MilitaryCollector said:
Let me get this straight???, This guy? Gboy has been begging for money and stuff for 2 years to find gold he knows just where it is, and hasn't gone and actually got any of it yet?
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

NO Gboy has not Been Begging for Money.

& I won't tolerate an Accusatuion he has
Unless you can Quote a Post where he

"Begs" for Money.


Buenas dias GBoy:

I will repeat again , so far i haven't seen anything but naturally occuring things (anomalies)which an active imagination can evolve into whatever you wish to see.

As a nino (little kid) I used to lie on the ground with others looking up at the clouds imagining many things as they changed shape, it was a fun game. Unfortunately, this is all that is represented in your posted pictures. So far I haven't seen a single one that could be called a true one, one in which there is no doubt...

I honestly wish that you and the other treasure, hunters could find enough to fulfill all of your dreams, but the way that you are going about it, or talking, is simply the role of an armchair adventurer as you so often claim that SWR is.

He at least, has, and is finding things, whether large or small is of no importance, he HAS found something whereas you have merely talked long and illogically about your professional career in THing with no results. What is one to assume?

Make no mistake, SWR and I have fought each other hard many times in other rooms, as Jeff can testify , but I do admire him because he is intelligent (bull headed - heheh) and has found things. I could only wish that it was mutual.

As for me, I could easily finance one of your trips through one of my worthless Au/Ag/Cu.mine options, however, not the way that you have demonstrated logic or willingness to actually go out into the fieid.

Don Jose de La Mancha


SWR said:
At Gboy’s request, here is the negative of the “Smiling Face” rock, showing it is altered.

Hi SWR - just out of curiosity, how do you tell that a photo has been "altered" by looking at the negative like you did there? I have no experience whatsoever with photography, so it's just not clear to me.

Without actually being there and seeing them in person, I wouldn't be able to say whether those "faces" are man made or natural - however from the picture I see nothing more than 2 areas that have been cleared of "jungle growth" and are showing what just looks to me like native rock.


Reale - I've followed this thread for awhile and I haven't seen any real proof of anything either, however the picture of the "heart" and hollowed out are in the stone don't really look all that natural to me - I'm just curious what features make you think they are natural and not man made?

I've read alot of the posts about treasure signs and such and I have to admit many times I think people are just "reading things" into a bunch of rocks that they "want" to be there. I've seen photos where people will go in and put arrows and highlight things that I swear are nothing more than natural cracks and formations - by the time people get done marking the photos up, there's sometimes 50+ "treasure markings" in a couple dozen square feet and I look at it and see little or nothing.

I'm positive that reading treasure signs and rock carvings is not something you can be taught strictly by book, but rather by actually going out and seeing things in person. I was just curious what it was (besides some of the outrageous comments by Gboy) that make you think the heart/hole photo is a natural phenomena.

respectfully - Cubfan64


SWR said:
Cubfan64 said:
Hi SWR - just out of curiosity, how do you tell that a photo has been "altered" by looking at the negative like you did there? I have no experience whatsoever with photography, so it's just not clear to me.

Without actually being there and seeing them in person, I wouldn't be able to say whether those "faces" are man made or natural - however from the picture I see nothing more than 2 areas that have been cleared of "jungle growth" and are showing what just looks to me like native rock.

Greetings Cubfan,

I have enlarged the picture a few percentages, and darkened the negative effect. If the face was actually carved out of the boulder, the boulder and surrounding rocks would have the same value in the negative.

You can plainly see a face has been added, and is not natural rock.

Hope this helps, Jim

I see what you mean SWR - not having any real experience with photography and/or looking at negatives, I just assumed that what shows up as dark on a picture will show up as light on the negative and vice versa. So when I looked at the rocks on the cliff, although I didn't really see anything that looked man made to me there, I didn't think the negative would clearly indicate anything - just figured the dark grooves from the rock would show up lighter and vice versa - I see what you mean now though.


SWR said:
jeff of pa said:
NO Gboy has not Been Begging for Money.

& I won't tolerate an Accusatuion he has
Unless you can Quote a Post where he

"Begs" for Money.

This is interesting. What constitutes “begging for money”. If you look up “begging” in the dictionary, it defines begging as:

To ask for as charity; to solicit alms (alms = Money or goods given as charity to the poor.); to make a humble or urgent plea.

I took a few moments to review the thread and Gboy’s posts, and came up with these figures.

Mentioned lack of budget, low budget or no budget 95 times.
Mentioned no funds and soliciting for funds 10 times.

Also noticed this post:

gboy said:
If you DO NOT HAVE BUDGET....PREPARATION IS NOT AVAILABLE !!!.....This treasure tip comes once in a lifetime....if you wait to solicit fund for weeks or months (just like what I have been doing in internet)... that treasure tip will be given to other treasure hunter group anyway, and treasure will be surely be GONE....PREPARATION IS THE PREVELIGED ...ONLY...FOR THOSE WHO HAVE THE BUDGET....understood? For us who have NOTHING....its only trial and error...hope for the best...ok?

And this post:

gboy said:
Our scheadule of departure is ASAP once we complete the equipment needed and once we solicit funds for our expenditures...The best months for treasure hunting here is during sunny days (January to June), after that,it will be rainy days months and more difficult...hopefully its tax free bcoz I don't have money to pay for it....door-to-door package is better like LBC, FEDEX,DHL,UPS.....
Once in our lifetime....we dream to recover BIG VOLUME TREASURE......this is our chance to help and be part of it, even in our own small way....MABUHAY !!!

You can send your donations: (address and phone numbers here)

And this one is kinda interesting. I've told Gboy many times to save is money, and stop spending it at the Internet Cafe.

gboy said:
To: Treasure hunters,

I wish I could post all my treasure files/pictures/treasure symbols/codes/maps/skectches here on this fourm so that EVERYBODY could fully learn and understand more regarding Japanese treasure....but my budget is limited in renting 1 or 2 hour internet cafe...maybe NEXT TIME if a have a budget I will SCAN ALL my project files ... regards.

I think soliciting for funds and begging for money is pert' near the same darn thing...ain't it?

It may not be begging in the sense of "could someone out there please loan me $ to fund a treasure hunt - I'll pay you back and then some," some of the posts seem to have that implication and it feels like a mighty fine line.


Jeff of Pa,
Actually am having difficulty inserting replies on each sentence of every quote....bcoz the whole paragragh is quoted even i just want to reply on a single sentence....anyway...maybe practice is needed.

SWR said:
gboy said:
Of course there are some documentation on these stolen war war 2 booties....UNFORTUNATELY IT WAS SENT TO JAPANESE EMPEROR ONLY...meaning ordinary reasearcher or treasure hunter like us will NEVER BE ABLE TO AVAIL OF THESE LOOT DOCUMENTATION....
Do you think the Japanese are crazy to document their loot and IT WILL BE SHOWN OR AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC...DEFINITELY NOT...IT WAS THEIR LOOT REMEMBER???....use your common sense..."

1) So there is documentation, just nobody has ever seen it. Invisible documentation, you have never seen, but base your existence of being a “treasure hunter” around. My common sense tells me you have made another claim you cannot support.

"How about the gold recovered since ancient time.....Ex: remember China alone have several CENTURIES OF ANCIENT TREASURES/ARTIFSACTS/GOLD ETC....some of theose golden artifacts were remelted into gold bars....it is NOT PART OF DOCUMENTED MINED GOLD IN 20TH CENTURY !!"

2) Yep. Only 152,000 metric tons. Check out these fun facts about gold:


Of course it is.....any valuables items you recovered in buried sites is CONSIDERED TO BE TREASURES...
ex: STOLEN GOODS from different countries wether it is in ancient times or these century....like pilferage/war loot of Genghis Khan, Alezander the great, Conquestadores,Mongols, Nazi or japanese war booties...IS CONSIDERED TREASURES....

3) Wrong again, Gboy. You cannot change the Law to suit your agenda. Stolen property always goes back to the owner. It does not magically change into “treasure”.

I HAVE ALREADY PROVEN HERE...THAT THE Japanese HAD ADVANCE PARTY AS EARLY AS 1915....TO START THEIR ELABORATE TUNNELING...disguised as legitimate road construction, mining and other business......in preparation for WW2.

4) Sorry Gboy, you have not proven squat. I won’t even list the numerous amounts of misinformation, skewed history, fake gold bars, altered pictures and the umpteen amounts of unintelligent gibberish posts. Mixed in with a whole bunch of haha, hehe and hoho’s.

.....Why not qoute or read the court deposition of ....ROGELIO ROXAS....his treasure recovery is fully documented and part of our history already "

5) Better yet, I will supply a link where others can read about the Roxas trial. It is plain to see (read) that the trial was based on hearsay and absolutely no evidence in regards to any treasure. Maybe that is why no monies have ever been paid out.


Just for grins…here is a picture of the “Golden Buddha” Roxas allegedly found. Peeling paint job and all.

Associated Press
Former Philippines first lady Imelda Marcos scrapes the outer
layer of a statue of Buddha to allegedly show that it is not made
of gold in this 1996 file photo. Attorney James Linn, right,
reacts during an inspection at a courthouse vault where
the statue was being kept.​

1) There is documentation of the War Loot....but it is only PERUSAL for the Japanese Emperor....
Just use your common sense...it is WAR LOOT or BOOTIES....it was NOT supposed to be exposed to the public...therefore you will never see documentation/inventory of Japanese War Loot in LIBRARIES....intiendes?

2) Your gold fun facts was WRONG AGAIN.....simply bcoz THE ANCIENT GOLD MINING WAS NOT FULLY DOCUMENTED....ex: When the Spaniards came to Phil in 15th century....they thought we were just ordinary natives....TO THEIR SURPRISE...WE ALREADY HAVE GOLD MINING ACTIVITIES...AND HI-QUALITY GOLD JEWELRIES (AT FAR IN ANCIENT MIDDLE EAST JEWELRIES)... That was traded across Asean countries...AND THESE WAS NOT DOCUMENTED IN YOUR GOLD FUN FACTS.....intiendes?Meaning....ANCIENT GOLD THAT ARE MOSTLY MADE INTO MILLIONS OF GOLD JEWELRIES, GOLDEN ARTIFACTS AND OTHER GOLDEN RELIGIOUS DIETIES WAS not fiully documented....until in LATE centurIies ONLY...


4) My very exciting and informative YAM TH THREAD (w/ thousand of replies/views) ONLY shows that Yam Treas is indeed CREDIBLE or else these thread will NOT last that long.....
Look at your thread...NOT MUCH REPLIES OR VIEWERS....IT ONLY MEAN ONE THING...YAM TH MORE CREDIBLE THAN YOU, haven't you noticed? ...;D
LET THE NUMBER OF OUR THREAD (REPLIES/VIEWERS) DO THE TALKING....its one sided that am more credible than you, thats why it take lots of interest.....haven't you noticed?
;D....the numbers won't lie....

5) FOR YOUR INFORMATION...THE WHOLE WORLD AND FILIPINOS KNOWS.....that the original GOLDEN BUDHA HAD DETACHABLE HEAD (pictures of Rogelio Roxas and golden biudha with detached head was SHOWN IN SEVERAL NEWSPAPER AND TVs....)
The golden budha brough to court had NO detachable head and made of lead...obviously faked by the marcoses to conceal the real Golden Budha...
Thats the problem with outsider researcher like you...YOU ONLY RELY ON INTERNET....YOU WAS NOT ABLE TO DIG DEEPER INTO THE ROGELIO ROXAS TREASURE case....read properly the court deposition...it was mentioned there about the G.B. detachable head.

Real de Tayopa said:
Buenas dias GBoy:

1) I will repeat again , so far i haven't seen anything but naturally occuring things (anomalies)which an active imagination can evolve into whatever you wish to see.

As a nino (little kid) I used to lie on the ground with others looking up at the clouds imagining many things as they changed shape, it was a fun game. Unfortunately, this is all that is represented in your posted pictures. So far I haven't seen a single one that could be called a true one, one in which there is no doubt...

I honestly wish that you and the other treasure, hunters could find enough to fulfill all of your dreams, but the way that you are going about it, or talking, is simply the role of an armchair adventurer as you so often claim that SWR is.

2) He at least, has, and is finding things, whether large or small is of no importance, he HAS found something whereas you have merely talked long and illogically about your professional career in THing with no results. What is one to assume?

3) Make no mistake, SWR and I have fought each other hard many times in other rooms, as Jeff can testify , but I do admire him because he is intelligent (bull headed - heheh) and has found things. I could only wish that it was mutual.

4) As for me, I could easily finance one of your trips through one of my worthless Au/Ag/Cu.mine options, however, not the way that you have demonstrated logic or willingness to actually go out into the fieid.

Don Jose de La Mancha

1) Then it is indeed confirmed that you was just imagining things when you look at my pictures....WELL, FOR US, WE ARE NOT IMAGINING THINGS...IT WAS VERY VERY CLEAR THAT THOSE WHERE Japanese TREASURE MARKERS...
By the way....WHO ARE YOU TO CLAIM THAT MY PICTURE WAS NOT Japanese TREASURE MARKER?.....you are NOT QUALIFIED to know or judge those pictures, simply bcoz YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT Japanese TREASURE MARKER ARE ....YOU ARE NOT A YAM TH...am i correct?
How can a miner like you....CAN AUTHENTECATE AN ORIG Japanese TREASURE MARKER FROM FAKE...if in the first plAce...YOU DO NOT HAVE YAM TH expertise or knowledge to verify its authenticity?....

Therefore, what ever I posted...you just took it like a grain of salt....bcoz you have NOT research or have NO knowldge of Yam Treas markers, intiendes?....

2) Removed out of line

3) If you admire SWR...well I don't...BCOZ HE STILL HAD NOTHING TO PROVE TO US...in terms of his coin hunting activities...
If SWR is at par with the caliber or succeess of MEL FISHER or ROBERT BALLARD...then we will admire him and accept his tirades....but he is just AN ORDINARY COIN HUNTER...WITH NO PRECIOUS TREASURES TO SHOW.....and yet he had the balls to undermine fellow treasure hunters.

OUR TEAM HAVE RELOCATED ALREADY THESE TREASURE CAVES, we are in hauling or recovery stage already....

Therefore, for those..YAM TREAS CRITICS....DROOL....DROOL....


1) IT IS TRUE...WE SOLICIT FUNDS FROM MY YAM TREASURE Friends specially in early years....whats the big deal?....My Yam Treasure partners/funders ARE NOT COMPLAINING...in fact hey are VERY VERY MUCH SATISFIED WITH OUR TREASURE OPERATIONS !!!
So, what your problem with that?

Are you ENVIOUS with our team bcoz we have found a funder/partner...., whereas, you.... AS UP TODAY.....you STILL remain STAGNANT...AN ORDINARY COIN HUNTER, W/O A FUNDER OR FINANCIAL BACKER TO BECOME A SUCCESSFUL SALVOR OR TREASURE HUNTER?...
Whats wrong of having treasure partnership?....Remember...MEL FISHER AND ROBERT BALLARD, would not have been successfull in their exploration or treasure quest if they were NOT funded by investors.

SINCE WE SUCCEED IN RELOCATING....these TREASURE CAVES....are you drooling now with envy?

2) yOU POSTED THE negatives OF MY TREASURE MARKERS....so far what have you accomplished?...NOTHING...
FYI...IF you post a negative picture of our Treas markers, SO WHAAAT? It doesn't proves anything, I see NO alteration....meaning STILL NO PROOF THAT MY SITES WAS ALTERED...
. ;D
If by posting negative picture is considered already an alteration...WILL THAT WAS JUST A SHALLOW TALENT OF YOURS...don't you think?


Gboy: Have fun, since that is all that you will ever get from the Yamaha treasures.

Envious? no way, I just feel sorry for you, you want to join the big boys, but not by actual work or findings, but by empty bragging and illogical talk..

While you talk big and do nothing, others quietly do something and don't talk big.

I am glad that you don't need financing, go have fun.

Till Eulenspiegel


SWR said:
Are you talking in the sense of the victim, or the perpetrator? Either way, the answer to your question is YES. Archives are available from both sides.

Show us then an authentic Japanese Archive during the war.

SWR said:
Sure I do. Here is a picture of the submarine USS Trout offloading 20 tons of gold bars it safely removed from the Philippines in 1942

What I can see is fear and urgency on the picture you posted. The retreating forces of the US Army are afraid the Japanese soldiers will soon arrive and get away with their gold. But are you sure this picture was taken the year 1942? As my poor memory reminds me, my elementary school teacher taught me that the Japanese Army occupied and started a puppet government in 1941. It's unsafe then i'm sure. The picture you've posted has just proven somehow that gold bars exist in the Philippines during the war. How precious were those gold that it takes an army ship to transport it, safely.

SWR said:
Other than those selling fake maps and fake bars of gold, who is it that believes this? Certainly not academia*. Might you have some plausible evidence to support those figures?
Did I say I was 100% sure about the figures? You better believe and was sure about those fake maps and fake bars and all this yam-sh-ta treasure is a lie. Why then you are so sure about that, maybe you've got some plausible evidence to show us, some writtten and documented parts of history to prove that hidden japanese treasures really and has never existed? Honestly, I am not so sure of this figures, I certainly didn't believe these treasures exists, there's no way we can prove they're real, not until we find one. Maybe we're just some poor filipino treasure hunters, but like most of the treasure hunters in the planet, we dream big. Dreamers as we are, yeah, that's 100% sure. Dreams and science I believe compliments each other.

SWR said:
God wanted the Japanese to kill others to collect his gold?
You did say that, but that's not the point.

SWR said:
Gold was still a very active, sellable and tradable commodity in the free world.
Philippines has never become a free world until now. Moreso during the
Spanish, American and Japanese occupation.

SWR said:
I have tried to answer some of your questions and concerns. I found some of the questions to be rather silly and without logic. I omitted answering most of those. Like Gboy, you don’t offer any plausible evidence, just losta’ talk.

Sandugo said:
If you were a soldier (whatever country you represent), if you found an ingot while underfire, are you gonna shout and tell your enemy(who's firing at you) that you found gold and you want to sell it at $35? It's the current rate, alright, it's war time and you want to sell gold. What are you?

A silly question to a rather more silly statement I guess, sorry about that.

SWR said:
Is it feasible to build elaborate tunnels hundreds of feet below ground to hide tons of gold? Again, the answer is NO. Refined gold (24KT) was selling for $35 per ounce at that time. To spend days, weeks or months digging these elaborate tunnels was not worth the time or the loss of life to hide such a small sum of money.

SWR said:
*Academia is a collective term for the scientific and cultural community engaged in higher education and research, taken as a whole.
To be scientific as what i know is to be involved directly to something that is being done. What I see is that, educated as you are (from the Academia), you're looking directly into a forest yet you're concluding that there are no worms under the trees. To have the honor of being a critical person is to have a first and hands on experience to what you conclude. Treasure hunting never prooves be a 100% sure find. Any plausible evidence?

From "treasure" to "valid": redundancy and that is not your point.


Quote: GBoy
Jeff of Pa,
Actually am having difficulty inserting replies on each sentence of every quote....bcoz the whole paragragh is quoted even i just want to reply on a single sentence....anyway...maybe practice is needed.

GBoy if you do it this way so there is obvious seperation
this would be fine also.

as long as the quotes are accurate and in blue & responses black.



1) IT IS TRUE...WE SOLICIT FUNDS FROM MY YAM TREASURE Friends specially in early years....whats the big deal?....My Yam Treasure partners/funders ARE NOT COMPLAINING...in fact hey are VERY VERY MUCH SATISFIED WITH OUR TREASURE OPERATIONS !!!
So, what your problem with that?

Are you ENVIOUS with our team bcoz we have found a funder/partner...., whereas, you.... AS UP TODAY.....you STILL remain STAGNANT...AN ORDINARY COIN HUNTER, W/O A FUNDER OR FINANCIAL BACKER TO BECOME A SUCCESSFUL SALVOR OR TREASURE HUNTER?...
Whats wrong of having treasure partnership?....Remember...MEL FISHER AND ROBERT BALLARD, would not have been successfull in their exploration or treasure quest if they were NOT funded by investors.

SINCE WE SUCCEED IN RELOCATING....these TREASURE CAVES....are you drooling now with envy?

2) yOU POSTED THE negatives OF MY TREASURE MARKERS....so far what have you accomplished?...NOTHING...
FYI...IF you post a negative picture of our Treas markers, SO WHAAAT? It doesn't proves anything, I see NO alteration....meaning STILL NO PROOF THAT MY SITES WAS ALTERED....
If by posting negative picture is considered already an alteration...WILL THAT WAS JUST A SHALLOW TALENT OF YOURS...don't you think?

Since you addressed this to me, I'll respond quickly:

1) I see an implication in some of your posts that you are still seeking funding and I just think it's inappropriate to use this forum for that purpose. On the other hand, english is not your native tongue so I tend to give you the benefit of the doubt that your words are not always meant the way they're read.

As far as jealousy and drooling is concerned - I can assure you that it makes absolutely no difference to me whether you are finding treasure or not. I'm more than happy to be living the life I'm living at the moment thank you very much :)

2) I simply asked SWR for clarification of his interpretations regarding posting negatives of your photos and what he believes they mean. I'm not interested enough to really care whether the photos are real or altered - I was simply trying to understand more about evaluating photographs and what to look for to authenticate them.

Good luck with your treasure hunting.


HIO: To answer a little bit from personal experience--

But are you sure this picture was taken the year 1942? As my poor memory reminds me, my elementary school teacher taught me that the Japanese Army occupied and started a puppet government in 1941".

Prior to the fall of Corregador in 1942, the only Japanese rule was by the military'

Philippines has never become a free world until now. Moreso during the
Spanish, American and Japanese occupation

Frst I would suggest checking on your countries history. She was given her independence while under American control, just after the war, the first time in her history.

The picture you've posted has just proven somehow that gold bars exist in the Philippines during the war. How precious were those gold that it takes an army ship to transport it, safely.
The picture of the Trout was in 1942. Also most ships were under the control of the NAVY.

Till Eulenspiegel Don Jose de La Mancha


Real de Tayopa said:
HIO: To answer a little bit from personal experience--

But are you sure this picture was taken the year 1942? As my poor memory reminds me, my elementary school teacher taught me that the Japanese Army occupied and started a puppet government in 1941".

Prior to the fall of Corregador in 1942, the only Japanese rule was by the military'


Yes, the Japanese Military rules. They are so powerful that the Americans first fled with that ship loaded with gold. I told you I can't remember. But what I'm trying to point out to SWR is that it's not safe to transport gold during a war... a world war.
Real de Tayopa said:
Philippines has never become a free world until now. Moreso during the
Spanish, American and Japanese occupation

Frst I would suggest checking on your countries history. She was given her independence while under American control, just after the war, the first time in her history.

That is false independence. America never let go off the power that controls our country. History, we are free people before the Western Colonizers came and invaded our country.

Real de Tayopa said:
The picture you've posted has just proven somehow that gold bars exist in the Philippines during the war. How precious were those gold that it takes an army ship to transport it, safely.
The picture of the Trout was in 1942. Also most ships were under the control of the NAVY.

Thanks, that is very educational. Navy is far different from Army. Copy that.


SWR said:
sandugo said:
Show us then an authentic Japanese Archive during the war.

sandugo said:
What I can see is fear and urgency on the picture you posted. The retreating forces of the US Army are afraid the Japanese soldiers will soon arrive and get away with their gold. But are you sure this picture was taken the year 1942? As my poor memory reminds me, my elementary school teacher taught me that the Japanese Army occupied and started a puppet government in 1941. It's unsafe then i'm sure. The picture you've posted has just proven somehow that gold bars exist in the Philippines during the war. How precious were those gold that it takes an army ship to transport it, safely.

sandugo said:
Did I say I was 100% sure about the figures? You better believe and was sure about those fake maps and fake bars and all this yam-sh-ta treasure is a lie. Why then you are so sure about that, maybe you've got some plausible evidence to show us, some writtten and documented parts of history to prove that hidden japanese treasures really and has never existed? Honestly, I am not so sure of this figures, I certainly didn't believe these treasures exists, there's no way we can prove they're real, not until we find one. Maybe we're just some poor filipino treasure hunters, but like most of the treasure hunters in the planet, we dream big. Dreamers as we are, yeah, that's 100% sure. Dreams and science I believe compliments each other.

sandugo said:
Philippines has never become a free world until now. Moreso during the Spanish, American and Japanese occupation.

sandugo said:
A silly question to a rather more silly statement I guess, sorry about that.

sandugo said:
To be scientific as what i know is to be involved directly to something that is being done. What I see is that, educated as you are (from the Academia), you're looking directly into a forest yet you're concluding that there are no worms under the trees. To have the honor of being a critical person is to have a first and hands on experience to what you conclude. Treasure hunting never prooves be a 100% sure find. Any plausible evidence?

sandugo said:
From "treasure" to "valid": redundancy and that is not your point.

Rather than useless banter back and forth, I will supply a few of your previous posts. Not sure of why the flip-flop. Maybe your account has been compromised.

sandugo said:
Gboy, am still not convinced. I don't mean to banter anybody... but for your information...bigtime Filipino syndicates do can produce 10,000 metric tons of fake gold... every filipino treasure hunter knows that... almost all filipino treasure hunters are victims of these syndicates, i know you know that and i'm sure you'd agree with me, unless you won't accept that fact... why are you then so afraid to show pictures? Well, then at last, after 2.5 years, at least you showed something that would interest other members of this forum, not for me... those pictures are quite familiar... i'm sure, not in a good way.

And this one:

sandugo said:
Joe, i have already seen that one, it's a real fake. Believe me. Honestly, many times did we become victims of these Salaginto Gang (Filipino Gold Scamming Syndicate), in search for the Real Yam Treasure we have to take the risk just to prove that there and there really are some recovered treasures, but up to now we haven't proven anything yet. To tell you, this syndicates are well funded (some corrupt bigfish are behind them as back up) that they can produce a real gold bar to fool you and they are everywhere operating in our country. More so, they are not easy to deal with, they can go for a kill without hesitation and without warning if they know they are blown and know can't profit anything in a deal. Just be cautious when dealing with these self-confessed holders, but with the picture you have posted above, im sure that is a fake.

Gboy, I know one internationally respected semicon company whos employees are involved in selling fake gold bars. The company doesn't know about the sideline of its employees because these employees are actually stealing the Au metals on their keep. I hope you're not one of them Mr. Yam TH expert.

By your own admissions, (in text) you have expressed concerns about the same issues others have (IE: fake gold, altered pictures).

Would you like to introduce some plausible evidence into the discussion now that this Expedition and Yamash.ta’s Treasure exist, or just banter and flip-flop?

Reading and taking a closer look on all my previous posts, my points are clear and easy to understand. Except, if the person who's reading it is very much close minded and is totally unbelieving and discriminatory of what other people would like to say. What I can see with your previous post is that you are trying to put down the legendary treasure of yamashi-ta. I can see that you are very determined with that purpose. Well, I can't blame you for that kind of attitude, from the Academia i guess not and scientifically not, you are commenting and having conclusions with the wrong thread. You have rights to your opinion alright, but commenting wrongfully and putting down a person without personally knowing and studying carefully that persons truest motives i believe is unacceptable. Theories, scientificaly as you may call it in your Academia, never become facts until proven. The Flip-flop? Theres no flip-flop. Only you was trying to think there is. To make it more clear to your obscured mind.... First, I am also a Yama-sh-ta Treasure Hunter. I believe there was a treasure but is not sure if there really is. And that is what I'm working hard about to prove, existence of these legendary treasures. And jumping to negative and unfounded statements are rather be considered unprofessional (definitely not from the academia). Lots of talk, yes, but also lots of work. Just bear in mind that not all who read this thread are scammers and syndicates. I agree, that there is a network of gold syndicates in our country, but you must be educated and professional enough to choose words you post not to degrade and demoralize some hardworking and genuine treasure hunters like us. Maybe you are just there sitting comfortably on your cozzy couch while others do hunting for you, but here in our country, we do treasure hunt the hard way. You may not believe this Yamashi-ta treasures did really ever existed, but you've got a lot of work to do before you come into concluding something you think it was. What I believe is that you are not even professional and capable of proving the pictures Gboy posted here as trully altered. Just be fair and not be bias with your opinions. Nothing is sure, I tell you, until you have evidence to prove that the Yamash-ita treasure was real... or was a lie as you claimed it is. To hunt is to look for something that is unfounded. Now that is pure academia.*

*you can refer with your own definition.


SWR said:
sandugo said:
Yes, the Japanese Military rules. They are so powerful that the Americans first fled with that ship loaded with gold. I told you I can't remember. But what I'm trying to point out to SWR is that it's not safe to transport gold during a war... a world war.

If that were the case, how did Yamashi.ta transport thousands of tons of gold to the Philippines?

To be honest, you have a very narrow view of the events taking place during the Second World War. Commerce, industry and banking transactions were not at a standstill, as you wish others to believe.

Japan was in China looting and pilfering back in the 1930s. Do you honesty believe, or expect others to believe Japan shipped the looted and pilfered goods to the Philippines several years afterwards? Shipping lanes were wide open, all the way back to Tokyo. No fuss, no muss and no waiting in line.

Here is some interesting reading. There are several other sources on the internet where you can learn about actual events, that really took place. This is but a small sampling of how the world prepared itself.

“Between the first rumblings of war in 1938 and peace in 1945, foreign central banks deposited 2,586 tons of gold in Ottawa for safekeeping. For many nations that had fallen under German occupation, this cache of safe gold was the ultimate guarantee of national survival. In particular, the central banks of Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Norway and Poland availed themselves of this unique type of Canadian wartime hospitality.”



I must have misunderstood the article at bankofcanada. I thought it said that most of the gold transfer was in the form of paper ownership.

All the transactions in question in this report were paper transfers of gold ownership between one central bank account at the Bank of Canada and other central bank accounts.



well people can post what they want on the Net - whether it's true or not is
left up to each individual to figure out for themselves. Here's some more
interesting tidbits which add to the puzzle.





direct quotes:
"1971 Pvt. Rogelio Roxas, a former Filipino soldier, claimed to have
discovered the war treasure of Japanese Gen’l. Tomoyuki Yama#@!$%#@!a
in caves near Baguio. Roxas was arrested and jailed for 5 years and the gold
bullion was reportedly taken away by Pres. Marcos.
(SFC, 10/12/97, p.A18)(SSFC, 3/4/01, p.A28)

1988 Rogelio Roxas testified that Ferdinand Marcos had used the help
of a Nevada mining engineer to import a smelter to melt down 1,000 tons
of gold bullion and a 3-foot gold statue of Buddha filled with diamonds.
The treasure had been confiscated from all over Asia by the Japanese.
(SFC, 10/12/97, p.A18)

1993 May 25, In the Philippines Rogelio Roxas, a coin-collector and
treasure hunter, died from apparent poisoning as he prepared to leave for
a court appearance in Hawaii. In 1996 a Hawaiian court awarded the
Golden Buddha Corp., a consortium established by Roxas, $22 billion in
damages to be collected from the Marcos estate for the stolen Yama#@!$%#@!a
(SFC, 10/12/97, p.A18)(www.state.hi.us/jud/20606.htm)"



HOLA Amigos: Just a few bits of data --------

=========================================================That is false independence. America never let go off the power that controls our country. History, we are free people before the Western Colonizers came and invaded our country

A) First declaration of Independence by Aguinaldo 12 June 1898.


B) Philippine President's dedaration for changing the Philippine Independence date from July 4, 1947 to June 12 .


C) Aguinaldo's basic fight.


D) Very Important on how the Us acted in the Philippine gov't.form 1901 - 1941.


E) Interesting history of the Philippines from start to present from Canada, not the US..


F) If you wish, I will get into the Us Entry and early activities in the Philipines from 1898 to 1901, a very shameful part of History. where er the American troops shot unarmed Philippinos for suspicion and sang

" Oh the monkeys have no tails on Zamboango"

referring to the local Philippinos as being less than human and so it was allright to kill them on sight, just sport hunting...

I would suggest that my Philippino firends read these few sites to learn more about their country, past to present.

Don't be like a friend in Japan who claims that Pearl Harbour was attacked because the Americans had dropped the bombs on Hiroshima & Nagasaki, and that they had only brought peace and prosperity to the Philippines until the Americans upset the peace.

p.s. I wonder why so many Philippinos died protecting American service people if the US was so oppressive to the average Philippino??.

Till Eulenspiegel Don Jose de La Mancha


Can't reach you thru cel, maybe damage by typhoon, if you go down to town and read this thread (don't reply)....
Budz tried the western side (4 days hike) but the Cagayan river is swollen due to floods and rainy/typhoon season. The farmer already agreed that his "mangoes" are available anytime to be harvested.He will try new route on the the eastern side (one day hike) but the problem is rough seas. According to him he will keep in touch and plan another assault before christmas.



Hey Jim, I now have the legal concession for that Spanish ship we saw just outside of the Chinchror banks. The bronze canon are still there . I think that we can base at Belize and go after Christmas if you will be free.

I lave chartered a boat with full gear, it will be fun and we prob can expect over a 1.000.000 US each before we are through.with a little luck.

After, we might just take a trip to the Philippines to see just what is the holdup on the Yamashita amateur treasure hunters.

Don Jose de La Mancha Till Eulenspiegel



If you are just a beginner and try Yam TH, SORRY you can't get it., BCOZ you lack the knowledge, sites and experience to do it.....The best you can do maybe is to acquire first the services of Satellite imaging (geophysical survey) that way, you work will be lot easier....The way the Japanese team like Mr. Ozawa are doing right now. They have recovered several treasure sites thru satellite imaging and ground geophysics....meaning this is a treasure projects FOR THE BIG BOYS ONLY....not for ordinary coin hunter.
They survey first using Satellite imaging...one they pinpointed the exact treasure location, its depth and volume...then they do some ground recovery works.....easy job using hi-tech geo technology, but if you use your coin hunting technique like metal detector...he,he,he.. ;D....forget it...you are just wasting your time and money..

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