These are a few posts from previous years melded into one :
Carolyn and I will provide stew and garlic toast 'til it runs out Friday night. Roger will provide salad. Anyone who wishes to add their own dish to the mix is more than welcome. We have an 18 Qt. Nesco cooker that we fill up, so that will feed a pretty good crowd. We ran out last year, so if your late, you may find an empty pot.
Saturday morning, we will have mom's Italian Sausage Gravy and home made biscuits. Same deal. We serve it 'til it's gone.
We bring a gas barbecue, and everyone is welcome to use it whenever they like. We always bring ourselves steaks for Saturday night, but you can all do your own thing. We will have shade and tables set up all weekend. We have a few extra chairs, but you should bring your own.
You should bring your own drinks, and a little firewood never hurts. We had more kids and wives last year than ever before. I believe they all enjoyed the weekend.
Wayne, Greg and Randy do us all a great service by setting this event up every year. Make your plans now, and don't miss out on the Dutch Hunter's Rendezvous.......again.
The gate for the Don's Camp will be open Friday morning for early arrivals. There is plenty of room to set up your camp, close to others or a bit farther away if you're so inclined.
There is plenty of shade, bring your own chairs. We will have extra cold water and a few extra chairs, along with tables set up by our trailer. Once again, the gas barbecue will be available to anyone who needs it. We will have Mom's stew, garlic toast and Roger's salad for those who come in Friday night. Should have enough for 75-80 people, but those who have reserved their dinner will be served first.
I should be able to feed a like number Saturday morning, same deal on who gets to eat.
Hope to see more wives and kids this year, as it's a good family outing. .
East on 60 to Peralta Rd. Left on turns into hard packed dirt. There will be signs at the Don's Camp entrance,(it's a left turn) but if you get to Peralta Trailhead, you have gone too far. Once you turn off Peralta Rd. come in a little ways and look to your right. The gate to the camp will be uphill from you.
Closer map:
You will need to bring drinks, lunchs, breakfast for Sunday Morning and Dinner for Saturday night. I would suggest you have something for Friday night as well as Saturday morning, as I will only have a limited amount of food. When I run out, you're on your own.
Joe Ribaudo