BADZ said:
nice comment hahaha. I have been helpful with friends and people who needs my help in detecting their treasure sites without charging any fees. I heard that a few of them was successful in their operations. I myself had a hit 3 yrs ago but something just happened. Those friends of mine suddenly had a change of life. But how can I attest on those Yam treasures if i didn't see it myself? To see is to believe, isn't it?
Treasuring is just my hobby, not a way of living. Being an adventurer, treasuring is my past time or shall i say my weekend special. I contend myself hearing from others that so and so whom I've help in detecting their project was able to extract this and that and it makes me happy.......
One of my last 3 treasure sites is about to be operated in the visaya area. We hit a cement block at 18 inches deep only size 39 inches wide, 34 inches thick and 9 feet long. Being in northern Phil and the project is in southern Phil is quite expensive to operate....just hope that something positive will come out of it.
My last 2 sites is in my farm property, part of garison 30 which has an airstrip
during the war. It was an inland naval base, so they say. Marcos was interested to get my property during the 70's, Jica team wanted to operate on it and so many foreigners were interested to buy my property but to no avail. anyway, when I'll have the time again, I might try to locate those treasures they said are inside my property....
Until I haven't seen any of those Yam treasures, I will still consider it as a legend.....

Badz, sigurista ka. But it's a mark of a veteran..It's a nice attitude especially in treasure hunting... As my japanese friend always told me, "Yam trreasurre is verry harrd to get and verry dangerrous"...

So you're into detection, maybe you could help me on this....My map and your detection is a good tandem.
(Ilokano ka ngarud?)


Not all Yam treasure hunters are uneducated!!!! My group and I are all highly educated people composed of businessmen, judicial, medical, political etc, well respected in their own field, who loves adventures and challenges and Yam treasuring is just one of those.....Pls refrain from generalizing your notion about Yam treasure hunters.
When you hear a legend and you've got the means to uncover the truth, then go for it, isn't it?
Instead of being a critic(though your comments are useful) and a skeptic, and if you've got the means and equipment for treasuring, why don't you help the Yam treasure hunters? your inputs in this forum through your research works on Yam treasures could serve as a guide on us......
May God bless you always...



To all Japanese Treasure hunters.
I knew that WW2 Japanese treasures were only hidden in the Philippines as what I presumed. I did not present my thread about the Yamashita's Gold to preach in order to those antagonist to believe. I presented my thread to these TreasureNet forum just to share my knowledge and actual excavation/exploration to what I actually discovered in our treasure site. To be honest, I had already seen real and fake gold bars from other treasure hunter here in our place. but my problem is that, they don't want it to be exposed or pictured it, so that I will present to these forum. What they found were only decoys not the volumes.
I again post my blogspot, the history of our actual excavation to review to the believers and to all antagonist... http://garyvbautista.blogspot.com/
Even myself, I just can't believe to what I discovered, but what will I do? Its already there and these were the only proof that maybe there is really treasure in my place. And to prove it, is to dig dig dig dig......


A: if you have time to review this thread from the beginning then you may come to read some direct answers to your questions.japan did shipped some of their booty back home not all,period.due to military reasons they end up burrying/hidding some of it in the PI,they put signs and markers for future use,again period.

B:i'm not highly educated person,only a licensed FAA aircraft technician working here in UK and i believe in everything about yam treasures,now if you think you are highly educated person then i think you should believe what majority of us here are into.about the countries japan looted and its percentage to the wolrd volume or whatever,i think its not my business to know coz all i know and believe is that there are yamashita treasures hidden in the PI,again period.end of discussion.better tell your chief intell officer about this fact ;D


you're talking pre war philippines.i think japs brought those booty during the war.again i don't care much about history coz all i know is there is absolutely hidden yam treasure in phill.anyway one reason we yam treasure hunters are here is we are doing some resaerch for ideas and advises from fellow yam th's.i think if you are not one of us its better for you to shut up or go some other thread,its not creating harmonious relationships after all.


HOLA Green apples /gboy:

A) Where do you live in the UK? Also what are you licenced to repair in aircraft? what is your licence no.# Just curious since I am a Commercial, multi engine, land & sea pilot. # 1087851

B) In the 40's all Japanese movements were carefully noted by local intelligence and the Guerrillas. This critical information was sent to the Allies daily.

So explain to me logically, how could it have been possible to construct the depositories then move the Y----gold and bury it in them with out the local intelligence or guerrillas seeing and reporting it??

C) Your quote ---, ",some of them are still alive(live Japanese pointers)."
As for the present elderly Japaese spotters, how many ask for $$ up front then forget the exact location when there since the area "has changed so much"?

D) As for searching on a limited budget and a dream, I spent years alone except for my mule in basically uninhabited areas where the only ones, besides myself, were outlaws, narcotic growers and a few still bronco Apache Indians. I only had myself and my pistol for protection, and there were times when it was needed..

I remember days when I hit an isolated ranch with a small store of not having enough money for a coca cola of bit of candy, I was lucky to have just enough to buy some basic food. But I did find Tayopa and had adventures of a lifetime. No gboy, I am not an armchair adventurer.

So please don't try to cry on my shoulder about having it rough as a treasure hunter. I have been through that and more, I have earned my credentials. I didn't have rich Gold placers that you claim to have to work for some capital. So I cannot sympathize with you If what you say about the placers is true, but you won't work them, then you are just plain lazy or err ahhhxxx.

So I must back SWR regarding the Yama----thingie. so far no reasonable proof has been shown, to the contrary---. There have been no pictures of anything made by the Japanese.

Hoping to be proven wrong -----Hasta gboy/GA

Don Jose de La Mancha


don jose me amigo,
got my airframe and powerplant cert 3159191 last year in ronkonkma,long island new york,my dme was mr borneman.i have single/multi piston and also wide body/commercial experience.
yes don jose some of this japs pointers are still alive,some are even real japs struggler turned natives.(though this japs struggler never tell any secrets).maybe you're right some of them ask money for any reasons i dont know.maybe some of them are just pretenders but i'm sure there are some real ones out there.

just a hindsight don jose,in some remote from my place in southern mindanao i recalled asking one old b'laan man how old he is,he said maybe i'm 80,i said how can you say so?because during the war i was this tall(pointing his hands below his hips)and how can you say there was war going on?because theres lot of planes flying above came his reply.you see don jose how ignorant and illiterate they are even now,therefore i can say its so easy for the japs to scare them away/fool them and or subdue them to be their slaves/diggers.that may answer as to how they managed building those elaborate tunnels and caves.
(i'm talking mindanao where there's less resistance i pressume)
hoping anyhow someday you will be proven wrong my amigo :)


sir with all due respect i would like to inform you that i don't want to skew history to further any agenda.all i'm saying is that i'm not interested to learn history (esp your one sided version of history) coz i doesn't help any yam th's.
you say this forum full of history buffs?i don't think so,since most of us here are not that old to develop interest about history.anyway who's always posting history materials here?

nobody is objecting as much as you do and thats the only thing i can't understand,you have no reservations on your side since you did not saw it your own eyes.anyway i know thats your main task from the higher ups.to destroy the credibility of yam legend.



I have posted here several times "simple to answer questions" to SWR to test his competence, credibility, knowledge in treasure hunting...HE REFUSE TO ANSWER. Therefore I conclude that:

2) He is just small time coin hunter or beach comber only trying to tresspass our domain. 3) He do not have the expertise, competence, experience or knowledge of Yam TH topics. Thats why he keep on asking "plausible YTH evidence" even though it has been posted here several times already. It only proves one thing.
4) He is ignorant, inexperience of YTH topics and doesn't know how to appreciate the YTH proofs that we presented already.

Ex: 1) even if we posted hundreds of well crafted Japanese stone markers, maps, sites,pictures, replies several YTH arguments, etc....STILL HE WILL NOT APPRECIATE IT DUE TO HIS IGNORANCE AND INEXPERIENCE OF YTH TOPIC.... We are like a DOCTOR trying to discuss medical terms...while SWR is like a mechanic tyring to replies or rebutt the medical topic we are discussing by answering it in mechanical or trouble shooting terms...
Ex: 2) How do you expect a miner like Realde and beach comber like SWR...will appreciate my pictures of Japs treasure marker ... OF COURSE THEY CAN'T...THEY ARE IGNORANT AND INEXPERIENCED ABOUT YAM TREASURES....we are like trying to talk or explain the beauty of the world to a blind person...definitely they will never ever understand or appreciate it.

We are like talking APPLES topic while they reply it in ORANGES topic...can't you see?.

Therefore...from now on...whatever SWR is posting, replies or arguments is considered NON-SENSE, NULL/VOID....OR LACK OF YAM TH KNOWLEDGE/RESEARCH....tama ba?


HOLA Green apple: YUU quoted --------

"got my airframe and powerplant cert 3159191 last year in ronkonkma,long island new york,my dme was mr borneman.i have single/multi piston and also wide body/commercial experience."


K, congratulations, you have done a good job. I salute you Keep it up..
i can say its so easy for the Japanese to scare them away/fool them and or subdue them to be their slaves/diggers.that may answer as to how they managed building those elaborate tunnels and caves.

While they may fool and scare the small local farmers, they did not fool the guerrillas or the faithful officiales.. They recorded the movement of everything, even 5 trucks would be cause for investigation. it was impossible for Yamashita to do move tons etc of gold. cement, iron reenforing rods, laborers, troops etc., or to construct such things without the allies knowing every thing they did step by step.,

We knew where almost every gun emplacement was and when they were constructed.

Naturally the allies would be on the alert for "any" construction for obvious reasons, so unless there is more information, I can only conclude that the Yama thingie never existed except in the imagination of hungry Philippinos working on the American gi's for food etc.after liberation, then later for money. It now has been blown up into the Yamashita treasure.story and is used by both legitiment treasure hunters and con artists.

I believe that there are countless treasures to be found in the Philippies, but not a Yama shita treasure. They have fallen victim to their own creation. As Goebbels said, "tell a falsehood long enough and it becomes a truth. This is what happened to theYamashita story / legend.

Frankly I would actually be happy if someone could find it and show me where that I am wrong. honest!

Don Jose de La Mancha


SWR said:
greenapple said:
A: if you have time to review this thread from the beginning then you may come to read some direct answers to your questions.japan did shipped some of their booty back home not all,period.due to military reasons they end up burrying/hidding some of it in the PI,they put signs and markers for future use,again period.

I have read this thread from the beginning. The Yamashi.ta Treasure Hunters have filled it full of fantasy history, skewed history, politically incorrect history (want me to continue?), altered photographs, fake gold bars (is that enough yet?) and so on and so-fourth.

Evidently, Yamashi.ta Treasure Hunters refuse to use the research tools available to them. If they did, they would see that Japan was looting China and other Asian countries during the 30’s, and as such, (and this is documented) all of the looted items were shipped back to Japan. The Philippines was a US Territory (and this is documented) in the 30’s. Therefore, it is not plausible for Japan to ship thousands of tons of gold to the Philippines.

B:i'm not highly educated person,only a licensed FAA aircraft technician working here in UK and i believe in everything about yam treasures,now if you think you are highly educated person then i think you should believe what majority of us here are into.about the countries japan looted and its percentage to the wolrd volume or whatever,i think its not my business to know coz all i know and believe is that there are yama#@!$%#@!a treasures hidden in the PI,again period.end of discussion.better tell your chief intell officer about this fact ;D

This just does not make any sense. I should believe those soliciting for funds on an internet forum and not my own research database.

Will you give us documents supporting your claim that all looted items were shipped back to Japan in the 30's.........


your word speaks who you really are,professor.you are right telling the world its not worth replying me banters because you find me a bad student not willing to learn what you're teaching us here.and frankly speaking
i think you should create a new thread tittled WW2 PHILIPPINE HISTORY WITHOUT YAMASHITA TREASURE.i find it no point discussing with you also,so stop your antics and we'll stop our banters too.we yam th's are here for common reason,you came in here with diff reason from the rest of us,you see you are welcome in this forum like anybody else but i guess you are not welcome amonst us real yamashita treasure hunters.

by the way before i forget, this is not the proper venue to discuss history in case you don't know... ;D


don jose,
i really think there was tremendous resistance in the north and central PI during ww2,but then again during that time those places were sparsely populated as you may still see right now.i don't find it hard for the japs to build some complex tunnels for so many reasons.in my place japs can build anything they want and those peace loving natives will never give a damn,they will just transfer to another place like nomads. just in case you have an ex usaf friend who was stationed in clark air base,try to ask him if he did saw this tunnel from inside of clark leading to parts of tarlac province and zambales.
this tunnel was used by the japs when hiding from us aircrafts (i'm sorry i forgot the name of the tunnel but the japs lately built a memorial shrine near its entrance facing east).

i don't deny the fact that there are fake th's, con artist,syndicates,etc,etc out there.for that i am asking an apology to you and everyone else here but we don't control them, we just suffer from their deeds,sometimes we are being generalized and i can't blame you for that.

yes i know what countless treasure you will find in the phill especially in angeles and subic,hehehe

i'm still hopefull someday someone will prove you wrong...

hasta la vista


You know what?, because of these antagonist, my thread was deleted by Jeff of Pa and I knew he was right on his decisions. But I thanks to the great and fair moderator that he opened it back my thread after I also explained my side. I didn't thought that by joking is already a treat, that was why I posted my Blogspot ( the history of our Japanese treasure Expidetions ) to these forum in order to those antagonist to review our actual experiences and knowledges about our exploration. If it is Fake or Legend?? I even risk myself as what other Filipino T-hunters says about me. That I Am Tapang Talaga, Pinakita kopa ang Mukha ko, Telepnone# ko, address ko, at lahat ko na pinaka alas na Baraha. What I just did, is to share to all treasure hunters to all over the world. But As what his response says, He was bored on repeating on reading it. If I don't call his attention for advise, He advise me, But when I called his attention requesting him for his advise, he didn't response for a right advise and even responded that 1% share for me is good enough to buy food to share for our family's table. Please see my thread, also Yamashita's treasure similar to gboy.
But my question to these man is, why will he always comments or response to these issues about the Yamashita's Gold? I knew that our thread with gboy are now very hot to those who believes on us.
I am not foolish and stupid person, to just risking my life to post these thread if it is not true and real? Truelly, I am very proud and lucky that I had discovered these said treasure site just at the back and center of our own lot which we live. That 1(one) pointing arrow of my Japanese map posted was targeting direct to our T-site. As what Filipino treasure hunters to all over the Philippines, That our actual Treasure site and our discovered well engraved artifacts stone markers that we actually found were the very well engraved and well planned hidden treasure site to all over the Philippines.


There's nothing wrong of exposing your real identity in this forum. By doing so, you have shown your good faith and intentions here. You've got nothing to be afraid of. a forum is only a venue for exchanging views whether logical or illogical. It's up on you whom you want to deliberate on some issues. My unsolicited advise for you is that Yam treasure hunters understand more on Yam treasures and not on treasure hunters who has not gone looking for Yam treasures in the Phil.



SWR said:
kaloy said:
Will you give us documents supporting your claim that all looted items were shipped back to Japan in the 30's.........

Sure. I suggest googling: Second Sino-Japanese War or simply go to:


That will give you a insight as who the players were, and what was happening in your neck of the woods before the United States entered World War ll. Hopefully, that will give you a springboard to learn about real history. Let me know when you've finished that task, and we'll move on the the next stage of learning real history.

So how does the Second Sino-Japanese war related to Yam treasure??? Where's the document stating that all looted items were shipped back to Japan???


BADZ said:
There's nothing wrong of exposing your real identity in this forum. By doing so, you have shown your good faith and intentions here. You've got nothing to be afraid of. a forum is only a venue for exchanging views whether logical or illogical. It's up on you whom you want to deliberate on some issues. My unsolicited advise for you is that Yam treasure hunters understand more on Yam treasures and not on treasure hunters who has not gone looking for Yam treasures in the Phil.

i agree 100% with badz,some people here are just pretenders to be an expert(history)without even seeing or touching a single piece of evidence,what a nut?


garyv_bautista said:
You know what?, because of these antagonist, my thread was deleted by Jeff of Pa and I knew he was right on his decisions. But I thanks to the great and fair moderator that he opened it back my thread after I also explained my side. I didn't thought that by joking is already a treat, that was why I posted my Blogspot ( the history of our Japanese treasure Expidetions ) to these forum in order to those antagonist to review our actual experiences and knowledges about our exploration. If it is Fake or Legend?? I even risk myself as what other Filipino T-hunters says about me. That I Am Tapang Talaga, Pinakita kopa ang Mukha ko, Telepnone# ko, address ko, at lahat ko na pinaka alas na Baraha. What I just did, is to share to all treasure hunters to all over the world. But As what his response says, He was bored on repeating on reading it. If I don't call his attention for advise, He advise me, But when I called his attention requesting him for his advise, he didn't response for a right advise and even responded that 1% share for me is good enough to buy food to share for our family's table. Please see my thread, also Yama#@!$%#@!a's treasure similar to gboy.
But my question to these man is, why will he always comments or response to these issues about the Yama#@!$%#@!a's Gold? I knew that our thread with gboy are now very hot to those who believes on us.
I am not foolish and stupid person, to just risking my life to post these thread if it is not true and real? Truelly, I am very proud and lucky that I had discovered these said treasure site just at the back and center of our own lot which we live. That 1(one) pointing arrow of my Japanese map posted was targeting direct to our T-site. As what Filipino treasure hunters to all over the Philippines, That our actual Treasure site and our discovered well engraved artifacts stone markers that we actually found were the very well engraved and well planned hidden treasure site to all over the Philippines.
yes i really found you brave,intelligent,kind and straight person,and i'm hoping to see you in mindanao soon.i'm from mindanao too.bay just ignore this man for he is here just to disprove any facts about yam gold.this guy is working for the CIA and i know gboy will agree with me on this.all i can say is keep it up man,stay focussed and always ask for divine guidance and protection.


check this one guys:

Consul to meet with cops on US bonds

UNITED States Honorary Consul John Domingo will meet with police
officials today to discuss the discovery of a trunk containing what
appears to be US$3 trillion worth of US federal interest coupons.

Also next week, representatives from the US Secret Service will
arrive in Manila to study samples sent to the US Embassy, according
to Cebu Provincial Police Office Director Carmelo Valmoria.

Dante Orate, attaché of the US Homeland Security Office Immigration
and Customs Enforcement, told him that the samples arrived at the
embassy Monday.

US Ambassador to the Philippines Kristie Kenney has also been
informed of the discovery.

Article 166 of the Revised Penal Code penalizes the forging or
falsification of treasury or bank notes or certificates, or other
obligations and securities payable to bearer.

It also prohibits the "importation and uttering in connivance with
forgers or importers of such false or forged obligations or notes."

Violators are sanctioned reclusion temporal in its minimum period and
a fine not exceeding P10,000 pesos. That is, if the document which
has been falsified, counterfeited, or altered, is an "obligation or
security" of the United States or of the Philippines Islands.

The Revised Penal code defines obligations or securities as "all
bonds, certificates of indebtedness, national bank notes, fractional
notes, certificates of deposit, bills, checks, or drafts for money,
drawn by or upon authorized officers of the United States or of the
Philippine Islands, and other representatives of value, of whatever
denomination, which have been or may be issued under any act of the
Congress of the United States or of the Philippine Legislature. "

While police are leaving it to US officials to determine the bonds'
authenticity, Valmoria expressed belief that the bonds were
counterfeit. This is because these contained grammatical errors and
discrepancies. With the way the bonds were printed, Valmoria also
thinks these were done in the Philippines.

He would not disclose other developments of the investigation, aside
from the fact that they now know the owner of the red Kia Sportage
that was spotted minutes after the trunk was dumped. They still need
to verify the identity of the passengers and other details.

A Caucasian man driving a red Mitsubishi Pajero was seen leaving the
trunk in a banana grove in Argao town last Friday.

A red Kia Sportage followed but made a U-turn after seeing curious
bystanders milling around the trunk.

(October 17, 2007)

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