to NC to a ruby mine ...before i go west ...

who knows maybe i will find something good there as well as diamond crateor in Ak...


cactusjumper said:
Other than curiosity, I never looked for the LDM. Assumed from the start......pretty much, that someone had found it and cleaned it out years ago. Harry's cave of gold bars was what I was interested in.

For a long time, I thought that the Stone Maps did show the LDM above West Boulder Canyon, right where it turned out that there was a sealed mine, that one of our team found in 2004, my last trip into the mountains.

Later, I was convinced by the evidence presented, that the Pit Mine to the west of Roger's Trough was probably Waltz's mine. I am still convinced that is the case.

bb is wrong thinking that I ever actually looked for the LDM. That being said, I couldn't have failed to find it.

Even though I have serious doubts that bb will ever show up at a Rendezvous, I do look forward to hearing his solution to whatever he thinks he has found. When he first started posting, he found the mine from a commercial airline flight that passed close to the range. It showed up as a bright light, as I remember. Never talked about his dad telling the story until years later.

Since that is how he claimed he found the mine, I can't imagine how he can now claim he used his superior deductive skills and intelligence to locate it. Looking back on his story, it seems that it was "blind luck".......so to speak. :dontknow:

Hopefully this will all come to an end at the Rendezvous, but I doubt it.

Joe Ribaudo

good i can save you some time joe . the stones have nothing to do with Harry's cave of gold bars ......


Blindbowman said:
Cubfan64 said:
BB - one thing I'm curious about - is the location you saw in 1979 that you felt was the LDM the same as where you believe it to be today, or has your theory evolved to it's present one over time?

If you make it to the Rendezvous, you should seriously consider changing your talk/hike for Saturday morning rather than Friday morning - your audience will be much much smaller Friday morning as most of the people start rolling in later that day.
if you really wanted answers you should of thaught of that before making the replies above ..

Ummm ok? ??? I'm not sure I understand what was wrong with my comments or replies above - I quoted your post from 2006 verbatim and then asked you a serious question - how you interpret that as being something rude I don't understand. If you don't want to answer the question, a simple "I'd rather not answer that" would suffice instead of trying to turn it back on someone else again.

You're truly an impossible person to have a serious conversation with.


Cubfan64 said:
Blindbowman said:
Cubfan64 said:
BB - one thing I'm curious about - is the location you saw in 1979 that you felt was the LDM the same as where you believe it to be today, or has your theory evolved to it's present one over time?

If you make it to the Rendezvous, you should seriously consider changing your talk/hike for Saturday morning rather than Friday morning - your audience will be much much smaller Friday morning as most of the people start rolling in later that day.
if you really wanted answers you should of thaught of that before making the replies above ..

Ummm ok? ??? I'm not sure I understand what was wrong with my comments or replies above - I quoted your post from 2006 verbatim and then asked you a serious question - how you interpret that as being something rude I don't understand. If you don't want to answer the question, a simple "I'd rather not answer that" would suffice instead of trying to turn it back on someone else again.

You're truly an impossible person to have a serious conversation with.

how could i tell if you are asking a serious question and more then you could under stand what my reply would be ...
i posted on here once . and delited it because of people playing jokes ..

what i saw in 1979 fit part of the discription that was gaven by waltz . it was not the LDM . it was the Hoya ...IMHO i know why waltz gave that discription and he had a good reason ...the discription did not come from waltz him self . he repeated what the Peralta had told him word for word ...

if you want to have a serious conversation first you have to be serious ... i was trained to observe land marks and to over come bright sun light rays to spot land marks in bad light conditions ..

i had no idea what it was i saw when i saw it . i knew it cast a gold reflection on the overhead in the plane . i tryed to look out the window only to see it was way to bright to see anything below . i coverd my eyes and could see what was makeing the reflection it about pin point on top of a slop on a mt . it was funnle shape with the wider end upward ,the reflection look to be coming from the rock it self ..the color of the reflection did not change as we past it . it lasted about 7-9 seconds .. from that higth i would say the spot the reflection was coming from was no larger then 10ft round ..i then notice a shadow passing under nether us that shadow was from weavers needle i can not explain the sighting any more detail then what took place when it happend ..

i will not change my mind or the details of what happend in my life time and i will go to my grave telling you this is what happend if you dont beleive me thats your problem not mine. when i saw the discription in the killer mts book ., i wonderd if it was the LDM .. but after all the research and ground work . it is not the LDM . it turned out to be the Hoya ....

and yes i am postive it is ...it is shown in the same place on two difrent maps , when i realized the discription waltz gave fit the hoya i took a better look at all the clues left by waltz . it became clear why waltz had given the wrong discription to his mine because he was mixing the clues up like 3 card monte ..
i knew it because i had seen the hoya first hand .. so i knew wish clues went to the hoya and i was able to figer out how the other clues fit the locations they went to as well .. thats how i found the mine ..

i had the only true sighting of the hoya .. i had no idea it had anything to do with the LDM at the time . it was just a odd sighting .. but a very real sighting .. i never forgot it and when i saw that discription of waltz was near weavers needle i put two and two together and start my research to define what the sighting was .. it was not the LDM . yes i was sad when i found out it wqas not . but then i realized what it really was . i put that and my finding of the mine together and maped out the rest and it all matches 100 % .. i can not change the fact i have found the real LDM .. any more then i can change the fact i saw the hoya that day from the plane ..

but the fact remains clear i may have never been able to find the LDM with out that odd sighting .. was ait odd sighting yes . is it hard to beleive yes .. but is the sight true . yes ! for a few years i did beleive the discription waltz had given in that book fit the sighting .. but as the truth became clear it was in fact the Hoya ..

if or when i ever put my research on page you will read the same thing about this sighting .. i was there it wont change even after my death...that sighting was why i came to this site ....i was trying to define if waltzz discription was correct or not ...

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