I got it Jef. I'll send you the translations tomorrow. I can read some cripts already but I need the confirmations of my team, plus other confusing Kanji. Yes, it's free translation bec. it's just a portion, he, he.

It looks like very near my grandma's Spanish family roots, but anyway, we're not interested in those ancestral lands anymore. We'll help you with that map, Bro. It looks authentic...similar to the style and measurement applied to maps made around that time of Visayas and Mindanao. Will get back to you later...


Hi Jeff,
What a coincidence! One point in your map matches the tunnel pics I attached in my file. So you could see the inside of the tunnel. I can't believe it...Have you been praying?

I'll send by attachment my reply tomorrow. Goodluck!



I receive your yahoo messenger invitation to chat, am usually online from monday to friday at 10am-1pm (manila time)...


Hi to all T'hunters,

I still have 2 more cents to spare regarding digging techniques. I understand that experinced treasure hunters are well aware of these techniques, but for the newbies, it will give some hints whether they are on "right track" or not.

1. To determine if the suspected location is correct, try to do some "sounding" 5 to 8 meters away from the suspected area.
2. make at least 3 to 4 feet deep holes in 4 quadrant where the suspected area is in the center; to determine the soil structure if it is original and for comparison to the suspected area.
3. If the object was burried from the top, (not in a tunnel) you should be able to get tangible markings between the depth of 2 to 5 feet. (Sometimes broken pottery positioned upside down)
4. If there is a river bed in vicinity, assure that water will hinder your project. Prepare submersible pump even 1/2 HP to contain the water. Do not use engine driven centrifugal pump. As height goes up, suction head also goes up and decreases your discharge head, thus decreasing the volumetric output of your pump. Use a small generator of 3 to 6 KVA to power the pump. (You can buy this pump for only 2,000.00 pesos, approx.)
5. Do not start any project without this unit, all effort will just go to waste when water starts to impedes your project.
6. At the depth of approximately 12 feet, you will get a very visible and convincing signs prior to the object.
7. Sometimes, some objects are encapsulated in a 2 feet high X 1.5 feet diameter gallons, covered with concrete.
8. Most of these objects can be commonly found in the area of "NEW HIGHLAND" in english.



Hello Jef,
Check your inbox. I've sent the translation. By the way, the tunnel pics I mentioned before were actually taken around April, 1943, and published Apr. 11, 1943. The magazine publication started in 1938.

The owner of our neigboring land finally showed the other half of his map that details what's under our property. Now that's what I call cooperation; without it, we can't succeed.

Goodluck to all!



to better measure the effectiveness of the methods you have been discussing for so long, why dont you post the actual finds and the methods that were used. For example;

1. Lake Caliraya, June 4, 1976, 65 metric tons in 12 concrete vaults; method: pointer with map, equipment: 1 Kato backhoe, 300
2. Fort Bonifacio, January 12, 1976, 100 metric tons; method: pointer, metal detector, equipment : 2,000 marines with shovels

3. Aguinaldo Flagpole, September 6, 1974 100 metric tons; method: pointer, map; equipment : backhoe

4. Corregidor movie theater, 1992; 3 pcs, 75-kilo bars method; eyewitness account; equipment : shovels

like that, so our discussions are organized

You can also put the failures like:

Tunnel 8 exploration, 90++ kms off, failed to recover anything, method: some university guys with a ground penetrating radar and a study grant


Hi to all,

Any method will be effective based on case to case basis.

In dinalupihan Bataan, In the cemetery, no detector, no dowsing but with marker. They dig the area and found the staircase going down underneath the cross . They look for gold but what they found instead is a bomb made of brass. They didnt find any and they leave giving the bomb to the caretaker. The caretaker sold it of few pesos to junk buyer, and the junk buyer sold it to the junkyard shop. To make the story short, the junkyard buyer became millionaire after a few months...
This is a typical story of "treasure hunter looking for gold but do not know how to find it".
Another one, half kilo of gold under the tree roots. Method use: Dowsing.. And much much more "stories" regarding gold recoveries...Philippine soil is full of treasure before the japanese came here in the Philippines. Remember this country is under Spanish regime for 500 years...
In bataan, they are looking for japanese treasure, and what they have found is spanish treasure...



no nga e not every method will work



If you didn't notice the correction I made lately on some WWII tunnels photos (sorry, I addressed only to Jef ,Feb 4), here again it is: the article should be described " Jap soldiers and engineers work together with Filipinos in 1943" not 1938 as I earlier mentioned. There was an error in translating, and some dates/ items were typeset the old style kanji. The magazine was founded in 1938, but the photos were taken around April 11, 1943. GOMEN!

Many have raised questions on how to dig safely without getting into the poison trap. That's also a big question for me; my relatives and barrio folks have been searching for answers for a long time now since stories in nearby communities tell of strong poison that actually killed one excavator years ago.

Here's the tip (my personal view): If the Nips have dug tunnels not only for their safe mobilization but also to extract mineral deposits in Phil. to finance and support their needs during the war, the same ores and metals must have been the sources of various types of poison used to safeguard the "precious loots". Even in Japan, lots of miners got poisoned with natural ores. As that magazine stated (some photos proved it, April 11, 1943) the Japanese and Filipinos mined hand in hand for copper, manganese, chrome, zinc, etc. Now considering "black powder" poison was one of the concoctions used, any of these minerals with carbon oxide in them to form compounds, with certain impurities or concentration characteristics could really create natural poison that didn't need any laboratory processes. Some of these poisons could paralyze the respiratory system and coud lead to immediate....But yould ask. How could soldiers and engineers dig while fighting the war? It was a MUST.The PHIL. WAS THE ONLY SOURCE OF THE MUCH NEEDED SUPPLIES. But that happened really...you would even laugh at their "sense of humor" using a "sophisticated weapon" in digging. Well, okay not really sophisticated, you'll find out ;-)

Plutonium, as others suspected, could not possibly be that poison as it was discovered in USA in 1938, and not used in Japan at that time yet.Unless it was the Germans who brought and shared it to the Jap...If that's the case, water is your best friend; it supresses the contamination and controls the spread of the deadly gas.

Do your own research about what chemicals can be produced out of these minerals mentioned above. Chemists can help a lot. Buy a contamination gauge just like what the Nuclear plants use and equip yourself with gas masks, suits like "frog men's" thick suits that prevent poison penetration during the excavation. That's all for now. Be safe out there!


Hello Emily,


I received your email, thanks a lot for translating it for free. At least we got some point studying the location of the map. When will you be coming home to the philippines? just look for me near your neighborhood when you'll get home. The map that i sent you actually is not alone, and what's interesting about it is that there are hidden writings on some points that a computer scanner or copier cannot copy. Writings that you could only read with your eyes a few centimeters away from the paper.

If you think that you can trace your roots back to that place, I guess our bloodline in some way are relative.

Knowing that the writing is Kanji makes the site a positive one. We actually started digging on the site, but stopped because of the heavy rains and insufficient funding. Hope we can do a successful recovery this year. Near our site is another Japanese group digging for their cache. The Japanese Government even donated funds for the making of a first class road going to Bontoc Mountain Province and Benguet passing through this old barangay indicated in the map.

Thank you very much again for doing that free translation of our map. Hope we soon can recover something from the site.

Regards and Godbless!

Jef of the Philippine Islands


You know what, Jef, when you said that there were some other marks not clearly copied, I went over the map again, and unclicked the side of the page. And voila! the other smaller characters came out. I could send you additional notes around the weekend...Is there any serial number? Be careful in your operations.


tresure hunters,

Yes there are other ways the treasure were recovered...

Samar Island,Summer of 1992 (during class breaks)...the JICA(Japan International Cooperation Agency) used geophysical instruments, heavy equipment, diving gears,manual laborers, japs ww2 veterans as pointer (my cousin is one of diggers and personnally saw the geophysical instrument used by Japs during night time)

1) Calbayog Elementary School (est.20 tons)
2) Oquendo Elemmentary School (est. 15 tons)
3) Tarabucan Elementary School (est.15 tons)
4) Tabokno Waterfalls (est 5 tons) (we owned this waterfalls....and japs stole my treasure...waaaaa )
5) Blanca Aurora waterfalls (est. 5 tons)
6) Calbayog cemetery(est. 2 tons) (we used to play on top of this unmarked tomb...japs took it also...waaaaa )

....The usual japs/JICA alibi...renovation and irrigation projects...the townsfolks was aware of treasure recovery after the operation...too late... as usual...includng us.


Yep, the joint operations with the Koreans and Japanese are just massive in an area we were in a few weeks ago. They employ almost everyone in the communities to dig this long concrete canal that just goes from target to target. They pay them $2,000.00 or so for the right to access the land. Everyone knows they are getting treasure but they do it at night covertly. They must spend a couple million dollars a month in the area. The Koreans have a four year lease and they operate 24 hours a day so these must be tough to get sites. They have a small contigent of about 8 soldiers for the NPA in the area. They beat us to 2 targets that recently scanned positive, so, unfortunately, I can relate to being too late.


If there's anybody so interested in digging up a public place in Phil. it's the Filipinos who filed/applied for a grant and financial support for the construction of something on that site. See, that's how you get a sure financier for your explorations funded by big entities. Invent a project on a location suspected of carrying hidden wealth for a sure win. Are these Gov't. people interested to dole out big money every time? The JICA people could be the last to convince for a treasure hunt, but in the course of negotiation and project presentation, you could encourage individual JICA workers to speed up your proposal disguised as noble project without a single cost. Either that individual has his own interest or not, it's initiated by our fellow Filipinos who know it all. Okay, just a feeling...

But wait, I'm not arguing with you. Just to tell you that I've contacted a Veteran group here for any YT info, but they are all skeptical...why? They are just the ones who fought for the Korean war; the WWII vets have gone cynosure accdg. to them so I couldn't possibly meet up with them. They at least offered a financial support for my project: A War Museum and Resort on top of the hill...Well that time (I wasn't interested to get any help, 3 yrs ago), but am thinking it over that maybe that's a good idea for a "NOBLE CAUSE".

If there's any Jap. group involved, it should be a private co. or a group with some intelligence services without the sanction of the gov't. Lately, murmurs louden due to Phil reports of stragglers in Phil. who didn't like to come home to Jaoan bec. they are guarding some wealth somewhere in Mindanao. That sparked new interest!

I don't know much about "other things JICA might be involved in" though. My friends in the past were JICA connected as my hubby used to be a JICA volunteer assigned somewhere else not Phil. So in defense of these people, most of the time, they avoid working with two intentions in mind; otherwise, they'd be castigated. My hubby was offered a job in charge of approving projects worthy of financial aid later on in a Third World country, but I thought, that would not be a good posting for now, as it would cause so much headache and lots of "temptations". Ordinary life is better.


We have tried several times looking for funder for different projects as an alibi or front for treasure hunting. In fact, we have already several project studies..such as...poverty alleviation, foundation, school, reforestration, apply for grant,mining, construction,looking for Japs straggler,looking for UFO earth station ...etc. Name it, we have tried it...so far NO TAKERS (funder) YET.
Just imagine, we are offering a good treasure cave/tunnel, even standing on top of the hill...wherein our old folks recovered/haul 2000 pcs. 75 kg. during Marcos time early 1982 (the orig gold docu transaction/hauling was still with us).....our old folks resealed the tunnel which contains more or less 23,000 pcs. 75 kg.....even these one good site...NOBODY BELIEVE US..(TOKYO 2 TUNNEL/ underground japs hospital).....since nobody help us,therefore, someday it will be ONLY OUR TEAM will buy the whole hill area and secretly recover these gold bars,once we get the shallow sites first.
We have so many sad fundraising stories..thats life.
However,if our native assets anytime now,if they lucky enough to came back from the mountain with a few gold bar samples(we sent 2 teams last week)....its over, we will vanish...we don't need funder anymore...we have enough budget to recover our own projects...we will expose on natl geographic/Discovery big volume treasure sites...so that the world who ignored us...will drool with envy..
Meanwhile since we don't have gold/budget yet...as usual we are still looking for funder...asap... first come first serve basis only.


this is definitely one of the most intriguing and enlightening sites i have ever visited, populated with a plethora of opinions and personalities. i love reading the posts.

i am doing a research thesis on treasure hunters looking for the yamashi-ta gold. my thesis deals not with the gold itself, but with the treasure hunters and how their minds work. i am still a third into my thesis, and if it doesn't offend anyone, how do treasure hunters convert their finds into money? i have made several situations and i would like to get them answered, and hopefully confirmed and/or corrected if they are right or wrong.

you found x number of 12.5 gold bars (which i assume is one of the most common weight and form - with the serial numbers and stars)

a) you want to dispose of your found treasure and convert them into liquid assets (cash, t-bills, etc) without drawing attention. who will you approach to sell these bars, and how will you explain the origin and authenticity of the bars to the buyers? if there are pre-requisites, please provide.

b) you want to dispose some of your found treasure into liquid assets and keep the remaining gold. aside from gboy's suggestion to purchase mining company and declare finds as mining output, are there other ways to safeguard your find? how and where would you arrange it?

c) you want to dispose some of your found treasure into liquid assets and keep the remaining gold. per gboy's suggestion, you buy one or more gold mining companies, do you re-smelt the old bars and mold into new ones and declare as your mining output? how and where would you arrange the safekeeping of the new 'output'?

d) you have decided that you want to deposit your find at offshore banks (like those in switzerland). what are the steps involved from the start (hauling the treasure from the digsite) to the end (depositing the bars in offshore banks like those in switzerland)?

and... do you have alternative ideas in utilizing your finds?

whew! even i'm exhausted with asking you, the experts. i hope you will indulge your knowledge and provide some steps and processes that a layman like me might not know.

thank you so much!




Unfortunately, getting/recovering these treasures are tough enough much more so disposing them.

Think of the dangers. You'd rather have none of them than risk your dear life.


Dear Rager,
I think the title of your "thesis" is "TH Preferred ways in Disposing/Liquidating their Gold" due to the flow of your questions. Are you in some way connected to a bank or smelting company? I think inroducing yourself first, stating your research purpose/rationale would be best so the expert THs here can serve you better.


Dear rageragerager,

No offense, but you sound like you are on a fishing expedition for highly confidential information that most people would not post in such a public forum.




Sterling just re-published Gold Warriors with two chapters about this. You can get it from Amazon.com, just be sure to get the new paperback version.


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