Its in the NORTH....all you have to do is ask some WW2 veterans....ask where are the retreat areas of the Japanese. Actually I could have give you one exact road (retreat areas) but I can't for the respect of my partner who gave me this treasure information. His late father was WW2 Guerilla Chief Intel with thousand intel men who monitors sorrounding Japs retreat/buried areas and knows the japanese shallow sites up to Kiangan...Yamashita Last stronghold. The
"original intel attack plan paper " against Yamashita camp in Kiangan was still with us. Meaning his information is so reliable, that the "Chief Intel himself" recovers thousand of tons during Martial law heydays. According to the old Chief...He and Marcos didn't bother to recover those loose gold bars (small or sucker sites) along the road....He is correct, do you expect marcos to be satisfied by just one drum or a few pieces gold bars scattered along the road?...of course not...he always concentrate on big volumes.
One Historical proof of those fierce battle and at the same time...massive/quick the Battle at Dalton Pass or was it Balete Pass....The Japanese defended that narrow winding road in Santa Fe for several months and at a cost of heavy toll for both sides, est. 14,000 soldiers (japs, filipinos and americans), thus delaying the attack of the Americans in the North. And whats the "secret" purpose of Japs to defend and delay the Americans advance? The Japs needs time for their massive treasure burials along the road while retreating to the mountains....and some of those several small roads leading to Kiangan and other Japs retreat areas..had scattered or shallow treasures...
Are you not wandering....among other places in the Philippines...several foriegn Mining companies are very2 eager to mine and fighting the local natives in Kasibu, N.Vizcaya areas.....he,he,he...these are one of those retreat areas....

" If a hunter is working full time as what you claim, and you have most of the information about treasures as what you claim, then a single hit of one (1) 6 kg is not bad for 20 years work"
Yes , It is NOT bad indeed for 20 years work, in fact they were VERY2 GOOD......
THE HUNTER I KNOW...did not recover only one 6 kilogram for his 20 years work.....HE HAD RECOVERED ....
ONLY EST. 10-20,000 METRIC TONS...and some of iot are fully documented !!....ask Sen. Enrile, he was one of those treasure beneficiaries...
"My motto is quite different from yours, Research, research and results....I always put an end for everything."
You have indeed have a good motto....and we are eager to know also the END RESULT of your ...ahemmm....research?
Yammy Elf,
New ELF name huh?...he,he,he...whats thats relative of Rodulf the red nose reindeer?