Paul, thanks for clarifying things. When i suggested the LD State park as an option, it was only as a place where some of the conveniences were available for his RV. The Dons camp has no water, no electricity, no septic dump station etc. There are toilets however, not the flush type as far as I know. BB had said he was bringing his friend whom was a recent stroke victim so I thought perhaps it would be more comfortable than the primitive setting of the Dons camp.

With the low opinion BB has of Dutch hunters and treasure hunters in general, being tough to distinguish from staggering drunks, posing and all, meeting them in person might be an eye opener. If one keeps eyes and ears open that is. :thumbsup:

From what I understand about the Dutch hunters rendezvous, it is more akin to the mountain man rendezvous of the past then any kind of formal, structured "event". Very informal, lots of socializing with open discussions and private discussions, not a drinking party nor a place for violent confrontations. I don't know how many times that has to be said but were the friendly, family type gatherings that have been the tradition to change into a teenage drinking, fighting party or trashed the place etc I feel confident that the Dons club would pull the plug on permission to use their facilities pretty quick. Some of us appreciate their generosity which allows us to meet and get to know each other and would hate to see things go downhill. I do not think that any wireless internet service is available at the Dons club camp either, not sure about the state park. :dontknow:

Blindbowman does not consider himself a Dutch hunter yet has searched for the lost mine in the Superstition mountains which unless I miss my mark, is pretty much a part of the definition isn't it? :tongue3:

I am very much looking forward to the rendezvous, there are sure to be many VERY interesting discussions to be heard and good people to meet. A quick question for anyone who knows, but will there be a guest speaker for Saturday night? That portion of the rendezvous is about the closest to a "formal" type of convention as I can see it but judging from last year (only) I hope that a guest speaker will be a part of this year's event as well. Thank you in advance.

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:


Roy, I had to sort through a few posts, but I found the one I recalled seeing...

I know I rarely pop in with much of anything to add, but it has been a busy summer for me.

This year should be pretty exciting as we have a few new guests including a gentleman making his return to the Superstitions for the first time in 45 years! Saturday evening will be the main night for our guest speaker, but I wouldn't miss a moment of campfire time this year!The Saturday morning hike is still up in the air. We like something that allows as many people as possible to participate without being to redundant. I am sure Howard will be receptive to a group visiting the Quarter Circle U as well.

A big thank you to Greg, Randy, Jesse, Joe and Bob Schoose for all their help this year.

I don't know who the guest speaker will be this year, but I'm wondering if perhaps Ernie Provence is the gentleman being referred to as returning for the first time in 45 years - perhaps he's been convinced to say a few words Saturday night? ???

I'm staying at the Don's site for the whole weekend this time starting later Friday when I get back out of the mountains. I intend to try to stay awake and mingling enough that I get in on some of the more interesting discussions this year - plus, I want to make sure I'm around this time for the Saturday hike so I don't make everyone wait like last year when I didn't show after asking them to hold off until I arrived the day before.

I'm getting into good hiking shape with another 4 weeks or so to go. The exercise "bootcamp" Connie and I joined last month is really turning into an excellent way for us to get back in shape (and stay there this time). We're going to sign up tonight for a full year - it'll be nice to go into the mountains next year minus about 30 pounds that I shouldn't be carrying!

Cya soon.


Cubfan64 said:
Roy, I had to sort through a few posts, but I found the one I recalled seeing...

I know I rarely pop in with much of anything to add, but it has been a busy summer for me.

This year should be pretty exciting as we have a few new guests including a gentleman making his return to the Superstitions for the first time in 45 years! Saturday evening will be the main night for our guest speaker, but I wouldn't miss a moment of campfire time this year!The Saturday morning hike is still up in the air. We like something that allows as many people as possible to participate without being to redundant. I am sure Howard will be receptive to a group visiting the Quarter Circle U as well.

A big thank you to Greg, Randy, Jesse, Joe and Bob Schoose for all their help this year.

I don't know who the guest speaker will be this year, but I'm wondering if perhaps Ernie Provence is the gentleman being referred to as returning for the first time in 45 years - perhaps he's been convinced to say a few words Saturday night? ???

I'm staying at the Don's site for the whole weekend this time starting later Friday when I get back out of the mountains. I intend to try to stay awake and mingling enough that I get in on some of the more interesting discussions this year - plus, I want to make sure I'm around this time for the Saturday hike so I don't make everyone wait like last year when I didn't show after asking them to hold off until I arrived the day before.

I'm getting into good hiking shape with another 4 weeks or so to go. The exercise "bootcamp" Connie and I joined last month is really turning into an excellent way for us to get back in shape (and stay there this time). We're going to sign up tonight for a full year - it'll be nice to go into the mountains next year minus about 30 pounds that I shouldn't be carrying!

Cya soon.

Roy and Paul,

I would say everyone, with the possible exception of bb, has the Rendezvous pretty well figured out. It may be that they are thinking that Ernie will be a speaker, and I believe he could be persuaded if he makes it out there. Thing is, there is nothing written in stone, so to speak, that says he will be able to show up. I hope they have someone else lined up, and believe that is probable. I will know before the event.

Take care,




"if you do make reservations at the lost dutchman state park maybe we can air out some of our diffrences before the rendenous and save a lot of people that part of the debate ..."

Don't know that we have anything to "air out". You have, basically, nothing containing historically "hard evidence" or even some degree of logic to back up any of the things that you call "fact".

If you want to correct that perception, held by many intelligent people here, you will get your chance at the Rendezvous. Should it just be more of what you have been presenting here, as well as what you have presented over the years to Scott, I fear you will not find many receptive ears.

That being said, you are more than welcome to sit in the shade for awhile, share some meals and coffee, and present your case. Everyone is welcome at the Rendezvous. For late night talkers, Bob Corbin will talk as long as there is someone there. Last year, it went on 'til 3 AM. :o

See you there,



sorry your misteaken . i have reservations at the LD state park from the 16th to 21st ...i will pull out on the morning of the 21st and move over to the Rendenous for the 3 days ...i am sorry if any one was confused .. i was only trying to find out if the two sites had room for the mallard and the truck as well as hook up coniditions .. the state park has eletrical hook up and i did get it for the air conditioning for Helen .. at the Rendenous i will be self contained .run gens when needed and stick to the camp rules ... its the same thing over to the LD state park .. they do have dumping station .. and no i am not confused at all ...lol

the only reason i made reservations at the state park was i dont know when i will be getting into the area .. i could show up on the 21st or as early as the 16th . i dont really know yet . we have a few stops in other states before we get to AZ...as i said i have a lot to do . i did oil changes today and reorder the cut off witch for the battery ..

i dont really know how much time i can be at the rendenous yet .. i maybe there 1 day or 3 .. i hope for the full 3 days .. time is not the issue .. its collecting samples and evidence that is hard to define how long it will take and when the weather will let it happen ..

as far as camp fire time . i maybe htere some in the early hours or late Helen 's bed time is normally around 9:00 ..but i can not risk something stoping me from takeing care of her .. i ask if any of the women in camp could check on her if i go in the mts . for the hike if not i will pull up and leave ...i just have a few lemited things that have to be in place .. is why i ask .. i dont want her setting in a hot motor home all day with out some one to check on her . but her dog ashes dust bit and is a nother problem we have to get around ...

the beware of dog signs are not a joke .. ashes has bit two people so far ...and we are doing every thing we can to not make that number 3 ...

so i still have a few things to work out .. we will be useing a leach and keeping her in side for the day untill i get back from the hike ....

i got a list ,, a big list..

b :thumbsup:ut yes i will be there god willing ... :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:

my brother can not make the trip he was just told he has cancer ...hard news to take .. i anm not real great on the timeing my self . but i hope he is safe back here in NY and he wish me well and i have a job to do solve the LDM legend and get back home safe ...


BB - sorry I misunderstood your post - glad you were clear on the Rendezvous location and such.

As far as 3 full days, I would say Friday is generally the day most people arrive and they come in at all times of the day. There's usually a good bunch of discussions going on by suppertime and well into the night/morning. Saturday is the big day where most of the people will be there for the full day. Sunday things start winding down with lots of folks leaving by noon or so. So all in all, you won't be there for a full 3 days.

You'll definitely have to be careful with your dog that bites. There are usually a number of young kids around as well as folks with their own dogs as well.


Last year, it went on 'til 3 AM.

Tee hee! :headbang: :hello2: :laughing7:

And, Bob will be up for coffee before you -



mrs.oroblanco said:
Last year, it went on 'til 3 AM.

Tee hee! :headbang: :hello2: :laughing7:

And, Bob will be up for coffee before you -



As you know, Bob spent the weekend at our home a few months ago, and we surpassed the 3 AM mark both Fri. and Sat. night. Sat. started around 8-9 AM and went straight through to around 4 AM.
Sunday morning he was ready to resume the talks around 9 AM. Needless to say, this old man needed a Sunday afternoon nap.

Bob is like a good book that you just can't put down. :read2: You just can't stop listening. :notworthy: I get, pretty much, the same thing with Tom Kollenborn......except he goes to bed earlier. :wink:

Should be a great Rendezvous. If Thomas Glover shows up, you're in for another treat. I believe he will make it this year.

Take care,



your right this should be the rendenous that all other rendenous have to liveup to ...lol
i sorry i am much like bob .. i can run 20 hours have 4 hours sleep and be ready to go again ...my dad said my off botton was broke at brith ...i look forward to meeting some of these dutchunters ...

wait till they realize it has been found . you will have to super glue them to the ground ...lol

i only have the stories of my expeditions and what i know .. but i am brilliant man when you see past my faults .. being blind did not help ...but i am more then a flent speaker when i get focused on a topic i know about ... this should be a great Rendenous ...

its good i will be hikeing in on saterday it gives them time to talk within the rendenous ...

all jokeing aside if i had not had the sighting in 1979 i would not have found it ...and yes that is my goal ,to make the real LDM known , the discovery will change the value of the this rendenous for ever in the histroy of the LDM legend .. and i hope you are all there to be part of it ...see you there, god willing ... :coffee2:



The difference is - Bob Corbin has us ALL beat - age wise. When I was younger, I could stay up all night, take a nap, wake up, get coffee and go to work. As you can tell, we are the ones that stayed up talking till forever - and really, Bob is just so darned intelligent, and has experienced so much in his life - and he never sounds like he's bragging - and he is just one great man. As is Tom Kollenborn. But, we went to sleep about 3:30 am, and got down to camp at around 7 - and Bob was already sitting having coffee. Unbelieveable!!! And, of course, the first thing he said was something to the effect of "Slept in, huh?" :laughing7: :laughing7:


I do believe that happened with Bob - I think it might have been a later night even if I hadn't had to use the facilities, and just couldn't hold out any longer.
:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

The last I talked to Thomas G, he said he thought he was going to make it - he promised to sign my book. (fingers crossed).

Tom K. and Sharon did pretty well, too, I think. (they were there after midnight,) I look forward to talking to them again, along with most everyone else, and looking forward to meeting some new folks, too.



so bob well have someone to hand him a cup this year ...lol

you ever see those little baby kittens that play so hard they sleep at moc 10 breathing fast and wake up with there feet already on the run .. thats me and bob ...lol

if my coffee cup had a coin slot i would be a rich man ...

i have went threw so many coffee pots i can tell you the names of the people that worked on the line that made them ...lol

there is a rich coffee grower down there that will cry him self to sleep the day i die...

mules will party for a week ...they have been moving those beans by the tons ... :laughing9: :laughing9: :coffee2:


What the heck just happened? ???


Halo: this is the missing picture of the 7 bars of gold in a vertical "V". Due to the optical misalignment, it is almost useless due to distortions. I often wonder why I just don't throw it away.. In any event it gives a crude idea of the right side of the "V", the left is almost completely lost in the background light.

Don Jose de La Mancha


  • Extreme distorsion.webp
    Extreme distorsion.webp
    6.4 KB · Views: 300

Ive seen that before....Only clearer :tongue3: Just messing with ya.... :coffee2:



  • moon.webp
    1.9 KB · Views: 303

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
Halo: this is the missing picture of the 7 bars of gold in a vertical "V". Due to the optical misalignment, it is almost useless due to distortions. I often wonder why I just don't throw it away.. IN any event it gives a crude idea of the right side of the "V", the left is almost completely lost in the background light.

Don Jose DE La Manchu

you dint throw the picture away because you know whats there ,, we may not see what you see in the picture the same way my pictures were ... but i knew what was there ,the same way you know what your seeing in that photo ...its called having a liner prospective



The 7th annual rendezvous is scheduled for October 21st,22nd and 23rd of 2011 at the Dons camp.




whats a Rendenous ?

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