With all due respect, Dindo. I read your previous claim that in your Grandfather’s records not one gas mask supply was listed, from the time the Japanese landed in Aparri, Cagayan. Then, like now, you have failed to supply any documentation that can support your claim.
The Japanese Fourteenth Area Army was made up many components, such as:
1st Infantry Division
10th Infantry Division
19th Infantry Division
23rd Infantry Division
26th Infantry Division
103rd Infantry Division
105th Infantry Division
IJA 2nd Armored Division
IJA 4th Air Division
IJA1st Special Forces Division
IJA 68th Independent Mixed Brigade
IJA 55th Independent Mixed Brigade
IJA 58th Independent Mixed Brigade
The Japanese Fourteenth Area Army was not the only force to see action in the Philippines. The Japanese 35th Army, as well as the Japanese 41st Army was also present.
I do not think that I am “dead wrong” in my statement that gas masks were standard issued equipment. Furthermore, it is highly improbable that your Grandfather would have in his possession records of the supplies issued to the men of the Japanese Fourteenth Area Army.
Below is a link to a discussion on the Pinoy History website, about a recently excavated gas mask filter. It was excavated in the Philippines.
In answer to you SWR, the book BATANES & NORTH LUZON by Generoso Salazar, and another book HISTORY OF ALICIA, ISABELA, page 20-35 by Manuel A. Alejandro, the incumbent Vice-Mayor of the town of Alicia, copyright A 2002 - 344, states that
"North Luzon was invaded from December 10, 1941 until 1945 by the Tanaka & Kanno detachments of the 2nd Formosa Group of the 48th Division of the 14th Area Japanese Army". In connection thereto, Grand Tane is the supply officer of the said group which stayed in the whole area until their withdrawal to Kiangan, Ifugao upon order of Gen. Yamashita. I repeat, not one Gas Mask was listed as supply to any of the regular infantry, according to my grand tane's record.