
Am not talking here about 10 gram per metric ton rock, cheap wages or etc.
Am talking here about a man made rock with 97 gram per metric ton assay !!!....I think its high grade.

This rock boulders came from Garrison 13 tunnel....it is not a mined au rock...it is man made rock composesd of rice hay, sand, gold dust, maybe cement and unknown mineral/glue...molded into differtent shapes of rock, boulders, boots...and statue like PIETA.....Imagine seeing a PIETA (Jesus and mary) statue inside tunnel made out of these rock composition.....
According to the japanese asset...during ww2 the japanese soldiers molded the gold dust into rock, boulders and other shapes to avoid detection (japanese trick to hide treasure/au) and hide these very huge rock/boulders inside Garrison 13 tunnel.

The rock boulders was already hauled into our assets house...the usual problem?...corrupt POLITICIANS monitoring around....umeepal na naman kaya NAKAKAINIS !!!

Real de tayopa,
Despite gboy's opinion, I am not an arm chair explorer/ treasure hunter
Its alright...you can be, what ever you want...no complainant anyway...

choppers said:

Choppers I sent your picture to someone for translation, here is the reply:

Dear Mr Peerless

This is the name of a Japanese company. “Matsushita Denko Co., Ltd.”

Please note that it is the previous name of PANSONIC.

Kind regards,


Hayato Ohashi (Mr)

The Japan Society

Tel 020-7828-6330

Hoy Pare!!!! Any update on this? I would love to see some Photos.
If you are still in Northern Mindanao, I might be able to point you to a fellow in Butuan who is looking for some divers.


to jeff of pa.

i saw your map on 2006 expedition posted 5754.sorry i don't know how to copy it to this forum.
i met before a japanese man when i work in a japanese restaurant before he gave me a xerox copy of an alleged japanese map similar to what you posted in the last 2006 expedition.that map was in bohol facing mindanao if you can recall you map it has a 4 tree that tree is narra.and that rectangle near the road is a quadra of a horse i dont know what the exact interpretation of that in english.the owner name of that property is tony billiones as it is interpreted in the map which recently learn that it is not billiones but milliones.your map is slightly different from my position because it was not detailed the location of the japanese camp and the cliff which is shaded from the map i had.iam not a treasure hunter to consider because i dont have the ability to interprete such coding.i found many site hopefully i can post some of the sign i had pictured to my cellpon but for now im just learning from your experiences thanks to this furom.thanks guys....

rangler said:
A rock sample is very2 heavy...definitely there is a presence of metal dust/grain inside
, when assayed I think it contain 97.5 grams of au per metric ton.

97.5 grams /Divided by 28 grams per ounce = 3.46 ounces x 9.20 per oz current silver price =$11.98 usd x 44 peso to the $ = 527p
>remember this is 2200 pounds! (metric ton) so 30 or 40 pounds would be pennies, very low grade indeed!

Am not sure though but I think in the mines a 10 grams of au per
metric ton is already considered high grade?...any miner here?
10 grams = 6.5 pennyweights (20 pwt to the oz) = $35.65 per pwt @ $713 us spot gold price =231.73 per 10 grams

NOTE: @ 20 pwt to the ounce of gold(@1.5 grams to the pwt) it cost US companies $400 per ounce
overheard to mine. So this is ok but about 1/3 of what would be called high grade here in the US,
with production cost much less overseas, this would be high grade..
Here in the USA open pit hard rock mine or a tunnel or drift mine, an ounce to the ton is considered high grade.

Note: If you sold small abouts of gold or silver here in the USA, the dealer or buyer would take a 30% cut under spot
as his fee for giving you cash for you gold or silver. the only exception is gold dust would only be 20% fee, and for gold
natural nuggets you would get the spot price and maybe,maybe a small premium on top of spot for specimen natrual gold nuggets
of extreme beauty or configuration.

I dont think the silver dust object was meant to be "valuable" in terms of metal.. but it was meant to give
the clue that something "valuable" would be found by decoding the map!

Hope this helps you somehow

PS: It is been my experience that the Japanese used ancient Kanji symbols or fonts, but laid down the
treasure puzzle using Jesuit/Spanish Treasure Codes as a basic format or template. They of course changed
their favorite direction to the East.. given the fact that the Battle Flag of Japan was the rising sun!!!
The system of death traps and the use of Turtles, Faces, Lighting Bolts ect is Spanish true and true.
dear rangler, i need your help about your knowledge of these info., i been working so many different site, and i always encounter with these kind of symbol turtles,animals,and many other hope to hear from you ty. ed

edong, others,

If you are working on yamas gold, and find various animals and symbols,do your research on
the Spanish Treasure Signs, as yama and the boys used these very signs and symbols! I dont
know the reason, except for the fact that very large and anceint groups who seem to control
most of the treasure looted from the worlds wars, all try to use the same symbols, but non the
less, I found an obscure piece of data that stated that the Japanese High Command met with
the Nazi counterparts at the German Embassy in Vienna in 1923, there the Nazi Commanders
handed over a copy if the Jesuits/Spanish Code Book to the Japanese. This is the only known
documented copy of this alleged book to have survived from the old Spanish Colonial Period.

The supposition is that the Japanese sent, over 100,000 troops ( in civilian clothes) to the Philippines
20 years BEFORE Pearl Harbor attack to find Spanish Treasures buried there centuries before
relocated them and make new tunnels and bunkers for the hiding of the gold and treasures that would
come from China, Burma,Thailand, Singapore etc,.

Since they used these codes to break old Spanish Treasures, it was natural to use the codes to bury
the Yama gold and treasures.

If you need any assistance in the breaking of these old Spanish codes, while I am not the expert
, I do have over 20 years working on Jesuit/Spanish Treasure codes and I will help all I can, I dont charge
a fee for this,it is my pleasure to help the Filipino people recover what they can from their tormentors.

dear, rangler thanks a lot for that info.i will gather all the images/ sign, and complete work that we have done maybe you can give me. talk to you later ty. edong

Another sacks of Gas Mask Found in Cagayan..during our recent expedition, our group again discovered a tunnel with gas Mask scattered at the floor....I've been wondering why such gas mask exist here in Cagayan, the fact that japanese armies never carries a gas mask...is there a possibility that UNIT 731, exist here during the war, or they use this to kill those people inside the tunnels and buried its secrets,,,,hmmmmmmmmmmm

here is a pics of gas masks..any historian or anyone one interested...just email me..as of this date around 3 sacks of gas mask found in 3 different location here in Cagayan Valley....


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about this mask


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Hi guys, does anyone know about this story?

During the japanese occupation they brought a big diamond with them to invade singapore also along with the Yama scrolls and the gold.. they brought the diamond to bless them and to give them power to win the WW2 and it was kept in singapore in MacRitchie Reservoir singapore. it was kept in (Shinto Shrine - Syonan Jinja) which also many believe that the gold was hidden in singapore...

Found this online..


Yamashita's Gold - Eyewitness
Reveals Truth Of Fabulous
WWII Hidden Treasure
By Sterling and Peggy Seagrave
South China Morning Post

In the closing months of World War II, in the Philippines, several of Japan's highest ranking imperial princes hid tons of looted gold bullion and other stolen treasure in caves and tunnels, to recover later. This was the wealth of 12 Asian countries, accumulated over thousands of years.

Expert teams accompanying Japan's armed forces had systematically emptied treasuries, banks, factories, private homes, pawn shops, art galleries, and stripped ordinary people, while Japan's top gangsters looted Asia's underworld and its black economy.

There were 175 ''imperial'' treasure sites hidden throughout the Philippines. When American tanks were close, the chief engineers of those vaults were given a farewell party 67 metres underground in Tunnel 8 in the mountains of Luzon, stacked with row after row of gold bars. As the evening progressed, they drank great quantities of sake, sang patriotic songs and shouted banzai (long life).

At midnight, General Yamashita Tomoyuki and the princes slipped out, and dynamite charges were set off in the access tunnels, entombing the engineers. Their vaults would remain secret. The princes escaped to Tokyo by submarine, and three months later General Yamashita surrendered to American troops. Japan had lost the war militarily, but the princes made certain Japan did not lose financially.

This grisly event has remained unknown until now, and the hidden treasure was brushed off as a fanciful legend of ''Yamashita's Gold''. But an eyewitness to the entombment has taken us there and given us his personal account. During the war, Ben Valmores was the young Filipino valet of a senior prince, who was in charge of closing all imperial treasure sites in the Philippines. A sometimes sentimental man, the prince spared Ben's life and led him out of Tunnel 8 just before the dynamite was detonated.

Japan's looting of Asia was overseen by [then-emperor] Hirohito's brother Prince Chichibu. His organisation was codenamed kin no yuri (Golden Lily), the title of one of the emperor's poems. Other princes headed different parts of Golden Lily across the conquered territories. Eventually, Japanese sources told us that Ben's wartime master was prince Takeda Tsuneyoshi, first cousin of Hirohito and grandson of emperor Meiji.

In 1998, we tested Ben with 1930s photographs of many princes, all the names removed, and he instantly identified prince Takeda, Hirohito's brother prince Chichibu and other princes.

Ben said he had spent time with each of them, bringing them food, tea and cigarettes while they inventoried each treasure site. When he saw our photo of Prince Takeda, Ben froze, then began softly crooning the Japanese folk song Sakura, Sakura (Cherry Blossoms), which he said Takeda often sang to himself.

In the final stages of work on a biography of Japan's imperial family titled The Yamato Dynasty, we were told that in October 1945, American intelligence agents learned where some of the Japanese loot was hidden in the Philippines, and quietly recovered billions of dollars worth of gold bullion, platinum, and loose diamonds. This information, if true, revealed the existence of an extraordinary state secret, something the United States Government kept from its own citizens for more than half a century. There was no time to include this in the biography. It had to be investigated separately. Here is some of what we have since learned:

After surrendering on September 2, 1945, General Yamashita was charged with war crimes over gruesome atrocities committed in Manila under the order of an admiral, while Yamashita had ordered withdrawing troops to leave the city unharmed. During his trial, there was no mention of plundered treasure, or of looting during the war.

But we now know there was a hidden agenda. Because it was not possible to torture General Yamashita physically without this becoming evident to his lawyers, members of his staff were tortured. His driver, Major Kojima Kashii, was given special attention. In charge of the torture of Major Kojima was a Filipino-American intelligence officer named Severino Garcia Santa Romana, whose friends called him Santy. He wanted the major to reveal each place where he had taken Yamashita, where bullion and other treasure was hidden for recovery after the war. Supervising Santy during the torture was Captain Edward Lansdale, later one of America's best known ''Cold Warriors''.

Early that October, Kojima broke and led Lansdale and Santy to more than a dozen Golden Lily treasure vaults in the rugged country north of Manila. What they found astounded everyone from General Douglas MacArthur all the way up to the White House. After discussions with his cabinet, President Harry Truman decided to keep the recovery a state secret.

Santy's ensuing recoveries greatly altered America's leverage during the Cold War. According to senior US government officials and high-ranking US Army officers, the Truman administration set this treasure aside along with Axis loot recovered in Europe, as a secret political action fund to fight communism in the Cold War.

Crudely put, it would be used to bribe statesmen and military officers, and to buy elections for anti-communist political parties. The idea for a global political action fund based on war loot had originated with US secretary of war, Henry Stimson. During the war, Stimson had a brain-trust thinking hard about recovered Axis plunder, and how it should be handled after the war. Their solution was to set up what is informally called the ''Black Eagle Trust'', after the black eagle emblem of Hitler's Reichsbank in Berlin.

The Black Eagle Trust was first discussed in secret during July 1944, when 44 nations met at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, to plan the post-war economy. This was confirmed to us by a number of high-level sources, including former CIA deputy director Ray Cline, who knew about Santy's recoveries in 1945, and continued to be involved in attempts in the 1980s and 1990s to hide blocks of Japanese war loot still said to be in the vaults of banks in New York.

In November 1945, General MacArthur strolled down row after row of gold bars stacked two metres tall during a tour of vaults opened by Santy. >From what was seen in these vaults alone, it was evident that over a period of years Japan had looted billions of dollars in treasure from all over Asia.Much of this plunder had reached Japan overland earlier, from China through Korea, but the rest was hidden in the Philippines, unable to be shipped to Japan by sea because of the successful US submarine blockade.

According to Ray Cline and others, between 1945 and 1947 the gold bullion recovered by Santy and Lansdale was moved discreetly to 172 accounts at banks in 42 countries.

There were important reasons for all this secrecy. If the recovery of this huge mass of stolen gold was known only to a trusted few, the countries and individuals that had been plundered could not lay claim to it. Truman recognised that the very existence of so much black gold, if it became public knowledge, would cause the metal's fixed price to collapse. But as long as the gold was kept hidden, prices could be maintained and currencies pegged to gold would be stable. Meanwhile, the black gold would serve as a reserve asset, bolstering the prime banks in each country, and strengthening the anti-communist governments of those nations.

To hide the existence of all this treasure, Washington had to tell a number of lies. Especially lies about Japan, which had stolen most of the gold. America wanted Japan to become its anti-communist bastion in Asia, where the mainland was being overrun by communists. If American conservatives and Japanese conservatives were to ally effectively against communism, they had to begin by enlarging their financial resources for the Cold War.

Above all, the source of much of this hidden wealth must never be acknowledged. Washington had to insist, starting in 1945, that Japan never stole anything, and was flat broke and bankrupt when the war ended. Here was the beginning of many terrible secrets.

Because they remained ''off the books'', these enormous political action funds got into the wrong hands, where they remain to this day. We can reveal that in 1960, then vice-president Richard Nixon ''gave'' one of the biggest of these political action funds, the US$35-billion (about HK$272 billion) M-Fund, to leading members of Japan's Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). In return, he is believed to have sought their support for his presidential campaign that year.

The M-Fund, now said to be worth more than US$500 billion, is still controlled by members of the LDP.

Officially, we are told that Japan's wartime elite the imperial family, the zaibatsu (large industrial business conglomerates), the yakuza (Japanese mafia) and the ''good'' bureaucrats ended the war as impoverished victims of a handful of ''bad'' military zealots. We are told that Japan was badly damaged and impoverished, barely able to feed itself at war's end.

In fact, Japan emerged from the war far richer than before, and with remarkably little damage, except to the homes of millions of ordinary Japanese who did not count, at least in the view of their overlords.

Evidence of Golden Lily loot comes also from straightforward legal actions in America. Such simple things as the probating of the will of Santa Romana (Santy), verification of his tax records, and legal evidence of his fortune deposited in the US, Switzerland, Hong Kong and elsewhere, provide hard proof that the world is awash with clandestine bank accounts growing out of Golden Lily.

Other lawsuits in the US prove that Golden Lily war loot was indeed hidden in the Philippines. Rogelio Roxas, a Filipino locksmith, found a one-tonne solid-gold Buddha and thousands of gold bars hidden in a cave near Baguio only to have it stolen from him by President Ferdinand Marcos. Roxas was subsequently tortured and died in suspicious circumstances. Some believe he was murdered. In 1996, a US Federal Court awarded his heirs a judgment of US$22 billion against the Marcos estate.

As the 1951 Peace Treaty was skewed by secret deals, thousands of Japan's victims have been deprived of any compensation for their suffering. According to Article 14 of the Treaty: ''It is recognised that Japan should pay reparations to the Allied Powers for the damage and suffering caused by it during the war. Nevertheless it is also recognised that the resources of Japan are not presently sufficient.'' To reinforce the claim that Japan was broke, Article 14 noted that ''the Allied Powers waive all reparations claims of the Allied Powers and their nationals arising out of any actions taken by Japan...'' By signing the Treaty, Allied countries concurred that Japan's plunder had vanished down a rabbit hole, and all Japan's victims were out of luck. In return for going along with the Treaty, the Allies received portions of the gold bullion recovered by Santy.

We have evidence from former CIA deputy director Cline that the gold bullion Santy and Lansdale recovered was secretly moved to national treasuries and prime banks in more than 42 countries, including Great Britain. We also have evidence from British archives confirming this.

More than half a century later, the last battle of the Pacific War is being waged in courts in the US and Japan where surviving prisoners of war, slave labourers, comfort women and civilian victims of Japan have filed billion-dollar lawsuits to win compensation so mysteriously denied them after the war. In 1995, it was estimated that there were 700,000 victims of the war who had still received no compensation.

Today, their numbers are dwindling rapidly because of age and illness. Backing them is an extraordinary coalition, including international law firms with years of experience, fighting for compensation from German industries and Swiss banks, for crimes committed and money looted during the Nazi Holocaust.

Sterling and Peggy Seagrave are the authors of ''Golden Warriors''. This is an edited extract of the book's prologue. It will be published in French by Editions Michalon in November

entrance of the tunnel where the gas mask are found..


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tingwei_98 said:
Hi guys, does anyone know about this story?

During the japanese occupation they brought a big diamond with them to invade singapore also along with the Yama scrolls and the gold.. they brought the diamond to bless them and to give them power to win the WW2 and it was kept in singapore in MacRitchie Reservoir singapore. it was kept in (Shinto Shrine - Syonan Jinja) which also many believe that the gold was hidden in singapore...

So, how did that work out for them?

here it is


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This site is in Bukidnon. Photos taken November 2008.


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