you operate only when you have the means to do so . dont ask for help from foreigners. it gives the filipino th community a bad name, no matter how noble your intentions may be.

Same advise here nobody will believe us,instead find your closest friend that really trust you I KNOW what youre saying is really true because we do have same problem and same area as well.Plan your activity well,select your men coz some of them are only after their daily pay they don't care about your project .

I'd like to share my experience regarding markers, sometimes doubt is always on the other side of my mind every time markers came out,my mind will automatically ask me, is it nature or man made? got no sophisticated instrument to use ,I just depend on markers I just follow whatever marker said, question is how sure I am if they are leading me to the right direction?, we'll as Gboy said use your most impt. sense which is the common sense. Believeable markers are mostly found when you are already reach the right depth, most of the markers I've found when you decipher 'em contain at least 3 images I can post them here, if someone wishes.I know for sure am not authority to discuss treasure matters, likewise only sharing what I experience. I cant divulge here what kind of site did markers led me,but am sure I'm not lost due to the presence of Au mixed in sand.

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Why are you guys convinced Yamashitas gold is in the philippines ? It would make more sense if it were in vietnam. The japanese had total control over vietnam and nobody was fighting them on vietnamese soil. it was a safe haven from the start of the war to the last. The japanese never saw combat in vietnam except for a skirmish now and then. No large scale battles.

Remember ....the treasure was looted from hongkong, china, singapore, philippines, malaysia etc. The final resting place is not philippines.

some may be found in vietnam, some in indonesia and some are hidden and stashed in the Philippines. nobody knows for sure where is it, unless you are part of the japanese imperial army. only they know about it. but to insist on your idea that the japanese treasures were hidden in vietnam only and it would be preposterous to entertain the possibility that some are hidden in the Philippines is not proper.

Hello bomy,

I believe that there is a treasure in your grand mothers property. If you can go back to the site and get samples on that itchy gray muddy things and gray sand about a kilo each and bring it to manila and I will pay for all of your expenses. We'll try to test what are the composition of those. Please email me here; Ogiebatz72@gmail.com. Much better if you can give me your phone number so I can talk to you personally.

Thank you and hope to hear from you...

hello any updates regarding the snail or spiral sign?
whats the meaning of an eagle sign ebedded on a rock?

Hello there ,

Any one would know how to get ride of the gas smell in a tunnel ? They dug some where and
then there were 2 different tunnels , they stopped digging further because of gas smell .

What this gas smell could be ? Is it Methane gas from nature or from the toilets ! or the real
Japanese Cyanide gas !?

How did the Japanese devised those gases ,why the gases would not disperse into the
air if the Opening of the tunnels are left open ?

I just heard this from my wife's family who dug just bellow their own house ; and next
to it , in World war 2 there was a Japanese camp ! now it is a Public secondary school ,
i am a Foreigner by the way and visited that school too !

I hear many say detectors are not effective ! so how can you be sure of anything
with out these modern detectors ?! Japanese may have used deep digging to
hide the Golds , but it can not be more than 50 meters deep i guess at lat 60
meters for maybe big quantities .

Even our family have dug and found 2 different tunnels to different directions
as you see they stopped to dig further because of gas smell ! so how can
we successfully accomplish digging to see if there is something ; there
has not been yet scanned with a good detector ,they just followed their
instinct and of course the family's history , because my wife's grand father
was a good ! Japanese man who left the army at the time and married
my wife's grand mother at the time , and he lived in that house , i visited
that house , and because just next to it was the Japanese army camp so
the chances are so high there could be any treasures hidden there
in my wife's house as well as in that next door School .

I intend to buy a good detector and scan the area , a detector reaching
at least 50 Meters deep , i am not sure of anything once i will do this
, as you know those detectors cost expensive this one about 6000.US$ !

So , why there are so much difficulties in reaching those treasures ??!

There should be one Logical way to reach them and remove the
obstacles ,what are these obstacles and how to remove them
successfully ?

Walter !
Email : Handssup@gmail.com


the only safe way I know to get rid of gas odors is Ventilation .
If you know what type of odors, Fans & Ventilation.
but first you need to know if the Type of fan you use can set off a spark.

You can only smell leaking methane when commercial gas utility companies add a chemical smell to it

Blackdamp (---- ---) Has no odor so probably not that either. That just means there is No oxygen to Breathe.

Hydrogen sulfide maybe also called "Stink damp" has an odor of rotten eggs, and is heavier than air,
very poisonous, flammable and explosive. and maybe what it is, if it is natural to your area.

if not Hydrogen sulfide , more likely old Septic tank odor .
but would you want to find out after you blow up ? it wasn't old poop smell ?

then you would probably be mad at my answer. so be careful
According to our Homeland Terrorists Facts about Cyanide | Homeland Security News
Cyanide gas sometimes is described as having a “bitter almond” smell, but it does not always give off an odor, and not everyone can detect this odor.

now on detectors , don't spend $6,000.00 on any detector !
if you do I'm not going to feel sorry for you after, I'm just going to Laugh
because I Warned you. I think that 50 meters deep translates to 180.4 feet deep.
If true, Not even Ground Penetrating Radar will help , because when you ask the question,
all you get is Double Speak http://www.georentals.co.uk/gprsee.htm
add to that there are allot of scams out there.

If you have all that Money, Buy a Minelab GPX 5000 & settle for the
easy digging depth of a foot or 3 (depending on Size of Object) & have fun

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Jef, I have become sensitized to Cyanide - to me it is a 'sickly sweet odor'. I can smell an open drum of Cyanide some 20 30 meters away.

The bitter almond odor is when it has reacted with an acid - say tummy acid --and formed Hydrocyanic gas which is one of the most lethal gases known.

Sloppy assaying work Jeff, same for Arsenic.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Blackdamp is not coal gas . It is air without oxygen in stagnant airways where oxygen has been depleted from the atmosphere by oxidation of coal and other elements . Heavier than air , it stratifies close to the ground . Flame safety lamps will detect it by the diminished flame when carried low to the ground with it being adjusted to a 'walking flame' . Methane and other combustible gasses rise to the roof . The flame safety lamp has to be adjusted to a blue cap flame and slowly raised to the roof to detect these gasses .

Blackdamp is not coal gas . It is air without oxygen in stagnant airways where oxygen has been depleted from the atmosphere by oxidation of coal and other elements . Heavier than air , it stratifies close to the ground . Flame safety lamps will detect it by the diminished flame when carried low to the ground with it being adjusted to a 'walking flame' . Methane and other combustible gasses rise to the roof . The flame safety lamp has to be adjusted to a blue cap flame and slowly raised to the roof to detect these gasses .

correct ! Not sure why I put (Coal Gas) there :tongue3:

Boylara: Yes, of course we can meet. Where can I find you? I'm in Pangasinan right now.

Cool, I"m at the Starbucks on the corner of Melrose and Fairfax in West Hollywood. I'll meet you halfway at-----Never mind....
You know, for being a stand alone province and all Pangasinan has one of the crappiest websites I've eve encountered.

What I hung charcoal in net bags high enough as not to disturb the workers.
It worked. Ours is a tunnel and got spaces to hang them. Plus ventilation, of course.
It's humid where we are. My workers hate using mask.

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