
Correct...but the problem is, the Japanese always operate in barrios or areas wherein there are no treasure hunter around thats why they were able to do their treasure hunting stuff very quickly. Once the rumors that the japanese are conducting some mysterious activities, most likely it was already over.

However there are also instances wherein the Japanese was not successful by their ill motives.
Ex. in Davao area the Japanese wanted to donate a new bridge, bcoz the barrio bridge is already old.
Here is the catch instead of demolishing the old bridge and built a new one...the japanese wanted to built the new bridge...100 meters away from the old bridge...obviously to recover sunken japanese barge with treasure in ther river.....The Dep't of Highway didn't agree, bcoz it is expensive and lots of work...imagine building a new bridge, new detour road, demolishing residential houses, etc.....questions...why the heck they didn't built a new bridge on the same location of old bridge?....that is the questions that was never answerd by the Japanese. The japanese abandon the project and left....to the delight of Pinoy treasure huters of course... ;D


Detailed accounts of these events are not first hand informations, though it might have some traces of thruth, these are considered rumors based on what they "feel" they have "saw" and concluded as facts. Most treasure informations (not all) published in this forum are unverified, except with some proofs posted. (See Mr. boy lara's gas mask).
I'm not trying to downgrade these informations, but for me, these things seem to be unproductive, without any purpose or helpful in the recovery of these alledged treasures. If I will be having good information to share with, I will give it with complete details accompanied with convincing proofs, not to entice other hunters but to show the validity of my claims.........But, if I have these good informations, and I have proven to myself that these are all valid, and gained from it, do you think it will be wise for me to announce it to the world about?


gboy said:
Ex. in Davao area the Japanese wanted to donate a new bridge, bcoz the barrio bridge is already old.
Here is the catch instead of demolishing the old bridge and built a new one...the japanese wanted to built the new bridge...100 meters away from the old bridge...obviously to recover sunken japanese barge with treasure in ther river.....The Dep't of Highway didn't agree, bcoz it is expensive and lots of work...imagine building a new bridge, new detour road, demolishing residential houses, etc.....questions...why the heck they didn't built a new bridge on the same location of old bridge?....that is the questions that was never answerd by the Japanese. The japanese abandon the project and left....to the delight of Pinoy treasure hunters of course... ;D

So... it sounds like you now know the exact location of a barge full of treasure in the river. Please recover it and show us some pictures.


To Gboy..

Check my topic here at tresure legends, Is this a Yamasheets tresure?

There's pictures posted there.



I beg to disagree....these JiCA accounts are verifiable facts, the school are being mentioned here...Calbayog Pilot Elementary School, Samar...the japanese filipino diggers/workers are just residing near the schools, (verifiable fact). The Phil-Japanese rock marker (lapida) proof of bldg donation is standing infront of the school (verifiable fact). The teachers in these school can be verified that they witnessed, why the japanese dig first underneath the school bldg, for almost 2 weeks first looking for alleged japanese bones and take some old metal boxes, before they construct/donate bldg (these too are verifiable facts).
How do i know it...I graduated from that elementary school, when we were pupils, we are afraid to go underneath the schools bldgs for fear of japanese bones. We never realized that it contain buried treasure, If i knew it I could have voluntered to enter those scary underneath school...i'm supposed to be the "makulit" anyway among "pasaway" kids ... ;D.
If CSI can gather proof out of cigarette butt...am sure several living witnesses accounts, and bldg donation itself is enough proof of yam treasure recoveries. No need to be a PI to know the facts, Just a simple investigation will do.

When we say verifiable, it is usually in tandem with proofs and facts. Yes I will agree that the diggers are living nearby on that area, but were they hired as a gold/treasure diggers or diggers for the school building? If you are not sure, then it is safe to pressume that these diggers assume that what they are digging are gold; why? because the employers are Japanese, and when we say Japanese, they are "coined"to treasure or treasure hunting.
These "verifiable facts" of the teacher's story, the Japanese digging procedures, their alibis, what they have retrieved, are all words of mouth, transfered from one person up to the last man's ear. But nowhere in your story, with verifiable facts, that these Japanese have gotten gold bars in any amount.
Being student in that school has no bearing about gold in the story. You only mentioned it to strengthen the "issue" in it.

Let us take a closer look on the postings of KevinKevin.
He speaks little about his project nor he elaborate it with thousands word. But what makes the difference between your story and his, is the "verifiable" proof he has presented.
Photos of his projects.
I'm not saying your's has no credibility, but KevinKevin's photos are more credible than a thousand explanation of mere words; and I have noticed, with all those presented incredible proof unearthed underneath the ground, you had concluded that only 1% probability of anything with value.
In this real word of "to see is to believe", don't you think a single picture of real value can undermine the thousands of words of litanical story about treasure?

Just a food for our thoughts........


I know what are verifiable facts and proof, I grow up with lawyers...my dad and brother. I know what is acceptable as facts and proof in court of law.

1) Yes, the diggers are hired to dig something underneath the school bldg, 2 weeks before the bldg donation or renovation. Wherein only the japanese knows what they are digging or looking. They are not yet trying to put up a new bldg, they are digging and looking for something....only when they found several boxes after 2 weeks they tried to put up new bldg probably the japanese get conscience that they donate new bldg bcoz they recovered something. My cousin was one of the diggers and they only stop diggings when the boxes were exposed. They were sent home. Later on 7 pajeros carried the boxes, the diggers are still alive. This is a live witness account and this is a verifiable fact.
2) Consider the "digging activities' of the japanese, 2 weeks after the bldg donation or renovation... What do you think their are looking for? What do you think are those boxes? Why they haul the boxes only at night? Why they sent the diggers home when the boxes were exposed? Everytime children/people approach and look at their work areas, they gave them food and shove them away, why they do that? I guess no genius is needed to know what is inside that boxes.
If you are indeed a treasure hunter you will somehow have an idea what is inside that boxes and know what the japanese are looking for, however if you are NOT a treasure hunter, I guess you will never have any idea or clue, what its all about.

Re Kevin site, there is no question that it is a buried structure or probably tunnel. So what?
Isn't earth is depository of old buried ruins? If you roam around countryside, you can see bigger buried ruins ex: Cagsawa Church in Albay, the plains of tarlac and pampanga...lots of buried ruins/houses by lahar....
However, if there are hidden treasure inside that buried structure or tunnel is another story. Bcoz no evidence of buried treasure, no map or live witness account yet....only old ruins. Remember there are thousand tunnels, bunkers built by japanese...which one had treasure? am sure is very minimal.


i Appreciate your comments regarding my find. I will just keep posting info or pictures as our adventure continue. But unfortunately we stopped the digging because of lack of money. But as soon we produce the money or open a little bit of giveaway vault down there. I will let you know.

To gboy,

I also appreciate you comment. But based on our investigation there were no churches built on this are. Remember that during the Spanish Era, churches were built at town plaza or in a populated location. Our lot is remote. If you stating that it was buried due to lahar, there are no known volcano within the are.
W have no objections regarding that this structure can be this or that. We just want to know facts that our finds like the stone markers could be telling us something amazing.

Peace bro.



Growing up with lawyers doesn't mean your conjectures are all true. If we will define conjecture, it will be read like these:

1. guesswork: the formation of judgments or opinions on the basis of incomplete or inconclusive information.

2. something guessed: a conclusion, judgment, or statement based on incomplete or inconclusive information.

3. unproved theorem: a theorem in science or mathematics that has still to be proved. (3rd is not applicable to the situation)

And most lawyers knew what I meant.

If you will review your questions, you will notice it all falls into conjectures. You are indirectly pointing to something but can't be proven physically based on the rumors of the diggers and other townfolks.

Again, I used the word rumors. Without malicious intentions, please let me define its meaning:


1. unverified report: a generally circulated story, report, or statement without facts to confirm its truth
2. idle speculation: general talk or opinions of uncertain reliability
3. to pass on rumors: to pass along information by rumor

Let us again go back to Kevin Kevin postings.
Those postings can't be considered as rumors nor conjectures, because all are supported by proofs. And he didn't even say that what was hidden are "these and that", in which, I considered it as an ideal posting for treasure hunting. Let the other hunters stimulate their minds what was under that structure.

Food for our thoughts.


Again there is no question that you found a ruined structures/tunnel....
My point is simple, we are not archeologist that we will easily rejoice after a succesful ruin stuurcture find.
Remember we are Yam treasure hunters our target is gold bars or treasures and old ruins is NOT automatically synonymous to buried/hidden treasures. Or an old ruins is NOT automatically a treasure marker, get my point?
However, If you have a map or live pointer that says...after the ruin structure there is a buried treasures hidden underneath then you REJOICE.
Remember we lived in 21st century already, old ruins thru centuries of civilization is normal. Even in remote barrios you can see an old ruins, so what?


1) Growing up with lawyers have definitely had an advantage bcoz we can easily appreciate evidences, witness accounts wherein ordinary people can't.
2) How could it be guess work, if the diggers/bystanders had seen it personally when the treasure boxes was found, recovered and hauled. Meaning there are live witnesses to that incident.
3) The dig area itself is already considered a physical evidence of diggings. If not for treasure diggings then why do you think the japanese dig there?
4) How could these be considered rumors?...if physical digging evidence are present. There are several live witnesses accounts to that digging/hauling incident.

Re Kevin site,
FYI, I never disagree that what Kevin found is an old ruins...
However old ruins is trophy for archealogist, while gold/treasure is trophy for treasure hunters.
So what if it is an old ruins? Does it have any value to Yam treasure hunters like us? nothing. If you have any supporting evidence pointing to buried treasures underneatn that old ruins...then that is valuable and worthy of undertaking.
Remember old ruins and treasure is 2 different things...and am sure for YTH like us, treasure is more interesting than an old ruins..

To all,

Any statements without any tangible proof (such as pictures, documents and other acceptable written documents) are all considered speculation, rumors, conjectures; meaning no actual basis for acceptance except the circulated story passed over through words of mouth. And this is a dangerous form of acceptance in terms of documentations, except of course the last person who heard it wishes to accept it without analyzing the consequences.
Those stories passed through words of mouth with 100% conviction by the story teller, can be detrimental in term of financial losses compared to trial and error methods using know primitive/modern methods.

Gboy, growing up with lawyers means a person should have been conditioned to check first all the evidences and solid proofs and PRESENT IT before claiming it; if not, all will be all speculations, conjectures, guesses and other similar words connected to it.
It can be said it is a guess, (not a guess work) on the part of the story teller, when he can't provide any valid proof about the said project. (ex. proof of excavation with the mentioned diggers. Proof of the school that was built after the excavation. Written statements of the live diggers to support the alledged treasure digging). Without these proofs, a thousands or millions of word used to describe it are all useless without presenting even a drop of solid proof. And if this can be provided, then it is the only time that story can be acknowledge as legitimate. At the moment, without any of those mentioned, still the story presented before, still falls to "unverified treasure story", (Verify means comparing to a solid reference of proof) which was circulated by words of mouth.


Old ruins that may provide historical information of the past is more important than the alledged Yam. treasure. Old ruins shows physical existence; can be understood and be evaluated, hence, can be regarded as real..,. While Yam. treasures, (I don't deny its existence) though it is real in some respect, are circulated out of proportion, had been used with deception and trickery to obtain/gain money and trust from the unsuspecting victims. THUS MAKING THIS ISSUE (YAM. TREASURE), as a tool by the scammers to treasure someone else pocket.

I think I've laid out my cards about Yam. treasures....

Food for our thoughs,


Earlier, I said that if you wanted to follow the Japanese. Someone responded to the effect of how do you know where they are? Well, I would think that any Japanese group that comes to build a school, etc., must be required to obtain visas (probably more). Isn't such stuff public domain?

If a Japanese group is coming to engage in a project, wouldn't the project be public knowledge before hand? This is in addition to them coming as tourists and digging secretly.

To gboy,

Evidences? Sorry we have no evidences like documents and maps. Even those stone markers we found , for us are not solid evidences that there are tresures down there. How do we know about those markers? We are not codebreakers and treasure hunters.

What pointers are we going to look after?

What did we do to know if there are tresures down there?
We hired prof help regarding this one with an equipment.

What was his findings?
He said , yes there is something down there. Keep digging.

Did you find any markers?
Yes we found markers of diff. shapes and sizes.

Evidences that there are treasures down there?
Sorry we have none. We didn't even state that what we found are evidences that there are treasures down there.

For all treasure hunters:

Based on the pictures and markers I posted, If you happens to be the owner of this land? Are you going to continue digging? Are you going to dig more even if you just have some stupid markers and a hired Filipino wanna be Treasure hunter with a metal detector to back you up?

I need advice. What are we going to do on this kind of find? I need advice for a professional treasure hunters.

Since you are seeking for an advice, please take time to consider mine:

1. Your finding is of great value in its real essence, not because of what was hidden in it; but the structure itself.
2. Try to be more patient; document as much as you can without removing, damaging or altering anything inside the structure. If possible, use a paint brush or local broom to highlight or define significant objects, and at the same time, protecting it from damages.
3. Try to avoid digging on flooring, unless it is cleaned and properly evaluated the materials used; the laying methods, sudden changes of laying pattern, and the joining techniques between the walls and the flooring. Was the walls sitting on the flooring? or the walls passes through the flooring?
4. In using metal detector, create a grid pattern, label and identify each block for easier identification before testing. (Area of each block is on your own discretion). In this method, you can assure that all areas are all scanned and documented; from ceiling to flooring.
5. Record anything unusual during testing, specifying specific blocks, for future reference and analysis. (In this techniques, you will have ample time in reviewing, analyzing and brainstorming with other group members) without destroying any parts of the structure.
6. Create data log and catalogue all your findings, if possible with accompanying written interpretation supported with photographs.
7. This will give you an initial insight about what you have unearthed...and after this, you will have to go for the second phase of your project.


kevinkevin said:
For all treasure hunters:

Based on the pictures and markers I posted, If you happens to be the owner of this land? Are you going to continue digging? Are you going to dig more even if you just have some stupid markers and a hired Filipino wanna be Treasure hunter with a metal detector to back you up?

I need advice. What are we going to do on this kind of find? I need advice for a professional treasure hunters.

`I am not a Professional, But What I would do is
Dig it Myself.
By that I mean I would ask a few of my Friends if they wish to help
& have parties on the days they can show up.
have beer on hand if drinkers, Plenty of Munchies (food), drinks,
and just take our time.

Since it is on your land no neeed to rush things.

& Why pay strangers ?







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