
I already contacted my kin. He said that the old chieftain in that town has already passed away and MM is still the same "old suspicious and skeptic" person to deal with new faces. Can't help you there, chap.



Thanks for the infos and your effort.....anyway, Palawan is quite too far from where I live (northern Phil)



Hi to all Hunters,

It made me smile while reading all the postings in this thread. I appreciate those people who are so brilliant in manipulating history and data alike. (Skeptics and believers of course) But the truth remains, tons of golds are waiting to be exposed by COMPETENT TREASURE HUNTERS who uses their heads instead of their mouth. How am I so sure? He he he.... Because I'm using my head....
words of advice:
1. The remaining buried treasures, now, can not be recovered by using any commercial treasure hunting electronics instruments made by any countries because of the intricacies, depth and materials used by the Japanese and Korean forces alike.
2. In my opinion, (This is based on MY ACTUAL OBSERVATIONS) the shallowest object a hunter can recover is around 14 meters and below. The reason? Most or all seven meters and above have been recovered.
3. Do I have any proof? Of course! But this proof will lead me to people who are more interested in recovering other people's recovery. They are not only Filipinos but other citizens of very friendly countries, who denied the existence of these treasures.
4. Another thing, to all those neophites who wishes to see, touch a piece of gold bars: A syndicate is operating in baguio and dealing with fake gold bars. They are using bronze bars, with a weight of 3 kil0s but exagerated size and volume. Another type is made of lead, painted with gold and with "alkitran" to look authentic. The size is 1 x 2 x 6 inches and a weight of 2.5 kilos. They claim that the origin of this bars from narvacan ilokos Norte. These are the people who are also dealing platinum (fake of course).
That's all folks, and happy hunting...



Hi Jeff,

Since this thread is circling around as stated by some members, I suggest it to be divided into two subjects; just what you have done with the DOWSING thread. With that, there will be no word bashing, foul mouthing and other unnecessary words from each contributors. In DOWSING thread, we have pro and con,; if it is possible for that thread, will it be possible also for this thread?



Hi Angel_09

Those fake goldbars you have stated is also abundant in APARRI, CAMALANIUGAN, BUGUEY, STA ANA towns. All in Cagayan Province. I've seen it and touched it. They tried to trade those fake gold bars to my group a few months way back.....
I also agree with your observations that most of those treasures left are in the depth of 14 meters below and those commercial detectors in the market does not have the capabilities to detect objects below 10 meters unless we used those high end equipment like GPR's, SIR etc. which cost so much and beyond the means of an ordinary treasure hunters.
I guess what we also need here in this thread is to help each other in our quest to find those treasures-a consolidation of informations on suspected sites and detectors



angel_09 said:
Hi Jeff,

Since this thread is circling around as stated by some members, I suggest it to be divided into two subjects; just what you have done with the DOWSING thread. With that, there will be no word bashing, foul mouthing and other unnecessary words from each contributors. In DOWSING thread, we have pro and con,; if it is possible for that thread, will it be possible also for this thread?


There already is a Thread for that, However, it gets very little use.

Sorry I will not delete Legitimate Questions or comments on the Reality
of this treasure, I do And will continue deleting Put Downs, attacks etc. on the
Believers & Treasure Hunters who search for this Treasure anywhere they get posted.

As far as Starting another Thread, Your a Member here and have that ability.
IF anyone posts in it in an inappropriate way their posts will be deleted.


posted for a member who couldn't get it to work.
I know not why, hopefully he'll explain.

!!!!man\'s face new.webp



There are still lots of ....above ground... boulders/ trees embedded with gold bars....all you need to do is a RELIABLE TREASURE INFORMATION[/b]....and maybe a OKM device would do.

I know a road in the north (historical japs retreat areas) that according to our sources (WW2 Intel Chief)...for every one/two hundred meters (for several kilometers)....the japs buried/embedded several gold bars or box/drum.....along the way when they retreated....all the way up to the mountain areas.
And two groups had already recovered some of these "succer or small deposits"....and these are shallow sometimes above ground embedded inside boulder or inside tree trunk and sometimes just underneath the boulder....or buried one meter deep.
In fact, one drum filled with gold bars was accidentally hit by road widening...the Bulldozer operator suddenly abandoned his road work... ;D
And there are several Japs retreat ROADS.... enbedded/buried with shallow gold bars along their retreat areas....all you have to do is RESEARCH...RESEARCH AND ENDLESS RESEARCH....malalaman nyo rin yan. :o



give us a hint for a start in our search.....



That information was circulating after the war, and still being patronized by those who believes only to themselves. Say the war ended in 1944, to present time, 63 years have had past and still thousands still believe that they can get a freebies. What I'm saying is, if there are still remaining Au shallowly hidden, it should have been recovered for the past 62 years till now.
Some people are blinded and are still living in make believe and avoiding hard work. What we need are information about other hunter's recovery techniques so that it will serve as the guiding information.
If a hunter is working full time as what you claim, and you have most of the information about treasures as what you claim, then a single hit of one (1) 6 kg is not bad for 20 years work.
I have created a new thread intended for active hunters, to share their information and working techniques, whereas it will also serves as a litmus test for other hunter's procedures.
I have no intention to demean other hunters, but let it be a straight forward exchange of ideas.



BTW Gboy,

My motto is quite different from yours.

Research, research and results....

I always put an end for everything.



to the experts,
please can anyone give me some idea or meaning of the face(picture that jeff of pa just posted) that we found beside a small waterfall on the north eastern foot of mount matutum in south cotabato,this face is facing east,with three big stones/rock stocked one on top of the other directly above it,from the bottom of the lowest rock protrudes an old/rusted 2 inch diameter cable about two meters long and again pointing east.just below and to the left are one pair of footprints carved on the rock and below to the right is a rice bowl also carved on the rock where the water actually falls.i'm hoping for kind reply to my queries esp. from my felloy pinoy treasure hunters.

to jeff of pa:thanks alot mate.



Its in the NORTH....all you have to do is ask some WW2 veterans....ask where are the retreat areas of the Japanese. Actually I could have give you one exact road (retreat areas) but I can't for the respect of my partner who gave me this treasure information. His late father was WW2 Guerilla Chief Intel with thousand intel men who monitors sorrounding Japs retreat/buried areas and knows the japanese shallow sites up to Kiangan...Yamashita Last stronghold. The "original intel attack plan paper " against Yamashita camp in Kiangan was still with us. Meaning his information is so reliable, that the "Chief Intel himself" recovers thousand of tons during Martial law heydays. According to the old Chief...He and Marcos didn't bother to recover those loose gold bars (small or sucker sites) along the road....He is correct, do you expect marcos to be satisfied by just one drum or a few pieces gold bars scattered along the road?...of course not...he always concentrate on big volumes.

One Historical proof of those fierce battle and at the same time...massive/quick burials...is the Battle at Dalton Pass or was it Balete Pass....The Japanese defended that narrow winding road in Santa Fe for several months and at a cost of heavy toll for both sides, est. 14,000 soldiers (japs, filipinos and americans), thus delaying the attack of the Americans in the North. And whats the "secret" purpose of Japs to defend and delay the Americans advance? The Japs needs time for their massive treasure burials along the road while retreating to the mountains....and some of those several small roads leading to Kiangan and other Japs retreat areas..had scattered or shallow treasures...
Are you not wandering....among other places in the Philippines...several foriegn Mining companies are very2 eager to mine and fighting the local natives in Kasibu, N.Vizcaya areas.....he,he,he...these are one of those retreat areas.... ;D.....THATS THE TIP !!

" If a hunter is working full time as what you claim, and you have most of the information about treasures as what you claim, then a single hit of one (1) 6 kg is not bad for 20 years work"

Yes , It is NOT bad indeed for 20 years work, in fact they were VERY2 GOOD......THE HUNTER I KNOW...did not recover only one 6 kilogram for his 20 years work.....HE HAD RECOVERED ....ONLY EST. 10-20,000 METRIC TONS...and some of iot are fully documented !!....ask Sen. Enrile, he was one of those treasure beneficiaries... ;D

"My motto is quite different from yours, Research, research and results....I always put an end for everything."
You have indeed have a good motto....and we are eager to know also the END RESULT of your ...ahemmm....research?

Yammy Elf,
New ELF name huh?...he,he,he...whats thats relative of Rodulf the red nose reindeer?


Yammy Elf said:
greenapple said:
to the experts,
please can anyone give me some idea or meaning of the face(picture that jeff of pa just posted) that we found beside a small waterfall on the north eastern foot of mount matutum in south cotabato,this face is facing east,with three big stones/rock stocked one on top of the other directly above it,from the bottom of the lowest rock protrudes an old/rusted 2 inch diameter cable about two meters long and again pointing east.just below and to the left are one pair of footprints carved on the rock and below to the right is a rice bowl also carved on the rock where the water actually falls.i'm hoping for kind reply to my queries esp. from my felloy pinoy treasure hunters.

to jeff of pa:thanks alot mate.

How about posting a picture of all the items described, in the natural settings, instead of a close-up of one item and a brief description of the surrounding clues. Without an overall view, it is simply a guessing game.

At first glance the carving in not of Japanese origin. More than likely a South Pacific Tiki tropics theme, done in the 70s or 80s to promote tourism.
Yammy Elf said:
greenapple said:
to the experts,
please can anyone give me some idea or meaning of the face(picture that jeff of pa just posted) that we found beside a small waterfall on the north eastern foot of mount matutum in south cotabato,this face is facing east,with three big stones/rock stocked one on top of the other directly above it,from the bottom of the lowest rock protrudes an old/rusted 2 inch diameter cable about two meters long and again pointing east.just below and to the left are one pair of footprints carved on the rock and below to the right is a rice bowl also carved on the rock where the water actually falls.i'm hoping for kind reply to my queries esp. from my felloy pinoy treasure hunters.

to jeff of pa:thanks alot mate.

How about posting a picture of all the items described, in the natural settings, instead of a close-up of one item and a brief description of the surrounding clues. Without an overall view, it is simply a guessing game.

At first glance the carving in not of Japanese origin. More than likely a South Pacific Tiki tropics theme, done in the 70s or 80s to promote tourism.
yes how i wish to do just that but unfortunately i am away from my country,and this picture is the only one i have in my notebook set as a background.i wish to post all the shots that i have from this particular site but i just can't ask my wife to forward the file that contains it for she doesn't like my dangerous and exciting hobby,anyhow the descriptions and picture that i showed is more than enough for the experts to give an advice.

by the way you are right,its kinda guessing game when you are treasure hunting.



The face picture is confirmed Japs treasure marker....specially in Mt. Matutum area wherein several japs straggler roam before....the only problem is...we do not know the meaning of it....maybe this is just one of those personalized Japs rock treasure marker. I suggest you try to look for the basic japs rock marker in the sorrounding area lke arrows or X .


"My motto is quite different from yours, Research, research and results....I always put an end for everything."
You have indeed have a good motto....and we are eager to know also the END RESULT of your ...ahemmm....research?

Hi Gboy,

Well, for the end result, let us put it in this way:
We are now capable of converting your Au into cash. Our price is very straight forward: P750.00 per gram. Mode of buying: Au will be put into a destructive and assay test to determine its authenticity. No middlemen, no agents. You can start from 100 grams up to how many kilos you may have. Just P.M. me if you have something interesting.




gboy said:

The face picture is confirmed Japanese treasure marker....specially in Mt. Matutum area wherein several Japanese straggler roam before....the only problem is...we do not know the meaning of it....maybe this is just one of those personalized Japanese rock treasure marker. I suggest you try to look for the basic Japanese rock marker in the sorrounding area lke arrows or X .
i'm quite sure it is a japs treasure marker,unfortunately this is the last one there is for the man who owned this place thought there was gold hidden under or behind those sign so he had broken all of the other signs near the face.this man is a native(B'LAAN tribe)but i suspect he is a son in law of a living japs straggler that i actually met this year before i left the PI.i have also taken photo of this old man's extraordinary tattoo on his chest and back, you know this guys roam up and down(literaly anywhere)the area where western mining inc.now Sagittarius mining inc. is having a big investment and expansion in the coming years.saying i left my diagram back home i can't show any evidence of what I'm talk in here.
regards to cliff,tell him i might need his help on mount Margalo next time I'm home.i know the owner of the place where mark strum went before.one of the older son of the owner of the cave run away with a bar of gold(regal).they don't want the tunnel/cave to be explored again due to this sad experience but of course maybe we can always convince them.


Re: Au buy/sell....I'm prohibit to discuss it here by my team for security reason.

According to Cliff....there are several japs straggler in Mt. Matutum area who became b'laan natives. In fact, 1976 when his grand pa was still alive they monitored at least 13 japs straggler...and in 1992, we monitored Capt. Kimata and Col. Ito....however today, we don't know if they are still alive or not.
Anyway, you will noticed that some of the b'laan natives have fair skinned features, maybe children/grandchildren of Japanese stragglers. Bcoz during WW2 thousand of Japs soldiers roam in that area. In fact, several japanese nationals and reporters frequent in that area looking for japs straggler thru these years.
Thats why its NOT surprising if there are treasure sites in the area...the only problem, if you explored in that area...some people there are armed....too dangerous for Yam THrs.


gboy said:
Re: Au buy/sell....I'm prohibit to discuss it here by my team for security reason.

According to Cliff....there are several Japanese straggler in Mt. Matutum area who became b'laan natives. In fact, 1976 when his grand pa was still alive they monitored at least 13 Japanese straggler...and in 1992, we monitored Capt. Kimata and Col. Ito....however today, we don't know if they are still alive or not.
Anyway, you will noticed that some of the b'laan natives have fair skinned features, maybe children/grandchildren of Japanese stragglers. Bcoz during WW2 thousand of Japanese soldiers roam in that area. In fact, several japanese nationals and reporters frequent in that area looking for Japanese straggler thru these years.
Thats why its NOT surprising if there are treasure sites in the area...the only problem, if you explored in that area...some people there are armed....too dangerous for Yam THrs.
not just some people are armed in that area but most of them,but who cares i am good to this tribe,there are even times that i'm in the company of bandidos trekking the mountains of sarangani and south cotabato provinces searching for the elusive gold,whew what an exciting and adventurous hobby we have,hehehe.well speaking of japs stragglers i have another one that is 90% confirmed by his daughter,unfortunately the old man expired just a few months by the time we came,all i saw is the old man's picture when he was still young (40's),oh man he is japs looking in every angle you look at his picture,also his daughter looks definitely japs.the girl told me that his father had a tattoo on his chest that is an exact replica of the signs on one of the tree in their small parcel of land.her father also said he was a former japs slave and the japs(his friends daw) gave him an instruction not to plough the land for some reason,likewise he told his children not to plough the land.how i wish to prove they are.
there's no dispute about the treasures of mount matutum and mount calaja.

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