Don Jose:
That answered the question in my mind. One time, three robbers entered our farm house where Grand Tane was staying, accordingly they were armed to the teeth, they were asking where the BOOK was. In the morning, when me and my father went to the farm, we saw the three bounded at the arms and feet. How did Grand did it with his only weapon was the small samurai (I don't know what they call that long knife), I do not know, until you just said that he was a sumo wrestler. I also remember that he has a ritual every morning, he bows for a long time facing the East until the Sun comes out.
BTW, he hates being photographed. The only time we had him photographed was when he was already dead, and I have yet to locate the picture in our old ancestral home. Whenever someone jokingly takes a picture of him... that does it... no one can stop him from the Judo and the likes, just like watching WW Wresting Federation - Cage Match, they had to call my father to pacify Grand Tane. Except for that situation, he is the kindest person I met in my life.
The question is, WHERE WAS THE BOOK? WHAT WAS INSIDE OF IT? WHY SO MANY WERE INTERESTED IN IT? I might have to look in the old attic or at the "bodega" tomorrow.
So long Don Jose,