Gas masks were standard issued equipment. Being as such, every infantryman received one. I could be wrong, but I do not believe the Japanese soldiers stationed on the Philippines had to turn in their gas masks before departing to the Islands.

You are dead wrong, not a single gas mask was ever issued to the first Division who landed in northern luzon. In my "Grand Tane's" record of the supplies issued to the men of the 14th Riganaut, not a sigle gas mask was ever listed.

Republic Act Number 386 was penned in 1949. It has been superseeded many times over.

Well this RA 386 is still in effect.It is still a legal basis....it was never amended or let say revoke, change...Only an Act of Congress can to so...

DENR AO no. 2004-33 is just an Department Order.. RA 386 prevails then this order....

RA 386
Art. 438. Hidden treasure belongs to the owner of the land, building, or other property on which it is found.

Nevertheless, when the discovery is made on the property of another, or of the State or any of its subdivisions, and by chance, one-half thereof shall be allowed to the finder. If the finder is a trespasser, he shall not be entitled to any share of the treasure.

Art. 439. By treasure is understood, for legal purposes, any hidden and unknown deposit of money, jewelry, or other precious objects, the lawful ownership of which does not appear

Art. 566. The usufructuary shall be entitled to all the natural, industrial and civil fruits of the property in usufruct. With respect to hidden treasure which may be found on the land or tenement, he shall be considered a stranger.

btw RA 386-The Civil Code of the Philippines
Up to now this RA is still in effect....ok I may not be lawyer, just finish grade 1 but ignorant to the law excusess no one..(am right??? hmmmm)))

What "stolen item" of immense value cannot be considered as hidden treasure? And if it is not hidden, why was it not found earlier? And how should treasure be defined?

And this recovered "war loot", to whom it should be returned? By whom?
Then it should not start from the Philippines, We should (or shall I say, must) start from the early age of men when greed starts to creep their very souls...

Now, which country will start returning what to whom?


It was never amended or change...it is only an act of Congress who can amend or change this Act.This code is still a part of the law of the land...

Second off, stolen items are not "hidden treasure" by definition and recovered "war loot" is returned to the prospective countries.

if that's the case i think the United States government must return all its gold deposit in fort Knocks to its righful owners..Based on Historical Facts and Records, the reason why Japanese Government didn't pay a single amount to the countries it destroyed because US government have a hidden agreement about those treasures especially Gen. MacArthur and his cohorts while Germany pays a huge sum. About these treasures, all hidden treasures are stolen even in ancient times...who owns these treasures burried in the Philippines. So obvious. The owner of the land where it is found....Thats the law of the PIRATES!!!hahahahaha and all Treasure hunters are PIRATES.....:-)

Yes there are laws governing this artifacts but the problem is the implementation "ano yan kami ang magsasaing/magluluto tapos sila kakain no way" (please translate).

Translator can not get it all but this is what it got:

" what yan kami the farm / load already they outlandish no way "

I hate broken English translations....

I agree with Mistergee.

Posted by: mistergee
Insert Quote
27 pages.....just dig the treasure up already

"ano yan kami ang magsasaing/magluluto tapos sila kakain no way" (please translate).
"what's that we are the one who cook the rice/cook then they are one who's going to eat... no way"
loose translation


With all due respect, Dindo. I read your previous claim that in your Grandfather’s records not one gas mask supply was listed, from the time the Japanese landed in Aparri, Cagayan. Then, like now, you have failed to supply any documentation that can support your claim.

The Japanese Fourteenth Area Army was made up many components, such as:

1st Infantry Division
10th Infantry Division
19th Infantry Division
23rd Infantry Division
26th Infantry Division
103rd Infantry Division
105th Infantry Division
IJA 2nd Armored Division
IJA 4th Air Division
IJA1st Special Forces Division
IJA 68th Independent Mixed Brigade
IJA 55th Independent Mixed Brigade
IJA 58th Independent Mixed Brigade

The Japanese Fourteenth Area Army was not the only force to see action in the Philippines. The Japanese 35th Army, as well as the Japanese 41st Army was also present.

I do not think that I am “dead wrong” in my statement that gas masks were standard issued equipment. Furthermore, it is highly improbable that your Grandfather would have in his possession records of the supplies issued to the men of the Japanese Fourteenth Area Army.

Below is a link to a discussion on the Pinoy History website, about a recently excavated gas mask filter. It was excavated in the Philippines.


In answer to you SWR, the book BATANES & NORTH LUZON by Generoso Salazar, and another book HISTORY OF ALICIA, ISABELA, page 20-35 by Manuel A. Alejandro, the incumbent Vice-Mayor of the town of Alicia, copyright A 2002 - 344, states that
"North Luzon was invaded from December 10, 1941 until 1945 by the Tanaka & Kanno detachments of the 2nd Formosa Group of the 48th Division of the 14th Area Japanese Army". In connection thereto, Grand Tane is the supply officer of the said group which stayed in the whole area until their withdrawal to Kiangan, Ifugao upon order of Gen. Yamashita. I repeat, not one Gas Mask was listed as supply to any of the regular infantry, according to my grand tane's record.

The link didn't connect. After a bit of sleuthing I found the full thing here. When posting a link, I use the URL icon to insert it between, otherwise it may post the truncated version. If you do a 'mouseover' on both links and look at the bottom of your screen where the URL gets displayed, you can see this.


"Preview" post is handy for confirming stuff works before posting.


HOLA: Was gen Tane ever on detached duty to the US? Say a col of the Black dragon in San Francisco, a spy ring?

The reason that I ask was that a col Tane had an importing business in San Francisco prior to the war as a cover for spying. We lived next door to a Shinto Sjhrine and the Col, he apparantly liked me and practically adopted me.

He would bring me presents and food from Japan all of the time. I was a little blue eyed blonde kiddie at that time, the 30's. I vaguely remember hm as a big man for a Japanese and being very kind to me.

Is he the same Tane?

Don Jose de La Mancha

Yam THr,

Wanted Pinoy Divers !!!

Our fisherman friends in Palawan accidentally found Spanish Galleon at est. 6 fathom (6 dipa?) last year. Since we are not shipwrecks divers we just put it on hold and noted. Yesterday they called me up again and told me they accidentally found another one at est. 4 fathom (4 dipa?) covered with corals the timber is still beautifully intact...
OMG.... :o...how lucky these fishermen where, they have already 2 SPANISH GALLEON SHIPWRECK AT SHALLOW DEPTH !!!....

They told me that when they open the belly of the 2nd Spanish Galleon its still intact, full of porcelean and other stuff. They never touch anything...bcoz they have already lots of porcelean or china wares from previous Spanish galleon shipwreck. They told me they had already recovered more than 2,000 pieces of China wares of earlier found shipwreck....AND THEY CAN NO LONGER HIDE THESE CHINAWARES FROM THEIR SMALL HUT....in fact they sold some of it for $2-$5 per plate...and some items were hidden and buried for fear of confiscation from envious neighbors and corrupt local authorities.

Their main problem now is their newly found INTACT SPANISH GALLEON shipwreck....the usual fisherman question..How they will gonna make or earn money out of it? Bcoz they have problem with their previous galleon finds, they had difficulty selling it and often times confiscated by corrupt local officials, in fact the 3 feet long bronze cannon was confiscated by local mayor...They can't approach Nat'l Museum or Gov't for fear they will not be given proper share or they are corrupt, thats why they invited our team to go there.
What the heck...we are NOT DIVERS...the deepest i can dive probably is 10 feet only ;D....

Sipping beer, loitering white/powder sand beaches and shallow diving in Spanish galleon...What a great adventure of a lifetime.... :o


If you are looking for Filipino Divers, why don't you post in treasure forum that is frequently visited by Filipino hunters?


OMG.... Shocked...how lucky these fishermen were, they have already 2 SPANISH GALLEON SHIPWRECK AT SHALLOW DEPTH !!!

Hmmm.....one galleon at 6 fathoms and another at 4. Well, that's still 24 ft deep so when you find one at only 2 fathoms, let me know and I'll bring my snorkel gear.



Frankly speaking am too enthusiastic about that shipwrecks project bcoz....

1) My team doesn't know how to dive....although the fisherman uses Hookah compressor diving.
2) Assuming we will open the 2nd galleon with thousand artifacts...where the heck shall we hide those large quantity of artifacts? We can't bring from palawan to manila thru ship bcoz of custom checkpoint. If we hire big pumpboat to bring all recovered artifacts to Manila that would be too risky and expensive.
3) That was the problem before of the fishermen when they open the first galleon...thy can't hide all 2,000 pieces artifacts they salvaged...thats why some were bought cheaply by antique buyers at $2-$5 per plate only. if they hide it in their small house, most likely it will be noticed by neighbors or local politicians.
4) Actually the local fishermen was able to bring at least 10 antique plates...but it was bought cheaply although it is expensive when I browse the actual price in internet....pag wala suki buyer, lugi din ang byahe.
5) While anchored at sea, sometimes the navy boat are in patrol...what would be the alibi so that we shall not be noticed as having salvage operation.....we can't go to nat'l museum for fear that they are also corrupt.
6) It could have been better....ex: we have a private yacht, have some diving and salvage...if navy patrol the area we could easily move away, besides we can easily duck anywhere to despose the artifacts...

Although it look easy bcoz the site is shallow...its still complicated. Thats why we prioritize yam gold first, then maybe someday buy our own yacht...and leisurely dive the shipwreck area....hhhhmmmm :-\

Saturna/angel 09,

"Frankly speaking am too enthusiastic about that shipwrecks project bcoz"

OOOppps sorry, i mistype...it could have been type as...Frankly speaking AM NOT TOO ENTHUSIASTIC about that shipwrecks project bcoz...

ohio good boy : If you think that the ships would be a problrm, imagine what the Yama thingie would be like.

Now you can sympathjize with me on Tayopa. hehehehe.

Don Jose de La Mancha

I have few Filipino divers whom I work with few years back. Now, their questions are these:

1. What are at stakes?
2. How can they sure this shipwreck is not a goofy story?
3. Supposed this story is not real, who will compensate for all the expenses during the diving process?
4. As an agent, mediator for these people, will you take responsibility for whatever course of action this project will lead?
5. Did or have you prepared written contract for this salvaging job, for the people you are representing and for the divers you are recruiting?
6. If you do, come back to me and we'll talk the details.
7. If not, just keep quiet and ask the moderator to delete your post.



To minimize expense, just let one diver go to Palawan first and talk to fishermen to see the few artifacts samples as proof of shipwrecks. If the diver is convince....them its planning/salvage time.
HHhhmmm....BTW, Since the diver and fisherman knows already each other, what if they will go directly bypassing us...tsk,tsk,tsk (nagkaderitsahan)...nagkaletse2 na. :icon_scratch:

Relaxxx...Its just a Pinoy divers excursion in tropical island paradise Palawan ;Dhehehe...BTW, YOU ARE NOT INVITED , oks? :(

HOLA: Was gen Tane ever on detached duty to the US? Say a col of the Black dragon in San Francisco, a spy ring?

The reason that I ask was that a col Tane had an importing business in San Francisco prior to the war as a cover for spying. We lived next door to a Shinto Sjhrine and the Col, he apparantly liked me and practically adopted me.

He would bring me presents and food from Japan all of the time. I was a little blue eyed blonde kiddie at that time, the 30's. I vaguely remember hm as a big man for a Japanese and being very kind to me.

Is he the same Tane?

Don Jose de La Mancha

Don Jose:

I wouldn't know, I was second year high school when he died. What he told us is that, He was with General Tanaka? (Not so sure, sorry) when they landed in Aparri, Cagayan. He was wounded badly in early 1945. When my father captured their camp, he was found being in sick bed. He was nursed back to health, and my father's group protected him. After the war, he was ashame to be the only one remaining alive from their group, having no face to show to their clan as accordingly it was a great mistake against their code (Bushido? Not so sure either) so he lived with us and became our adopted grandfather. During my early childhood, he stays besides me whenever I am sick. He told me great stories which I do not fully understand then. He keep a certain book which until know I cannot locate where it was placed after his death, except for 7 pages that I specially keep to this day. In that book, he translated those japanese character into english which I understand are those of the vital supplies for their group. I also remember that he said that he graduated in Hawaii long long time before the war. We put his short samurai sword (just like a long knife) besides his coffin when he was burried, and it was vandalized after a few years. The sword was taken. We were later told by the robber (under duress, of course, with the point of a colt .45) that they were after the book, so it was kept secretly by my father. Yes, Grand Tane is a very tall, broad man, and the kindest man I ever met.
BTW, my father was the CO of the "G" Company, 2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry, USAFFE - NL.

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