trying to post some pics, hope i get it right.

some things i find when detecting.

jewelry from the beach most from boracay found with minelab sov elite and whites BHID

Bomb is a 160lbs, initially located by a GPR 2ft deep at a 45 degree angle down to 4ft confirmed to be metal by the two box.

Hope you enjoy, all for entertainment.HH


  • two box and bomb.webp
    two box and bomb.webp
    14 KB · Views: 6,976

Tried to check picture post and seemed to have failed. sorry guys. If you have a pic phone i could send you some, just leave a number. HH

God bless,




You need to buy ARC-GEOLOGGER ($1T +) and plug your 2-metal box detector and you will get GPR like readings...tested on White TM-808, Discovery TF-900...
Compared with GPR ($7-20T)...this is the closest and cheapest you can have your ordinary detector to become gpr... (kuno) :o


Hi to all,
The 160 lbs. bomb you have found is already a treasure. You have unearthed a "part" of history. If this bomb has exploded, we do not know, maybe one of the contributors here will not exist."Treasure" is not the monetary equivalent of goods we retrieve from earth. it is how we "value" it. ....Angel

Back to T'hunting...

Treasure hunting is a process that requires good planning, good project, right selected people, appropiate budget, basic knowledge in soil structure, appropiate detectors, right/correct attitude and most of all, 1000 and 1 common sense. (Of course, asking the help of Almighty must be the first thing in the list... anyway, we just don't say it, but we have to do it). I have seen/met/worked with different groups of treasure hunters and have given me lots of compilations of experiences regarding their attitudes, methods, knowledge and common sense. of all these things, I'm not considering it as a stumbling block to stop this very expensive hobby, but with these gathered experiences, it strengthen my know-how to be able to plan well in the next adventure. The worst thing that a hunter needs to be eliminated is the negative attitude. This "thing" has pulled down a lot of good results that should have materialized. But, what has happened and will happen is bound to happen, because of Divine intervention... If He feels it is not yet time, He feels we can't "handle" what we are asking, then all our efforts will serve (for the moment) as an additional knowledge for our next endeavor, and as a litmus test to ourselves.
There is a friend who asked me " Have you got any treasure? " A very blunt and direct question... But still an answer was given, saying " I will not say "yes or no" and will not say how much, since no treasure hunter will admit that he has unearthen a noble metal; for the reason that, if he admit it, a lot of poeple will be at his back; and if he says no he will be the center of ridicules and be a laughing stock. So if a hunter would like to enjoy his find, he has to do only two things: first, if he doesn't want to leave his place, try to be modest and live simple. Second, If he wants to use it lavishly, try to relocate himself in a place where no one knows him, and tell the people around him that he is a millionaire's son who have inherited his father's wealth.
There are some other things that I enjoy relating to but time impede me to do so....

See you next time my fellow T'hunters



treasure hunters,

Treasure hunting is never been easy or like a walk in the park...just like everybody thinks...they think you can do it overnight....they expect with a few treasure site attempt ..they can recover..THATS WRONG...
Treasure hunting is like studying from elementary to college....you have to learn SLOWLY along the way...meaning treasure hunting is an accomulation of all your treasure hunting experience of several treasure attempts/failures...so that you can have the expertise and knowledge to apply it on your treasure site and hopefully recover it someday....meaning THERE ARE NO SHORT CUT, IF YOU WANT TO HAVE TREASURE KNOWLDGE...EX:LIKE MY TREASURE KNOWLEDGE...YOU HAVE TO ENDURE THE DIFFICULTY AND SUFFERING I HAVE BEEN THRU...ALSO.
The worst question/insult...if somebody ask you...since you have been treasure hunting for so long..have you ever recovered treasure? Naturally you will felt insulted (if you have not yet recover treasure)....again....its part of the suffering you have to endured.... (worst is our experience, we recover ...and yet some body took it from us)....
If you recover treasure...its just a matter of time or luck...that sooner or later some scumbugs will take it away from you...we are in third world country...remember? crooks are everywhere...


Hello All especially to Jose, Angel and Gboy
who are sharing a lot of your ideas in this topic. We agree to many of your suggestions and appreciate so much your time in educating many of us beginners with your valuable experiences. Don't forget though, that apart from all the knowledge, equipment plus faith in God, your good intentions count a lot as well. All the heroes and souls who spent their lives for freedom and peace still are wishing that people learn the lessons of war. It's important that you dedicate some portions of your future catch to GOODWILL and SERVICE, offer prayers to the ones who used to be there, and search with a good heart. Promise to have a project in upholding PEACE for the future generations. This way, there'll be no reason why we can't find good rewards for our hardship.

To those who contacted me about their Kanji guide and other materials, the copies will arrive earlier- Feb. 5 in Phil. Some interesting papers are attached.


The following statement is not a fabricated story but an analysis using analogy to a treasure/cache that we wish to uncover:

If a man wishes to hide a very valuable item without haste, he will carefully plan his action/place/method of concealling of his valuables. If he is an affluent person, the perimeter of his property will be well guarded, either with sensors, motion detectors or if he wish to destroy the intruder, he can use an electrified fences. If the intruder is wise enough to overcome this obstacles, he needs to enter the "main door" of the house. The main door of course will be very secured with all the gadgets and safety devices, bolts and locks. With this, a "brute force" is required to overcome this main door. But in all of these, a small piece of item is only what the intruder needs to be able to get in into the house. The Key!!!
Say, we're inside the house, the valuable is still not in the sala, maybe the intruder can find items that seem valuable, but it is negligible compared to the items that he have hidden. So the intruder needs to look for the room, the correct room. If he enters the wrong room, then he has wasted the precious time that he needs in finding the valuable items and it may also jeopardize his life. Say, he found the correct room, the exact room where the vauable is hidden, will he find the items he is looking for? Not yet!!! Valuable items can not let be scattered just like that in a room. The most probable idea is to look for an area that can conceal a valuable box, metal box that can withstand most of anything, including time... Say we found the box, this box can not be easily opened, a brute force is not enough to open it, he needs equipment to help him penetrate it. But still a key is the answer... a small piece of item that will equate all the hard works. Say, the box is open now, then the item maybe visible or it maybe camoflauge as a last line of concealment. And if the intruder is really wise enough, he should be able to find what he is looking for....

"There's a lot of noble metal that has gone to someone else, because the people who are seeking for it does not know what they are looking for..."



My wifey is from the Philippines. I have spent much time there, own property there, and have friends and family there.
I am not sure if I believe the legend about Yamaboys gold, but it certainly possible.
The Philippines is a gold producing/exporting country.
Yamaboy had the means to enrich himself. The Japanese occupation of the Philippines was typically brutal, and looting would be common.
But 6+ tons of gold?
I think like most treasure tales, it has grown with the telling. I also feel that if it exists, it would have been found by now.
Assuming it did exist at one time, and knowing the circumstances then, it was probably either spirited off the island or lost trying to do so.
WW II lasted years, and it was a long, slow process getting back to and retaking the Philippines. Yamaboy must have seen it coming long before it happened.
If it existed, I bet its lying at the oceans bottom now.
I am a detectorist, but do not plan on wasting my time chasing that one. But you know, with the Phils being a gold producing country, prospectors could do well there. You dont need a treasure map, just a gold detector.


Hi Hugger,

I too am a detectorist in the true sense that i beachcomb, coinshoot and relic hunt, as i have mentioned in my earlier posts. my dream would be finding a spanish reale or alfonso silver and my very own musketball and botton, i have found a worn out copper escodo and reqularly find commonwealth silver of course jewelry in the beaches. Now the thing is, when your detecting in the Philippines, you cant help but get drawn into the yamashita legend, whats important is to keep your feet on the ground and be very objective. As a detectorist, i wouldnt mind if his legendary treasure gets in the way when im coinshooting.HH

God bless,




Its understandable on your part to have doubts regarding the existence of Japs treasure...simply bcoz you lack the research or knowledge re japs treasure.
We too in the beginning have doubts of these infamous legends....BUT IF YOU EXPERIENCE PERSONALLY AND WITH YOUR FRIENDS....am sure you will start digging like us...

Ex:1) Our team in 2001 have experience recovering 8 cubic feet of concrete block/vault with 2 tons of gold....it took away from us...
2) August 2003, our treasure hunters friends were ambushed/killed in benguet mines,while trying to bring to the central bank the 64 pcs. 12 kgs of gold they recover in Ifugao province....it was a headline in TV and news....5 of my friends died.
3) My treasure partner Richie "cliffhanger"...in late 1980's during gold buy/sell operation..was blindfolded and herded to the gold sellers cave and.personally saw the treasure cave of the gold seller...with 4 cave chambers fulll of gold !....
Richie grandfather was Maj. gen. Inami Murakami...who buried treasure but its too deep (200 feet) and expensive to recover by our team.
4) My partner Budz....his father thru treasure hunting, recover and deliver more than 5,000 tons of gold to the late pres. marcos...their residence was raided twice by Cory gov't men...



Hi to all,
Philippines in history is a melting pot of different races. From the original Malay race, the chinese traders, the Spanish, the americans, the British, the Sepoys brought by British, the mexicans, the japanese, Indonesians and malaysian, and other nationalities not recorded in history. In these races, the chinese contributed "treasures" on forms of potteries which can still be found in Zambales. The Spanish, also contributed "treasures" which is scattered all over Philippines. (Although these treasures originated from the Phil). The commonwealth coins of the Phils during American time is now a treasure in a real sense, since each coin is 85 to 92% of pure silver, where unfortunately most of it has been transported in one particular city of another country...(it is another story). The Japanese is a well known race where, as story goes, "collected all treasures in Far East and brought to the Phil. for whatever purpose". This of course is only a story. An old soldier's tale. Whatever, facts/evidences sometimes are overwhelming to ignore the story about these treasures.
Treasure hunters sometimes get confused, doubting their instruments whether it is functional or not, For the reason that based on their collected data, the supposed area to be operated is giving different readings. with this, either the hunter lost faith with his instrument or doubt his live pointer. But no one gives a thought maybe that particular area have different treasure underneath? SAy chinese treasure, then spanish treasure , then japanese treasure... Who knows...
This is true to one particular area in the Philippines. The Spanish stays there for hundreds of years and also serves as retreating point by the japanese... This is what they called "New Highland" in English...



"WW II lasted years, and it was a long, slow process getting back to and retaking the Philippines. Yamaboy must have seen it coming long before it happened.
If it existed, I bet its lying at the oceans bottom now."

In between Corregidor and Bataan, thousands of silver coins are scattered. Unless it has been recovered by the U.S. Navy 7th Fleet stationed in Subic before in the Philippines, these coins are awaiting to be hauled. Anyway, it is only a minimal "treasure" compared to what was burried in land.



Hi Joe,
sorry for my late reply. I'm putting it here so that others may have an idea about your request. Although dowsing is discussed in other thread, I will give my 2 cents about it.

Dowsing is a very sensitive issue where a lot of people are having doubt about its workability. I will not totally disagree to those who says that dowsing is used by some people to con other people. I myself have had inspected a very expensive instrument using dowsing principle, and my conclusion is not favorable to the manufacturer.
But dowsing in the real sense (for me) is not a very complicated t'hunting tool that needs to hybrid with electronics. I'm giving this evaluation based on my own personal account and not by other people's explaination. I have used it, tested, and found something valuable using it.
But do not think by using dowsing, you can get what you want. As in my previous postings, there are prerequisite to be a treasure hunter.
1. a person must have 1000 +1 common sense
2. He should have a means to sustain a particular project (food for the mouth of his family should not be taken to support his project). He must have a definite budget to finish it. If the project is not yet finish and the budget is gone, then stop it.
3. He should be able to analyze soil structure.
4. If he knows dowsing, tandem it with electronics detectors.
5. Do not believe in "MEDIUM". My logic is simple, If the medium can see underneath the soil (as they claim) he or she will take it for themselves.
6. If a "MEDIUM" approaches you, tell them "i don't need MEDIUM, I want LARGE" (satirical)
7. Choose your company. (There are people while doing the work are spending the treasure before they recover it) beware of these people.
8. You must have all necesary equipment before starting a project.
9. Your worst enemy is water(Only in t'hing). (Peculiar isn't it... when someone is looking for water, he finds gold, and when someone looking for gold he gets plenty of water).
10. Water causes collapsing of soil. If water stays too long to the soil, this cause the soil breakdown, thus weakening it until it collapse.
11. Other techniques will be on my next posting.
12. This is only the stage of recovery which is much easier than disposing your find. That will be another story...



I know about the silver coins.
The RP was a US Colony at the outbreak of WW II. Their coinage was minted here in the USA, in San Francisco. Real, silver coins. Pesos were actual silver dollars. I have a few.
The US Military saw that the Phils would fall, so they collected the silver they could find and dumped it in Manila Bay to keep it out of Japanese hands.
You can occasionally see recovered pesos for sale on EBay.
But yes, it is a "small treasure" in that even if you recovered tons of silver, it would barely pay for the expedition.
If you recovered two tons of silver, at the current high price of $9 an ounce, it would only be worth about a half million dollars. And then you have to figure in that they are not pure silver. US coins are traditionally 90%. And after the first couple of years, they shrank the peso and reduced the silver content too.
So far as I know, the silver coins are not concentrated, just dumped willy nilly, so recovering them would be basically an ounce at a time.
If you had a boat, scuba gear, were a retired diver with time to invest, so that your cost of investment was minimal, and you managed to find them in sufficient quantities, it would make a nice project. Otherwise, not.


Personally, I have to agree with some others on here about the believability of some of these stories of huge amounts of gold in remote locations.
You are a Japanese occupier of the Phils. Even assuming you managed to stockpile and loot that much gold, why would you haul it away to the middle of nowhere?
It would be the worst thing you could do.
It would be a vast project, requiring much work by many men. Impossible to keep secret.
So, you were the dumbest spud on earth, and you did this, all you have managed to accomplish is to put your treasure far away from where you can watch over it, AND let dozens of others know where it is!
Yeah, I believe that.
You have to factor human nature into these stories.
And if someone did actually find a cave full of gold bars, he would pack them out one at a time and sell them.
Let me see, I just discovered a cave full of gold. I know! Instead of helping myself, instead I will just leave it there, and go back and blab about it! I will join forces with strangers of unknown integrity and trust them to share with me, rather than shoot me in the back after I show them where it is?
Yeah! Thats what I would do!
Any Filipino who found it would begin sneaking the gold bars out at night, preferably in the rain, one at a time on his back. and bury them under his nipa hut. He would arrange to sell one, and use the money to haul the rest back to civilization, and quietly dispose of them.
Filipinos are not stupid.
So far as these tales of Yamaboys gold, same basic laws of human nature apply. He was in a position of power, so he could have done it. But it would have required the work of dozens of soldiers to acquire and hide. While the Japanese were occupying the Phils, he had no reason to hide it, just keep armed soldiers, and when invasion became imminent, remove it. Why hide it there? Its not like he is likely to be able to remain and exploit it. At best he will be a prisoner, and likely killed in action.
Sorry, but these tales of "I found a vast treasure and want you to have some" just dont wash.


Hi Hugger,
You hit the nail on the head!!!
Some people, in their anxiousness to deal/recover/haul noble metals have forgotten the most logical reasonings regarding human nature. True that these metals really exists, and with it, the con men also increases proportionately. These people are feeding on the "greed" of other people.
In northern Luzon alone, three different groups (as far as I know) are operating regarding "noble metal". And in the process, they have evolved to be more "sophisticated and learned" regarding the dealing protocol. They know what will be the weight of a specific size of AU, where unlike in the past, as long as it looks like an original one, or covered with a thin layer of noble metal, the unsuspecting buyer will be "suckered" to have it.
They will give a person a piece of this "noble metal" as a show of confidence and goodwill, saying to help other people in distributing these wealth, but in reality he is only being used as an instrument of the group. Details are so intricate that a neophite will be easily duped. They have different techniques in passing these Fakes. (That is another story)
Anyway, a hunter, or anyone who wish to deal with this noble metal must understand its characteristics, how to differentiate it from fakes, how to determine its purity without even touching it, and other relevant informations. Of all the existing metals, there is only one metal that can be used to duplicate AU and pass as a fake. It is called tungsten. it has the same Sp. gravity as AU, meaning, weight alone is not a basis for determining Fake AU.



Hi TH Friends! Has anybody here tried a McMaster pipe detector already? Bro is asking me to buy this which is about 300 USD only. Is it effective?

I also need a walkie talkie, at AM hz? He said he needs one using AM (not FM) for the machine we want to create. I think I've mentoned earlier that he/they remodeled a fishfinder in their earlier project when bro was still connected to a Jap Electronics firm. The same principle could be applied in this metal detecting, only the conductivity in water is far different...well again I'm lost in this idea...Anyway, if there's anybody who owns an old walkie talkie (AM) that's no longer needed, why don't you contribute it to this project? Sell your radio cheap, or could you tell me where to buy one? He needs a lot of gadgets; some could be bought only in Australia...but maybe available somewhere too. I'll list down what we need and will post again...



If the native had a cave full of gold they could have haul it and sell it one by one?
OF COURSE THEY DID !....on several occassions...they come down from the mountain twice or 3 times a year ONLY ...sell 2 or 3 6 kg. for one sack of rice and few other needs....
How the heck could you explain...an ordinary....illiterate (grade two)....FARMER TENANT(never before own a piece of land) can acquire several buses and huge mansion...if not for the gold of the natives he accidentaly help...ABER?....where the heck his wealth come from...heaven? or natives gold?
In fact during our sierra madre exploration...when we are about to come down due to lack of budget...sudddenly a native show us 6 pieces 6 kg gold bars...and he is selling it for $100 per bar !...since we do not have anymore money...the native sold it to local counselor...(now had a mansion)
Thats why....we are moving heaven and earth ...just hoping to encounter these LUCKY NATIVES again !


Hi Emily,

the pipe detector will be very good for detecting pipes, it will have the range for detecting average pipe depth, say 1-2ft. I think fisher has a similar stick detector. There are a lot to walkie talkies available in the market, a generic motorolla talkabout would cost not more than 3000 a pair, range is 5 km in a straight line, the downside is it eats up energizer batts like popcorn. Usually when i go caving i bring one along with me and let a guide wait outside with the other set in case something untoward happens while iim inside.

Just ad another 200dls to your budget and get a descent two-box. The fisher gemini falses a lot in our soil, avoid that, consider the whites tm808 or discovery tf900. I got my discovery tf 900 form a&s, problem is if you ship it door to door insured via dhl ou ups, it would cost another 120dls and you pay 20% tax on the insured value you declare, but thats the safest way to get it in our country.

God bless,



There was the time I wanted to stop doing what others call folly... until one time during my quest for this noble metal a native pitied me and gave me a piece of it... i don't know where he got the metal... he told me his grandfather gave it to them... i dont know if the metal was part of the japanese treasures... he told me his grandfather told him stories of japanese soldiers that japanese planes during WW2 swarmed and darkened their blue skies... as i can see the piece of metal he gave me was cut from a bigger piece of metal maybe a metal with rectangular form and obviously a bolo was used to cut it... at first i thought it just the kind of metal used to make gongs... but he insisted it was what we are looking for... it was the last metal he told me... and he asked me to sell it and return and give to him half of the proceeds... still doubting the metal... i went to ongpin in manila and have it assayed... the metal is noble... a 22k... wow... i said to myself... the legend is true.... i was paid the price of the metal.... i went back to the natives place to give him his money.... but they were no longer there... their nipa house was desserted... i waited for them for a week but a native who knows them told me... they went to the mountains to get and hunt for bird's nest... a week ... a month ... a year ... still they have not returned...

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