HI KILOY: Your quote--->

What a serious blunder! Are you so sure that all shipping lanes were open to Japan until mid-1943??? It is obvious now who is ignorant between the two of us!.....Dont you know that as early as 1942 there were Japanese Naval and Merchant Vessels already sank by US submarine??? Houston....we really got a big problem!... SWR is twisting history! He is not aware of the victories and valor of his own country (in case you're an American).

All things are relative, even in peace time no shipping was / is safe, just look at the thousands & thousands of peace time ship wrecks thoughout the world. In war it is an more calculated risk, this is why Yamamoto was killed., he took a calculated risk.

However I must ask, which is the best route, leave it where the allies would almost surely capture it and it would be of no use to Japan, or, as many other countries did, go for a risky shipment to Japan? The answer is obvious, ship it Japan, burying it would be the same as a sunken ship.

Incidentally, how did it get to the Philippines in the first place, since much of the looting was taking place in 1942-43.?

Admiral Yamomoto's death happened sometime in April 1943... A plausible and big evidence that almost no place( air, sea, land) is safe during that time! Want to know why? It is because as of August 1942 an air search system and the first surface search RADAR system was installed aboard a US submarine

Not even Japan, Australia, or the west coast of the US was then , but in practicality Bougainville was a safe area for the Japanese at that time. It took a world class effort to intercept his Betty, almost a 1000 mile flight over country effectively controlled by the Japanese. For all practical purposes he was safe.

I was at Guadalcanal during this period, so have a fairly accurate first hand knowledge of it..

Don Jose de La Mancha



Japanese WW2 Warbooties was called Yama-shita treasures bcoz of famous Rogelio Roxas recovery of 2 ton Golden Budha (removable head) and cavefull of treasures in 1970's...the treasure area is underneath Baguio Gen. Hospital....the northern Philippines was under Gen. Yama-shita, since these treasure recoveries was a big media hype (investigated by Phil. Senate 1970's)...the media named it as Yama-shita treasures.
From then on...all japs treasure projects and recoveries was simplified bcoz it is difficult to name all treasure projects/recoveries from diffrent generals and officers ...the media and YTH simply called it....Yama-shita treasures.


Even if we posted hundreds of Yam treasure evidence...YOU WILL SIMPLY NOT APPRECIATE IT...(even my Asian artifacts statues picture , was rejected...proof of your incompetence and ignorance of YTH....he,he,he) bcoz YOU ARE NOT QUALIFIED TO APPRECIATE OR SCRUTINIZE IT....
You are simply an ordinary retired beach comber WITH NO TREASURE EXPERIENCE.
Since you are NOT A TREASURE HUNTER or YAM TREASURE RESEARCHER...you lack the competence, expertise. knowledged of Yam treasures....therefore your arguments, comments and rebuttal against Yam treasure hunters is simply considered as PURE NON-SENSE, NULL AND VOID....
I suggest be a cache hunter or experienced treasure hunter/salvor first...before you became an expert treasure commentator or YTH critics... ;D ;D ;D...if you have that kind of qualification...maybe we will listen to you.


HOLA Gboy: One does not have to be a participant in a treasure story / hunt, to know if the data posted is correct or not.

I could post a picture of a submarine and claim that it was how tons of Gold were transported overland to mt Kilimanjaro in the center of Africa, you would immediately discount it, even if you didn't know the story . Simple logic.

Unfortunately all of the data that you have posted so far is just about the same.

As for SWR, he isn't stupid (sometimes I wish that he was, especially when we are arguing , errr discussing, something on the net) - and he does recover many things besides the beach stuff.. He is NOT an arm chair hunter,. perhaps not in the order of 10 tons of Gold, but he does find things. .

A successful treasure hunter is determined by his "finds", not by big talk and producing nothing.

So Gboy, I would suggest getting off of your duff (nalgas) and actually compete with him by finding "something", no matter how small. Become a "successful" true treasure hunter. Show us that you are one, but not by posting the same data over and over no matter how wrong it may be.

So far all I see is an arm chair Treasure hunter, one that hasn't produced one coin or anything new on the Yamash---- treasure other than what is already on the internet.

Gboy, I personally would love to see you, or one of the other Yamah Treasure hunters hit it big, I know what it is like to not have any operating capital or equipment, to not have enough extra money to buy a cold coca cola after a hard sweaty days work, lucky to have enough beans and tortillas to eat. But to have success, one has to get up the next morning, even if tired and discouraged, and keep going on with the knowledge that "this might be the day".

I wish you luck. Que tienes suerte mi amigo".

Don Jose de La Mancha


Real de Tayopa said:
HOLA Gboy: One does not have to be a participant in a treasure story / hunt, to know if the data posted is correct or not.

I could post a picture of a submarine and claim that it was how tons of Gold were transported overland to mt Kilimanjaro in the center of Africa, you would immediately discount it, even if you didn't know the story . Simple logic.

Unfortunately all of the data that you have posted so far is just about the same.

As for SWR, he isn't stupid (sometimes I wish that he was, especially when we are arguing , errr discussing, something on the net) - and he does recover many things besides the beach stuff.. He is NOT an arm chair hunter,. perhaps not in the order of 10 tons of Gold, but he does find things. .

A successful treasure hunter is determined by his "finds", not by big talk and producing nothing.

So Gboy, I would suggest getting off of your duff (nalgas) and actually compete with him by finding "something", no matter how small. Become a "successful" true treasure hunter. Show us that you are one, but not by posting the same data over and over no matter how wrong it may be.

So far all I see is an arm chair Treasure hunter, one that hasn't produced one coin or anything new on the Yamash---- treasure other than what is already on the internet.

Gboy, I personally would love to see you, or one of the other Yamah Treasure hunters hit it big, I know what it is like to not have any operating capital or equipment, to not have enough extra money to buy a cold coca cola after a hard sweaty days work, lucky to have enough beans and tortillas to eat. But to have success, one has to get up the next morning, even if tired and discouraged, and keep going on with the knowledge that "this might be the day".

I wish you luck. Que tienes suerte mi amigo".

Don Jose de La Mancha

Hola Don Jose, this is the best post i've read in here yet. Critical yet inspiring. This would be my last post, off to treasure hunt bringing with me this "suerte" wish you made amigo.

SWR, just wait and see. Your negative cristicisms in someway is very challenging.


I salute you, Don Jose for your inspiring post not only intended for Gboy but for the rest of all Yam treasure hunters here.
More power to you!!!




Real de Tayopa said:
HOLA Gboy: One does not have to be a participant in a treasure story / hunt, to know if the data posted is correct or not.

I could post a picture of a submarine and claim that it was how tons of Gold were transported overland to mt Kilimanjaro in the center of Africa, you would immediately discount it, even if you didn't know the story . Simple logic.

Unfortunately all of the data that you have posted so far is just about the same.

As for SWR, he isn't stupid (sometimes I wish that he was, especially when we are arguing , errr discussing, something on the net) - and he does recover many things besides the beach stuff.. He is NOT an arm chair hunter,. perhaps not in the order of 10 tons of Gold, but he does find things. .

A successful treasure hunter is determined by his "finds", not by big talk and producing nothing.

So Gboy, I would suggest getting off of your duff (nalgas) and actually compete with him by finding "something", no matter how small. Become a "successful" true treasure hunter. Show us that you are one, but not by posting the same data over and over no matter how wrong it may be.

So far all I see is an arm chair Treasure hunter, one that hasn't produced one coin or anything new on the Yamash---- treasure other than what is already on the internet.

Gboy, I personally would love to see you, or one of the other Yamah Treasure hunters hit it big, I know what it is like to not have any operating capital or equipment, to not have enough extra money to buy a cold coca cola after a hard sweaty days work, lucky to have enough beans and tortillas to eat. But to have success, one has to get up the next morning, even if tired and discouraged, and keep going on with the knowledge that "this might be the day".

I wish you luck. Que tienes suerte mi amigo".

Don Jose de La Mancha

I beg to disagree with your comments:

1) If you wanted to be a credible critic on a certain subject like cache treasure hunting....you must also be a cache treasure hunter yourself, in this case YAM TH......so that whatever your commentaries...it is considered credible , not just opinion from armchair treasure hunter.
Ex: SWR is just a beach comber...with no experience whatsoever in joining a treasure hunting projects or expedition....and yet he keep on critizing Yam TH as if he is an expert on this topic, therefore whatever he said...is considered NULL AND VOID...or plain hearsay...
EX: You... regarding your health...who do you think is credible to give you a medical consultation...licensed doctor or quack doctor? ...its the same with orig treasure hunter like us YAM TH and fake treasure hunter like SWR.

2) If your talking about an armchair treasure hunter?.... :o ...ding dong !!! ask yourself...who among us three do you think is an armchair treasure hunter...YOU , SWR and ME?....hello? I am the youngest guy....half century younger than you...and several decades younger than SWR....WHO DO YOU THINK CAN WITHSTAND THE RIGOROUS EXPLORATION, EXPEDITION AND TREASURE HUNTING OPERATIONS...TODAY?.... :P....therefore who is an armchair treasure hunter?? NOT ME !!! ::)

3) You are talking about a successful find or Yam Treas proof?....WHAT KIND OF GOLD BAR PROOF DO YOU THINK WILL SATISFY SWR?...NOTHING...SWR MIND IS ALRREADY DEAD SET TO DENY EVERY PROOF that we posted....therefore..its now his treasure hunting qualification/experience we will concentrate to attack...SINCE HE I HAVE PROVEN IT HERE THAT SWR IS A FAKE TREASURE HUNTER...THEREFORE ALL HIS COMMENTARIES...IS DEFINITELY...HEARSAY, NULL AND VOID...

4) If you yourself admitted that indeed SWR is just a beach comber...then he has no business in discrediting Yam TH bcoz he is NOT CREDIBLE TREASURE CRITIC...bcoz any Yam th proofs, markers, sites is being posted...he will never understand or appreciate it.


HOLA Caballeros, Ojala que la Diosa de suerte va a tocar te" ( I hope that the Goddess of luck will favor you).


Gboy, you quoted --->

"I beg to disagree with your comments:

1) If you wanted to be a credible critic on a certain subject like cache treasure hunting....you must also be a cache treasure hunter yourself, in this case YAM TH......so that whatever your commentaries...it is considered credible , not just opinion from armchair treasure hunter."

I don't know if you can't read, have a poor memory, or are un poco lento en la cabaza. I have posted my credentials in here various times, Cut and pasting data is not a credential, soo I have yet to see YOUR'S"?

So far, for many years now, You have never recovered anything, not even one coin, yet you continue to brag about being a professional treasure hunter?? Do you even know what a professional treasure hunter is?

2) If your talking about an armchair treasure hunter?.... ...ding dong !!! ask yourself...who among us three do you think is an armchair treasure hunter...YOU , SWR and ME?....hello? I am the youngest guy....half century younger than you...and several decades younger than SWR....WHO DO YOU THINK CAN WITHSTAND THE RIGOROUS EXPLORATION, EXPEDITION AND TREASURE HUNTING OPERATIONS...TODAY?.... ....therefore who is an armchair treasure hunter?? NOT ME" !!!
Who is the armchair th? "YOU ARE" the others have poven themselves in the TH'ng business. You, on the other hand have done nothing, shown nothing, except sit in a chair in an internet cafe getting fat and telling everyone how great a THunter you are..

Even if you are 50 years younger than I, I probably can sitll do more actual work in the bush than you can with your intenet cafe life.


Not just proof to SWR, but me and the others also. So far, in thre years I have seen none, just cut and paste data from popular magazines or books. . Nor do I have any belief in your willingness to leave your armchair in the internet cafe and actually go look for something.. Most of your Pilippine TH friends in here are at least trying, you?

".you yourself admitted that indeed SWR is just a beach comber...then he has no business in discrediting Yam TH bcoz he is NOT CREDIBLE TREASURE CRITIC...

SWR is not just another beach comber. Besides his regular business, he has another successful business in recoveries both on the beach, land and is close contact with some ship recoveries.

As for being a critic "any one" that enters here can be a critic or a booster / backer of you and your stories.

Frankly, I haven't seen a single one of your stories that can srand up to a few simple, logical questions, if they can't, then you simply start posting insults in answer, sooo, what is one to think?

For my part while I can back a general treasure hunting expedition in the Philipines, because of you I will not touch a project there. I believe that others have felt the same way. You are your own worst enemy of anyone backing you or any of your friends in here ..

While you may pick up a few donators which keeps you sitting in your internet cafe arm chair, I doubt that you will ever get a serious backer for any of your projects.

it is a shame since there are thousands of real treasure stories through out the Philippines that your friends could go find, not waste their time on the Yamash--- story.

I salute them as being professional / serious Thunters, but not you!

I may be here off and on since I have to fly to Canada on business over the next few weeks. so if I don't post quickly, don't assume that I have run away. I am like that egotistical ass McArthur, "I shall return".

Don Jose de La Mancha


Foreign Japanese team was digging into river before they offered money to locals for "flood control". Now they give money to locals for construction and they expand their digging in the river and moving much water out.





5) If I recover Yam TH...DO YOU THINK I WILL EXPOSED IT HERE? HELLOW? ding dong...are you crazy or what?....Do you expect me or any pinoy Yth to expose his Yam treasure here....hellow?? we are NOT in USA...wake up...we are in PHIL....we can easily be massacred.....besides once I confirmed it...then the CIA informant wil have an easy time confirming it.....oks ba? ;D

Note: The rest of this Post has been Deleted because it had nothing to do with the Subject this thread is About..

Treasure Hunting > Cache Hunting > ( Re: 2007 EXPEDITION: YAMASH-I-T-A ( Japanese) TREASURE )





In regards to Yam TH thread...your post or replies are already considered IRRELEVANT, NON-SENSE, MEANINGLESS, NULL AND VOID....simply bcoz you have not proven here that you are an expert, experience or competent Yam TH critic....You said I have NO plausible evidence...I said I have....therefore it became endless run around of replies/comments. Therefore what ever you posted here NO LONGER NEED REPLIES FROM YAM THr.

Jeff of Pa,
My erased replies to Realde...he is questioning my competence as Yam TH....therefore my replies had to do with Yam TH topic also.

1)" Who is the armchair th? "YOU ARE" the others have poven themselves in the TH'ng business. You, on the other hand have done nothing, shown nothing, except sit in a chair in an internet cafe getting fat and telling everyone how great a THunter you are.."
Since Realde mentiond about armchair TH....he probably mean to me as armchair Yam TH.....anyway my replies are....
First: am NOT FAT...I have been lifting weights since 1986 up to now, meaning am physically fit for Yam treasure hunt/explorations (title of thread).
Second: Read my list of hundreds treasure sites, explorations...ONLY A FIT OR WELL EXPLORED YAM TH CAN DO THAT EXPLORING THE WHOLE COUNTRYSIDE...FROM SEAS, INSIDE JUNGLE, MOUNTANEOUS AREAS, ETC....BTW if I'm sitting on internet cafe, I will never be able to produce hundreds of Yam TH sites.....therefore am definitely not an armchair Yam treasure hunter.
(BTW this reply complies with Yam TH topic)

2) "Not just proof to SWR, but me and the others also. So far, in thre years I have seen none, just cut and paste data from popular magazines or books. . Nor do I have any belief in your willingness to leave your armchair in the internet cafe and actually go look for something.. Most of your Pilippine TH friends in here are at least trying, you?"
If you think my YTH proof i've posted (sites, markers, gold bars,asian artifacts,etc) are just "copy & pasted" from magazine and books...THEN SHOW OR PROVE IT HERE THAT IT WAS JUST COPIED FROM MAGS OR BOOKS........(BTW this reply is complies with Yam TH topic). If you wanted to deny my YTH proofs...then study or have experience first hand in Yam TH, to be a competent Yam TH critic...

3) "As for being a critic "any one" that enters here can be a critic or a booster / backer of you and your stories."
Yes anybody can be a critic...however....there are 2 kinds of critics:
a) NUISANCE, IGNORANT, ENVIOUS CRITIC of YTH....(this is where both of you (Realde/SWR)... belongs.
b) COMPETENT, EXPERIENCED OR EXPERT OF YAM TH... CRITIC.....and definitely both of you (realde/SWR) doesn't belongs to this category...

4) "For my part while I can back a general treasure hunting expedition in the Philipines, because of you I will not touch a project there. I believe that others have felt the same way. You are your own worst enemy of anyone backing you or any of your friends in here"

LOL... ;D ;D ;D...I almost fall into my chairs laughing.....We are not that stupid to think that you are interested in Yam TH. Tell your childish alibis to the marines ::)


joe said:
This is all i can say" 没有用的辩论与驻波比" ;D


Sinking useful 辩 论 giving 驻 wave ratio "


A 没 useful target? ? 与? Wave ratio'

Either way the Translation Differences make Joe's Post


this is my comment on your posts:
I am not questioning whether your treasure maps or your markers pointing to a treasure is real or reel. What is relevant is that if there was any successful recoveries made by you or those who have used your documents as guide for their treasure expeditions.
It's useless claiming the existence of those Yam treasures with SWR and Don Jose and with all the Yam treasure hunters in this forum if there are no proofs of a successful recoveries. I myself would want you to show some tangible evidence(s) of the existence of these Yam treasures for us Yam hunters to believe.....
The reason why I got involve in this Yam treasuring is for me to try to unlock the mysteries of this Yam treasures. Until I haven't proven anything yet, I will still consider this as a "myth".



My friend and I just acquired this USA RANABOUT and the GOLD PINPOINTER from Accurate Locators to boost our chances in uncovering the truth of this Yam Treasure myth.
Just hope for the best that soon, there will be a closing of this Yam treasure legend with us.........


BADZ said:
this is my comment on your posts:
I am not questioning whether your treasure maps or your markers pointing to a treasure is real or reel. What is relevant is that if there was any successful recoveries made by you or those who have used your documents as guide for their treasure expeditions.
It's useless claiming the existence of those Yam treasures with SWR and Don Jose and with all the Yam treasure hunters in this forum if there are no proofs of a successful recoveries. I myself would want you to show some tangible evidence(s) of the existence of these Yam treasures for us Yam hunters to believe.....
The reason why I got involve in this Yam treasuring is for me to try to unlock the mysteries of this Yam treasures. Until I haven't proven anything yet, I will still consider this as a "myth".


For the ignorant, Roger Roxas. The american court awarded $22 Billion US dollars. Are you saying the american courts are stupid ???


Finder-Keeper said:
BADZ said:
this is my comment on your posts:
I am not questioning whether your treasure maps or your markers pointing to a treasure is real or reel. What is relevant is that if there was any successful recoveries made by you or those who have used your documents as guide for their treasure expeditions.
It's useless claiming the existence of those Yam treasures with SWR and Don Jose and with all the Yam treasure hunters in this forum if there are no proofs of a successful recoveries. I myself would want you to show some tangible evidence(s) of the existence of these Yam treasures for us Yam hunters to believe.....
The reason why I got involve in this Yam treasuring is for me to try to unlock the mysteries of this Yam treasures. Until I haven't proven anything yet, I will still consider this as a "myth".


For the ignorant, Roger Roxas. The american court awarded $22 Billion US dollars. Are you saying the american courts are stupid ???

Roxas tunneled for months searching for treasure a buddy told him was buried eons before. But, he finally found it in the form of a golden Buddha statute that was chock full of diamonds and bars of gold bullion.

As the story goes, Marcos got wind of the discovery, and like any reputable dictator, had Roxas arrested, jailed and tortured and then stole the Treasure.

Of course there are those who still don't believe.
personally I don't believe Marcos was a Dictator.
Just a foreign President on the a Propaganda Hit list
like so many others.


SWR/ Finder-keeper,
I agree with you regarding the Roxas budha court verdict.......I read the story and viewed the movie of roger roxas years ago. It may or may not be true but I only base my conclusion on the court verdicts in the Phil and in the U.S.. It's still " to see is to believe"! To us, Yam treasure hunters, we hear a lot of successful treasure recoveries but we are not part of it, though. Therefore, we haven't seen it with our two eyes to confirm those recoveries to claim that Yam treasures really exist. This is the very reason why we indulge in this Yam treasuring because we get inspired to all those stories we hear. We say to ourselves then, if others can recover those treasures, why can't I?
So, to all Yam treasure hunters, GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF US!!!! sooner or later, each one of us could share to this forum of our successful recovery and we can claim to the world that Yam treasures do really exist......


yes, we will post pics of us using our new equipment in our next expedition. As of now, the equipment is still with my friend.


It's very easy to Not Believe what you never Saw.

I don't Believe in Black Holes, Global Warming, Spirits, or Death without reincarnation.

Does that mean they Don't Exist ?

Can you Prove or Disprove any of these to all ?

There are Too many Reasons why Certain Factions Don't want
the Yam Treasure to Exist to believe anyone it dosn't.

I'm still 50/50 on it.

But Due to certain Announced Finds, being Declaired Fake by Certain Factions,
I'm inclined to believe it Probably Does Exist and there is an intentional Coverup.


jeff of pa said:
Finder-Keeper said:
BADZ said:
this is my comment on your posts:
I am not questioning whether your treasure maps or your markers pointing to a treasure is real or reel. What is relevant is that if there was any successful recoveries made by you or those who have used your documents as guide for their treasure expeditions.
It's useless claiming the existence of those Yam treasures with SWR and Don Jose and with all the Yam treasure hunters in this forum if there are no proofs of a successful recoveries. I myself would want you to show some tangible evidence(s) of the existence of these Yam treasures for us Yam hunters to believe.....
The reason why I got involve in this Yam treasuring is for me to try to unlock the mysteries of this Yam treasures. Until I haven't proven anything yet, I will still consider this as a "myth".


For the ignorant, Roger Roxas. The american court awarded $22 Billion US dollars. Are you saying the american courts are stupid ???

Roxas tunneled for months searching for treasure a buddy told him was buried eons before. But, he finally found it in the form of a golden Buddha statute that was chock full of diamonds and bars of gold bullion.

As the story goes, Marcos got wind of the discovery, and like any reputable dictator, had Roxas arrested, jailed and tortured and then stole the Treasure.

Of course there are those who still don't believe.
personally I don't believe Marcos was a Dictator.
Just a foreign President on the a Propaganda Hit list
like so many others.

Roger Roxas win value of $22 Billion dollars was based upon with the american testimony of five different witnesses some were american government employees to seeing 2,000 metric tons of gold marcos said himself came from the Roxas cave. You say it make of one buddha and some diamonds??

We have watched this stupid argument like two drunks in karaoki bar. I ask you moderator, are you saing the american court were stupid when they said that Roxas found 2,000 metric tons of gold??


Finder-Keeper said:
We have watched this stupid argument like two drunks in karaoki bar. I ask you moderator, are you saing the american court were stupid when they said that Roxas found 2,000 metric tons of gold??

You need to Read my Post Closer.

I said No such Thing.

I said Certain factions have reason to Cover up Any and All Finds,
and hide the Fact there may be Treasures there.

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