BB - give it a break, will you?
Joe said 'rendezvous' - and FYI - it is French (but I guess it would be too much to ask you to understand that - you claiming to know both Portugeese and Spanish notwithstanding).
How do I get the feeling you are trying to get everyone against you so you can safely stay away from the same rendez-vous without losing face?


Loke said:
BB - give it a break, will you?
Joe said 'rendezvous' - and FYI - it is French (but I guess it would be too much to ask you to understand that - you claiming to know both Portugeese and Spanish notwithstanding).
How do I get the feeling you are trying to get everyone against you so you can safely stay away from the same rendez-vous without losing face?

OWNED :thumbsup: :notworthy:


i just wonderd what it stands for .. i dont need the peanut gallary version .... :hello:

you want to see owned ,be there...


Oooh....I'll be there Little Man. Now Back On Ignore :laughing7:


Cubfan64 said:
Go back and re-read the posts more carefully and it should clear things up. Joe (and the vast majority of folks) do NOT stay at the Lost Dutchman State Park Campground for the Rendezvous. That's certainly an option if you want to have a few more "luxuries," but the Park Campground is a little way from the Don's Camp (near the Peralta Trailhead). Take a look at a map and you'll see it may be 20 or so miles and is probably a 30-40 minute drive through Apache Junction to Hwy 60, past Gold Canyon and then down Peralta Road to near the end.

Well folks, I'm an ign0rant newbie when it comes to the LDM. I live in Arizona City so I'm only an hour and a half or so away. I decided to go take a look at the area, and locate if possible the campground and 'Dons Club'.

Following these directions, I set out around noon today to find the Peralta Trailhead. As I'm sure many of you who are familiar with the area realize that right after the school on Peralta Road the access turns to unpaved dirt. The road is is great shape, so shouldn't be an issue with any of the rigs I've owned or seen. However, about four miles short of the trailhead I encountered a sign saying "Beyond this point is State Trust Land. A permit is required for any activity is this area."

The sign had a number to call about permits as well as leo numbers etc. I called the permit line and first talked to a young lady who understood my circumstance but had to tell me I could not even legally drive beyond the sign without a permit. Because my return route was taking me thought the Pinal county seat, I called back on my way home and asked what time they closed, and were they located in the Pinal county court house? No NOT in the Pinal county court house, but somewhere in Phoenix. That piece of State Trust land happens to be in Pinal but not all of them are. There are two ways to get a permit. One via a web site and it takes about a week, or go into Phoenix and complete the form there. Once I find the web site, I'll use that.

My questions are multiple:

Primarily, was I misdirected by the above instructions on finding the Rendezvous? If I wasn't misdirected, why has there been no mention of a permit requirement and instructions or how to get one made on this forum?

I realize that most of you probably think this is not the place for this discussion. I feel however that a disservice is being done to possible participants that would like to be there for the educational opportunity, or just plain nosey folks like myself by NOT providing this basic information.

Need less to say, I turned around roughly four miles from the trailhead, and roughly three miles from the paved road. Nothing I saw would lead me to believe I had arrived in the vicinity the Rendezvous will be held.

I am going to get the permit even if I was mis-directed because there are probably trust lands all over that I might want to utilize. My concern is I still don't know if I was in the right area.

Any suggestions?

For those interested: The URL for the website is : http://www.land.state.az.us/programs/natural/recreation_permit.htm

I see that a group permit(s) is probably used for the hunt weekend and would cover everyone for that weekend. I will purchase my own permit for this year.

So the only remaining question is was I on the right road?


bill-USA said:
Cubfan64 said:
Go back and re-read the posts more carefully and it should clear things up. Joe (and the vast majority of folks) do NOT stay at the Lost Dutchman State Park Campground for the Rendezvous. That's certainly an option if you want to have a few more "luxuries," but the Park Campground is a little way from the Don's Camp (near the Peralta Trailhead). Take a look at a map and you'll see it may be 20 or so miles and is probably a 30-40 minute drive through Apache Junction to Hwy 60, past Gold Canyon and then down Peralta Road to near the end.

Well folks, I'm an ign0rant newbie when it comes to the LDM. I live in Arizona City so I'm only an hour and a half or so away. I decided to go take a look at the area, and locate if possible the campground and 'Dons Club'.

Following these directions, I set out around noon today to find the Peralta Trailhead. As I'm sure many of you who are familiar with the area realize that right after the school on Peralta Road the access turns to unpaved dirt. The road is is great shape, so shouldn't be an issue with any of the rigs I've owned or seen. However, about four miles short of the trailhead I encountered a sign saying "Beyond this point is State Trust Land. A permit is required for any activity is this area."

The sign had a number to call about permits as well as leo numbers etc. I called the permit line and first talked to a young lady who understood my circumstance but had to tell me I could not even legally drive beyond the sign without a permit. Because my return route was taking me thought the Pinal county seat, I called back on my way home and asked what time they closed, and were they located in the Pinal county court house? No NOT in the Pinal county court house, but somewhere in Phoenix. That piece of State Trust land happens to be in Pinal but not all of them are. There are two ways to get a permit. One via a web site and it takes about a week, or go into Phoenix and complete the form there. Once I find the web site, I'll use that.

My questions are multiple:

Primarily, was I misdirected by the above instructions on finding the Rendezvous? If I wasn't misdirected, why has there been no mention of a permit requirement and instructions or how to get one made on this forum?

I realize that most of you probably think this is not the place for this discussion. I feel however that a disservice is being done to possible participants that would like to be there for the educational opportunity, or just plain nosey folks like myself by NOT providing this basic information.

Need less to say, I turned around roughly four miles from the trailhead, and roughly three miles from the paved road. Nothing I saw would lead me to believe I had arrived in the vicinity the Rendezvous will be held.

I am going to get the permit even if I was mis-directed because there are probably trust lands all over that I might want to utilize. My concern is I still don't know if I was in the right area.

Any suggestions?

For those interested: The URL for the website is : http://www.land.state.az.us/programs/natural/recreation_permit.htm

I see that a group permit(s) is probably used for the hunt weekend and would cover everyone for that weekend. I will purchase my own permit for this year.

So the only remaining question is was I on the right road?

Bill - glad to meet you and glad you asked the question instead of just deciding not to come and visit in October. I'm going to leave it up to CactusJumper to give you specific directions to the Don's Club site, but unless something has changed, I don't have any idea why a permit would be required to drive out to the location.

I don't ever recall seeing a sign like that, and I know I haven't gotten a permit any of the times I've been there. I didn't realize one needed a permit even to park at and hike starting from the Peralta Trailhead, and the Don's Club site is within walking distance of the Peralta Trailhead parking lot.

Odd - I'm curious to hear what CJ and others say as it's news to me - sorry if I misled you - I certainly didn't intend to.


i saw those signs they are on the opsitie side of the road , i think ,, no you do not need a permit for any state park to hike or walk the trails that i know of in any state ... they are fedral run parks and the fedral goverment runs them but they belong to the public ,, we just dont get any say any more ...lol

i do remember seeing some signs on the road going to the perlata trail head but that was 2002 i have not been there in close to 10 years ,,,lol

it been that long .. wow ..latter

i agree with cub .. ask joe he would know more bout that ..

ps dont ask him for directions ...lol



There is no permit needed to drive the road to the trailhead, which is around 1/4 of a mile beyond the turnoff to the Don's Camp. As you get close to the Don's Camp, the dirt road forks and the right fork takes you to the 1/4 Circle-U ranch. You want to stay on the left fork and the turnoff to the camp will be farther up that road and on your left.

Hope to see you there,

Joe Ribaudo


Here is a repeat post from earlier:

cactusjumper said:

These are a few posts from previous years melded into one :

Carolyn and I will provide stew and garlic toast 'til it runs out Friday night. Roger will provide salad. Anyone who wishes to add their own dish to the mix is more than welcome. We have an 18 Qt. Nesco cooker that we fill up, so that will feed a pretty good crowd. We ran out last year, so if your late, you may find an empty pot.

Saturday morning, we will have mom's Italian Sausage Gravy and home made biscuits. Same deal. We serve it 'til it's gone.

We bring a gas barbecue, and everyone is welcome to use it whenever they like. We always bring ourselves steaks for Saturday night, but you can all do your own thing. We will have shade and tables set up all weekend. We have a few extra chairs, but you should bring your own.

You should bring your own drinks, and a little firewood never hurts. We had more kids and wives last year than ever before. I believe they all enjoyed the weekend.

Wayne, Greg and Randy do us all a great service by setting this event up every year. Make your plans now, and don't miss out on the Dutch Hunter's Rendezvous.......again.

The gate for the Don's Camp will be open Friday morning for early arrivals. There is plenty of room to set up your camp, close to others or a bit farther away if you're so inclined.

There is plenty of shade, bring your own chairs. We will have extra cold water and a few extra chairs, along with tables set up by our trailer. Once again, the gas barbecue will be available to anyone who needs it. We will have Mom's stew, garlic toast and Roger's salad for those who come in Friday night. Should have enough for 75-80 people, but those who have reserved their dinner will be served first.

I should be able to feed a like number Saturday morning, same deal on who gets to eat.

Hope to see more wives and kids this year, as it's a good family outing. .

East on 60 to Peralta Rd. Left on paved......it turns into hard packed dirt. There will be signs at the Don's Camp entrance,(it's a left turn) but if you get to Peralta Trailhead, you have gone too far. Once you turn off Peralta Rd. come in a little ways and look to your right. The gate to the camp will be uphill from you.


Closer map:


You will need to bring drinks, lunchs, breakfast for Sunday Morning and Dinner for Saturday night. I would suggest you have something for Friday night as well as Saturday morning, as I will only have a limited amount of food. When I run out, you're on your own.

Joe Ribaudo


There is state trust land between the Don's Camp, and the Peralta Trailhead, and the turn-off from Route 60.

First - you cannot drive onto state land or camp on state land without a permit.

But, the road is open, and leads to first, the Don's Camp, and then beyond that - the Peralta Trailhead.

Turn off 60 - drive the hardtop past the school, it turns to dirt. Keep going - until you see a Y in the road, bear left, keep going. Ignore the State Land signs, just stay on the road. Then you will get to the Don's Club parking circle (there used to be a public toilet there, and some signs), and then turn left into there. You will see where the road goes from there - to the Gates of the Don's Club. If you were to go straight, instead of turning left, you would end up at the Peralta Trailhead.

Oh - you will also pass a ranch, and look out for the longhorns.



cactusjumper said:

There is no permit needed to drive the road to the trailhead, which is around 1/4 of a mile beyond the turnoff to the Don's Camp. As you get close to the Don's Camp, the dirt road forks and the right fork takes you to the 1/4 Circle-U ranch. You want to stay on the right fork and the turnoff to the camp will be farther up that road and on your left.

Hope to see you there,

Joe Ribaudo

Joe - I think you meant to say "You want to stay on the left fork..."


Okay, thanks everyone. With what's posted here and some offline updates I feel comfortable in saying the state person I talked to was ill informed. I am also confident that I was on the right road, and not far from actually seeing the camping area. Thanks for all the input, and I do plan on attending at least some portion of the Rendezvous, if not the entire thing. I will not however be camping (unless someone wants to volunteer to clean up my 1987 GMC body Class C camper......... ) ;D

Looking forward to meeting a few specific individuals. Once more thank you for the help.


Cubfan64 said:
cactusjumper said:

There is no permit needed to drive the road to the trailhead, which is around 1/4 of a mile beyond the turnoff to the Don's Camp. As you get close to the Don's Camp, the dirt road forks and the right fork takes you to the 1/4 Circle-U ranch. You want to stay on the right fork and the turnoff to the camp will be farther up that road and on your left.

Hope to see you there,

Joe Ribaudo

Joe - I think you meant to say "You want to stay on the left fork..."

Thanks Paul. I went back and changed it. It's hell to get old!

Take care,



Hello Joe,

Your Dutch Hunter's Rendezvous sure seems like the place to be for any serious LDM hunter capable of attending. It's a wonderful idea, giving us a chance to meet and share our views. My hat's off to you and your wife for going to the trouble to put things together. I do hope you all have nice weather to make it even more enjoyable.

I will be looking forward to whatever Dustcap can capture.

Homar P. Olivarez


When my prospecting clubs have a outing they put up signs at each turn. Helps those lost souls find their way.


sgtfda said:
When my prospecting clubs have a outing they put up signs at each turn. Helps those lost souls find their way.
what is that word mean (lost)? :thumbsup:


sgtfda said:
When my prospecting clubs have a outing they put up signs at each turn. Helps those lost souls find their way.

The last couple years I believe there has been one sign at the Y fork that Joe spoke about pointing to stay to the left for the Rendezvous. If someone were to go right, you would end up at a gate to the Quarter Circle U ranch.

The other sign is usually right at the slight left turn you need to take to go up to the Don's Club gate. Once again, if you miss that turn off and stay on the road, you end up at the Peralta Trailhead within a minute or two. If you go that far, you know you're very close and all you have to do is head back down the road a short bit.


you for got something . i dont know if its still there or not now but between the dons camp drive way and the peralta trail head there was a small stream and a dip in the road when i went there . it was washed out a little bit from a rain and my van just rolled threw it ..i beleive it was after the don camp drive way ...

bill : welcome, you will enjoy the site .. and the Rendezvous

see you there if god willing ... :coffee2:



I have asked Wayne and Randy if they could provide some extra signs for this years event. :help:

Take care,


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