Other than curiosity, I never looked for the LDM. Assumed from the start......pretty much, that someone had found it and cleaned it out years ago. Harry's cave of gold bars was what I was interested in.
For a long time, I thought that the Stone Maps did show the LDM above West Boulder Canyon, right where it turned out that there was a sealed mine, that one of our team found in 2004, my last trip into the mountains.
Later, I was convinced by the evidence presented, that the Pit Mine to the west of Roger's Trough was probably Waltz's mine. I am still convinced that is the case.
bb is wrong thinking that I ever actually looked for the LDM. That being said, I couldn't have failed to find it.
Even though I have serious doubts that bb will ever show up at a Rendezvous, I do look forward to hearing his solution to whatever he thinks he has found. When he first started posting, he found the mine from a commercial airline flight that passed close to the range. It showed up as a bright light, as I remember. Never talked about his dad telling the story until years later.
Since that is how he claimed he found the mine, I can't imagine how he can now claim he used his superior deductive skills and intelligence to locate it. Looking back on his story, it seems that it was "blind luck".......so to speak.
Hopefully this will all come to an end at the Rendezvous, but I doubt it.
Joe Ribaudo