Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
SAT, you posted --> (Oh, by the way, sorry, but I don't have the Philippine's treasury records at hand
sorry , but only the following answers are accepted --

Yes sir

No Sir

No excuse Sir

Don Jose de La Mancha
:tongue3: I liked my reply better . Applies to SWR as well .

The tip of the proverbial iceberg.


  • SKR - HH.webp
    SKR - HH.webp
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after chatting with my cousins yesterday, and read pages from this helpful forum, im starting to believe about the 2 treasure sites that my cousins is slowly revealing to me coz they're scared enough for their lives.... para bang nag papaalam sakin na pag nawala sila for over a week something happened na, coz there are 2 groups of TH politicians are also on to 1 big treasure site in our province, and the only one who saw and destroyed the what so called "turtle" & the "owl", "small bottle with powder" and "the small rock that have japanese writing" is in on my cousins team...

i might be talking non-sense here but will let you know immediately about their progress. they said they found the "egg" of the turtle ( 2 oblong shape rocks which they said 3 persons can't even lift ) :dontknow: ...


Hmmmm, nothing new here, guess all the treasure hunters have gone over to the other treasure hunting site. You can find it on google.


Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
Sheehs zobex, which? there are many.

Don Jose de La Mancha

listing other sites would be spamming

Hi Jeff, you would be surprised on how many other sites I have been pushing TN. And why not, it IS good no?

Norway, Britland, Oirish land. South Africa, India, Japan, Canada, Aussieland. Mejico, and even China. I have no idea if any became members, but TN has been getting exposure, not only in the T Hunting world, but certain fringes of the Scientifc one.

Don Jose de La Mancha

jeff of pa said:
Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
Sheehs zobex, which? there are many.

Don Jose de La Mancha

listing other sites would be spamming

Well Jeff, is it OK if the members here RESPOND to a PM from members who ask "where" the PM recipient went, as long as the secret is hidden from the general pool of members of the board, where they went and why ? I would not want to break any rules here in as much as the Moderators on the other(s) sites used to be members here before being driven off of here but their names and location and the fact that a new board was started, is all kept secret?

Are PM's between members here OK, are those permitted ??

Is it permitted to be a member of more than one treasure hunting board, that is in addition to Treasure Net ? Just want to make sure as other boards seem to have an open policy to promote the activity in general, regardless of sites.


Zobex said:
jeff of pa said:
Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
Sheehs zobex, which? there are many.

Don Jose de La Mancha

listing other sites would be spamming

Well Jeff, is it OK if the members here RESPOND to a PM from members who ask "where" the PM recipient went, as long as the secret is hidden from the general pool of members of the board, where they went and why ? I would not want to break any rules here in as much as the Moderators on the other(s) sites used to be members here before being driven off of here but their names and location and the fact that a new board was started, is all kept secret?

Are PM's between members here OK, are those permitted ??

Is it permitted to be a member of more than one treasure hunting board, that is in addition to Treasure Net ? Just want to make sure as other boards seem to have an open policy to promote the activity in general, regardless of sites.



Private Messages are for "private Communication"

I Personally See no problem with You Pm'ing somone who wants
to be Contacted :dontknow:

Hello All

After reading painfully through pages and pages of childish bickering.

Sadly it unfortunate that this topic regardless of the forum always gets bogged down between petty squabbles between those who are diehard skeptics and those who are diehard belivers.

It is a shame because there is treasures to be found in that wonderful country but not the jibberish that usually comes out from those who it has become a religion of blind faith and those who have nothing better to do but to taunt that belief as a sport.

Both are not treasure hunting my friends but drivel. It would be nice for once just one to see Our fine Philipino friends do some real research other than dream and our fearless protectors of the scam artists to offer some thing more than just confrontation.

But perhaps that is the nature of beast is it not?


G'morning Crow: I tend to agree with you. Most of the still lost treasures have very little solid information or they would no longer be still lost. as a result, when asked for this verifiable information, which obviously cannot be posted or presented, it then naturally resorts back to a one up on each other to show how clever one is to bring this out.

To repeat telling of a successful hunt for one such, when I started the hunt for Tayopa, there wasn't a single bit of verifiable evidence available on it's existence except in the 'sealed' files of the Jesuit Society in Rome. The first bit of possible verifiable evidence was the discovery that Yeager , the superintendent of a mining operation near here had purchased an Alter bell with "Guadalupe de Tayopa" cast on it's rim.

I was never able to personally see this bell, but it's existence was semi-verified by people that I know, and I was able to trace it's travel up to it's disappearance in Los Angeles. Obviously still a non verifiable existence.

Never the less, it proved to be the defining clue that started me on the 'successful' search for Tayopa.

While the name Yama---- treasure may be incorrect, that name tends to establish a bit of solidity that a large treasure did / still ? exist.

So the very nature of the beast resorts to personal attacks or asking for impossible data.

But still it IS interesting and fun, and who knows if the next poster may have that information..

Don Jose de La Mancha

Good morning Don Jose.

The bell you mentioned is that the one allegely found near the Sonoran border in 1896? That had Tayopa Guaynopa Guaynopita Sonora. Tres Minerales Del Mundo written on it?

Sorry for being off topic


G'evening my friend Crow: you mentioned -->The bell you mentioned is that the one allegedly found near the Sonoran border in 1896? That had Tayopa Guaynopa Guaynopita Sonora. Tres Minerales Del Mundo written on it?

No my friend, this was a small Alter hand bell.

Incidentally, you are not off track, since we are attempting to define verifiable data. It would be a miracle if records could be found today of that Bell, it's sale, and subsequently smelting record. Yet sufficient data is available to show that it undoubtedly existed.

Din Jose de la Mancha

Zobex said:
Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
Gentlemen: Having been intimately associated with cyanide for a period in my sheltered life and finally being poisoned by it through carelessness, I have a deep appreciation for it, and it's effect.

As a result of my unpleasant experience, I have become sensitized to cyanide and can detect an open barrel of it to 20 meters, or, even where it has been used in the past for mineral processing.

I have won a no.of bets on this ability. Look for a person that also has this ability as a human detector.

Basically Cyanide needs to come into contact with an acid, your tummy works just fine for this, to form the hydrocyanic acid gas which is the lethal form. Normally just contact with the bare skin is not deadly, unless you have a cut or other way for it to enter the body. In fact I have seen our Indian workers handling it with their bare hands, until I jumped them.

The question that always comes to my mind, is just why would they do this? Even if it killed a few workers, the others would soon return with better protection since they would now be sure that this was a prize worth the risk.

Incidentally the enemy of cyanide is oxygen.

Of course anyone that believes that they might be coming into contact with cyanide, should always check the latest information on how to safely handle it, not just take my data here as the bible. I have been wrong many times as swr can happily testify.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Don Jose, Hi. Well I will disagree with you in part about cyanide. Of the many hats I have wore over the years, including as a mining geologist and manager of a gold refinery that did cyanide extraction among other methods. There is no safe way to handle cyanide. Any contact with the powder and the human body is deadly. Because of the chemistry of the human body, skin, any contact is fatal. You can not wash it off or brush it off and it only takes a small amount to kill. Inhaling any dust is FAST, skin contact, the oils and moisture in the skin make it irreversible. There was a case on Mindanao in 1995 where a group of tribals found a 'black coffin' in the back of a Jap truck that was sealed in a cave. First the tribals drug out the coffin and smashed the lid off of it. Full of diamonds, belong to a Dutch trading company, so labeled. And naturally they shoved their hands into the batch then the group started dropping dead !!! They figured bad spirits so they brought in their Witch Doctor. A little mumbo-jumbo and they tried it again. More dead. So they call me. We go there and I said take a shovel and scoop out some diamonds and put them in a bucket of water and soak a few minutes. They did and then we gave the water to a pig. The pig dropped dead on the spot. So I washed some of the diamonds in a little water and tested it with PH paper. There was a PH change in the water, cyanide does that. Two simple tests.

So, I instructed the tribals to scoop out the diamonds with a small hand shovel and boil them in hot water over a camp fire. Washed them with hot water and liquid soap. DON'T use any acid solution as it will produce cyanide gas, but, liquid soap is alkaline and will lift off the cyanide but not chemically alter it to a gas. Dumping the contaminated soapy water into a pre-dug pit.

Just to show treasure fever, after all that help what do you think they offered me? Zip. The laugh was on them, when they tried to sell the diamonds the PH military came in and took everything. All I wanted was the truck for my collection. Jap trucks are getting hard to find.


Or the dead girl in the drum trap. ;-)

Re: 2005 EXPEDITION: YAMASH-I-T-A ( [url=http://forum.treasurenet.com/words]--de

Zobex said:
The fast field way of testing is to pick up the bar, hold one end and swing down real hard, bang the other end of the bar on a hard rock, railroad track or steel beam. If it bends, you have some gold. If it just rings and stings your hand then drop it on the foot of the guy trying to pass it off as real and give him a sore foot.


I like your method of shooting it with a 45 at an angle towards the seller better. If it's real he's safe, if it's not........ ;-)

I know of a person who can soften that cement but I don\t know if he is still alive at present . The last time i saw him was in 2002 before I worked outside the Philippines. He was the person who retrieved treasures in Agusan areas. A former Japanese soldier.

new to this site, sooooo... amusing is there anything new?

I have few Filipino divers whom I work with few years back. Now, their questions are these:

1. What are at stakes?
2. How can they sure this shipwreck is not a goofy story?
3. Supposed this story is not real, who will compensate for all the expenses during the diving process?
4. As an agent, mediator for these people, will you take responsibility for whatever course of action this project will lead?
5. Did or have you prepared written contract for this salvaging job, for the people you are representing and for the divers you are recruiting?
6. If you do, come back to me and we'll talk the details.
7. If not, just keep quiet and ask the moderator to delete your post.


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