hi ssrjunkie, emily, wayne (no offense taken), thanks for replying...

actually, am doing the thesis as a report for a masters subject that i'm taking re found valuables in the phils and how they eventually end up. aside from being displayed in public and private places as donations, as govt and museum properties, or as private collection pieces, my assumption is that they are also sold to individuals/corporate entities (artifacts, relics, statues, bones) and/or deposited (jewelries, coins, bars, unset precious stones) in a bank, most likely an offshore bank like those in swiss and cayman islands.

i'm taking mgt courses, and since my professor wanted us to cover unusual case studies, i thought the yamashi-ta gold and its different disposal methods would be an interesting subject because it deals with history, treasure, government, technology, and culture among others. i do not wish to focus much on the yamashi-ta treasure story itself because i believe it has already been dissected as much as it could be. plus it is a hotly debated topic whether it still exists or not, and the consequences it presents if it does or does not exist, as well as the relative industries it created, whether legitimate (foreign investment in local th's teams) or not (forgeries, faked treasures).

my basis for this assumption is obviously on the allegations against the marcoses, and how they were allegedly able to manipulate hordes of the treasure into their offshore bank accounts. an obvious assumption is that most of the yamashi-ta treasure is still buried. i've also watched the natgeo special on the yamashi-ta legend, and from there i was able to make the assumption re using mining equipments on re-smelting the old bars into new bars as a way to 're-new' the bars, so to speak, the way marcos allegedly did.

in a way, the thesis is a synthesis on how the marcoses allegedly siphoned off the found treasure (theirs was on a grand scale) from the philippines and deposited them in several accounts, and the approach i wish to cover is on a lower scale, therefore on non-govt funded, independent th's... ergo, not as grand or dramatic as the marcoses alleged operations, but still sound enough to merit a second look.

i still have to go through seagate's book and materials though, so you may put the questions i posted before as part of my ignorance if they are already covered in his book.

i acknowledge that the procedures most th's use is strictly and highly confidential, and would appreciate if i get any private messages regarding additional info. my email is rageragerager@yahoo.com

thank you so much for the positive feedback. i hope you all find your treasures. :)


Hi rageragerager,

Yes, all your answers are in The Yamoto Dynasty, The Marcos Dynasty, and Gold Warriors, with two new chapters that specifically address your questions in the re-release of Gold Warriors. No need to re-write history here, just but be sure to get the latest edition of GW if your focus is on the financial aspects.



hi wayne, thanks... i think i have to check my resources on that. do you happen to know if there is a pdf version of the book... or at least on those 2 chapters? i'm still in the process of researching govt laws re the yamashi-ta loot, which is a little extensive for me since i'm also working. that's why i'm still a third of the way.

thanks so much for the feedback! ;D


Hi rageragerager,

Probably not, Sterling just mentioned paperback on Amazon. I didn't ask which edition he is selling on his website. There are very interesting documents in .pdf if you get the CD-ROMS, which I highly recommend getting.




I think i maybe able to answer some of your queries...

1) How do we convert the gold into liquied asset and to whom we will sell these?
Treasure hunting is a very long process, it take years...along the way we have known or befriended several gold buyers (who sometimes finance/help us)...meaningwe have establish thru these years networks of underground gold buyers already...they are usually hanging around in the plush hotels...we trust these buyers simply bcoz... when nobody believe our treasure quest, they are the ones who help/support us during diificult times....and if we succeed...naturally they are the "first priority buyers, who gets good discount" and the ones who will reap the rewards...we call it...debt of gratitude.

2) Beside mining, how do you safeguard your find?
Rebury it to our several safe place...specially in the place that they won't easily get it, specially if you are being caught/kidnapped....if the kidnappers ask me the remaining treasure? I will tell them honestly, I rebury it under the church altar...go kidnap the priest also!...kidnappers can't dig inside the church..don't they, it will be big scandal?

3)How do i arrange the safe keeping of our gold inputs?
With millions of dollars...i can hired the best and influential lawyers/bankers/accountants...to protect my interest..

4)You have decided to deposit the treasure in offshore bank, how will you do it?
NO, we will never ever deposit our gold hoard/money in offshore banks ! We have learned the lesson of Marcos, once it reaches offshore, its out of our reach anymore, CIA,bankers might steal it away from us....We will put/deposit our treasure hoard ONLY IN PHILIPPINE SOIL...if ever it will be CONFISCATED/SEQUESTERED....let it be done by FILIPINOS....at least the gold changes hand or retained by filipinos also....not by foreigner just like Marcos mistake... we prefer our gold be stolen by filipinos bcoz it will be used anyway in investment for the Philippines....

Of course...since you already knew our strategy...it is always open to revision/changes.. ;D


I read from the various posts that before you can penetrate the location of the Yamashi-ta treasure a very thick cement is covering the top layer.
So how do you guys know that it is indeed cement and not just some kind or rocks. Is there any way you could test the "rock" if it is concrete or not?


To all serious T'hers,

The road to the end of the rainbow is full of danger. Use a protective shoes to cover your footprints from inconspicious dust.



hi gboy, thanks so much for the info... i had assumed that most th's would put their finds in offshore banks (like swiss) bec i thought that these banks take extreme measures in keeping the deposits safe and confidential. i guess i have to recheck the legalities of found yamashi-ta treasures. as i am researching, the th aspect is becoming quite interesting. please correct me if i am wrong on the following legal assumptions:

1) any treasures (yamashi-ta or otherwise) found in your own land by yourself is 100% yours and cannot be forcefully taken away by govt
2) govt permits are issured to th's who are digging on public land/area; if land/area is privately owned, th permit is not required
3) trespassers, when caught hauling treasure without explicit permission from owner, forfeits any right to claim treasure as their own

i know it may look good legally (bec i'm also checking the legal aspects), but i also know there are unscrupulous men and women who will indeed take away th's finds because of their neverending greed.

"NO, we will never ever deposit our gold hoard/money in offshore banks ! We have learned the lesson of Marcos, once it reaches offshore, its out of our reach anymore, CIA,bankers might steal it away from us....We will put/deposit our treasure hoard ONLY IN PHILIPPINE SOIL...if ever it will be CONFISCATED/SEQUESTERED....let it be done by FILIPINOS....at least the gold changes hand or retained by filipinos also....not by foreigner just like Marcos mistake... we prefer our gold be stolen by filipinos bcoz it will be used anyway in investment for the Philippines...."

this is an interesting view, anyone else care to comment?... supposing you had bought yourself the mining comp, re-smelted, and declared treasure as mining comp output, i'd venture to guess you'd still not entrust the 'new' output in offshore banks?

my god, i hope i'm not wasting everyone's time here. again, i am so grateful that anyone has taken time to respond. if your answer is anyway delicate and confidential, please do not post in public (i do not wish to endanger anyone) and instead send me a private message.

thank you, and may good fortune always prevail in your efforts.



More likely poisen. Read the note I posted from my friend Sterling if you want to know about some of the toxins that have been used at these sites.



How do we know if the concrete cover of the treasure is indeed concrete or just plain rock?
If you are an amateur treasure hunter...its just a trial and error...hoping it is indeed the concrete we expect....
If you are professional treasure hunter...you make it sure it is a concrete in treasure bcoz you do your assignment...by having treasure maps( detailed layering of undreground concrete structure), geophysical instrument, test borehole drills, rock/cement sample lab analysis....etc...


For your info...
1) Presidential decree No. 1776-A, signed Oct. 1,1980, by Pres. Marcos
This decrees applies to TREASURE HUNTING ON... GOV'T PROPERTY and basically states that a treasure hunter must obtain a treasure permit from gov't...etc.

2) Civil Code of the Philippines, Republic Act No. 386, June 18,1949
Only a handful of the articles mention hidden treasures, the most significant of which is being Article 438, which clearly states that " hidden treasure belongs to the owner of the land. buildng, or other property on which it is found" this means that the legal landowner is 100% of all treasure located or under his property.
Article 438 also affirms that assuming a treasure hunter is not tresspassing (e.g. holding a contract to excavate), he is entitled to 50% of the find on another's property.
Noted that these laws pertaining to treasure found on private property have been in place since 1949, and no effort have been made to repeal,modify,changethem.


Hello everyone, how's treasure hunting?

To those who've asked me for copies of the guide I made, I have good news for you. I am sending new information for you guys, direct from Japan to cut costs (FREE to "subscribers"). I'll send 4 more pages on CODES and CIPHERS that baffle so many a hunter. I have a few "unlocked" already (?), but of course I need feedback and confirmation of my Jp friends. The unit of measurement and distance also are confusing, but hope this new info could lead you to more light. All these are exclusive to those who've received/ordered/will order for the KANJI GUIDE for now...bec. uploading them here is hard due to lots of graphics, blah, blah.,etc. I'm not ready to process the file yet, so an Ebook could not be possible until after a few months. Sorry, if the material looks insufficient/incomplete for now, but you'd always receive addional fillers in the future.

I'll definitely summarize the new "stuff" here in this forum too of course.

I need more signs and symbols analyzed as well (my barrio people are pressing me on this) so if you have some photos out there, send me thru my email so my team could give more ideas. emilyhomma@yahoo.com
(Ring my bro directly for a copy at 919-248-7886)


I believe that lots of tunnels out there are deeper than 23 meters for they had some special functions and were originally built on mining purposes. Deep tunnels could probably be found around Northern Luzon, Mindanao, Panay island, Antique. It is likely that the Tanna method in drilling was used when big amount of cement was pumped into the crevices and loose domes to prevent further erosion. It's possible too that the Shield method was preferred depending on the condition of the ground and flow of water. If the cement you are looking at right now is irregular in shape, rough and its shape seems to occupy a natural void on earth, it's not the "chamber" yet. There should be a more defined structure that could house securely poisonous gas and the "stuff" , the central target. Just some thoughts.


URGENT/ WARNING! Don't send your message via internet or smart website if you want to contact my bro's number (mentioned above). CALL HIM directly on the phone! A while ago, somebody has been trying to hack and copy my brother's cell phone number to snoop on messages from me. Why that person is doing it, I have no idea. The internet is easiest to tap, so RING HIM, do not text, DO NOT SEND HIM EMAIL.

Emily ???


By the way, the tunnel pics I mentioned before were actually taken around April, 1943, and published Apr. 11, 1943.? The magazine publication started in 1938.

A)? HOLA EMILY, thanks for clearing the magazine date up, I was beginning to wonder since the japanese did not take the? Phillipines until mid 42.

Jose de La Mancha -- Till Eulenspeigle



Gboy is correct about the CCP, but bear in mind that contracts take precedence. If you are a non-trespassing entity and find a treasure trove on private land then you are entitled to 50% according to civil code. Contracts take precedence over civil code treasure trove law which is only used in the absence of an agreement at the point of discovery. If you are a trespasser, you are entitled to zero! Presidential Decree 1726A stipulates 75/25 sharing in favor of the government on public land. Contracts do exist with the Government (negotiated outside this law) more favorable to the exploration group. Are they legal? It would take a test case to determine.



gboy, wayne, thanks for the info. yep, i read the civil code and used it as a basis for my earlier assumptions. now, thanks to wayne, i got to read about pd1726-a by marcos re 75/25 sharing of japanese wartime loot. you guys are the best!

emily, hope you and your bro be safe always.

i hope all you guys get your treasure, and when you do, don't forget to treat us! :)


i meant to say thanks to gboy and wayne... i now know about pd1726-a. :-[



Hey! don't believe that law being followed "hook line and sinker" by local and foreign treasure hunters....don't believe that the 75% will go to the gov't...it will go directly to the pockets of the corrupt politician thats why most foreign/local treasure hunters ...never comply with that law...
Since 1950's of treasure hunting up to now (with hundred thousand tons of gold recovered).....not a single gold bar went to our gov't nat'l treasury...it went directly to the pocket of the politicians....
Thats why several foriegn/local treasure hunting groups in connivance with these politician... circumvent the treasure hunting laws (why give 75% to the corrupt politician, if you can kept the 100%)....they never advertised it is a treasure hunting operation, they make it appear a construction,mining,foundation or business projects only.
ex: JICA (japan int'l cooperation agency)...equivalent to USAID....gives school building donations, bridges, irrigation, livelihhod projects, etc....but actually these are fronts for treasure hunting operations....old school buildings are japs camps (they donate new school buildings and recover treasure underneath), waterfalls (they donate dam/irrigation projects, and recover the treasure within the waterfalls), road construction ( they built roads, only to recover buried treasure along the way), they build bridges ( to recover the treasure in the river), they built beach resort (to recover sub/shipwrecks)....that is the another way of treasure hunting...even without complying with treasure permit...so that 100% treasure will go to them...
And if you/us/ordinary folks did not know this modus operandi...sorry...thanks for the treasure... bye, bye... and it happened hundred times already for several decades now, all over the philippines.
Most private foriegn treasure hunters....used mining, construction, or any business...as front or alibi to penetrate the treasure areas and put up their "legitimate" business projects....but the truth is...its treasure hunting operation.
But it will take them...a century to recover all the buried treasures...so there is still treasure out there for everybody...


Hi to All!
What kind of rock is this?


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and this


  • 003[1].webp
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