gboy said:
Of course there are some documentation on these stolen war war 2 booties....UNFORTUNATELY IT WAS SENT TO JAPANESE EMPEROR ONLY...meaning ordinary reasearcher or treasure hunter like us will NEVER BE ABLE TO AVAIL OF THESE LOOT DOCUMENTATION....
Do you think the Japanese are crazy to document their loot and IT WILL BE SHOWN OR AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC...DEFINITELY NOT...IT WAS THEIR LOOT REMEMBER

....use your common sense..."
1) So there is documentation, just nobody has ever seen it. Invisible documentation, you have never seen, but base your existence of being a “treasure hunter” around. My common sense tells me you have made another claim you cannot support.
"How about the gold recovered since ancient time.....Ex: remember China alone have several CENTURIES OF ANCIENT TREASURES/ARTIFSACTS/GOLD ETC....some of theose golden artifacts were remelted into gold is NOT PART OF DOCUMENTED MINED GOLD IN 20TH CENTURY !!"
2) Yep. Only 152,000 metric tons. Check out these fun facts about gold:
Of course it is.....any valuables items you recovered in buried sites is CONSIDERED TO BE TREASURES...
ex: STOLEN GOODS from different countries wether it is in ancient times or these pilferage/war loot of Genghis Khan, Alezander the great, Conquestadores,Mongols, Nazi or japanese war booties...IS CONSIDERED TREASURES....
3) Wrong again, Gboy. You cannot change the Law to suit your agenda. Stolen property always goes back to the owner. It does not magically change into “treasure”.
I HAVE ALREADY PROVEN HERE...THAT THE Japanese HAD ADVANCE PARTY AS EARLY AS 1915....TO START THEIR ELABORATE TUNNELING...disguised as legitimate road construction, mining and other preparation for WW2.
4) Sorry Gboy, you have not proven squat. I won’t even list the numerous amounts of misinformation, skewed history, fake gold bars, altered pictures and the umpteen amounts of unintelligent gibberish posts. Mixed in with a whole bunch of haha, hehe and hoho’s.
.....Why not qoute or read the court deposition of ....ROGELIO ROXAS....his treasure recovery is fully documented and part of our history already "
5) Better yet, I will supply a link where others can read about the Roxas trial. It is plain to see (read) that the trial was based on hearsay and absolutely no evidence in regards to any treasure. Maybe that is why no monies have ever been paid out.
Just for grins…here is a picture of the “Golden Buddha” Roxas allegedly found. Peeling paint job and all.
Associated Press
Former Philippines first lady Imelda Marcos scrapes the outer
layer of a statue of Buddha to allegedly show that it is not made
of gold in this 1996 file photo. Attorney James Linn, right,
reacts during an inspection at a courthouse vault where
the statue was being kept.