gboy said:

You have been maligning the Yam Treasure hunter for sooo long accusing us as scammer (personal attack also) even w/o basis. Now that you are in receiving end...cornered...and suddenly asking the help of treasurenet to ban us? I thought you are very old enough to defend yourself? Why now acting like a scolded kid asking for help?... ;D

Before you belittle the Yam treasure hunters credentials and treasure sites....

1) Show us first your treasure accomplishment credentials as a coin hunter/beach comber also?
2) Show us your treasure sites that you think is better than Yam treas sites...and lets us annalyze your site also...and see how credible you are... ;D
3) Prove to us first that you are credibled or accomplished treasure/coin hunter like Mel Fisher/Robert Ballard caliber before you criticize fellow treasure hunter accomplishment/credentials?
4) You are already a senior citizen....meaning you became old... in coin hunting or beach combing...show us your finds....
5) Why are you afraid to discuss you this time?
6) Are you afraid that Yam treasure hunter is much better or credible than you?


You said its irrelevant?...of course its relevant...I WANTED TO KNOW YOUR COMPETENCE AND CREDIBILITY OF BEING A TREASURE/COIN HUNTER/BEACH COMBER....AND BEING A YAM TH CRITIC......or else you are just a bogus sour graper and envious of us Yam THr...
Are you afraid of something that we does'nt know yet?...he,he,he...

I have given you sample of Yam TH proof...but you simply ignore it...therefore no amount of explanation needed its DEADLOCK...
Thats why this time we will discuss your credibility and competence to see if indeed you are credible yam TH critics... ;D


gboy said:

and suddenly asking the help of treasurenet to ban us?

For the Record, Unless I am Missing it here somewhere, or forgot.

SWR has Not Asked us to Ban any of you.

Or anyone at TreasureNet ever.

so I believe you are Mistaken on this.



I don't blame you for being a skeptic on Yam-treasures. As far as I am concerned, Yam-treasures are not documented and docketed at the National Historical Institute, Phil Gov't, University of the Phil and the National Museum libraries. This makes the Yam-treasure hunters distinctively different from the rest of treasure hunters worldwide. Yam-Th basis are assumptions that during WWII, asian countries were looted of their monetaries and valuables and were brought to the Phil and that maps were made for those treasures hidden all over the country for them to extract it after the war. With these assumptions and all the stories heard about these treasures, has created the Yam-treasure hunters. It has inspired them and accepted the challenge to uncover the truth of this Yam treasures, which has become a legend....
With the use of "authenticated" maps, living pointers, historical sites, spiritual mediums, markers, assortment of detectors and so forth, the Yam-Th has embarked to break the myth of this fabled Yam-treasures.
You have to believe of it's existence in order to inspire you to go on and on until you find the truth.... to see is to believe, though



SWR said:
kaloy said:
SWR said:
kaloy said:
Since map is mention here, I would like to get your inputs on this:

Kaoy...like you were told on the Japan forum, by those who read Japanese:

"I'm under the impression that those handwriting are by someone whose mother tongue is not Japanese... They made a lot of fuss about penmanship 50-60 years ago, while this one looks really bad writing. Also it is a bit strange that the sentence is written from left to right.
And many people at that time used katakana not hiragana for this kind of thing though I'm not sure 100% sure... Does not look like something official, it looks extremely amateurish."

I agree with them, being they are in Tokyo

For me, the final test of map's authenticity is when one recovered the object mentioned in the map.....Give me until February next year and I will post here the result of the excavation...It is only then that the judgment be final.

You are predicting that by February of next year, you are going to be wealthy beyond imagination. Good luck with that.

I predict that you will still be down at the Internet Café posting pictures of rocks and asking members of internet forums/message boards what does this map say.

In some ways you are correct for I need to ask for interpretations of the 27 maps my group is keeping........By February I'll prove myself if the map( posted)is true or not, I am not expecting to be rich or something. There's no need to pamper the result...


for all of us.....
The debates and arguments being discussed on this forum should not be taken personaly on someone's opinion on the matter but rather it should be taken as educational, a learning process in uncovering the truth to the matters being discussed here. Honestly, I am enjoying reading each post and I am learning a lot from it.......


SWR said:
I think it is clear where I stand on this myth/legend. It is also clear where the National Historical Institute, Filipino Government, University of the Philippines, National Museum stand on this issue as well. The proponents of this myth/legend continually fail to provide any plausible evidence to support them.

Maybe you need to deepen more your research and understanding with this myth/legend. Handy and few bits of informations are not just good enough to conclude on something you think might break an iceberg, it was just the tip of the ice that you see.
The only thing here that is very clear is that you are trying hard to stop everybody from doing treasure hunt.

SWR said:
I think those hunting for treasure(s) should continue. However, not at the expense of twisting and skewing real historical events for the purpose of fraud and/or deceit. Documented history always supercedes wishful thinking or treasure fantasies.

You are extremely right. But not everybody who wishes to see can see a documented hidden treasure. I have already sent Jeff of PA a sample of a map to be posted here but come out not as clear as I expect. Maybe some have the purpose of conning other people of their valued money but not for us, either I think Gboy also was. Follow my previous posting, all that I'm looking for is a PORTABLE BOREHOLE DRILL to be used to penetrate a rock we believe to be a cement with a gold cache inside. Follow Gboys claims also, you can even bring the US Army's most elite force to his site, he doesn't care, all he need is the LATEST METAL DETECTING EQUIPMENT and SURVIVAL KITS and CLIMBING GEARS and SUPPLIES for his EXPEDITION. Wishful thinking and fantasy? Every treasure hunter do that, don't they? Even you when you went out looking for a coin.

SWR said:
Why should I waste my time going to your Country? I chose to use the resources available to me through historical research, intel from your Government and common sense. I do far better here in Florida, metal detecting the beaches and finding recently dropped jewelry.

It's not that you would be wasting time, accept the fact that you cannot afford to lose a cent of your precious money. Better off if you don't lobby on this forum, it would make you a cent poorer everytime you use the internet. The people we are looking for are the ones capable to help us with our quests. Money is not, inspiration is. You definitely cannot help us. Why? Your metal detector is only good for small finds (also make sure the next time you find a jewelry, return it to the owner, remember what you said). What we think needed for a successful Yamash-ta treasure hunter is a metal detector that can penetrate and detect a buried treasure to as deep as 25 meters or more. Exactly, you don't have that.

SWR said:
TreasureNet is a moderated forum. Being as such, members have a chance to discuss topics as if they were sitting around the dinner table. Good or bad, pro or con. As long as the members stay within the realms of the Terms of Use and on topic. The proposition for a one-sided forum serves no purpose.

And you are taking advantage of that privilege to belittle somebody you think as nobody in this treasure hunting forum. An open minded state of mind is all that I ask, not a one sided forum. You have the right to be critical but not to the point of bias and skeptical opinion towards a certain topic (not from the academia, you know that).

SWR said:
What are you going to do differently now, that Yamashi.ta hunters have not done over the past twenty years or so? Some late breaking new developments? I don’t think so. It is the same game, over and over and over again.

Well, as i told you, all I need is a PORTABLE BOREHOLE DRILL. Living away from the action is totally different to what you think was happening in that place. Would you believe that many of our respected politicians, high ranking military officials, rich businessmens are also full time Yamash-ita treasure hunters? To finish the game my friend, know the game. Take a simple advice from a poor Yamash-ita treasure hunter: "Don't conclude if you are not included." Copy that? Now go find your gold coin, and we also are going to find our box of gold. We are treasure hunters at our own risks, with our own right.

....Late breaking developments: My friends latest metal detecting (latest invention on metal detection) equipment produced positive results.


SWR said:
Trying to argue history with snappy whimsical sayings is just wrong. Instead of trying to deepen my research, how about bringing some plausible evidence to the table that would support your version of history.
What kind of evidences do you really want? For what purpose do you need a plausible evidence? You need to have to be interested with this expedition otherwise you are just a waste time. You can refer to the blurred blue map unsuccesfully posted by Jeff of PA in the previous posts. Ask Jeff for the clearer copy of the map. History, the Philippines once was a Japanese territory. And some old Japanese soldiers from the World War are coming back in our country looking for the gold they buried.

Why, how much do you think is a portable core drill? Do you think a person earning 5 bucks 16 hours a day seven days a week can afford to buy such an equipment? Speedy operation, the only reason why I am here asking to whoever in this forum got a core or borehole drill to borrow. Nothing can hold us back, not a portable borehole drill, not even your useless skeptism. You are not inspiring you know. Clear indication showing that you were never succesful with your endeavors. You are bitter to somebody you think can surpass the wealth you aquired through the years of hardships and pain. To become a Yamashi-ta treasure hunter, the hardships you've experienced cannot be compared to our struggles. And don't even think we are not even thinking about history... we are skeptics like you before we started believing that there really is something worth finding. Now after those tormentous days and sleepless nights of analyzing and thinking of how to penetrate a very hard kind of rock/cement to reach the depth of 10 meters... the most speedy solution we have in mind is a borehole drill. What do you think? For the mean time, we are using chisels made from car shock rods, and inch by inch we go deeper.

SWR said:
You said all you needed was a portable borehole drill. Now, you need a metal detector what will detect 25 meters (82 feet). It ain’t gonna happen.
You read it CLEAR, all we need is a PORTABLE BOREHOLE DRILL. You didn't get what I mean, pretentious intelligent mind.

SWR said:
Regardless if my mind is close or open, you have still failed to provide anything remotely plausible that this Expedition or Yamashi.ta’s Treasure exists. This is worth repeating. “Trying to argue history with snappy whimsical sayings is just wrong.” This entire post is compiled around maybes, wishes and bunches of things that just don’t make sense.
Skeptism and close mindedness is but the same with nonsense. You can never prove, not until you started looking. You've just read the preface of history now you seem so sure you know everything written inside the book. You can never have the plausible evidence you wanted not until you have proven there is no evidence to be found. I told you, weak minds don't make a Yamashi-ta Treasure Hunter.

SWR said:
Good grief. Why not solicit some of those respected politicians, high ranking military officials and rich businessmen? We probably both know the answer to that question.

Good grief. Soliciting never came to our senses, that was just a bad idea, involving too many or even just one of these hungry vultures would only result to havoc and disorientation of our group. It's hard to determine a wolf hidden in a sheeps skin. Besides, the people we know also have their own treasure site to dig. An outsider is far more safer to us than our closest neighbor. Again, all we need is a PORTABLE BOREHOLE DRILL for speedy operation to prove these treasures existence.

Sorry SWR, we don't need your PORTABLE METAL DETECTOR.


I don't think it's just Tagalog - I believe it has Cebuano as well as Tagalog features from looking online. Can't put it all together, perhaps the author would be respectful enough to say it in english so we can all tell what he means.

I believe the following are close to the right translations though - just can't figure out the whole sentence.

bato = rock or stone
nawong = surface / countenance / face / facade
sa = on, in, for, upon, into, at, by, to...
imong = your / thy
ilabay = will make (to make)
ko = mine / my / I


Jeff of PA: I think that is an ILONGGO dialect. I can't even understand it but with Cubfans translation the sentence goes like this... " I will throw the rocks in your face." The guy must be very angry to the person he's addressing the statement.

SWR said:
Gee, I donno. Maybe something real and not altered or fake. Maybe something documented or logical and not simply made-up during wishful thinking or daydreaming. I’ve seen enough pictures of fake Japanese treasure maps and rocks. I’ll pass on the blurry picture from Jeff of PA

We can't help you with that kind of thinking. Your unfounded accusations of fakes and alterations are clear results of total disbelief and you want it to be just like that. Refer to Page 4 and look for the post of Jeff of PA and Jef of PI.

SWR said:
The Philippines has never been a Japanese Territory. The Philippines were a US Territory from 1901-1935. Now, if you are trying to imply that the Japanese hid something in the Philippines for the short period they occupied the Islands during the Second World War, now would be the ideal time to present some plausible evidence, or logical reasoning as to why you think this to be.

Now you are the one who's daydreaming. Maybe what you need is a time machine to go back in time. Should our Grandfathers be lying to us then we are victims of a dead mans treasure fantasies... but our Grandfathers lived to see the war and some witnessed the treasures existence. Never did I dream to become a treasure hunter, the treasure was just a legend to me, stories of fantasies and daydreaming as you said it, not until I hold and saw the map on page 4. It was an ordinary lot map, but our sub-surface scanner tells us that underground was a complex/interconnected tunnels in the form of an X, all surrounded with water, it was really an amazing site but we have not started yet with that site. These findings of our group shows that there really was something precious to find. Should the tunnels be just an ordinary bunker then why the need of a map in the safekeep of a Japanese Doctor, huh? Say it, the story goes round and round, until there is somebody bold enough to declare the world "Eureka, we found the Yamash-ita treasure!"

SWR said:
Sure. I think someone making over $500 a week can save up and rent whatever tooling is required to accomplish the task. It is done every day, around the world. It might take several months of saving, but that is just the way it is. With hard work comes reward.

I do not feel a bit sorry for you guys. The failure to do the research and comprehend what you have read…the failure to use logic, common sense and your wits. You should be banging on rocks with hammers and chisels.

You don't have to feel sorry for us Mr. Nice Guy, you ai'nt helping anyway. And you can never compare our method of research with the way you do research. If your logic, sense and wits got you that far then we cannot do anything to get you further, you are content to what you are now, so be it. I told you, even though we go deeper an inch a week, your skeptism won't hold us back. We maybe the most illogical person you know, but at least we use "IF" to support our reasons.

SWR said:
This vicious circle just keeps going around and around. You guys would rather fill these forums with woe and pity, than to make a presentable business presentation to those in your own community. There is a reason. I cannot post it here, because it falls outside of the guidelines for TreasureNet’s Terms of Use. In other words, this post would more than likely be deleted by the Moderators.

Instead of constantly replying to the barrage of unintelligent gibberish that sounds like Confucius on crack, I will make this last post to you, sandugo. I will reply to you should you have an honest to goodness question about History, or something solid to discuss about this Expedition or Yamashi.ta’s Treasure.

Good luck in your endeavors.

Thanks Mr. Intelligent Guy, better start writing your own version of History. You don't have to accuse anyone you don't know with being vicious, we are legitimate and genuine treasure hunters at our own right, and we don't do business to anyone without any legal backing. Whatever makes you think that all Filipino Treasure Hunters have vicious character, this respected forum I believe can give some comment on that.

Good luck too with your coin hunting.


To Jeff Of Pa,
I knew I made a mistake on my words that not right. i thought you will not gave an importance because its written in Bisaya. what this man always do to our thread is that, as if he is degrading us Filipinos, If he don't believes on our thread, then you also advised him or had also punished him for insulting us Filipino treasure hunters. He thinks that all Filipinos are poor and cannot eat 3 times a day or can only use internet website just for rent in Net CAFE. Which the question is out of the topic. We are here on this furom, to share our knowledge and what we actually discover regarding these Yamashita's Treasure hidden in the Philippines. Not that, we are criticize and even insulting word which you know how this SWR always do.
Can you give me last change, if i've make mistake again, then you can pull me out on these treasure net Furom. And hoping, you will please open back my thread about the Yamashita's Treasure forum, I knew that my thread is now very hot topics which is very important to those who believes on it especially we Filipino treasure Hunters.

I am very sorry for what I say to you, I thought Jeff of Pa will not gave an importance to the said word which i had written in Bisaya Language against you. I know, you have also mistakes which you also had done to Us Filipinos, Next Time, Please don't also under estimate us Filipinos. I know , you also know what words that can upset to us. We are here to share of ideas and knowledges not to criticize. Can You Forgive me??


garyv_bautista said:
To Jeff Of Pa,
I knew I made a mistake on my words that not right. i thought you will not gave an importance because its written in Bisaya.

Can you give me last change, if i've make mistake again, then you can pull me out on these treasure net Furom. And hoping, you will please open back my thread about the Yama#@!$%#@!a's Treasure forum, I knew that my thread is now very hot topics which is very important to those who believes on it especially we Filipino treasure Hunters.

Thank You Gary !

Your Thread is Here



Ohio PEEPS: Just a bit of Japanese propaganda from WW-2 in the Philippines.

Unfortunately our Philippine posters and their parents have been exposed to this type of thing.

Check on the Japanese reaction to the Americans declaring Manilla to be as an open city where no fighting was to take place. They killed a tremendous no of Philippine civilians, in the high thousands.. When the Philipines were retaken, the Japanese went on a killing spree in Manilla on unarmed civilian Filipinos..

Like SWR, I have yet to see "any" plausible evidence that the Yamashita treasure ever existed other than in the imaginations of promoters and hopefulls, however I am open..

donJose de La mancha


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    Japanese document calling for thesurrender of all resistance©@.webp
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Remember, I was there in the Philippines . Have these two medals and one from the Philippine gov't.

. The Philippine government today is still paying interests on more than US$28 billion public debts incurred during his administration. It was reported that when Marcos fled, U.S. Customs agents discovered 24 suitcases of gold bricks and diamond jewelry hidden in diaper bags; in addition, certificates for gold bullion valued in the billions of dollars are allegedly among the personal properties he, his family, his cronies and business partners had surreptitiously taken with them when the Reagan administration provided them safe passage to Hawaii.[20][21]

Hawaii. It was no exaggeration when Imelda Marcos declared in an interview, that her family "own practically everything in the Philippines." [34]

His 21 years in power with the help of U.S. massive economic aid and foreign loans enabled Marcos to build more schools, hospitals and infrastructure than any of his predecessors combined

On the other hand, many despise his regime, his silencing the free press, his curtailing of civil liberties such as the right to peaceably assemble, his dictatorial control, the imprisonment, torture, murder and disappearance of thousands of his oppositionists, and his supposed shameless plunder of the nation's treasury

And you wnder why we are scepticalof Marcos having ever recovered any Yamashita treasre??

Don Jose de La Mancha


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    Japanese propaganda film WW-2 pp1©@.webp
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SWR & Real de Tayopa,
It's not that I am now one of the "skeptics" regarding the existence of these Yam Treasures. In my 30 yrs of treasuring, I haven't seen any of those Yam treasures yet. Maybe, in due time after another failure in a treasuring project, I may conclude that these Yam treasures doesn't exist. But if ever in my last 3 treasure projects produces some positive results, then I will send you a private message with plausible evidence.......



to all filipino yam th's,
gee guys,cant you smell SWR is the only one who always find time to reply and dispute all your post?you know what?i find him something like a loose gun from the pentagon tasked to destroy all plausible evidence about the truth of yam treasure cache.SWR is so keen,have loads of articles to support his words,have plenty of know how about phill history as well as loads of phill govt connections(all this people are denying the facts about yam treasures).no matter how good Gboys pics are its always fake and or natural to SWR.i think its him who's spending more time infront of his laptop,not Gboy.anyway he's paid to do this demolition job so that nobody else will get to know about yam treasure here in the phill,they will benefit on it in the long run.
so guys better watchout,some people here are just lurking...


BADZ said:
SWR & Real de Tayopa,
It's not that I am now one of the "skeptics" regarding the existence of these Yam Treasures. In my 30 yrs of treasuring, I haven't seen any of those Yam treasures yet. Maybe, in due time after another failure in a treasuring project, I may conclude that these Yam treasures doesn't exist. But if ever in my last 3 treasure projects produces some positive results, then I will send you a private message with plausible evidence.......


I assumed that in your 30 years of treasuring you've encountered different kinds of treasure projects,
and I cant blame you if you're now one of the skeptics..I cant even imagine myself treasuring for 30 years and found nothing, I might not be only a skeptic but a Yam treasure-hater as well! I salute your being patient and your attitude of waiting for the right time.

Me? I started treasuring December 2004...if I wont see one til next year, I will blame my grandfathers for passing on to me incorrect infos about Yam treasure. ;D


nice comment hahaha. I have been helpful with friends and people who needs my help in detecting their treasure sites without charging any fees. I heard that a few of them was successful in their operations. I myself had a hit 3 yrs ago but something just happened. Those friends of mine suddenly had a change of life. But how can I attest on those Yam treasures if i didn't see it myself? To see is to believe, isn't it?
Treasuring is just my hobby, not a way of living. Being an adventurer, treasuring is my past time or shall i say my weekend special. I contend myself hearing from others that so and so whom I've help in detecting their project was able to extract this and that and it makes me happy.......
One of my last 3 treasure sites is about to be operated in the visaya area. We hit a cement block at 18 inches deep only size 39 inches wide, 34 inches thick and 9 feet long. Being in northern Phil and the project is in southern Phil is quite expensive to operate....just hope that something positive will come out of it.
My last 2 sites is in my farm property, part of garison 30 which has an airstrip
during the war. It was an inland naval base, so they say. Marcos was interested to get my property during the 70's, Jica team wanted to operate on it and so many foreigners were interested to buy my property but to no avail. anyway, when I'll have the time again, I might try to locate those treasures they said are inside my property....
Until I haven't seen any of those Yam treasures, I will still consider it as a legend.....


thats only my opinion anyway,and i'm not in any position to push them to agree with me.but if i were them i woul'd stop arguing with you coz it doesn't help us pinoy yam treasure hunters. for so long you never ever accepted any evidence to be true.you based your stories from history books and articles from the past and not on the present
things that are going in here in the phil(for me thats the real fact).remember this thread is for yam th's to exchance ideas and share experiences and not to destroy the very essence of it just like what you're doing here.
actually if i'm only in the PI at the moment i woul'd gladly show to you the facts and evidence that you think might be too much to be asked.now how much do you think i owe you? ;D


HI Green Apples etc: you quoted ------

"no matter how good Gboys pics are its always fake and or natural to SWR"


I agree with SWR 100% on this. Way too much imagination and hope has been expended in pictures etc., that to anyone with the least bit of experience in Geology, Photography, or simply treasure hunting, are obviously natural or incorrect.

Remember, just wishing isn't good enough in the real world, you must prove each step..., let the facts support themselves.

SO FAR ????????

Till Eulenspeigel


you think thousands of filipinos in my country are all stupid and foolish trying to look for the treasures that they know are not there?they are not or should i say we are not that stupid for we knew its not fantasy or myth or just a fruit of our imagination.we dig coz we have some very plausible evidence about this yam treasures,some of them are still alive(live japs pointers).well i expect you to deny this fact coz you're not in PI in the first place.Gboy is right,if he made a hit he will never show it or post it here for security reasons,and if he do he'll be a dead man.oh by the way how about those american guys doing treasure hunting in the PI,as well as those japs(jica),can you call them stupido also?i think you should open your mind a bit my friend. :'(

don jose,
i agree with you but not all those pictures are naturaly formed rocks or stones.deffinitely there are some that are made by man or hand carved,i have lots of pictures but unfortunately i left my digicam back in the PI.i tried to post some of them here before but the file is too big for here.
remember most filipino treasure hunters operate from their pockets and have to do the actual diggings by themselves,you can't deny them the right to imagine coz that may give them some encouragement and will to go on. hope you understand this.we are treasure hunters and not scammers.what will it benifit us showing here pictures that we believe are markers or signs?why should we alter or fake it?theres no point since what we need is an experts advice or exchance of ideas from other fellow treasure hunters.

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