Treasure hunters,

FYI....the orig gold bar seller NATIVES usually are highly mobile, they do not have permanent home, sometimes they never knew the real value of these gold bars thats why they sell it at very cheap price...ex: 6 kg gold is used to exchange for 1 sack of rice...
These are the natives we want to encounter again bcoz we believe their gold came from an open cave sites....in fact they are inviting us to go to their treasure caves sites...the problem is...I have been posting these info since time immemorial but...NOBOBY BELIEVE AND WANT TO FINANCE our expedition.. so we have no choice but to produce our own budget....and if ever we recover these treasure we should...keep the treasure for OURSELVES ONLY.....as simple as that...isn't it?


"and if ever we recover these treasure we should...keep the treasure for OURSELVES ONLY.....as simple as that...isn't it?"

Fair enough...



I can't believe my eyes...I am still looking at this old Japanese news magazine dated 1938 though it's been days now after I discovered a few sets of antique materials from an antique shop. EUREKA! Gotcha! So now I have concrete evidence...there are tunnels and there are lots of them.

In one picture. Jap and Fil soldiers dig inside a tunnel during this first phase of the war. The Jap. soldiers and engineers are using their "very sophisticated instrument" in digging...lots of trucks pass through a zig -zag road (Northern Luzon); the American forces bomb the place...

Now I have new materials to tie my previous finding- a model of all Jap tunnels made from late 1930's translated ...with the two major methods used in the construction. So don't wonder why you often find cement during your drilling.

I don't want to just keep this to myself guys.Get your copy to study it for yourself. Anyway, if you want copies of the photos and some translations to captions, just ask for your copy from my bro. Added to the 30-page Kanji Guide, a few more pages of my latest research is yours (about 50 pages in all). But, (Sigh) I regret to have said that I'm charging just 500 PHP when I've spent about 1,500 PHP already per copy. Anyway, if you can add (or double the price), I can conduct further researches...If you can't, well, 500 pesos is better than nothing.

If you can't still get a grasp of Kanji, you need the whole map translated, so contact me/my team anytime.

As to the "summary" I promised to list...here goes:
1. It seems that there are 2 major types of markers and signs in YTH: for treasure and for graveyards
2. The way kanji characters are written depends on time, country being studied, purpose, and material
3. Although the Japanese prefer to use certain traditional construction methods in the past, difficulties made them realize to be flexible and make adjustments.
4. The Filipino people and the whole country sacrificed a lot during the war; our country became their source of war supplies... so now we deserve to get what is left. ;)




Ok, when your Bro arrives, we will compare your treasure research notes and our own Japs treasure research/project study (more than 250 pages of treasure story,history, 100+ treasure sites pictures, 20 maps....and pictures of ACTUAL, WELL DEFINED/CARVED treasure markers and signs...etc.
And...your promised.... shoes/eqpt? ;D


Hi Gboy,
I've sent about 4 or 5 pairs of boots for your team...thru my Mom's BB Box. Might arrive after 3 weeks. I'll send your address to them to forward the stuff.

In Japan, metal detectors are double US prices. We are searching for the entrance to the 5 tunnels under our land, so this task needs a lot of planning and equipment. I just hope it wouldn't collapse during the digging (imagine 5 tunnels across it) ... other tunnels connect to diff. exits/entances...Our hills have limestone deposits so may have only a few cave ins.

Have you ever taken photos of some tunnels/caves you saw? Now we have some ideas how they designed the underground hospital and passageways connecting adjacent hills. I wonder if they are similar to these techniques. Got to go...




Am also interested with your book.

Please tell how we can send money for postal fee. Am in Cebu.

Where is your place in Philippines especially the site you're working on right now?


Hello ssrjunkie,

Send him text message first (090-248-7886) )Rolly) so he could add your name in the list and notify you when it's ready to send.

It's not yet a book--simply compilation of materials...will take time to organize them into a book. So for now, you'd find summarized form of the information, tidbits of ideas, until we are ready to have the rest of the information copyrighted. Since my team insists I prepare for future formal pocketbook with rights, we have just the initial studies and translations...for your feedbacks. I have other documents not translated yet, but hope I could get nice suggestions to go on these interesting research...I'm doing this for my relatives and barrio people too, so have to do a lot more in the future. I'm doing the researching here in Japan, FYI, but relatives and friends back home in Pangasinan are actively digging at various sites...oh I can't count. Even the mayor's family is doing excavations...Other sites owners don't want to negotiate...they want to do theirs. I go home once a year to join in the site investigation. My brothers did some attempts in the past, asked some natives' help but realized it could be deeper. So I make the necessary research. I for one wouldn't permit my family do unsafe excavations. We'd like to be really sure and conduct scientific research before full scale operations that require big money. And also, I believe that the right machine is not yet invented. Don't worry, we'll let you know once there's one effective gadget that could see through. :o

There are two attached readings that are not ours though (for those who can't have access to it) just as additional readings for you.

Everything is classified as "classroom materials" for a small group hobbyists, so kindly not hand to others, please.
Thank you. If you need some wild hints on symbols, email me: emilyhomma@yahoo.com


Actually, my friends back here in Cebu have been with Japanese treasure hunters. He has been serving them for 3 years way back in later part of 1995-2000. He was tasked to locate a possible site because my TH buddy can pinpoint. Then they will use another gadget if what has been pinpointed is a possible Treasure. But they won't let my TH buddy operate the machine because he is an electronics expert They're afraid if he will find out how it is designed. But my TH buddy saw how it works. One time he pinpointed a positive site they we're able to get the conductivity of the material. Though it is not what you would like to expect in an X-ray. They do it that way because my friend can detect real gold. But the problem is that if what he has detected is the treasure or the natural gold. That's why they use the gadget.


Hi Emely,

I'm grateful for the help you are extending to our fellow treasure hunters. These signs, symbols that treasure hunters often found in different landmarks are really intriguing, and sometimes became the focal point of analysis regarding the location of the treasures.
If I'm not mistaken, it is true that the language used by the Japanese is Kanji, but the interpretation of each symbol depends on the particular general who ordered the burying; meaning, although the language seems to be the same, the application is different.
I may be wrong in this analysis, but I have seen two similar signs in two different areas having two different meanings.

For the information of everybody, There are some people who deliberately make carving/ signs on stones, rocks, trees, not to fool other people, but to make money out of it. I have seen some of it in areas of Zambales, Tarlac and other places. These were copied from the signs that are circulating way back in the 80's.
A real japanese hunter will not give the actual meaning of any sign unless they saw the area or they put a finger on it. For what reason, God knows...
Anyway, I'm still hoping everybody will be succesful on all the projects they are doing. Just one word of advice, "Try to remain as what we are before and after...."



Hi Angel,
Thanks for pointing this out. It is really possible that some marks are new, deliberately produced for some reasons, that is why, anybody analyzing must see to it that they are legitimately made....but that of course is another hard task to do.

My ATTEMPTS ARE JUST ATTEMPTS, and are not based on any AUTHORITATIVE sources... and is there any authority left? But these are based on years of research, observation, materials study, survey, etc. and the same principles I'd apply to my own excavations. Why am I basing our interpretations on certain thoughts? I have so many reasons to believe so, and that's a secret that I don't want to share. Take it or leave it.
If ever they produce something positive in other people's cases, I'd demand for some...err anything...(maambunan lang) okay na. But no promises for a clear rainbow!

But signs are vital in interpretations, as well as sensitive, for they may cause or prevent danger. Generally, one would not rely solely on signs. All searches must be coupled with scientific studies, that is why, signs should be just one of the many other factors to consider before any serious operations. There are numerous other signs out there, and in our land alone, lots of unusual items like coins and artifacts that could be traced from overseas, etc. If the signs are placed on obvious places, or altered or not authentic as to the age of the relics, I'd doubt their "existence". Know how to distinguish between antiques or new stuff. Would you think it's created by a Japanese? How can you be so sure? The tip is, YOU HAVE TO THINK LIKE THE JAPS DID.

The problem is, this research matter has been going too far, and I'm uncontrollably too open. I'm also hurt so much finding about things I never thought happened. If I'd find out more....I'm shutting my mouth up. And say, I'll call everything from now on FICTION writing. And thanks for some people sending messages of concern..I'm considering using another medium instead, playing safe. I am going to write a FICTION story or FICTION NOVEL from now on, that way nobody asks...just read between the lines and unlock clues ala Indiana Jones. Goodluck to everyone.

Just do a lot of ceremonial offerings in every site. Observe Am/Fil/ Jap way of honoring the dead, keep bowing and offer incense, ask for their protection. ALWAYS offer a memorial to all those who spent their lives for PEACE.




Kanji characters may be the first reason to put you off the TH thing. You'd probably spend an hour deciphering the transcription of just one word looking at the chart with 100 basic strokes. I've provided three different charts in reading kanji (plus 10 kanji per syllable) so whatever style the author used, you'd have more chances to unlock. The good thing is, they were putting into Kanji with Katakana (mixed) a lot of foreign words and situations-Phil setting, so that somewhat limits your chart focusing on katakana. If the idea that KATAKANA WAS BANNED DURING THE WAR is true, most likely, you'd have everything in kanji, which would make the whole scripts rather strange.Kanji words are based on ideas and meaning, so if they didn't know the real meaning of the origin of Manila which is MAYNILAD, (may mahabang ahas NILAD diyan-there's a long NILAD snake there) how could they supply the appropriate Kanji?

There's also what you call MANYOGANA style of reading kanji that was employed centuries back, and since kanji was preferred that time, you'd have each sylable transcribed into Kanji by Manyogana (3 kanji characters-3 syllables) Simply look at each 10 characters to find out which one was used by the %^$# author.

Remember though, that in Nihongo if you say KAWA or river by Manyogana Kanji, you'd have 2 characters written.In standard kanji, only one character is drawn. See how syllables in a word are merged into one character in standard kanji, whereas in Manyogana, they'd be transcribed individually.

Just a few things...to start.

Now are you giving up? Quitters never win.



In my interviews with my friends one of the markers to observe when you are in the vicinity of the object/treasure is the engraved triangle.

This may be found carved on unmovable stones. On the ground or on a wall. ::)



Thanks anyway for your contribution to our team...it will surely help us a lot.
Regarding your treasure sites, we will just help your bro what ever good plan or strategy to recover treasure in your site.
Regarding your suspected 5 tunnel underneath your hill....actually it can be EASILY found nowadays...there are lots of mining technology around that can find these tunnel....in fact it can map the whole hill area of the underground tunnel...its geophysical instruments...like gpr,resistivity, magnetics, eletromagnetics, etc...but these are expensive stuff...usually used in mining survey..
Regarding the so called markers " like coin,helmet,plate,bottles,bombs, samurai...or any metal junks found during diggings .....don't ever believe that these are treasure markers....many amateur treasure hunters went bankrupt believing these are treasure markers and continue diggings for nothing...the truth is...these are just....JUNKS...BASURA... FROM THOUSAND OF BUNKERS AND TUNNELS W/O TREASURES LEFT BEHIND BY SOLDIERS....and worst these are commonly mistaken as treasure markers...
Real treasure rock markers....if you saw them....ARE WELL CARVED...VERY CLEAR...WELL DEFINED...AND DIFFICULT/IT TAKE TIME TO MAKE IT....therefore ordinary markers that maybe have shown to you are just...NONSENSE...a typical costly mistake for inexperience amateur treasure hunter if they believe on this underground JUNKS.....
For our ORIG JAPS TREASURE ROCK SIGNS/MARKERS....it take several exploration and millions of money have invested to encounter these original treasure markers...bcoz you have to explore (expensive) and visit maybe hundred sites to have a few ORIG japs treasure markers...kaya di basta2 pag ipon ng mga orig markers...but due to our vast expeience...somehow we were able to collect several orig treasure rock markers..
Ex; In Palanan...it took us 6 explorations to have 5 to 6 pictures of treasure markers...and for every exploration we spend $2-3T kaya...di basta2 yan makita at magastos....



We have seen/picture of perfectly and well defined carving on rock boulder "triangle with dot" aprox. 6 inches length.....and a rectangle with dot (10" x 6 ")....well...you know what this mean...TREASURE INSIDE/NEAR... but we never touch it yet bcoz it is carved on big rock boulder...we do not know which part of the boulder to begin crack...we need jackhammer or cut off saw (no budget yet as of now...) kaya nakalist lang muna yan...


Hi Emily,

Good morning to all T'hers.
Markers used by the japanese to hide treasures are similar and identical to spanish treasure markers. They used pictogram as representation for something to identify words or phrases,( but of course not the japanese words or characters).
If someone will give a little thinking, say for example if a treasure hunter does not have any markers to follow through, he or she should be able to develop a systematic analysis on how to approach a project. Archeologist do not use markers. I mean visible and man made markers. But they can interpret the area, soil condition and structure, unearthed items, and these are their basis for analysis. If one will say, I'm not an archeologist, then he himself is defeating himself, because treasure hunting is a form or shall we say a branch of archeology. Both are looking for evidences, excavates, use instruments and looks for clues and find objects. They only differ in mode of operations and results... Archeologist gives the found items to the museum while the treasure hunter sells his found items to the buyer (of course with LMER RATE).

A treasure hunter is not a person who digs the soil and will expect to find noble metal. those people who found these noble metal are the lucky ones, where by will of God or force of nature unearthed it to be found by unsuspecting person.
Treasure hunting is a continuous study and analysis of methods and technics used by the people who burried these noble metals. A hunter must be able to learn and identify soil structure, what is to be expected at certain depth and the most important thing, how to make himself and others safe in the process of excavation.





My friends told me that what's wrong with us Filipinos is that when we see markers we dig right away on that spot.

But no, treasures are "NOT" under these markers for the simple reason that they, the japs, will not bother coming back for the treasure if they hid the treasure just under the marker. Just as you said you want to break it. Then what should they be coming back for if it is that easy to get?

The thing is those signs and markers you see tells you a story. One sign leads you to another sign until you get to the triangle marker which is the door. But yet you are near "only" the door. That's why my friends are contacted by Jap THers to pinpoint the object so they would know where to gig.

One of knowing a site is by a landmark. Like a school, church and the town hall location at the time of WWII. Why? Because, even at this time when you ask old folks if they have been in the place before the war they can tell you the location. Right? Got the idea?

Markers on trees you will see are just track markers "not treasure signs". They are used to track the trail where they lead to, like their camp. This is especially found where there is no clear road, like when you are in a jungle or forest.

Markers or Signs are usually unmovable. This is so because even until now it is easy to locate.

Also fruit bearing trees can be markers. Why? It is rarely that you will cut them because you can make money selling the fruit.


To all hunters,

It is true that things that stand time can be used as landmarks. Regarding the boulder with triangle and dot in the center, it indicates treasure within the area. Definitely it is a landmark. In analysing this landmark, we need time and camera (digital cameras nowadays have the capability to be come interchangeable B/W to color and vice versa) to get the full view of 360 degrees of this boulder. The reason? There are hidden message/s within the visible markings which will lead you to the noble metal. It is also possible that it is within the boulder, but before cracking it, the whole surface must be checked inch by inch to see if there are changes or unusual thing on it. it is also possible that this boulder serves as a cover to something that is important or for another sign that will lead you nearer to what you are looking for.



Another tip when digging.

On flat ground, meaning the site is not located on top of a hill or a mountain, usually in my friends trip with Jap THers they dig up to 18ft at most 20ft. Rarely they go beyond 30 ft. Unless the site used to be somewhat like a bowl that when time has passed it will be covered. One thing to consider also is the possibility of surrounding hills because surely these will erode thereby sinking the place of your dig.

Also a living witness is usefull when confirming a site. You have to know the current age then deduct the current year with their age to know when they were born Then deduct 1942 from the time they were born to know how old they were at the time of war. This is useful to analyse if at the time of war their age can have a good memory of the happenings. A good age would be 10yrs old. But above this is better.



Thanks for the treasure "info/lecture" but of course NOT all you said are true... we won't agree simply bcoz...
1) We are more experience treasure hunter than you are...more than 20 years.
2) Our team have personally operated,visited and inspected more or less 500 sites...more than you do.
3) We have SEEN/PICTURED ACTUAL ORIG TREASURE ROCK SIGNS AND MARKERS..., its more than enough...even if you compile all the other treasure hunters markers...mas marami pa rin sa amin...
4) Our team have experience...or seen treasure cave chamber, buy/sell gold bars, cement vault with gold inside....etc....(although it is not yet our time to become rich, maybe gods wil)
Meaning....if you are just elementary in treasure hunting....we are already doctorate in treasure hunting....we gathered enough info and techniques....that we no longer needs the suggestion of other people..


Its understandable that you give some treasure suggestion maybe from hearsay,story or theory of japs treasure....but let it be remind you, that some amateur treasure hunters...may get wrong treasure suggestions from you....so PLEASE be carefull in lecturing treasure hunting next time....specially to us bcoz...WE KNOW A LOT... .MORE THAN YOU DO....
Again I respect your effort of trying to give treasure infos.

We have taken several pictures of these two rock boulders with triangle with dot and rectangle with dot markers.......we only lack metal detector to pinpoint the exact location of embedded gold bars within these rock boulders...and we lack breaking equipment and budget also...


Hello Emily,

Could you please translate for me the writings on the map that we have for free? I will send it to your email. It's the map that I asked jeff of pa to post here for everybody to help me decipher it but was blurry when posted. I think you are the one who could help me on this matter. I near your place, remember?


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